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I designed a little kitchen shelf that will fill out the gap on the wall. I have all the pieces but i'm not sure how to go about putting it together to keep everything straight. I'm a third worlder scum so i don't own a full blown woodworking shop, only very basic tools.
The plan is to use just wood screws because it's mainly for aesthetics and won't hold much load.
Any tips on how to keep everything in place during assembly?
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Best thing to do if you’re a novice woodworker is to just use dovetails for the outside joints and cut a rabbet by hand for the middle shelf

The high school kid at Lowe’s will help you out here
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>Glue first, then optionally drive screws in from behind once the glue sets. Glue makes assembly easier and is plenty strong.
first post and everything about it is wrong. you glue then screw, the screws HOLD the piece while the glue dries. like woodworking 101.

idk what the fuck these guys are on about. your wood is square, you have some way to cut the wood or have it cut implies it's square. you're gonna pick nice straight boards because you're not an asshole or an idiot.

the boards have a width, at the end of the three boards drill a hole in the middle of that width and 3cm from each end. along the back length go 3cm from each end, repeat at 3cm on the front. add a hole midway between.

the holes depend on the wood, if it's fiberboard your drill bit will be 3mm barely big enough to take a screw. if it's pine or other solid wood pick a bit ~1mm smaller than the screw shank. go as deep as the screw less a board width (e.g. the actual depth the screw will go in). Test on a scrap piece from the corner cut to ensure your screw fits tight and doesn't split anything.

now measure (imagine!) identical holes on the back and side boards. drill them to the screw shank size. you can switch to a bit bigger than the head and take out a little divot for the screw heads to counter sink in.

then you run a bead of glue down each shelf edge you're screwing in and attach it with the screws. the glue is honestly not necessary but it will be much stronger. see how the screws hold the wood together and the flat side of the wood against the flat face of the back makes it square because both pieces are flat and square? It's magic!
Nah you just have your 8 year old hold the two pieces of wood together until it’s dry and you yell at him when you can’t drive the screws in because your ryobi you got from your wife on Father’s Day is in reverse and your office job doesn’t require you to build things
>doesn't have a desktop mill at his office job cubicle for personal machining
I swear /diy/ is more disappointing every day.
Also the screws are drywall screws because screws are screws and this construction shit is below you and for those Mexicans and the poors

Real men write emails for a living and know all the excel hot keys

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i have a small 1L can of paint thats got clumps in it. stirring helped some, but not enough. how do i get the paint smooth without diluting it? i dont have access to those paint can shaking machines.
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You need a strainers. OR cheese cloth. You can even use old pantyhose to strain it
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Professional painter here
You need a strainer bag.
not sure im ready for that level of dyi-ness just yet.

thanks guys. ill see what i can find.
>20 minutes
noodle arms detected
just use a 1 1/2" wood bit jeez

ITT we share and discuss tips on how to get our hands on cheap materials and "waste".
So far what i've found on this board is:
>go and ask a stone mason for a headstone that has not been paid or broken/waste stones
>go to a concrete plant next to a river and ask for river stones that are too big to be used as gravel
>go to a lime-sand brick factory and ask for clay and soile they have extracted

What other way are there to get your hands on cheap materials?
Which other waste materials could be useful and be acquired cheaply?
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Never heard of using valuablrvstone for ballast like that, but places that relieve large shipped items that aren't containerized will often have crates and cradles that are one way items and cab be gotten for cheap, or nothing.

Aa for fabricators, besides the ones mentioned like I say it depends on what materials you want...you may need to think backwards by thinking of who uses the stuff you need and seek them out. Also look to places that do operations for multiple types of industries...placescthat do waterjet and other production machining will often generate cool shapes that just get cut off and sold as scrap, that you can pay slightly more for but still get very useful parts for next to nothing.

FWIW places that do military contracts or work in highly regulated fields like aerospace tend to get rid of material that is slightly out of spec, damaged in one spot, worn tools like drill bits that still have plenty of use in them, outdated or worn jigs that can be cannibalized, and so forth. Search around for where experimental aircraft and DIY boat builders go for that kind of thing in your area area if you are near any kind of manufacturers and you can hit the mother lode.
I think that's what he meant 'A girl that works at amazon'.

Pick was funny, but really the fantasy of a homo.
Yeah agreed lol
>some cnc places give away scrap metal from jobs

No we don’t, we usually save cutoffs and drops to proof our new programs or setups

Then once proven we just toss it in the chip bin the recyclers take out all the solids, coolant then melt the chips

Mash the solids and melt those too

And if I’m the one programming the parts, pull out the remnants of the broken end mill because I run through $8 1/4” carbide endmills like drake runs through a high school girls
are you retarded? you can collect stones from the ground or directly from a stream yourself.

this guy is not drop-leaf pilled. sad.

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What can I do?

get a new wreck door?
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Major help.. thanks!!!
doesn't washing undeneath the car putting water to metal rust it?
It’s to remove the salt. It’s worse than plain water.
Rust forms, and accelerates once it does form, by galvanic action like a battery. The rust and the plain steel act as electrodes and the salt water is a conductive electrolyte between them.
salt... live in Australia... do we have that?
The idea is to remove anything that would make it difficult for someone to assess the condition of the underside; also, if anon were to get fluidfilm applied, the last thing you would want to do is apply it over salt.
The sprinkler trick is good for any situation where you want to clear off the underside of a car. I four wheel and drive in the woods constantly and it's been hands-down the easiest way to get the mud out of the nooks and crannies prior to me servicing it
Yep. Rust never sleeps.
Probably not in northern Straya, but you are surrounded by a big freaking ocean so that's not helpful. Do you see a lot of rotted-out cars down there?
>be me, live with GF 4 doors from beach, mid-Atlantic state
>GF buys 8 year old Honda
>FFWD 3 years, rocker panels are disintegrating due to salt spray from ocean
Shit's brutal, I'll tell ya.

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how fucked is this? the house was previously a small cabin that the previous owner (who was a union carpenter) built a large addition to & turned into an actual house.

this was his build after opening up the exterior wall & adding a horizontal 2x4 to the old top plate and a fuck ton of 2x8 lumber on the other side, creating a cluster fuck of a beam. held up by an out of level adjustable jack post.

it's sagging towards the center of the horizontal 2x4, is there anyway I can unfuck this without getting squashed, or getting fucked in the ass by contractors & permitting?
based on the age of the wood on the addition, I'd hazard a guess it was built 30-40 years ago
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Box in the header and finish it pussy
>out of level screw jack
what matters is if everything else is back to level. also it looks like he committed removal of a supporting wall. if it really bothers you you can just put a screw jack next to it and remove or straighten that one. get the correct height while you are at it.

the 2x4 sag in the middle depends on if it's just the 2x4 or if it's structural above pushing it down. use your spare jack to straighten it and then idk bolt some L bracket down the side.
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That 2x4 is not holding shit, I'd probably just send some screws up and to make it not sag. The beams look fine. Leave it be.
Not bad at all. Painter here. I can easily take care of it myself.

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But the Shitposting Must Go On edition

Previous thread drowned out by contesters: >>2785963

Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Are you the other midnight shift bro I was talking to not too long ago? There are some good nets too on 80m. I used to check into the Early Bird Net here on the east coast where I'm at. After a few months of only being able to bring my radio into work, I just got tired of and I don't really want to remote in.

What is your current antenna configuration? That may have a factor in how you are receiving. Mine is just a sloped random wire which does receive a bit from Spain and sometimes I hear French, but it's not that great as random wires tend not to be the best antennas and I really just want to focus on regional stuff for emcomm purposes. I'm able to reach voice on 20m with it, but it's extremely hard for them to copy me even with 100 watts. If you want to DX, I don't recommend random wires like >>2795414. It works, but it's horrible.

Anyways, I got work so I got to get going. Have a good night, midnight shift bro!
>damn 40m has a lot of Spanish on it.
kill them.
Kill them all.
Won't be long before that's the main language.
Please make it stop.
probably, been around the last couple threads
guy with a ft1000mp
at the moment it's an EFHW 75-10m like 10ft off the ground since I was just receiving
Gonna get it up about 20-30ft in the next couple weeks. I have heard this one Australian guy but I could hear him on a discone antenna.
The guy I bought the radio from had made it over to Russia before with just an EFHW 20ft over his driveway
Just keep tuning up on top of them
some are pirates but some seem to have call signs, not really sure, I can't really tell the difference
they seem to hang around the AE section of 40m and the high end of 40m just below the AMers

Disclaimer: i’m not planning to do anything of this. I don’t suggest trying any of this stuff without proper guidance ,knowledge and preventive measures.

Main questions:
is it possible to make a safe, small scale reactor capable of providing energy for a medium class home? How much would be it’s price ?
How much knowledge would be needed to handle such a device? Would a housewife be able to handle it with newly developed technologies?

And if an accident happened:
How large would be the area of effect?
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there's also the issue of cost
helicopters are much, much more expensive than a car. like 100x as expensive to purchase and operate. it makes more sense to just buy a car and spend a little more time on the road than to try flying everywhere
personal nuclear reactors would have the same problem. it makes more sense to just buy (what is already extremely cheap) electricity from the power company than laying out millions of dollars to purchase and operate a one-family reactor.
on top of this, there are already technologies that will let you generate and store electricity using fossil fuels and batteries which are much safer and cheaper than nuclear power
TRIGA reactor configured to make power sounds like what you’d want, but that (particularly the fuel rod assemblies) isn’t the sort of thing you could DIY
>is it possible to make a safe, small scale reactor capable of providing energy for a medium class home? How much would be it’s price ?
A high school student made one decades ago.
Also there are designs being tested for small modular reactors which would serve single neighborhoods.
>A high school student made one decades ago.
See: >>2792370
It is meant to say “with the help of new technologies, we have been trying to automate a lot of stuff. Some of the attempts have been succesfull, “

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filename. any guesses on what this stick clip is made of?

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No I don't know what it's made of I'm literally asking the diy board what this thing is made of so I can attempt to DIY one for myself you fuck. context clues
it's a giant slap bracelet
I'm going with ABS plastic. My guess is that this knucklehead went on a road trip to Smith rocks and forgot his stick clip at home. Went to the hardware store in Terrebone and got the cheapest long/skinny thing that he could find. Kinda retarded since it looks like he's clipping a bolt that's 8' off the ground.
Lol nevermind, didn't watch the video. I guess I'm the knucklehead.
Maybe get some poly water pipe, slit it lengthwise and see if you can unfold one end to start rolling it up? The thinner the wall the better obviously.

What is the thinnest wall pex you can get?

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what are you going to be planting in your garden this year anon?
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Plant zone 7 or 7a or whatever. What are some fun fruits and veggies to plant that will attract hummingbirds when they flower? Also, is it easy to grow currants/gooseberries? I heard those were a good one but being in the US they're foreign to me.
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not fruit or veg, but pic related pulls in lots of humming birds and pollinators for me in 7b. Piss easy too, just spead the seeds over dirt and water them in. You can get a carpet of flowers in about 2 months. If you pull the hummingbirds in with that, then they might go for any other flowers available as well from your fruits and veg. Also hummingbird feeders with sugar water work very well too
Any good books or resources to learn gardening?
Check out a local thrift store and flip through the random gardening books there. Often they'll be decent - especially if they look well-worn. Baby boomers that kept a garden that kept going back to the book.

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I am moving up north soon where everything is 3x as expensive. My new house has a large garage though, and I'd like to have a workshop. I just don't know what I should buy before I go to save money.
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appreciate the criticism, the spaces bothered me on the oak one but are less noticible on the walnut/cherry one. I've made another and went way more crazy with the glue. i'm hoping it turns out better.
yeah the oak one was my first time doing this with uneven hard wood. id definitely needed more glue and maybe an additional clamp.
What's the name of the software to make those plans?
So, I finally caved and bought the Bosch router table. For $250 it's actually a very decent kit. It's aluminum, not that vinyl MDF shit. The whole top is aluminum, not just the plate. I was pleasantly surprised by the heft of it. Sure, I could've continued using the makeshift one I made for the rails of my table saw, but it's very convenient having a dedicated unit.

Bosch RA1181
I live in Tennessee and want to start selling my labor. My understanding is that I need a home improvement license, but I have no idea what the requirements are. I'm wondering if /wwg/ can give me some pointers on either doing that or monetizing my labor some other way.
I'm a teacher in need of summer cash flow and this is the only other mildly valuable skill I have.

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>getting a beverage at circle k after crooozing for a few hours tonight
>some spic is in there ahead of me
>literally has to be like 5' or less
These are the people taking over our country?
by numbers, not quality
>These are the people taking over our country?
what has height got to do with it? they mow lawns, clean toilets, paint houses, frame houses, hang drywall, etc. AND THEY DON'T PAY TAXES OR INSURANCE OR WORKER'S COMP AND THEY WORK 80 HRS A WEEK AND DRIVE TO THE JOB SITE THE OTHER 80 HRS OF THE WEEK AND THEY LIVE IN HOVELS 10 TO THE ROOM

and yet npr says they are only doing work that americans refuse to do.
NPR doesn’t consider you human unless you work an upper middle class office job.

So think of a job a white liberal woman doesn’t want to do, plumbing, gun smithing etc

Those are jobs “Americans” don’t want to do

Send emails back and forth to other upper middle class peopl in offices and play office politics? Job is safe from South Americans migrating through mexico
spics are so vile.
I'm eager for the Great Mexican War of 2025.

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So this flowerbed is fucked. Not only is a ton of grass growing in it moss is as well. I understand everything must go my question is what tools should I use to clear/clean it out as efficiently as possible?
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Be careful where you get soil from, that it does not have any Grazon contamination.
>A reddit board is missing it's redditor.

Well you better get back there faggot!
Astounding creativity!

Best you can come up with 'I have no ammo left. So I'm going to imitate you.'

How flattering.

How to tell us how retarded you are, without saying it directly.
You do know they spray down wheat, corn, oats, and onions with roundup before harvest?
You ate a fuckton of it already and you ate from fields that were sprayed for years.
It dries up the plants fast, decreasing the time between ripe and ready to harvest.
I'm an organicfag, but I can see the appeal. For example last year I lost half my sunflower yield to some burrowing asshole bugs, but I couldn't do shit but watch them because it has to be dry first.
Honestly your post was such a low quality, unoriginal, bait post anyways... Like its never been done before. Such originality!

Let me guess, you are the originator/inventor of all such posts pertaining to someone being from, or needing to go back to redit right?

Furthermore, your dumb post didnt make a god-damn bit of sense anyways. I bet 99% of the faggots on redit would see or hear the word roundup and immediately think, " OMG le heckin cancerino!" just as your limp-wristed self did. Anyone who has ever actually been around the stuff wishes it was as dangerous as all you retards think, so it would maybe work better at burning down weeds and keeping them dead.

Go inject some roundup into your shriveled up estrogen filled testicles so you can finish "transitioning" and join the other 46%.

I'm moving and there's a shitty shed pad at the place I'm looking at buying. I want to put a shed on it. How do I repair it to make it usable and safe? I want the shed to be secure and not blow away during a storm
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i had this thought as well. Idk what OPs talking about
as long at it not on side of hill it will be fine,worst thing that can happen is in a massive flood the foundation floats, but again it's a fucking small as shed not a house.
if you're not parking anything heavy on it , it should be fine.
Deep South.
This is a garbage bin slab, that’s why it is so close to the house.

I just bought a FUBAR Lexus RX350 and I don't have the slightest idea how to fix this. Just use some duct tape and leave it mostly as is? Am I in for a lot of pain and suffering?
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So you got BTFO on /o/ for spending more on that 200k mile accident car than you could get a decent condition one and came here for validation?
>the classic general
It's a containment thread for forum larpers. I also recommend OP go bother them until they have aneurisms.
Suction cup you can get at an auto store for ten bucks will make significant progress on that. Toilet plunger if poor. The metal has memory, you can spring it back. Lots of soapy water help plubger stick.

After that get hair dryer and compressed air i think it is thats basically dry ice in a can. Heat it up hot, flip the can upside down and blast it so it forms ice. The rapid cooldown will cause the metal to contract, pulling on the dents straightening them out. Its real cool.

But just dgaf or get a new door too

Also, heat gun/hair drywr
Also take the door interior off from the inside, get a flat piece of 2x4 so you arent directly hitting the metal, and sneak it thru the x frame on the door, put on ear protection and TAP away at things. Better to do too little than too much with each hit.
I had an old Nissan 200sx with similar damage in high school, but and hang a new door like other anons said

There is a crash bar inside the door that is impossible to get straight again,

I managed to get the door skin straightened out but that crash bar was a bitch and interfered with window glass

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Do they literally just blow warm air over the food?
some of them cost over £500. I already have metal boxes and hot wind isn't exactly hard to attain.
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No, I meant the carafe.
>from Germany
Lmao. I already checked and it's only close. Original Octimes carafes have some value to people here, so I was a bit surprised seeing one on 4chan out of all places.
Sorry, meant yes. It's late here.
its a Pasabahce. a high quality brand. made in turkey, so that explains why my dad bought it in germany
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Made another batch of lamb jerky. it's done after 18 hours, to reiterate; i just have 3 x 25W light bulbs and 1 x 15W light bulb, with a fan blowing air over one of the light bulbs.
after 20 hours it was good and after 25 hours it was a bit TOO dry! but it's still good and my intention is to preserve it for long camping trips, so this will do the job just fine.
Best thing I've made in ages.

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