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The North Carolina Republican Party on Saturday came under fire for a Star Wars-themed post meant to celebrate the "May the Fourth" internet holiday and promote Donald Trump.

The official account of the North Carolina Republican Party on Twitter, posted an image showing Trump holding a lightsaber. The text says, "May the Fourth Be With You," which is a play on the Star Wars line, "May the force be with you."

The problem, as social media users were quick to point out, is that the ex-president was shown with a red lightsaber. According to Vox, "Sith usually use red-hued" lightsabers, such as the one Darth Vader wields.

ALSO READ: Trump’s Manhattan trial could determine whether rule of law survives: criminologist

National security attorney Bradley Moss wondered if the state GOP outpost was ignorant.

"You gave him... a red lightsaber? Do you know anything?" he asked Saturday.

Democrat Harry Sisson said, "You know the dudes who have the red lightsabers are the bad guys, right? Didn’t watch the movie I guess?"

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"Something about this irked me, so I did some research. First of all, the fact that they gave him a Red Lightsaber for this while Red has traditionally been associated with the Sith and the Empire should tell you that either the person who created this meme doesn't know a thing about Star Wars, or that they know exactly what they're doing and somehow think that the Sith/Empire are the good guys," they wrote. "Second, I was curious about whose Saber they gave him because it didn't explicitly remind me of anyone's saber. I had to Reverse Image search it, but I found that this is a design from one of the many Lightsaber Storefronts online, that doesn't belong to any on-screen character from the series. The pictures they use even have the blade color as Blue, so they straight up changed it to Red. I know that 'Republicans are Red (as are Maga hats) and Democrats are Blue,' but they could have taken from literally an entire rainbow of colors to evoke 'Oh, it's a lightsaber,' but they insisted on making his lightsaber Red."

They concluded:

"As a Star Wars fan, I frankly find this cheap attempt to gain my vote more insulting than anything that Star Wars fans have ever taken issue with. This is probably the most embarrassing cash-in I've ever seen, and I've ACTUALLY WATCHED the Star Wars Holiday Special in its entirety, unironically, multiple times."
That tracks: most Republicans don't realize they're the villains
I guess it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that the party color is red.
It's funny because Democrats are actually the villains.
And they never realize it.

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Stamford Connecticut, plagued by Democrat election fraud (see: Democrat Party Chief Convicted of 28 felony counts of election fraud https://archive.palanq.win/news/thread/1093612/) just had legislation shot down by democrats which would have required 1 year jail time for election fraud - the city has been plagued by Democrat election fraud with many convictions, but democrats are not serving any jail time for their felonies
Democrats resoundingly voted to support election fraud and their recently convicted party Chief.
HARTFORD — The law-writing Judiciary Committee on Friday killed legislation that would have created mandatory jail time for people convicted of a wide range of election-related fraud.

The bill, which would have required a minimum sentence of one year in prison for anyone convicted of election fraud. It was voted down by Democrats who have a 24-13 majority.

Democrats on the Judiciary Committee opposed the bill which was in response to the irregularities in last September's Democratic mayoral primary in Bridgeport, which included video of people allegedly placing multiple absentee ballots into a collection box.

"We saw on video, effectively, some election interference and the Republican caucus, both the House and Senate, have been very forthright in making sure people understand our desire to address these problems," said Sen. Rob Sampson of Wolcott, a ranking Republican on the GAE Committee. "There are a number of election-related crimes, everything from election officials interfering with a tabulator machine or producing improper ballots, to people that are actually engaged in ballot harvesting and interfering with elections. All of those things are already crimes, but to my knowledge, no one has ever served a moment of jail time in Connecticut for any of those things in the past, despite the fact that there having been convictions."
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summerfag go back
I see you realize that democrats behavior is inexcusable as well, and have turned to low effort ad homs
Wasn't this that same state where a judge invalidated an election like a year ago because of all the democrat ballot fraud?
Yeah... Bridgeport
Meanwhile the Republican Presidential candidate is on trial for campaign finance violations.
>campaign finance violations
Wow bigly! Paying someone to keep a rumor quiet is so much different than election fraud. It really is tho. What democrats do is much worse than paying someone not to spread a rumor

he's making threads again
And that's a good thing
Didn't even read.
straight to the bottom of tweety's birdcage

University endowments show few signs of direct Israel, defense holdings
School investments are targets of Pro-Palestinian groups calling for “divestment,” even if the ties aren’t always clear.

By Todd C. Frankel
May 3, 2024 at 4:27 p.m. EDT


As some universities strike deals with pro-Palestinian student groups to discuss calls for school endowments to stop investing in Israel and defense stocks, an examination of available public documents by The Washington Post finds few direct holdings in either by the largest public school endowments, underscoring the difficulty in any potential attempt to ultimately satisfy protesters’ divestment demands.

The simple slogans of protest are running headlong into the intricacies of modern finance.

At the University of California at Los Angeles, the recent pro-Palestinian protests have echoed with a rallying cry heard at campus protests nationwide in the wake of the Israel-Gaza war: They want the university to cut financial ties with Israel. “Divest NOW” was how one sign near the protesters’ encampment this week put it.

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The irony is that the counter-protestors were jewish.
And the NYPD raid was led by IDF soldiers.

Yeah, I'm sure we'll get an unbiased opinion from this guy.
You people think any vaguely german or dutch sounding last name is automatically jewish.
American conservatives are very myopic.
you've got to remember that these are just simple farmers, these are people of the land, the common clay of the new west

President Joe Biden on Friday awarded 19 Americans with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor.

The diverse group of recipients ranged from political trailblazers like Reps. Nancy Pelosi and Jim Clyburn to activists like Opal Lee and Judy Shephard as well as Olympic swimmer Katie Ledecky and Oscar-winning actress Michelle Yeoh.

Biden kicked off the ceremony in the East Room by calling it "one of their favorite events at the White House."

"Today we have another extraordinary honor to bestow the nation's highest civilian artist of mine to 19 incredible people whose relentless curiosity, inventiveness, ingenuity and hope have kept faith in a better tomorrow," the president said.
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Not him but he's right. Totalitarianism and liberalism are opposites.
OP's pix shows how Joe likes giving out medals.

He gets a chance to come in close and get a good sniff as his hands slide up Michelle Yeoh's breasts.
so he ripped the prestige from something just like everything else he has ever done.
Is it possible to revoke them?
Don't you think that would be a horrible precedent to set?

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Why the fuck would anyone voluntarily move to india? even indians hate living in india. Also japan being anti immigrant is based, I wish the US was like that.
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Don't care didn't read, paste the article.
I am not the OP so no
Projection in full force! The only dementia ridden politician is a diaper wearing orange turd.
I don't like Biden very much either
It's okay, diapers on Biden and Trump is a good thing.

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A 24-year-old Wisconsin elementary school teacher was arrested Wednesday for allegedly “making out” with her fifth-grade student — less than three months before her wedding.
Madison Bergmann’s alleged abuse of the 11-year-old boy came to light when the student’s mother overheard her son talk to the teacher on the phone, CBS News Minnesota reported.
The victim’s parents found alleged texts between the pair and the boy’s father then stormed into River Crest Elementary School with print-outs of the conversations.
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Really struggling to understand how a 24 year old woman saw an 11 year old child, who no doubt showers once a week, plays games 8 hours a day, has come stains on his pants and underwear as well as rock hard cum encrusted tissues all over his bedroom floor, lives of doritos and energy drinks, as attractive and wanted to kiss him. Fucking weirdo.
Did you even get any education at all Cletus?
>has come stains on his pants and underwear as well as rock hard cum encrusted tissues all over his bedroom floor,
> Fucking weirdo.

You really put a lot of effort into describing an 11 yr old child masturbating.

Are you a female?

11 yr olds don't jerk off much if at all, and if you're a male, you just described your bedroom

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May 3, 2024

Britney Spears ‘home and safe’ after paramedics responded to an incident at the Chateau Marmont, source says

Britney Spears is “home and safe” after a “major fight” with her boyfriend on Wednesday night at the Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood, a source close to the singer told CNN.

Paramedics were called to the hotel, but Spears left with her security team, according to the source.

Spears’ representatives did not respond to CNN’s request for comment.

CNN has reached out to the Chateau Marmont and first responders for additional information.

Later on Thursday, Spears posted a text slide to her verified Instagram, in which she wrote that the “news is fake!”

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You should really stop getting news from Microsoft
Op, I'm so glad you found this pic. I remember when it was all over newspapers back in the 90s. Clear and blatant encouragement of paedophile fantasies. Now people want to pretend this kinda shit wasn't completely accepted by them. The west needs to take a look at itself.
How did you get like this?
the east has the lowest ages of consent, and europe has lower consent ages than the US in most cases
This is peak incel posting

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The Side Effects of Covid Vaccines

Let me start with a disclaimer: The subject of today’s newsletter will make some readers uncomfortable. It makes me a little uncomfortable.
The Times has just published an article about Americans who believe they suffered serious side effects from a Covid vaccine. More than 13,000 of them have filed vaccine-injury claims with the federal government.
My colleague Apoorva Mandavilli tells some of their stories in the article, including those of several people who work in medicine and science:
Ilka Warshawsky, a 58-year-old pathologist, said she lost all hearing in her right ear shortly after receiving a Covid booster shot.
Dr. Gregory Poland, 68 — no less than the editor in chief of Vaccine, a scientific journal — said that a loud whooshing sound in his ears had accompanied every moment since his first Covid shot.
Shaun Barcavage, 54, a nurse practitioner in New York City, has experienced a ringing sound in his ears, a racing heart and pain in his eyes, mouth and genitals for more than three years. “I can’t get the government to help me,” Barcavage said. “I am told I’m not real.”
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It was posted ironically, as you can see.
Seriously. It's ironic Fredo, a vax propagandist, is now vax injured.
Ironic as fuck.
>My body my choice?
Lol... fuckin lefty hippies. Never figured out why that isnt the case for abortion too... :)
>vax saved my fat diabetic asthmatic senior's ass when i got the covfefe.
>no side effects from the vax or covid, even after 5th jab

many such cases
>unironically posts thegatewaypundit

I thought they had a stake through th heart?

Fredo, a vax propagandist, is now vax injured.

Fredo always was a grifter.
Scratch any of these MSM pundits, and the grift shines through.

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Go back to bitchute and stay there forever

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Add another name to the tall tall mountain of corrupt democrats
US Rep Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) indicted by FBI for corruption, money laundering.
Caught accepting $600k in bribes from Azerbaijani and Mexican businesses.

Democrats continue to vote for corruption every single day of the week.

Similar to hunter Biden, he "influenced members of the executive branch to work around an anti-money laundering policy" that threatened the people paying him bribes
Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar indicted on charges of bribery, money laundering
Cuellar said he and his wife, Imelda, are innocent, and that he is still seeking reelection this November

WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, a powerful South Texas Democrat, was indicted with his wife Imelda on Friday on charges of accepting almost $600,000 in bribes from Azerbaijan and a Mexican bank.

Cuellar allegedly accepted the payments from Azerbaijan’s state-run oil and gas company after they had been laundered through fake consulting contracts to shell companies owned by Imelda Cuellar, according to the indictment. In exchange, the Laredo congressman allegedly pushed U.S. policy in favor of Azerbaijan, an oil-rich former Soviet country that borders Iran and Russia on the Caspian sea. That includes adding language to defense spending legislation to prioritize ties to countries in the region, including with Azerbaijan, and working to kill legislation prioritized by members who supported Armenian interests.

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>Why are democrats always so corrupt
Genetics, probably
Who is the intended audience for this grand performance?
Azerbaijan the country that is trying to destroy t he oldest Christian nation and people in the world. Why the fuck would you want anything to do with them. I don't understand why Armenia doesn't get a bunch of support but muslims countries do. Heck, israel sells weapons to Azerbaijan just to show how much they hate Christians
Have you given up trying to convince everyone he's a Republican politician?
>Why the fuck would you want anything to do with them.
Bruh he's a democrat just tryna get a bribe he don't care who tf gives it to him

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Meanwhile, meth addled street shitting hobos are not only allowed to fuck up California, the state gives them welfare to continue doing so.

May 3, 2024

Fresh chaos, arrests on US college campuses as police flatten camp at UCLA

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -Police forcibly removed scores of defiant pro-Palestinian protesters at several colleges on Thursday, including taking down an encampment at UCLA in a jarring scene that underscored the heightened chaos that has erupted at universities this week.

In the pre-dawn hours, helmeted police swarmed a tent city set up at the University of California in Los Angeles, using flash bangs and riot gear to push through lines of protesters who linked arms in a futile attempt to halt their advance.

Los Angeles police said on social media that 210 people were arrested at UCLA, and hundreds of arrests were made at other universities overnight and on Thursday.

"I'm a student here," one UCLA protester told cameras as he was led away, his hands bound. "Please don't fail us. Don't fail us."

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one worthless jogger OD's and the cops kneel while they burn loot and murder during their gay summer of love

say one word about sniveling cowardly jews holocausting palestinians in an open air prison and you get the boot on your neck
Why are you on 4chan espousing far right views, yet trying to sound trendy and urban
Mission: Prevent Antisemitism by Banning the Bible (Impossible)
They always say shit like, "don't fail us, we're fighting for our future," etc etc. Then they break into buildings, smash shit, fight police and cause trouble. They ask for help while they shit on everything around them. Parenting clearly has failed and people have raised disgustingly petulant little shit heads.
Why would you ask for help from the fascist jews who are stomping you already? Fuck them and fuck you zionist faggots who want to control the world.


WASHINGTON − Former President Donald Trump will spend part of his weekend hosting the latest episode of "The Apprentice," but this time it's the vice presidential edition.

At least six contenders for the former president's running mate – Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.; Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio; Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.; Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y.; South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem; and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum – will attend a Republican donor retreat Friday and Saturday in Palm Beach, Florida, in what looks like a series of auditions.

"This is a wonderful opportunity for Republican leaders and supporters to come together," says the invitation to the event, which also will include panel discussions featuring campaign officials and Republican lawmakers that are closed to the media.
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I didn't make you come to the mainstream media board, Anon, that was (You)
Do you make shit up in your head often?
No one made you comment either faggot
If you don't like news don't come to /news/. Simple as.
Is Ben Carson there?
>Is Ben Carson there?
Ben carson isn't anywhere sister.
he's left the Bodhi sattva and joined the Buddhahood

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Alan Wake 2 hasn't turned a profit 6 months in because no one wants to play as a black woman
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because reddit spacing shows that you are a shill, samefag tranny. its like IDing nazis because they can't say thunder
>Honestly, the game look and feels great
100% looks like shit because you play as a black woman and sweet baby inc worked on it
everyone is bored with your forced buzzword memes
not everyone, just you, fag boi
go back
naah he's right, you need new memes

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Former president of England Boris Johnson was turned away from voting because he forgot his photo ID. England, like the rest of the first world, has common sense voter ID laws that make it too difficult for blacks and illegal aliens to vote because democrat say black people and illegal aliens don't know how to drive a car or go to the DMV and get an ID
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>The Sixth Party System is characterized by an electoral shift from the electoral coalitions of the Fifth Party System during the New Deal. The Republican Party became the dominant party in the South, rural areas, and suburbs
there, i did some research for you. you get no more freebies
The Southern Strategy didn't start until the 60s, dumbass. However you had Strom Thurmond leave the Democrat party to found the States Rights party in 1948, over the issue of civil rights for blacks, and then he became a Republicans afterward.
>democrats lost the civil war
Arguable. While the people that lost the Civil War were Democrats, the Democratic Party managed to offload the conservative dipshittery responsible for the Civil War onto the Republican Party as a direct consequence of the downstream effects of the Civil War. I'd call that a win, even though I'd have preferred all the shitwads propagating that shit hung in the first place.

Maybe if you ever actually get the second Civil War you want, next time you'll be hung.

Seriously, people like you are such a waste of carbon
>muh states' rights
>muh unfair elections
Biden is your president and you'll never have political power again.
DemonKKK-rats btfo
Don't say ever again. Only niggers think history doesn't repeat itself.

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