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Im reading solar prices are continuing to dive and people are getting quotes for 8 cents a watt per shipping container out of china. I saw a guy saying he can do used for $80 for 200 watts. so asked if he can do .15 cents a watt for $40 dollars per panel (double whole sale) and he said $130 USD, cash only. I told him he must be tripping because he doesnt know the bottom fell out of the market. My new hobby is to low ball solar panel boomers and laff at them when they think theyre sitting on gold I guess until they unhero from over extension in the wrong market of boomer price arbitrage. Posting here because /biz/ is pajeet.

Also please post best per watt solar prices on self install (no 3rd party install quotes)
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Thats actually where I read some1 might be getting 8 cent a watt quotes from CHYNA. 90% of reddit is shit and I see your reddit has migrated here. Ill prob. buy some Put options later to watch your Reddit gold stock crash to 0. Thats just easy fucking money.
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oh hey its the same shitfag poster. So good you joined the thread.
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Top Fucking Comment: Ask the gov to pay for you solar panels. OMFG..Fucking KYS...like I would even fucking pay taxes...
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second post: Try to lease off your neighbors solar so they can sliding scale price gouge you since youre obv. reddit and fucking retarded. (protip: your neighbor doesnt have solar. Hes price gouging your grid because hes boomer and knows youre retarded)

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Americans live in folding homes.
How embarrassing.

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I am planning to build a cheap and simple HEPA air filtration system for my office. Anything you can recommend or have build one in the past, anons?
This has already been covered many times: box fan blowing up, on a square frame made out of four filters.

Too much flow resistance.
Not hepa, but Air King makes a box fan with a bracket to hold a 20x20 furnace filter. It's decent, and you can use however fine of a filter you want in it. I have three of them in my house because of my dogs. My only complaint is that the filter is very close to the back of the fan--it should have been spaced away a couple of inches--and they could have put a shroud to make the fan blades more effective, but judging by the amount of filth the filter picks up, it is indeed effective. See picrel
very convenient , this might be what I am looking for
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What would you do with 1-2 old school portable buildings? Plop them down on a piece of land and turn it into a living space? A business?
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Yeah I'd gut them and treat them as any other modular building. Living space probably.
Not buy them and instead have $25000-50000
those are call trailers you can find them in trailer parks. also >>2801182 because for $25k and not having to move them you can build an actual shop.
>buy building for 25k
>moving it costs another 25k

>buy steel building with concrete foundation for 25k

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>builds whole country out of asbestos
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It's nuts how overblown the panic is. I have a rock quarry near where I live that was shut down and filled in with sand because they hit a vein of asbestos.
>>How does aging work?
He can't cremate.
Cant do the same with some sort of ceramic or rock wool material?

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In this thread we share general experiences and tips on how to make your living situation more efficient, be it in terms of saving money, reducing time waste(less maintenance/upkeep), organization or anything else that may simplify and improve your life

>on saving money
it's not really about the little things like unplugging your phone charger, focus on the main energy drains and commit to more "drastic" changes:
- unless you do some hardcore meal prepping chances are that your fridge is way too big. downsize for a smaller more efficient unit and fill it to the brim if you have to, a full fridge wastes less energy and having a smaller space forces you to be more intentional when shopping so you have to think twice about buying extraneous crap you don't actually need
- wash your clothes in cold water, most of the energy in a washing machine goes toward heating. if you have the room and weather, line dry them outside. both these things also help clothes last much longer
- avoid the range oven, use an air fryer or small convection oven for faster results and a fraction of the energy
- most of the world does just fine without AC. use weather appropriate clothing + an electric blanket in the winter and a fan in the summer

>other stuff
- you would be surprised how much clutter affects your mood. most things don't need to be on display at all times so use closed storage solutions, if you have open shelves they should be filled with storage boxes to keep all the crap out of sight. will also keep your stuff clean and dustfree
- NOTHING improves the a room like a rug. throwing a rug in your living room / kitchen / dinning room / bedroom / bathroom / office will completely change how you perceive and experience the space. just be smart with choosing the right size and style to make the most of it

Just some things of the top of my head. Are there any practices you've implemented at home that made your life better?
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I'm more of an artfag so just having an arts and crafts table on my small office is enough

To be fair the things you mention seem like the kind you would have in a separate shed/garage/workshop not within your proper living quarters
My dream house would be a huge shop with finished rooms in the back for living in. That's not a common house though because it's impractical for anyone other than a single man.
>Unless you plan on raising a large family, the smaller a house is the better
How many sq ft/person is optimal in your opinion?
My current 50 Sq M setup is about 22 for a living/dining/kitchen open space, 6 for a bathroom, 11 for a bedroom and 11 for the other bedroom(my office). I can host small gatherings just fine but for multiple people at all times could feel a bit cramped so I would add around an extra 10 for the common living space, wouldn't give up the office(though it can easily be shared with a partner) and each child would need an extra 10 for a bedroom. Then it comes down to whether you feel like you would need a second bathroom(one works fine for a couple + 1 child but with multiple children it probably calls for another one). Regardless I would still try to separate the toilet and shower areas to facilitate bathroom use by multiple people. Multiple kitchens/living rooms are really really dumb.

And since with family life shit piles up easier a shed or garage would also be important.
anyone has any experience with robot vacuums? do they do a good enough job so you don't have to clean often?

Weird task guys.

So i noticed at my job, which is a very boring manufacturing job where you just put sensors in machines for those machines to apply to parts. It requires barely any skill.

But when i get into a flow my mind focuses and i can think clearly. It's like i've discovered a non-drug treatment for ADHD.

What task can i perform at home that is physically moderately hard, and extremely repetitive, that produces some kind of useful work?

Like, i don't just want to pick up and set down paint cans. I want to produce some kind of useful work, but the real goal is just to have something to do like i do at work, so i can focus my mind.

Could be anything, could be fucking gardening. Make butter. I was even thinking about using knitting. But that seems like it would run out of utility pretty fast.

Pic unrelated unless you have really good taste.
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Chile en nogada is a slow process. Traditionally, Mexican cooks started roasting peppers, washing nuts and infusing meat days in advance.

So go to Home Depot and pick up a few Mexicans and start washing their nuts for a few days before you move up to infusing your meat.
>I need something incredibly fucking repetitive
OK skippy.

take up knitting. you can't get more repetitive than that.
>i'm looking for things that DISINTEREST ME.
probably one of the most ridiculous thing I have read here since festers last post.
Thank you.
Fine woodworking is gay because it’s impossible to make a cut that is more precise than +/-1/8” and it never comes together just right without a ton of sanding, and the sanding never ends up perfectly flat either.

My bathtub has a hole in it, and I'm trying to fix it. A big chunk broke off, but it fits perfectly in the hole. I don't have access to the bottom of it, so I've glued a handle to the big chunk and am trying to pull it while having applied some bathtub acrylic fixer on the sides beforehand.

Any suggestions?
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Go back to a thread dedicated to consuming you faggot...
I suggest sanding it afterwards and painting it if you can find a small amount

you missed the point. OP asked for advice but then just fixed it. so what was the point of asking for advice. can you even read?
Oh look this again
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>acrylic bathtub

I feel bad for you son. Those are designed for emaciated trailer park 8 yr olds. You should strip the bathroom and change out your tub, shower mixer, sink and faucet heads. Redo the floors and shower walls. You live in a cheesy pizza box. Your shower valves will leak behind the wall and destroy all your cheesy pizza boxes you live in next.

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Replace leaking hot water shower faucet.
Use shower shut off in the wall because condo life and don’t want to schedule a building water shutoff.
Faucet works fine but now shut off valve is leaking 1 drop about every 20-30 seconds.
How fucked am I?
When I started to turn the shutoff back on it began to drip almost immediately so I stopped and didn’t open it all the way.
Time would have been better spent touching myself.
Wat do?
hard to tell from potato vision, but if the valve has a packing nut tighten it JUST A LITTLE BIT. and sometimes those extremely slow drips go away on their own.
oh and the other thing. open it all the damn way so it's back where it was for the last few years. if it starts leaking more then fiddle with it, but right now open it all the way. and maybe close it and open it again if it still leaks.
I thought about backing it out all the way but don’t know anything about these types of valves. Didn’t want to screw it out all the way incase it completely unscrews and spews hot water all over. Leading to emergency building water shutoff.

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>I like to add a little resin to my coffee, and Siraya Tenacious is particularly nice.

Last Thread: >>2793796

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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my bad, its 'berd' thats the right keyword
For the rails I just hope the carriages won't be bad quality, there was an option for HIWIN rails but I ended up not getting those. Also yes z belt will be nice because when I installed oldham couplings some time ago I noticed one of the lead screws is bent as fuck.
Ender 3 whatever is a piece of trash. Get a k1 and up or else you're getting toys. I still got to throw my ender 3 to the trash.
I watch this thread and post all the cringe builds, admins of this channel sometimes repost them

Also I forgot to ask: what is the point of putting vaseline on one side of the model (then putting putty on the other part of the model)? I'm looking at garage kit tutorials and they don't specify why.

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Gonna need one soon for drivetrain work. Which ones have you got, and what would you recommend? There's some Craftsman and Kobalt ones at my nearby Lowes but I'd like a bit more input.
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>doesn't click
correct and he even talks about this.
but what you dont get is we do not care about torque when using a torque wrench. We want to tighten a fastener to the defined preload. since the average joe has no way of measuring that, the engineers provide the required torque for that preload in the manual, since tightening to torque is something everyone can do. Everyone with two brain cells knows how flawed this concept is. Its not just anti seize, whatever preload you get is entirely dependent on the friction
Get one with degrees, so you can do torque to yield
No excuses will change that
The $20 harbor freight 1's are all you need. you need the big foot and the smaller inch one. small time like 10 lb. convert to inches. youre out 40 bucks.

The idea to never use a torque wrench is preposterous. I knew a guy that dumped all his oil then claimed some1 must have stole his oil drain bolt plug when his engine seized.

I knew a guy that caused probably $1million in customer damages by thinking he had the skill to tell when a oil pan bolt was tight on the job. He ooga boogah'd and stripped every thread on an oil pan he touched.

Countless stories of spark plug threads stripped on a head..and youre fucked kiddo.

As well as youre not "feeling out" something big like 250 Ft lbs. of torque, where it matters alot. Its always tighter than you suspect.

Just do it right and use the fucking torque wrench, almost always. The idea of telling torque by hand is developed from the use of the torque wrench. I got more horror stories but wont waste any more of your times. You sign off on it, then u do it right.

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I broke of these pic related stoneware mugs and am thinking of doing a faux kintsugi thing. However, I also want to be able to microwave this thing, so JB Weld is out, epoxies are apparently out (temperature issues and potential fuming or whatever when exposed to enough heat), and superglue was never practical to begin with.

Unless someone has any better ideas, I was thinking of resorting to a cement mixture of some kind and sorta painting on my gold (mica) pigment onto the cracks and then figure out how lacquers work.
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>not faggy ritual.

methinks thou should shut thine mouth before I strike you with my iPhone
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>not faggy ritual.

Who called my name
>not faggy ritual.

kek. somebody shoot me before I samefag this thread into oblivion
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U need to throw it in the trash. this about the 50th billionth time of some1 attempting to inform me they broke their mug AND THE 0 TIME THEY POSTED A "faux kinsugi" or whatever faggot shit u just said as if you had a single useful skill outside of piss production. Fucking SOI!!
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proof. I actually try to do things so I got a license that allows me to talk mad shit over the internet. I dont drink out of it because the glaze imperfections make it shit tier and unusable. Basically I got owned by a bunch of 3rd world primitive tribal niggers, in ceramic world.

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Why for is water leaking from these pipes by my front door? I lived here 3 years and water never leaked from these pipes. I drilled holes in a jug and put it there to catch the water.

Why I have leaking pipes? Where’s these pipes even lead to??
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it means you touch your butthole
you need to stop touching yourself at night or God will continue to punish you with poopy water at your front door
Buy 2 90 deg. elbows and some inch and a half pvc and connect the two together before touching your butthole again
Perhaps if you shorten the amount of self fondling in the nightly hours then it would leak quite a bit less.
Make a shrine and pray to the pipe. Push food offerings and live feed you get from the pet store into the hole.

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show me your hovels, you cretins
>nigger breath mints
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I'm moving out in a month and most stuff is already packed, but this was a few years ago. I've since replaced the shitty Porter Cables with DeWalt.
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And also, electronics setup around the corner.

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and now you know.
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source of that image: https://crestresearch.ac.uk/resources/mining-the-chans/

why would "they" want to disrupt a DIY forum?
Because they’re fundamentally stupid, and can’t get jobs or run legitimate business.
So they make up imaginary issues so they can “solve” the imaginary problem.
Probably a good 30% of the population does this.
goddamn rich anon has a mother or wagie to clean his apartment for him
You can lay your cock on the sink when you have a boner and need to piss then lay the dustpan over that to stop some of the piss from splashing everywhere. Not all of it though.
>that brush
how big are your teeth?

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