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I finally got bitten by those mfs at the hostel, and it was a nightmare. Thankfully, I received a full refund, and they closed the room with four beds, don't know how long they will though. Have you ever had a bed bug experience?
Thought I brought these back to my apartment but was just breaking out because I sucked a prostitutes tits
I'm not a poorfag that sleeps in hostels.
I've neverr encountered them, but I understand with your luggage in the belly of any plane, that you can get them just from your trip ordeal. There exist in Disney resorts and 5 star restaurants

But hostel, no way. I travel where security exists. My peace of mind is having enough of a profit margin that they have adequate employees, hotel drivers and those kinds of perks. If you're a broke dude, whatever though.
I got them at my old apartment but I just tanked it until I built up an immunity to the hystamine response. So I still see bites all the time but they don't bother me at all.

I dated somebody overseas whose house was infested with bed bugs. She'd gotten them from a cousin, but never realized they were there--neither her nor anyone in her family have any physical reaction to bed bug bites. Unfortunately, she ended up bringing them to my Airbnb, and they very quickly started to reproduce.

Absolute nightmare. Can't speak for you, but when I get bitten, it usually takes several days for the bites to show up. They're insanely itchy, and they stay that way for at least 1-2 weeks afterward. I remember trying different creams and gels, but none of them provided much relief. I started getting paranoid every time I slept and felt a fucking hair twitch.

Fucking hate those things.
>neither her nor anyone in her family have any physical reaction to bed bug bites.

I wonder what percentage of people are like your cousin. I was the first one to get bitten but there were at least 5 nests there after all. there was the stain in new sheets i didn't even use as well but apparently they hadn't even got the complaint before me
I stayed at a hotel in Denver once for work and woke up at 130am with horrible itching all over my body. Combed through the sheets looking for bugs. Turns out it was just dry skin + shitty sheets so i slept on top of the comforter
I had them in an Airbnb in Venice. Only there two nights, thought it was mosquitoes the first night. Nope. Horrible itchy pulsating welts that lasted for a week. Every time I felt a breeze at night I was alert in case it was a bedbug. Lasted for months

That place had solid flooring and I’d used the stupid little stand to hold my luggage; to avoid bringing them back I discarded the clothes I’d left near the bed. So there’s a subspecies of bedbugs evolving entirely in that one bed.

My buddy brought them back from a work trip (he’s a seaman). Took him a year to finally get them out of his house
They're really easy to get rid of if you bring them back accidentally. All you need is a plastic mattress cover, a bed with legs, and diatomaceous earth. The plastic cover keeps them from hiding in your bed. They still need a place to hide though so they will crawl away from your bed during the day and then back at night when you're sleeping. You put piles of diatomaceous earth all around the bed legs about 1cm deep. When they come out at night to suck your blood the diatomaceous earth makes tiny cuts in their carapace and all the ones that attacked you that night will bleed to death after going into hiding again. They don't all feed on the same night, and the eggs take a few weeks to hatch, so it isn't an instant fix. But I had a bad infestation that was totally fixed in about 1 month with this simple cheap method. It's much cheaper and easier than getting your whole house fumigated.

They aren't any fun but I don't worry about them anymore.
Bringing them back is my worst fear. It's fucking unreal how this little shit manage to make any trip to an hotel / bnb completely stressful. I try to check the mattress for them
I was sleeping on a forchun bed and a fat bitch named Jany, who looked like a fat disgusting human bed bug and who spent too much time on tranime boards tried to get in my bed. I took out my boots and stepped on Janys face repeatedly until stupid Jany died for being a dumb censoring cunt.
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Yes for the first time in my life encountered these dumb fuckers. A few days of getting bit all over, it's dead and gone now but the bites still haven't fully healed. This is a couple weeks later. When you stay in some cheap old building in a small balkan town you should expect this shit.
What is it? A spider?
First solo international trip was to Paris. Woke up with my body covered and there being literally hundreds of them on the bed. Unfortunately I'm not exaggerating. It looked like a fucking ant swarm covering the bed. I'd always assumed these little fuckers were flea sized, but they're nearly as big as ladybugs. The nightmares lasted a few years afterwards and still I'll wake up a couple times a year and inspect every corner of my bed with a flashlight because I dreamed something bit me.
You're more likely to get bed bugs at the airport than you are at a hotel surprisingly.

Most people get bit by mites or flea's rather than bedbugs
It's exactly like the episode from Suits, season 1. Once you have it, it's basically over for you. Trash every clothes and towels and move out, seal your belongings in plastic bags, and don't open them for 15 months. I understand some anons' methods work but this is the only certain way

avoid hostels or hotels (or airbnbs) that have wooden bunks or furniture. the bugs like to hide there. look at pictures before you book. metal is good, plastic is good. wood and upholstery is not good. the more furniture, the more chances you have of bugs.

keep your luggage and belongings inside a large garbage at all times, sealed and ideally off the floor and away from cabinets and the such.

i've been to dozens of countries including many shitholes and managed to avoid bringing home any bugs by being careful.
Keep your belongings in the bathtub/shower, they hate tiled and non porous surfaces, and bag up your sleeping clothes. When you come home throw your luggage in the dryer for 30 mins and the used clothing in another dryer for 40-60 mins (then wash hot, dry for 60)

DE is the old meta, look up Cimexa on Amazon and use it with a dusting bulb so you're not getting it everywhere. A light dusting is what you need, they avoid heavy dustings. DE kills in 72 hours vs Cimexa (Silica Aerogel Dust) in 24 hours. If you want a insecticide Crossfire is really good too.

And you can get them from planes, common areas at work, public transit, even neighbors if you live in a apartment. The only thing that works other than heat is aprehend treatment (fungal) and that's not as common. Most exterminators are fucking lazy and they pick up insecticide resistance rather quick.

I unironically had this. I thought I somehow picked up scabies since I do a lot of urbex/demo for work. Turns out it was the Downy Scent Boosters my gf was using making me itchy and giving me dermatitis (had lines and stuff on my hands). I did the permetherin lotion anyways with her but once she stopped using the scent boosters it went away.
I've never seen one in my entire life
Same and I've been traveling and living in shitholes for about half my adult life. Maybe I just don't taste good to them.

I've encountered fleas though. Holy shit what a nightmare.

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