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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

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>in a beautiful foreign country sharing beautiful moments with the locals and my friends
>60 years ago my grandfather and his friends were hunting down these same people who were also viciously trying to murder him
>all because something something muh government said these people are le bad
Is this what awakening looks like? is this why the elites want to make travelling difficult for us plebs?
post the countries?
>why the elites want to make traveling difficult
Because they don't want you to know that real culture still exists and thrives. They want you to think it's only accessible through books or historical records and that it has died off. They want you to believe that the only culture is consumer culture and that all that is meaningful in our lives is consumerism. Why do you think the USA is basically the fucking same wherever you go? Why do you think they play up resort vacations in Mexico and all you can eat cruises rather than real travel?
he's talking about vietnam I'm guessing
Yea that was my thought also

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Ignore the security guard edition. Let's get back to discussing your Philippine travel related inquiries and opinions here.
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Guys who have real money don’t brag about it. Bragging about wealth is always a behavior of the poor. I know this as someone who has real, generational wealth, good education, and superior breeding.
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>A couple of old boomer friends told me that i'm to young for whoring around ph
The fuck. Can someone elaborate? I just want to travel the country and have some fun some nights
They don't want the competition. Most boomers are jealous of young men going to the phils. They wish they would've done the same thing, or when they did they didn't have the means to truly explore as they were in the military and heavily restricted. No matter what boomers say or pinays doing street interviews say, huge age gap relationships are weird. It's all about the financial security the old men can give the young girls, not love.
aight lol
>The fuck. Can someone elaborate? I just want to travel the country and have some fun some nights
Pinays are these guy's literal last stand at getting pussy. only the middle age chads in maybe 40s can be happy and content with you around, because they're still getting decent play.

You think boomers are in philippines because they are normal, funloving, cheerful, "family oriented" dudes? lol no.
they're generally crusty, divorced, low value, sex addicted, etc. not great company to keep. idk why you befriend any of these guys unless they heavily proved themselves.

There's a reason all of the boomer hubs like cebu/dumaguete "pull" their chicks from mostly outside of those cities. the city girls are either content alone/with a local/or have actual 20-something to 30-something passport with online careers (way better than social security lol) bros they can get with and even have a family with.

>They don't want the competition
simple as that. this anon gets it. you're in between an addict and his supply. pretenses of friendship drop quickly if you mess with an addict's fix.

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If they lived fulfilling lives and got pussy when they were younger they would be applauding you, but since they’re usually fucking losers who got married and then divorced, they never got to be coomers when they were younger.

Seeing a young kid do what they had to wait their entire lives to do, not without the emotional and financial loss of divorce, makes them seethe.

When I’m a boomer I’ll applaud any young coomer I see. By that time I’m pretty confident my body count will be in the several thousands

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Am I the only guy who likes to travel abroad and try local McDonald's stuff? Pic related, Banana Pie in Brazil
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America in general is poisonous. Every aspect of culture and life is poisonous. It poisons the mind, body, and soul. America is such a sad place.
How is this legal?
Republicans being sponsored
Do you know what the "x, x, but in different country" joke means?
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Nikko Bridge edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR is going to adjust the prices for the pass soon, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.

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Why would I say welcome as a tourist? That's what they may do.
I suppose so but you are a faggot anyway for using this gay little guide, japanese isn't going away any time soon considering how dogged they are about not using english when possible.
For the same retarded reason you think "chairman" would be useful.
The cheat code to working in Japan is to work for DoD (if you're American) over there. You pretty much get all the benefits of being in Japan but none of the insane work culture or shit pay.

Heads up, though, the new director at DHA turbo fucked all the civilians out of healthcare on base by reinterpreting a rule, and left everyone to scramble though the Japanese healthcare system.
Lol OK whatever dude. It was just something I got off lonely planet or roughs guide pdf from pdfdrive I screenshotted. Lol. Been able to get everything I need so far.

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Planning on trying to visit Egypt in late May to early June. I know I need a visa and my passport is up to date, but is there anything else I should be aware of or reserve before going? Or is the situation in the bordering countries too intense? No itinerary yet either. I appreciate any help.
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Do need to pre-apply for a visa using the governments online site or do I just get it when I arrive in Egypt? I’m American, is there a chance I get denied?
Americans and most people eligible for eVisa can do both.
>Private tour was fantastic
>Advises people to gtfo the city asap
I recall purchasing a visa on arrival, though you can likely apply for a visa in advance, too.

>I’m American, is there a chance I get denied?
You can be issued a visa and denied entry upon arrival. In either case, you'd likely have to raise several red flags to have this happen.
Any alcohol I should avoid or look out for?

What are the "types" of people you always see traveling?
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Damn bro, you didn't have to call me out like that.
>the fresh n fit black passport bro trying to run game on local woman, who are trying to politely extract themselves from his presence and not lose face in the process
Dont worry bro, I called myself out too. Stopped drinking since begining of 2023 and it is the only worthwhile choice I have made in last several years.
>people talking loudly near me is audible rape
>taking all your women
the whores and trannies, kek

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Any particular hikes or tours? I will be in the area a little over 24 hours in mid June.
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Was one of the few travel destinations where it was bigger than I expected
But what if you fall
youll bounce right back
Like chuumbawumba said?
exactly like that. chumbawumba is actually an onomatopoeia of the sound a body makes when it hits rock from a great height.

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How do we fix international traintravel? It never seems to be cheaper or more convenient than flights, using a car or busses.
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> The fastest train in operation is the Japanese MLX01 Maglev, with a record speed of 581 kilometers per hour.

Current car journy Dublin - Kharkiv is 3500km. We should aim for cross-continental travel in 7 hours absolutely maximum.
Put Europe in the centre stage again for being at the forefront of rail and actually innovating. Fucking angers me how we don't build anything.
I'm not a huge fan of the EU, but if they actually started acting like a colonial empire and doing grand projects as opposed to building arts centres and translating things into 100 different languages, I might actually be open to respecting the union a bit more.
If I wanted to use public transit, why would I want to use a train instead of an airplane?
Trains are best for short and medium distance travel. Over around 500-700km planes overtake them in price efficiency etc and it becomes a non-contest
This isn't something you can really fix without just building faster and more efficient trains
Italy is probably one of the best countries for domestic train travel as you can get anywhere super quick. You can get from Milan to Naples in 4:30hrs for about £50 with almost no interruptions - just public transport to the city centre. Compare to at least 2-3 hours of work when flying and you'd have to be a fool to take the plane.
However something like Milan to Warsaw - the amount of changes and time it takes and cost make it prohibitive to take the train. You can make faster trains and more tracks and decrease prices but the plane will always have its day.

You would have to build lots of new track for any high-speed train because they can't really take curves, it has to be fully straight
Also maglev would be ridiculously expensive
Also you would have to deal with all the gay legislation countries have written to protect their nationalised railway companies
The ideal situation traveling long distance by rail would be :
>go to the station
>walk straight on the train
>have dinner in restaurant cart
>sleep in a bed
>wake up in your destination
>walk out into new city

Air travel will never be able to rival this potential experience, there's too many 'parts' which break up the flow.
It will rival it in price because sleepers are very expensive. You're taking up the space that could be used by like 10 seats and using a bed plus all the amenities that come with that.

Also if they become terrorist targets (as they would if rich people travelled on them) trains are only a few months away from needing security checks for every passenger. In China you already have to have a baggage x-ray and body scan on long distance and expensive trains, I forsee this becoming a thing not long after commercial high speed rail becomes the mode of choice

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Booked a week long trip to PDC at an all inclusive for mid May. Anything to know about the area? Im a 23M who passes for Latino and went a few times with senpai but this is my first time solo
You could have gone anywhere but chose a fucking resort. Cmon man. Anyway have a fun time anon

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I'm planning a trip to China this summer. Is it possible to book one of these caves on Airbnb? I'm from a European country and prefer traveling to impoverished communities so I can appreciate the smaller things in life to a greater extent
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>Cave Power
as it should be
does bookings work there?
alternatively referred to as my bedroom when nobody is home

Do you let others or things annoy you when travelling?
Or do you just ignore it.

If not, post examples

1. Americans asking questions in a museum (it will be a moronically stupid child level question of ignorance).
2. French/Dutch accent is heard nearby
3. Queue skipping
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I've noticed that most places outside of America just hate money. America tries to maximize customer retention and know a business thriving is based on repeat customers but other countries will treat their customers like shit.
aren't you overdue for another booster shot?
as a west coaster, west coasters from canada or the US annoy me so fucking much, I hate their little quips and jokes and sarcasm that is never funny, just fucking talk like a normal person.
saw some german guy pull out a phone to google translate in the tokyo national museum in a very strict no photos room and after being told to put it away by the lady he loudly said "NO I AM NOT TAKING A PHOTO I AM GERMAN I AM TRANSLATING FOR MY NATIVE LANGUAGE, EET IS TRANSLATION"
most places in america you get to businesses by car and form no connection to the area and traffic is really low, so they have to try really hard to be appealing with insane shenanigans or 50 flavors of bagels, in asia there are thousands of people passing by each day and the shop only has to have decent food and prices.

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Where have the nicest and rudest people you've met in your travels been? I'll start
>Dallas fort Worth
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Not true at all if they think they can convert you.
I am happy to see my german colony holding the flag
out-of-the-way parts of Turkey
black inner cities in the US
southern Ontario

SoCal had some of the angriest people I've ever encountered.
Parts of Pennsylvania and much of Southeastern Michigan are very close runners up.
Nicest (As in genuinely nice) were rural South, and rural Texas, New Mexico and parts of Arizona. (Seemed the closer I got to California, the more plain angry people I met).
>Idaho (pretty much any place with working lower middle class)


People in LA get off on how mean they can be, its almost like hidden competition.

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What to do in Indonesia?
Where would you go and what would you do if you were there for a few weeks?
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dont rush it dude, you are not your father. you can still make kids in your 50s
How much cash should I have on my person and with my bag to deal with potentially lack of ATM access?
anyone been to Sulawesi (Celebes)? it's such a large and cool looking island but I've never heard anything about it
>Maluku or the Banda Sea
that part of the country has always intrigued me, tell me about your time there
this is great bait because for a nanosecond I genuinely wanted to kill you

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I have travelled a bit here and there and experienced some really cool stuff. But now I want to do something really special and exciting. Something I will talk about until I die, remembering the experience, but I have no idea what could give me that feel. I want something unique that most people will never dare to experience. Not something like swimming with sharks, go parachuting, bungie jumping or other stuff like that.

Any ideas?

Pic related it's forsen
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>But now I want to do something really special and exciting. Something I will talk about until I die, remembering the experience
get a good job doing something you are passionate about
meet a partner
have a loving relationship
set up home together
have children
bring them up to be creative individuals, nurture their talents, set them on a good path to live their own lives
grow old together
die knowing you have lived a good life

there ya go anon hope that helps

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