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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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previous: >>74196742
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which one of you grabs the forklift to take her to lunch?
Yes, this is true. Unless they're powershitters training and gaining for it specifically, the morbidly obese carry all their weight on their organs and joints and since they're inclined to move less than average people, it leads to atrophy.
>I’ve fucked a few fat chicks before
Why would you admit this even on an anonymous messageboard
Thank you for reminding me to make fun of gross looking people with my kids so they know what not to be when they grow up
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>fat tranny fight

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channel for "watch party"
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Ah maybe ur right, I just heard 'USA!' and then what sounded like boos.
Ah maybe ur right, I just heard 'USA!' and then what sounded like boos.
I was at WSM last year, it was MOOOOSE not boos, can confirm
Agreed, he can definitely set a new record for most WSM wins, what will be really interesting will be whether he can also win the other major comps in volume as well. Re. injuries, he's been pretty healthy his whole career, correct? If that continues, he'll be unstoppable.

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Why is it that you can build bigger biceps but calves are "down to genetics"?
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You gotta blast those fuckers with volume 3x a week.
100%. I got genetically fucked with short bicep insertions, I can fit 4 fingers between my bicep and inner elbow when held at a 90 degree angle.

that's bad. I've grown my biceps a lot but it's only obvious when my arm is bent. Otherwise I look DYEL when they're straight. No amount of natty work will ever fix that.

Just gotta accept and compensate.
It's called a "royal flush" and it's the best hand in poker.
>fat chick under chad's hand
Why do fat bitches always cope like this? Do they reaally think this will make them desirable? Do they have to be stupid AND ugly?

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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74192805
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>this shit is affecting my recovery
makes you make less collagen. no that's not just for looks, it's the most common protein in your body
Did a little cheeky PR double today. Tried 355 after this and got closer than I expected. Another guy took that vid and I'm still waiting on him to send it.
Will the justin vs smiggy mma fight ever happen?
justin has superior speed

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Hope edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For tubs of lard who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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I hate my brain. Its been marinating in fastfood oils and other horrible US diet crap for 20+ years.
unicorn overlord
What happened anon?
There is no way I can eat 5000cal in one sitting. I get full at max 1500cal meals. To be honest I do avoid fried fast food and pizza etc. But for example I ate homemade tacos today.
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Holy shit

I have that game already

Post things normies think are /fit/
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I ate a protein bar today. Oreo white chcolate flavour, 20g protein. I didn't work out but I walked 10 miles. Usually I only eat them on days I go gym, but I couldn't resist today.
I'll tackle the elephant in the room: rice. Normies think it's low cal. More specifically rice cakes but rice in general is easy to overheat and it packs a caloric punch most people don't know about.
Sorry, I'm eepy
Large servings of vegetables
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This nigga has 200 calories and is not filling at all. It's the equivalent of drinking calories. I've heard normies call it "good fat" so the calories don't count then.

What the fuck is a good fat?

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What's his routine?
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dead hangs for monkey maxxing
Rubbing hands together until failure
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He's a hero
>ole miss
Probably Doctor or Lawyer classes x F

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Post brvtal moggings
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it's kind of a win-win there
no best choice
Dumb fuck, you're confusing Frye with Severn. That's why I said the first four. The Gracies were scared to death of wrestlers and made sure they had several years to prepare. Shut your mouth, retard.
this one is BRVT/\L
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Because you're a twink
Hafthor is untermensh

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>met wife at the gym when she was fit and tight
>over time she stopped lifting and gained weight
>looks like this now
>gets upset any time I suggest she loses weight

I can't take it anymore, bros. How do I handle this? She makes twice as much as me, so I can't even use that. I'm basically a trophy husband at this point. I feel like I'm gonna cheat on her eventually if she keeps going like this.
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this is the kind of art that can only be imagined with first hand experience
I will never envy sex havers again. I don't mind being a virgin.

Same, except I have a problem where me and this girl hit it off so well I may leave my wife.

We're literally perfectly compatible. Unfortunately we have a one year old and I don't know what to do, but I essentially checked out and want out.
This is the trick, if you are or become fit your wife will naturally follow your lead. So if anons on here are talking about their wives gaining weight and looking like a slob what can we infer about them?
speak for yourself. my gf is 5'3" 150lbs and looks in the mirror and just gasses herself up even though she is objectively overweight. I weighed that much as a cross country runner in high school at 5'11." it would be fine if birth control and zoloft hadn't stolen her sex drive from me (we're up to twice a week up from once every other week). I make her pay 1/2 house bills though so there's that

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Pushup Thread! Roll them bones, dubs we all do 20, trips we do 50.

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Ogre edition
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Possible natty?
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Taking male hormones as a female doesnt make you a tranny!
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Would so hard

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Both my brothers and sister are taller than me, and I also started lifting seriously this year too (at 24). High five I guess. Wagmi
>taller and stronger than my father
>same height but bigger that my brother
Feels good
its not too late if you have good genetics, i started at 17 then took years off, got back in the gym around 24-25 and year later i managed to mog 90% of gym goers
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Im the tallest person in my family (6 foot) and started lifting at 19
Feels good

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4chan told me if I avoid the sun, eat decently, sleep well, & don't drink or smoke I'll look like a kid even in my 30's. I did all that but in my mid 20's I still look clearly older than I did a couple years ago. Cheek fat went away, skin is rougher, and lines are more visible. I'm starting to think when it comes to aging you guys have no idea what you're talking about. This stuff is blatantly genetics
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Jared Leto looks like a vampire
you're stressing because life is shit
go on fin
I heard if you make a paste from a vitamin C tablet it works as well as retinol (expensive form of vitamin A) haven't tried yet but it sounds true
I'm 29 and I recently started developing lines on my forehead. it must be because of stress, cause I don't frown. first real clear sign of ageing on me. otherwise I'm looking pretty good. I have a shit tier metabolism but I had that since I was younger, and it runs in my family. its getting even worse now. also I have a fucked up knee but I'm managing it ok. my lifts are better than ever.
I'm 34 when am I gonna get my qt3.14 gf? I'm starting to get old
There's only so much you can do after a certain point to stay youthful looking. Sometime in your 40's, I think most people notice a difference and realize that there's no going back. Some obsess over it, some accept it.

I'm 50 and have the good days where I look rested and not old as dust, but have to say that the majority of women out there on tv now look like kids. My mind only seems to recognize light wrinkles or light/full gray hair as a sign of maturity, ripeness or beauty.

Youth rarely offers the wisdom that it will eventually evolve or change like everything else around it.

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