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I just want to say a big thank you to all these animals
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We'd all be like pajeets without the life-giving cow.
Kinda unrelated, but Why do jeets worship cows? Out of all animals, not even bisons, buffalos or predecessors to cows, but cows… farm animals domesticated to be milked and eaten, and indians will do anything with it, even grovel on its shit, instead of using them for what they are made for
Is that the nigger cow?
It comes from the Hindu ethic of complete non-violence. They specifically worship the zebu which is a type of cattle native to India. One of the ideas of nonviolence is that you can't be nonviolent while also eating meat and that animal was one of the few widespread farm animals in the region about 2000 years ago so it stuck as a Hindu tradition. It gets so out of hand in some regions that they literally worship the shit of the zebu but most Indians aren't that insane. They're the equivalent of those Christians that beat their kid within an inch of their life for liking dungeons and dragons or something. They're crazy people and should be made fun of mercilessly
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Just destroyed my back doing deadlifts wrong.
I might never be able to walk again
Doing deadlifts at all is doing deadlifts wrong, hope you learned your lesson.
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What happened?
u got tricked into doing the meme lift. u deserve everything bad in life
OP made a thread full of lies that make the baby jesus cry

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G th gf
V gghg
gfgfg f
Gh g g ff
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read as:
>it's time to settle for this
autocaptcha solver: SAD

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Is it acceptable for men to wear crop tops in public to show off abs?
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there’s a guy at my gym who does it. pretty decent-looking guy. he basically talks to every chick at the gym. not sure what other guys think of him but he comes a cross a bit light on his feet if you know what i’m saying
I see pigs wearing shirts not covering their stomach with their guys tucked into the pants all the time
If your obliques insert like that and you have wide hips you shouldn't.
Even me as a gay person says

Dont wear that. its SO gay. i would never date someone who wears this shit. Wear a tanktop if you want to show off
Not that common where I live

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3 days workout, 1 day rest.
Repeat to infinity.
Yeah 3 days a week is enough but what you do on those 3 days will probably have to change here and there.

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how do we cope
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No it’s even worse; they’re lying to themselves.
You are mentally ill.
>REPORTED height
You can confidently subtract 1-2 inches from all of these.
This. Being a 5'9 zoomer in west europe is horrendous
clam down little dudes lmao

Achievable natty?
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I look like this and I don't do anything
What mode was this nigga?
Based original flavor text God cards.

Konami should print an OG set like this with their coloration and flavor text but add text at the bottom that says:
>This card is treated as having the same effects as are listed in the official Konami Yugioh card game ruleset and just append God card effects into the rulebook online.

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I've been lifting for a little over a year (~14 months) and my progressed has slowed down immensely.

I want to switch programs.
Preferably 5x a week, 4-5 exercises in a given workout. I can't go to the gym on Wednesdays and I wanna leave Sunday as a rest day for when I go out on Saturdays.

My weak points are my triceps and shoulders. My chest was growing the most at the start but it stagnated a lot, but it's still bigger than my other muscles, so that too I guess.

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We live in the age of technology, acquiring knowledge on how to become jacked is just a few taps away.

Yet, many modern men, in our hypergamous society, refuse to be the muscular when they KNOW they are just a left swipe away from being replaced with a better man.

How the fuck can anyone complain about moden women, when 80% of modern men are lazy and entitled slobs?

And then they spend all their time on sites like incels.is and whine about female nature. How does that make any sense at all?

Why don't men self-improve, instead of complaining online?
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Man who cares? Row your own boat. If people want to be fat and lazy that's their choice.
society failed us. our fathers failed us. it's no excuse, but a huge detriment to progress. men these days are playing on hard mode in ways that our forebears never had to consider.

>it's all genetics

environmental influences affect whether and how genes are expressed. Sure there's a genetic component but you can still become the best version of yourself anyway. All this defeatist mentality doesn't even fit in a fitness oriented community, what are you even doing here anon?
I get laid and I still know I'm getting a subpar life experience because I'm missing certain features. Height is important for more than just attraction.
Why do fags in noguns countries always think guns are magic killing devices that make you drop dead if pointed at you. Even trying to shotgun yourself you could blow your jaw off and still survive.

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I'm 6'1 260 lbs tested at 27% bf. My sedentary TDEE is 2600 calories.

This means that if I cut on 2200 calories, I would only burn 2800 calories a week, which is not even good for 1lb of weight lost. To lose 2lbs/week, which is only a modest weight reduction, I would have to burn 4200 calories through additional exercise per week, of 600 calories per day. That's likely over 1hr of additional exercise.

That's intense, dude.
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have you tried not stuffing your face all day?
yea i am gonna go out on a limb and say you aren't 27% body fat
yea I was like 25% bodyfat at 190 pounds, no way OP could be 70 pounds of muscle/bone heavier than me without being an elite lifter
IDK, at same height, same %bf and 50 pounds lighter, I just assumed OP was fucken ripped under all that fat. Genetics or some shit.
Just stop eating. I started 290 and 210 now. Lose between 10 to 15 pounds a month. Eat once a day. 1500 to 1800 calories. Skip eating one or two days a week. I don't even exercise.

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Is a 3 plate bench enough to tie up my hair like Geralt or will everyone just think I look like a troon
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Next playthrough bro, trust me
Igni is weak
Want to do real damage? Take the Griffinmaxxed aardpill
Seriously, late game (B&W) Aard is absolutely bonkers
>Not going pre-nerf alchemy + whirl
You are like baby.
If you haven't realised it by now, you can basically have whatever style you want if you're attractive enough. It has absolutely nothing to do with your lifting numbers or really anything else. Long hair, buzz cut, frosted tips, goofy clothing etc is all acceptable if you're lean and attractive.
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>he didn't max Axii to charm qts into sexx

>"abs train themselves passively through every other lift bro, doing dedicated ab exercises is a waste of time because you're always training them".
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for the love of god if you read this and for some reason retards on this site have you convinced you don't need a hypertrophy for some odd fucking reason (bro don't train your biceps you get enough stimulus from your back day kek) start don't machine ab crunches
Because everyone who has problems with this image is brown as shit
>Never train abs, even once for years while training. Cut down 10kg for a comp and abs magically appeared. Now I can do hanging raises, dragon flags, and all other ab works quite easily.
>Decline situps are the best movement
Also, for a power boost, just imagine you are trying to suck your own dick on that last rep
>surely only one person thinks I'm gay and retarded

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>do 10 pull ups
>take a shit
>come back and do 14 pullups easily
wtf is this sorcery
>warm up
>lose 10 pounds
>"Why is lifting my whole body off the ground easier?"
You fool
were you close to failure in your first set? did you warm up your back properly?
for me, pull ups are quite finicky if I want to grind out AMRAP
post shit
how big was your shit?
Anyone else not take a shit for like a day or two and then when it's time you weigh yourself before you take a shit and then afterwards to see how heavy it was?

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Where do you guys go to bulk?

For me, it's the movie theather
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great thread man keep it up
>2 hot dogs and a drink
>21 dollars plus tax plus tip
>those prices
are theatres still mystified why they're going bankrupt? it's not just because streaming and home systems.
People who go watch movies in theatres don’t care about the price

Movie theatres are on the decline because most people don’t care about what they’re watching they will just watch slop on their phones or $300 Chinese TV
For me it’s the two wieners and an ice cold bangs to wash them down

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Are steroids good for you?
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I never did steroids in my life and I look 10 years younger in my mid 30s
Steroids have no side effects, this is a demonstrable fact
I wonder if there's a connection between testosterone and ADHD? That would explain its prevalence in boys over girls
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holy shit roids turned him into Gordon Ramsay
He still looks the same now, at actually 50 or something. kek
Good guy, though.

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