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WHat musical instruments can I build especially on the cheap?
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Someone was making the point that the body of an electrical guitar, unlike an acoustic guitar, doesn't matter as long as it can support the components. He wasn't giving detailed instructions on how to build a guitar.

In other words, there's a dumbfuck in this thread, for damn sure, but it's not that guy. Guess who it is.
>making the point that the body of an electrical guitar, unlike an acoustic guitar, doesn't matter as long as it can support the components.

That "point" was not made at all, no mention whatsoever of acoustic vs electric guitars or support of components, you just pulled all of that out of your ass.
And again, no mention of the one component mounted to a guitar body where that "support" is critical to the whole thing working.

>In other words, there's a dumbfuck in this thread, for damn sure, but it's not that guy. Guess who it is.

You, for being the seething retard defending a moronic post that saw fit to mention needing a "plug" but never mentioned THE single most important and complicated part of building a functional guitar, whether it's electric or acoustic.

You still don't even know what part I'm talking about, do you? LMAO
Everyone knows you're talking about the frets.
I agree with everything you've said but you're still an insatiable fucking faggot.
Well to be precise I guess you're hinting at the neck as a whole; frets and truss rod and all.
Okinawan banjo

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- you can collect your own water
- you can grow your own food
- you can produce your own energy

So why are internet contracts necessary? You can tune into radio for free so how come there's no antenna device that pulls free internet from the air in a similar manner?
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>google it
>dont necro old threads
>use the search
Then wonder why forums die into dead sites.
just get some repeaters with solar panels and attach them all around your place; you'll have access to all the networks pingable by that net. Latency will be bad obviously, but it'll be free.
Find nearest café or other business offering free wifi
Buy a wifi router, a couple of extreme long-range wifi access points, and a hi-vis vest. Put on hi-vis, set up router and one wifi antenna on roof of business offering free wifi, claim to be from government agency just setting up something to measure air pollution if anybody asks. Make router connect to wifi using its own antenna, connect with wire to long-range AP, go home and set up other long-range AP, you now have contract-free internet.
Depending on how off-grid you are, you might need a few more relays inbetween. I think Linus Tech Tips showed off 10km wifi like 5 years ago.
Cope harder.
your best bet is to get something like this and just steal free wifi from someone

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i own 40 acre property on a main road, i recently lost my job and am doing random things for income, does anyone have any reccomendation for making money off farm land with road acess. for insance i am considering putting corded wood for sale by the bundle, i have also been in contact with birders because migration zone
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e-girls are not heterosexual, faggot,
You can run grazing animals, but do it with paddocks and move them everyday. Moving is easy when they know there's fresh stuff in the next paddock over. Issue is cost of fencing, I would think.

There's tons more info online. That carboncowboys youtube channel is covering it pretty well.

Moving them daily eliminates so many issues. Worming. Vet bills. Health etc.
yes i do want to do this in the future
but i am currently building infrastrucutre
and this is hard work
it took 5 months to build my cabin and patio
i have fencing
but to fence a ton is a huge undertaking
so i need some time to do that
my main thing
is immediate small cash
that i can use to live one

i only need a few hundred a month
and need be somthing that is very small
i have started sellling furniture

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does anyone know
how do you find people to graze on your land
i have maybe 8 acres of land that is near my road and is completely virgin

getting people to use it is fine as long i dont have to care for the animals

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Thoughts on building an airboat? Are they as fun IRL as in Half Life?
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Cruising like a fan boat on the glade
He'll tweak ass your ass across the cross fade
So watch your back when he takes the stage
Or he'll send you off on a naked rampage
sorry, what he's trying to say is it could probably rush 69 Muslims at 80 km/h to run a train on your daughter.
it doesn't matter, you won't do it.
>post 1904
>not building a hovercraft
952 kg and 223 kW

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does this really work in america? i need to resupply my workshop, what are the best cities to do it?
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They do, but store clerks are ever slightly more intimidated by the a hoodlum black over a scrawny white methhead.
>Do you think that white meth heads don't steal stuff?
they don't get a free "get out of jail" card
eBay is full of stolen tools.
So there are a higher percentage of blacks in jail, but that's because they all have a "get out of jail" card? What are you trying to say?
I don't understand why you have to pay for things. Why can't you just walk in a big shop and walk out with power tools for free? The big companies make billions

there's this metal cable that I'm sure is what let's electricity travel through the house. there's no power in three rooms out of 4 in the 2nd level of my house. I tried taping the cable to the wall but it won't stick. what should i do?
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it can kill you
Do you squat in a condemned building?
so figure out where the 3 rooms split off from the rest, that's the junction box where the problem is. then fuck with white side to see if the wire ends are apart. the white side shouldn't hurt anything if it gets fucked up - the black is hot and you don't want to touch metal or the white side when fucking with black.

if things are on in the three rooms that are dead (e.g. the lights or a fan switched on) then fucking with the wires might cause them to spark. ideally turn everything off, but don't be surprised if there is some draw and it sparks when you're fucking with the blacks. ideally there will either be a clear visual problem with the white or black side or fucking with the white side will fix it.
also it looks like all your outlets would be two slots, no 3rd hole. if that's not the case there is a cheap tester you can use to help diagnose what is fucked.
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the 1800s were fucking based. they had live electricity in table cloths so you could just place lamps and shit. none of this fucking gfci pussy shit, you could legit kys with a toaster in the tub if you didn't die from the exposed wires everywhere first.

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>Is there a way to fix this?
not by you.
8-watt USB soldering iron kit on ebay.

That's the correct size for that kind of work.
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Just plug it in pussy, it's clearly wireless
Your balls don't actually drop until you learn to solder anon so maybe it's time.
Retard proof
>Just don't squeeze "VBUS" or else you'll take a ride.

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>Do you even melt, bro?

I did my first casting today, I'm totally a foundryman now. My first two melts earlier in the week I made some ingots, just melting soda cans. >>2783890
Yesterday I made my first flask from a spare fencepost, and some greensand from sifted playsand and a mix of sodium bentonite and calcium bentonite. Yard marking calcium carbonate as parting powder, worked great. Designed a little ashtray in Fusion360 and turned it into a pattern. I did a pretty bad job but I was impatient and really wanted everything ready to do this casting today. Rammed up fine, might've been a little dry, but just barely. Worked out okay though, very happy with the result after a brief cleanup.

Do you scrap? Stack? Do you sell signs on Etsy? Do you sand cast? Investment casting? Do you like huffing zinc fumes and snorting silica powder? Show me your furnace, show me your castings.

Sand and jpeg compression don't get along.
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That's some nastiness, but nothing a file won't solve in short order. Once the sides are smoothed out I'll jig it up on the drill press and get everything finished out.
I want to cast a titanium ring in my backyard. Something simple, with no intricate patterning or anything. But I understand it's incredibly difficult to get it to melt, let alone get any feedstock. What am I in for?
>What am I in for?
Failure. Ti has a higher mp than iron, you'd either need to build an arc furnace or an induction furnace to reach the required temps
i care

My wife managed to lose and run over the gas filler cap (don't ask me).
I've got an older model and I can't find a replacement from the manufacturer.
I closed it ot off with aluminum foil for now in hopes that all the gas doesn't evaporate, but i need a longer term solution.
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>thats incredibly dumb or careless. Or both.
>Surely its all about the same though. Maybe try a big piece of cork that you stuff into the hole.
Is that for his wife or his lawnmower?
Your wife is retarded.

> but it doesn't have a hole
Make one.

> but it doesn't have a gasket
sheet of cork, cut one.
Also, there's nothing worse than women for abusing lawn equipment. Either they can't get it to run (gas) or they use it to abuse the hell out of it and everything else (electric).

NEVER loan your tools to a woman unless she wears flannel and looks like a frumpy trucker.

You had a special bond w your grandpappy, and now you broke it.
I know where you can find a cap OP. If that's really your mower and not a pic from the internet, then the cap can be located as indicated. You are welcome, nice bait.
The thread is bait limp dick

My wife and I recently lost our little girl. It was a stillbirth but we had some really compassionate nurses that made a hand and foot mold for us before we had to say goodbye. I’m worried that the (I’m assuming) plaster they used is really delicate/fragile. The detail on them is great but I’m eager to find a way to scan or duplicate them to ensure they survive long term. Could anyone give me some advice?
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Everyone suggested scanning, but you can try photogrammetry, it's much easier and cheaper to do since you can use your phone or a camera, there's apps for this like Polycam or RealityCam (I had good results with it) or you can do it the old way and take a bunch of photos and use a software like Realitycapture, Zephyr or Meshroom(couldn't make this one work), you will have a virtual representation that you can keep, print or mill
burn the molds and move on
One of my best yet
My advice: let it crumble or just throw it out. You’re really better off moving on. My dad remarried and tried to have more kids. His wife had a couple of still births before being able to have two children to raise. The kids were always creeped out because she kept keepsakes and pictures from the still birth at the hospital. If you don’t move past it then it will fuck your wife up for life.
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Jannies are faggots max kekdum
This thread is

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I want to build my own DIY computer from scratch, but I don't really know where to start. The main purpose of it is to learn more about computers and how it all works down there. I'm confident with logic gates, boolean algebra, not so with prototyping. I watched Ben Eater's videos about his project, as well as some other videos to similar topic. What books/other materials will be helpful? What is the starting point for such project should be? Is it better to pick up something like 65c02 and build around it or made everything by myself?
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Get a FPGA.
Preferably something that works with the open stack, such as iCE40 UP5K or LP8K.
I'm building a 16-bit TTL CPU right now. In my opinion, decide right now what you want it to do and focus on breaking things up into modules.

Start with Logisim and FPGA (Verilog) designs. Write test procedures for individual modules and the complete system.

Begin implementing modules on breadboards and designing actual circuits in KiCad. At this point, start looking up prices of components for each module. If you get discouraged on the price, stick with only designing in FPGA.

Manufacture PCBs or use protoboards. Ditch breadboards as fast as you can to get rid of annoying capacitance and connection problems. Re-test modules using test procedures created during first design phase.

Creating separate "test harness" circuits could also prove useful if you screw up and fry an IC at some point.

Take everything one step at a time and don't rush anything. This will take a while, but I think its worth the torture
Checked. looks great, keep it up brother. I only just noticed I can snap breadboards together so can fit an esp8266 lol.

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I want Sarah to review my tool.
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It’s called “subcompact” sir!
she does love her baby chainsaws...
is she in the sun alot

why is her forehead doing that. why are her teeth the same color as her skin. why are her eyebrows painted on? why is her jaw so squared?
As in an erection?
I’ll put it in her pocket, if you know what I mean

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Moving into a new apartment and the landlord seems reasonable. I want to plant some veggie gardens etc (raised beds) and keep some chickens. I already know I'll have to talk to him about the chickens first, but how much is normal to ask for permission for vs just doing it without permission? Like, can I put a fence up without permission? Would that cause a ruckus?
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Veggie gardens and chickens where, does the place have a yard? You should definitely ask the landlord, you're presumably doing this in shared space of all the people living there. Chicken in particular also noise pollute and smell.
Good rule of thumb I think, I'll keep this in mind.

They've got individual yards out back and the apartments themselves are more or less sectioned off. Don't know a good way to describe it. They're more like trailers than apartments in form I guess.
That one retard that keeps animals in the neighborhood...
Why are you moving into an apartment (presumably where you pay rent) to do that? What's with the childish, unrelated anime image? Or are you telling us the level of your reasoning skills?

Helpx. Find a host. Go out and work in the country. Get some basic life skills down and give up over-aged under-mature anime nonsense.
Several others keep animals already

>Why are you moving into an apartment (presumably where you pay rent) to do that?
Because it's better than my previous apartment by a lot.
>What's with the childish, unrelated anime image?
To guarantee replies.
>Helpx. Find a host. Go out and work in the country. Get some basic life skills down and give up over-aged under-mature anime nonsense.
Dumb nigger

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I don't know why I fuck up ceiling like this.
I manage to get a decent even finish on the walls, but this is what I get with ceilings.

I thought this was good enough yesterday because I only noticed the few spots on the right, but this morning I noticed the edge of the roll marks on the left are kinda visible.

Am I going to be forced to do a third coat or can I just fade out these mistakes somehow?
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I'm using a 10L bucket in what proportions should I use it?

I get the feeling the ones i'm using go to shit a bit too fast.
You can only notice it because of the incidence of the light coming in at 90 degrees from the window.
For that, you need a level-5 drywall finish,for openers.
Second, for a ceiling you want the flattest paint you can buy. Eggshell? No way… fuck that. Dead fucking flat. Only thing flatter is popcorn ceilings which disgust me.
You locally sand off any drips or ridges left by the roller. Use a flashlight held up at right angles on the ceiling to see any shadows.
Then go down to the dollar store and get a mini foam roller with rounded corners and with minimal paint, paint over the parts you sanded and try and blend it in.
This is why we use flat, non-glossy paint on the ceiling. Nobody is going to be touching it.
The shot of black people are old copypasta retards.
>You can only notice it because of the incidence of the light coming in at 90 degrees from the window.

Yeah I realized, it's only noticeable in the morning.
But I know it's there so I notice anyway.
I should have skim coated the walls as well but I'm cheaping out because I'm on a budget. Doing the best I can with what I have.
Sanding is doable, I might do that. Thanks.

I guess it looks ok enough so I'll move on to the walls for the moment and if it bugs me I'll fix it.
I'm gonna rent it out anyway.
>jew candles
I'm catholic.
They come from a mountain house my grandafther bought in the '50s after it was.... ahem...

What sort of wall hardware would I need to make this? I'm thinking keyholes are out of the question because I want it to be durable.
What is "this?" your photo shows a piece of wood. Is it 6 inches long or 10 feet long? Is it a stair rail or is it a cabinet handle? What are you attaching it to?

Go to /sqtddtot/ faggot.
You're mom didn't pay for ballet lessons? No wonder you have such a tight ass.

You could hack up some hidden shelf brackets possibly. Would it be possible to do a pocket hole and a plug to cover the screw?

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