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Can we get a calisthenics thread going?
Right now I'm testing out Mentzer's philosophy with calisthenics exercises (and some dumbbells), and so far I think it's working great (only done it for a couple weeks now though)
How does your routine look like anon? How often do you workout and what is your favorite calisthenics exercise?
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No it's not.
I think you're conflating resistance (or load) with mechanical tension, to use the terms as Jones and Mentzer would use them. You can achieve maximum tension with resistance far less than your 1RM, as long as you go to failure.
>the 6-10 reps to failure rule with calesthenics
This is not a requirement, but a suggestion.
I just so happen to be trying something like this. Pic related is what I did this afternoon. The frequency will be: Once every day that I don't have work (I sometimes work one or both weekend days) so one to three times per week. After an adjustment period, I may make the schedule more rigid i.e. "perform one session every 4 days" etc.
I can't think of a calisthenic movement which could replace deadlifts. This first time I used15-pound dumbbells, but I thought the reps were a bit too high. I'll do heavier dumbbells next time and see if it lands closer to ~30 reps/set.
Also, my side delts were on fire at the end of the pushups and the deadlifts. I'm starting to think that an OHP movement is not really necessary.
Im a complete noob just working on the basics. I basically do push ups one day, pull up negatives + reverse rows the next day, high rep bodyweight squats the next day, and then rest and repeat. Im trying to figure out where to insert core work at the moment.

I like getting to 4x10 controlled reps before moving on to a harder variation (except for legs since im doing high reps right now).

Is that a good rep range? I like 4 sets more than 3 for some reason.

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Questions that don't deserve their own thread

read the sticky edition
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I need 125g of complete protein a day.
What is a cheap, efficient way to obtain this metric?
milk tuna chicken eggs
Why Tuna instead of say sardines?
why not
tuna is cheaper for me but they are mostly the same if not the price
I dunno, was wondering if there's a difference in protein to price ratio.
I'll compare the two in my area.

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For all you shit talking motherfuckers
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Yeeeeer we at the buffet right now
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>Just Lift br- ACK!
oh no someone was a little cringe when they were young. He mogs you in every way now btw
He’s probably hung himself by now, he was like 5’2 he isn’t mogging anyone lol
Because it's funny
Stfu alex

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Gyno surgery in 2 hours. I've had some form of gyno since I was 8 years old. Now I'm 41 and in my mid-life crisis. All I've ever wanted was to look normal.
Wish me luck boys.
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Keep progress pics and don't look to hard for too long. You have a lot of bruising and swelling. It's going to be a vast improvement.
I'm on so much Xanax, clonopin, gabapentin and prescription NSAIDs that all I feel is floaty. Doctor called me this morning and said the swelling could take 2-4 weeks to go down.
I remain optimistic. Also he told me I was talking shit about my coworker when I was drugged up lol.
Just gotta wait and get the skin treatments done. It's not an overnight process.
Yea the bruising and leaking is crazy. I've gone through more maxi pads than a teenager on the rag
They'll give you Xanax AND Klonopin at the same time but won't give you a proper pain killer? Fucking retards. Good shit though bro you are gonna be flourishing after this. I have a lot of loose skin from losing 145lbs in a year but I ain't going through that, too hardcore. Also I'm too broke.
A bra would make them more noticeable when clothed.
But yeah. it's pretty bad with the shirt off.

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It drives me crazy. My whole life I sweat like a fucking pig no matter what. Just the slightest heat or movement and my entire body is soaked in sweat, completely and utterly drenched. It really pisses me off its so annoying and gross.

Im not fat either. How to make it stop?
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Yeah i figured the analogy was bad when i wrote it. Youre right thats why they go in the mud innit. Well idk what sweats a lot. But i sweat so much. Its miserable.
Are you wearing polyester?
I dont think so
Oh wait. Yeah probably most of the time i am after googling it. I guess i thought most clothes were cotton but apparently its actually polyester
I would also like to know

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Are swifties really this terrible?
Heres another guy who turned into a GTA V NPC

buglikers are always the biggest faggots next to the browncel who women ignore
wtf is that Lily Chee?

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Anyone else no longer goes to commercial gyms coz of this?
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simps like you are why the world is in the state that it is
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Is that Mick Jagger’s secret young chamber?

Spot on.

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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread >>74271174
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janny be fuming

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>Solves abs
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Do negatives or partials. A negative would be doing it up a ramp, and partial would be just to not extend too far ahead.
I can't do this shit without constant cracks in my pelvic joints or whatever they're called. Should I just ignore the cracks?

I've been doing them for 2+ years with cracks. I never had an injury from it so I have concluded that it's probably safe, but I could be wrong
>pull down
you failed to read a single sentence you drooling mongoloid
>pull over

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I haven't shitted in 6 days. Just took a strong laxative and will be eliminating my bowels in an hour.
Wish me luck /fit/.
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I am shitting at least 3 times every single day
If you’re not doing a one logger clogger every morning you’re fucking up.
There are two types of people, those who shit a few times a day, but small logs each time
And those who shit only once but huuuuge fucking logs
And i guess there's the 300+ lbs fatasses that shit huge logs many times each day
it is going to tear your asshole and give you anal fissures
Don't force it and keep us posted.
Lay off the Monster™.

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How much volume is necessary in a PPL program? Basically every program does 17+ sets every workout which would take over an hour to complete - many of them do 22+. I'm looking at jumping from Full Body 3x a week and it's putting me off doing roughly the same volume per session but 2 extra days on top of that (PPL-PP).
as much as you can handle
this unironically. the best and most optimal volume is the one you can do while progressive overloading and recovering til your next workout. thats literally it. if you are always fully recovered, you could try to add some more volume and see what happens. if you dont recover til its time to train that muscle again, drop the volume.

this is it pal. even the most talented and experienced personal trainer cannot pin point program your lifting for the next 1-10 years. it depends on your rest time, your intensity, your sleep, your drive, etc etc etc.

in the end its very very simple. its so logical and intuitive but everyone is so stuck in... i dont even know what. If you train legs on monday and your next leg day is thursday/friday but you have already recovered by wednesday, you could probably do more. or change your split and hit legs more frequently. if it takes you all the way til weekend to recover your legs, maybe do less.

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>takes steroids (or more)
>instantly ages 5+ years, has permabloat, becomes obsessed with gaining and lost his handsomeness
Ah so this is the power of steroids
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Nah he's self-aware. He just wants to be as big as possible and mog everyone around him
Tom was the best part of Juji's channel. He single handedly crafted Juji into a house hold name. I should have been given more credit, Tom it a genius.
ain't that the truth
Tomposts are bottom-tier posts fit for retards and I love them
ok browncel nobody cares what dyels like you think you don't even lift

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What percentage of /fit/izens do you think actually do make it?
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Whatever percentage leaves this fucking place
100% because we're all gonna make it
Zero. This website is brainpoison.
If you're still here after more than two years, you're NGMI
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What is your idea of making it? We have to have a definition. Lets do very vague goals for example.
>60k+ income
>Don't live with parents
>Mentally sound
I would prob say around 20-30% will get all of these. One or two of these I would say 40%.
ok kike

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based shit you do in the gym

>wince/grimace at women with shorts shoved up their ass and pussy
>say DONT DO IT when I see someone with bad form loading up more weight
>tell big boys "that's sick dude" when I see them moving a lot of weight
>ask strangers questions when I see them doing something I want to add to my routine or when I'm not sure what I'm doing

overall I'm super positive in the gym but also a bit of a troll. I'm also positive you can attribute all this behavior to phenibut. but I have made friends to lift and swim with so I'd say it works for me.

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I Need It Edition

>How do I start fasting?
By not eating. If you get a migraine or other serious side effects, break your fast with a small amount of low-carb food and start again immediately after.
Recommended app on app store is LIFE Fasting Timer & Tracker

>Electrolytes (recommended for fasts over 3 days):
sodium ~500-1,000 mg/day
potassium ~2,500 mg/day
magnesium ~400 mg/day

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGHXQcryxik [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]


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A communion wafer has about the same amount of calories as a tic tac and the wine can't be much more. You'll be fine.
Watching Kitchen Nightmares makes my fast easier
Rough day today, snake juice triggering a gag reflex.
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I see you all talking about drinking a coffee and how it doesn't ruin a fast but what about a diet coke? Does a diet coke ruin a fast?
t. hate coffee
Anything sweet is gonna fuck with your insulin and you should avoid it. You don't need to drink coffee either

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