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Felix Kjellberg (Pewdiepie) lives in Japan with his Italian wife and their infant mixed race (Nordic/Mediterranean) infant son, Bjorn. However, he’s made a terrible mistake.

Japan is a unique culture. It is a racially homogenous ethnostate. Anyone who is not racially Japanese is considered a foreigner, and can NEVER be truly accepted. You see where I’m going here?

Despite being BORN IN JAPAN, the kid will always be viewed as an outsider. Even though he was born there, he will never be accepted, because he is not racially Japanese.
Imagine being a foreigner in your own country. What will be the psychological effects on the kid, as he realises that he will always be a Gaijan, even in the country where he was born and grows up in.
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>Despite being BORN IN JAPAN, the kid will always be viewed as an outsider. Even though he was born there, he will never be accepted, because he is not racially Japanese. Imagine being a foreigner in your own country.
This is a pretty big misconception about Japan. The longer you live there the more you're expected to assimilate with the country.
Just being an N1 and getting a bachelor's from a japanese university gets you over half way to permanent residency.
That's not related to living in Japan retard
imagine being bjorn (lol) a white chad in japan. You'd be a huge hit with the cute japanese girls
Nordics and mediterranean are 2 different White subraces you mongoloids.Its not race mixing
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>he thinks whiteness is based on looks
This is why I keep the map.

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Thinking of going to Tijuana next month.
Thinking of going to mcdonalds next week.

Tijuana is literally a mexican slum. You have bad taste anon. If you are going to visit that violent shithole where you cant trust anyone, go south and visit some of the best pyramids in the world.
Thinking of buying a Tijuana bible next month.

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Women: OMG!! This is sexual harassment!!!


Why are they like this?
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I was seated next to a fat woman named Jany on my flight. She ate cheetos and smelled terrible. Now that I think about it, she had a beard and cankles. Once the flight took off, I wrapped my belt around her neck until she no longer breathed. Stupid Jany.
That's what he gets for not being an 8/10, fat fuck
Missing the "what to do in this tiny country that I or no one else on Earth ever visits"
This but unironically

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I finally got bitten by those mfs at the hostel, and it was a nightmare. Thankfully, I received a full refund, and they closed the room with four beds, don't know how long they will though. Have you ever had a bed bug experience?
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I was sleeping on a forchun bed and a fat bitch named Jany, who looked like a fat disgusting human bed bug and who spent too much time on tranime boards tried to get in my bed. I took out my boots and stepped on Janys face repeatedly until stupid Jany died for being a dumb censoring cunt.
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Yes for the first time in my life encountered these dumb fuckers. A few days of getting bit all over, it's dead and gone now but the bites still haven't fully healed. This is a couple weeks later. When you stay in some cheap old building in a small balkan town you should expect this shit.
What is it? A spider?
First solo international trip was to Paris. Woke up with my body covered and there being literally hundreds of them on the bed. Unfortunately I'm not exaggerating. It looked like a fucking ant swarm covering the bed. I'd always assumed these little fuckers were flea sized, but they're nearly as big as ladybugs. The nightmares lasted a few years afterwards and still I'll wake up a couple times a year and inspect every corner of my bed with a flashlight because I dreamed something bit me.
You're more likely to get bed bugs at the airport than you are at a hotel surprisingly.

Most people get bit by mites or flea's rather than bedbugs

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i saved up 20 thousand to blow on my vacations. should i go to dubai or paris?
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I went clubbing there in the summer. I would get out of the club at like 2am and the sun was already coming out. Made me feel like absolute shit.
Are you going alone? You should invite a /trv/anon to be your wingman/ drinking buddy/ backup and pay my way, that would make it way more fun
go to paris, stay in a cheap flea infested hostel and drink beer in public, you can do it on the cheap
For 20k you could buy some taste and still have some left over to visit somewhere that's not a shithole
You're retarded for wanting to go to either. so who cares.

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I've grown up in the DMV my entire life and I am now starting to make some decent money and consider moving. I genuinely hate living in this area, DC has a good metro system but the traffic in this area genuinely depresses me, I hate the culture here and the only reason I've I would even consider staying here is the Dulles Airport.

So I've been considering moving to Tempe, AZ since that area has really interesting nature and has everything else that I already use at home. If I'm being honest I've been afraid of committing to moving since I'd be completely alone across the country even though I think I'd have a better life. I'm also considering moving to Nashville and Denver.

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Well, Los Angeles has some natural features to it that can make living in that area worthwhile no matter what but for the most part, the reason you’d try to go to New York or Los Angeles is to make it. You’re not supposed to go there and rest on your laurels. You’re supposed to go there to make more money and in the process be able to afford to live there. Still, if you like New York but dislike the cost of living, check out Chicago. It’s a lot like New York but much cheaper and cleaner too. Philadelphia and Boston are also a lot like New York in many ways but Philadelphia is a lot dirtier and has more crime while Boston is a lot more expensive. I personally like Pittsburgh and Seattle. Obviously, Miami and Las Vegas can be fun but can also leave a bad taste in your mouth. The whole mountain West can be fun but you need either money or a ski bum sort of lifestyle. I dont see any reason to go to Arizona to be honest with you. Arizona and New Mexico are where Californians and Mexicans flee too, except Santa Fe. Santa Fe is kinda cool.

I think your problem here is you’re looking for a place to go but you’re not looking to do anything in particular to do, and so you have no particular reason to go anywhere in particular.
we are full. stay in your faggy troon state.
I've lived in Arizona for most of my life and I hate East coast dweebs. We're full.

Phoenix is an endless fractal suburban hellscape with very limited containment areas that are nice. You can't afford to live in the nicest areas anyway. You can't cope with the heat. Our politics suck but you'll make it worse. You'll think the culture sucks, but it's because everyone can tell you're an outsider. Arizona is full of people who moved here trying to escape the ruins of their past life, who thought that AZ was the intersection of cheap and exotic. Most of them end up as annoying losers, because that's what they started as and AZ isn't going to magically change you. Eastoids can't change.
There is nowhere nice to live anymore. And the best places to live won’t let you in. Also, you are American so you are barely a tier higher than a Chinese tourist to a true first-worlder

Los Angeles has some of thee worst "latinos" on the planet. Just dealing with those beaners is enough for me to reject living there.

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World maps are fun but I like how USA/Canada look together so let's do a map of these places.
>All that flyover and poojet locations

Good morning sirs!
Dakotas are comfy as fuck. South Dakota is a great state for out door stuff, even Nebraska has comfy badlands to camp in. Same with ND. But yea I gotta explore more of the plains and south. I also gotta get out to BC and Alberta for camping. And maritime Canada is big on my bucket list.

>CTRL+ F: africa
>zero results

just a few years ago it seemed like africa was becoming cool but that seems to have dissipated. what is the reason for this? the resurgence of jihadism? the chronic eternal poverty? the threat of war doesn't seem to deter you guys from wanting to visit taiwan or SEA. so what happened to africa? i'm planning a world tour and wondering if I should just skip africa altogether.
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bump for this question, i also wanna know
Sub-saharan Africa has few rewards for travellers. The tourist infrastructure is absolutely horrible, designed to rip off rich middle-aged Americans on their first safari, not cater to naive backpackers. There are few historical sights. Large cities are congested crime-ridden shitholes. Public transport is non-existent or extremely unsafe. Nightlife is poor. Nature is nice, but there are no marked trails and wildlife and criminals pose a serious threat. The food is bland and will give you the trots. The people are stupid, unfriendly and live in abject poverty, and because of that see you as a walking money bag.

Generally speaking of course. The continent is 3x the size of Europe, and it's not like literally every inch of it is shit. But in the end, you go to places like Madagascar just to say you've been to Madagascar. Everything Africa has to offer, can be found cheaper, safer and in better quality elsewhere.
if you wanna see what the problem is, look up coastal resort pricing in places like kenya and tanzania

nobody is going to pay 2x as much as thailand for that
If nothing else, the people in Africa are 900% cooler and kinder than you find among other tropical shitholes. I don't disagree with any of your points in particular, and yet I enjoy visiting Africa very much and I return there often. I think what you are lacking is an appreciation of what Africa is by itself. Instead you ask only what it can offer you, and how it compares to other places.
>ask only what it can offer you, and how it compares to other places.
yeah...because my time is valuable, my resources limited, and safety paramount. is africa on the list? sure but its at the fucking bottom. maybe after i've exhausted all of asia, europe, latin america, and antartica it'll be worth my time.

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I have travelled a bit here and there and experienced some really cool stuff. But now I want to do something really special and exciting. Something I will talk about until I die, remembering the experience, but I have no idea what could give me that feel. I want something unique that most people will never dare to experience. Not something like swimming with sharks, go parachuting, bungie jumping or other stuff like that.

Any ideas?

Pic related it's forsen
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>But now I want to do something really special and exciting. Something I will talk about until I die, remembering the experience
get a good job doing something you are passionate about
meet a partner
have a loving relationship
set up home together
have children
bring them up to be creative individuals, nurture their talents, set them on a good path to live their own lives
grow old together
die knowing you have lived a good life

there ya go anon hope that helps
Visit Afghanistan and be bros with the Taliban like lord miles
Fly to Romania, hike or hitch a ride through Moldavia to Odesa
ride a motorbike from europe to asia or vice versa
bonus: don't avoid war torn countries

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Going to Detroit, Michigan for a weekend next month. What's good?
I come from Florida.
I like cars/motorsports so I will try to hit up car museums. I like museums in general, anime stuff and outdoors stuff as well. Gonna be with a first timer from Europe so if there's any good typical american food joints to check out that's welcome. Gonna rent a car probably so getting around isn't a hassle.
Also, where do I avoid to prevent getting shot? Thanks.
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Just don’t leave the downtown area. It’s gentrified and safe so long as you don’t venture out of it. There are plenty of things to do there in walking distance or you can take a scooter around. Hit up Buddy’s pizza. The original is on Conant street which is now a sketch area but they have a downtown location too. It’s the GOAT of pizza. Go to a Tigers game even though they suck. Hit up the DIA if you want but you should really drive to nearby Dearborn to see the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village. There are some casinos. It’s easy get to Canada but there is nothing really of note there. The best amusement park in the world is two hours south and east in Sandusky Ohio.
I went to Detroit last year and it was kino.
>inb4 I heard six gorillion people get shot every year there!
Are you a nigger living on 8 mile? There is literally zero reason to leave downtown Detroit, which is totally safe, as a tourist.
If you like museums Detroit has a few good ones.
The Ford museum and the associated village are pretty cool. The museum is car centric but also focuses heavily on turn of the century tech/mechanics.
The Detroit Institute of the Arts is probably the second best art museum I have been to and I have been to all of the big European ones. It can take more than a day and it has one of the best collections in North America.
If you like music you can also tour Motown Records, ok tour good way to blow some time.
Other than that, downtown is cleaned up but since covid dead like most big cities.
Stay out in Royal Oak for nightlife.
I'm also going to Michigan in July and going to be staying in Detroit for a couple of days. Bumping this thread
I was actually going to rent a car and drive to Windsor, Canada. Anything there to see for a daytrip?
Detroit anon here.
Michigan's not so bad if you get a car.
Royal Oak IS nice at the evening, what are your smoking?
Downtown Detroit has excellent restaurants.
Campus Martius is nice during the day and early evening. Avoid eye contact with the niggers and don't invite problems. Don't get drunk on the streets. The niggers are not as bad as Chicago where they are less predictable, but they are still rabid.
Some of the churches are absolutely beautiful in Detroit (Sweetest Heart of Mary, St. Joseph's, Old St. Mary's, St. Anne's.
Riverwalk is alright.
Get a car and drive to the west coast of the state. See Grand Haven. Check out the Sand Dunes. Swim in Lake Michigan.
You can also drive to the roller coaster capital of the world, Cedar Point (in Sandusky, OH).
you can do a few day trip to Niagara Falls and Toronto.
You can drive to the northern part of the lower peninsula to Mackinac or Traverse City, or go to the UP.
Birmingham has nice expensive but nice restaurants (get a cigar and a drink and a steak from Churchills).
Lake St. Clair is nice off of St. Clair Shores.
This is all I have for now. Fuck the haters.

I plan to go back to Thailand next month for my fourth time but I’d like to buy a one way ticket into either Cambodia or the Philippines first for a week before Thailand. Which country would you choose? I like the girls of the Philippines and I’d like to chill somewhere with a beach but the grittiness and sleaziness of Cambodia definitely attracts me as well.
>fourth time
>like the girls of the Philippines
It sounds like you are really looking for some Christian fellowship and perhaps gathering with some sisters in the Lord for some bible study. Personally I would choose Cambodia, if you want beaches yo can always go down to Sihanoukville but I would stay around Phnom Penn where there are a lot of church ladies looking for a position as a missionary.
>either Cambodia or the Philippines
I wouldn't make this assumption about you if you posted about wanting to visit just one of these countries, but the fact that you're bringing up both of them at once sets of major child sex tourist alarms. I don't know anything about that and I wouldn't help you if I did you degenerate faggot.

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What US cities should I visit, and what should I do in each?
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Portland, ME
Burlington, VT
Manchester, Portsmouth, NH
Boston, Salem, Cambridge MA
Providence, RI
Hartford, New Haven, CT

This is the real United States. Don't bother with the rest.
New Orleans is the most soulful city in the US. I go at least once a year. Great food, legal street drinking, live music, gambling, festivals, history, river cruises and the bayou
Euroids can't handle open expansive nature, it short circuits their brains. They need the concrete comfort of the city
Don't skip Washington D.C., it's honestly pretty great. Expensive and obviously home of the glowie, but the buildings are wonderful for an American city and the nightlife is really worth checking out. There's some good food to be had too, although everything is desperately overpriced like most of the American cities that are actually worth spending time in which are quite few. Like other anons suggested here, the nature is really where it's at and you should try to avoid spending too much time in cities, particularly outside the east coast, unless you have money to rent a car in order to get even basic shit done.
If you're rich, I'd say go to LA because you'll probably have fun. If you don't have money, just avoid it because you won't really be able to enjoy anything except the weather. LA is honestly the shittiest city I've ever visited and I've been to Phnom Penh. Garbage everywhere, garbage human beings, ridiculously expensive and for what? So you can LARP as someone important while hurdling over bums to get to some shitty, overpriced club?
I moved to Ridgeland, MS from Kansas City, MO when i contracted for Cspire for a year.
this made me kek
the locals call the city “Jafrica” for good reason.

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I'm in a hostel right now. I'll be traveling until the 6th. my mom just called me to tell me that my grandma had died.
no fucking clue why she thought I needed to know right now.
fucking silently crying like a bitch in my little cubbie hole.
how am I supposed to enjoy shit tomorrow?
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Literally this, I'm turbo autistic and it was really hard for me to comfort my mom when that happened. I still regret not doing it, so OP don't be a faggot and take care of your mom, it's not about you, it's about her, I bet you would feel like shit if she passed away and you had no one to comfort you
People call others because it's an important event. Knowing the date someone died makes them feel the closest they will ever been from then on.

They think it's necessary to make a prayer, or they want to be comforted. It's of course not easy, and I couldn't imagine what it's like to be far from a loved one when that happens. I guess I sorta know, my dad died in the hospital during the pandemic and the fuckers never let us have access to him, even when I needed to bring him some medicine they omitted.

You can only become accustomed to that with time.
I am not human so it wouldn't affect me much, if one of my parents died it would ruin me though
same. when my grandma died I didn't really talk to my dad about it at all and he said that really hurt him. it just didn't effect me to much and i didn't really want to talk about it anyways. but he definitely cared that his mom died.
I create another utter shit attention whore thread on /trv/ as usual.

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I have my first flight in my life soon and I am very afraid there will be some kind of problem.
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>doesnt know what a tailstrike is
pilots are responsible for the majority if airframe failures.
It's absolutely Boeing and blaming minorities instead of the venture capitalists who cut costs against the recommendation of the engineers is exactly what's wrong with this country.
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lol you are either a liar or uninformed. the two whistleblowers both disclosed this was 100% a DEI issue. The contractors were forced to hire lazy and incompetent employees, and then were unable to reprimand or fire them, due to DEI initiatives. and people have died. but that doesnt fucking matter because George Floyd is a civil rights icon against police veutality instead of a drug addict who had a fentanyl fueled cardiac arrest (the truth)
they cut costs by filling positions with cheap diversity hires instead of expensive qualified people

then they murdered everyone who spoke out...zero consequences for that btw

same reason Elon refuses to hire them at SpaceX. they are barely welcome at Tesla. but DEI is absolutely no-go at mission critical SpaceX.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with settling down in a cheap hotel, ordering grab/foodpanda (mostly Western), and occasionally venturing out to eat local meals.

>b-but that's not authentic travel!
tough shit. Good food, women, and entertainment is all you need.
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>Any questions?
Don’t you get bored? Do you suffer from anhedonia?
>Any questions?
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what a faggot. dont you want to experience the thrill of weaving through traffic on a 125cc scooter in the hot, filthy air of Manila or Bangkok?
You do you ig. No one cares either way.
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Thanks Dylan

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