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I live in an apartment. Will I disturb my neighbors if I run my blender at night?
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Who gives a shit what they think?
I saved a womans appartment from burning down so I dont give a fuck
It's the only time they can move through the streets unseen
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good point
>the crying screeching kids
>the domestic violence
>the broom being slammed against your floor because you decided to walk to the bathroom that night
Never again.
Yes, do it anyway. Flex a cep if they complain.

Thoughs on Paul Saladino
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maybe if you shove it down your throat it is
paleolithic humans living in places with no shade were very dark skinned
paleolithic europeans and asians took refuge in the forests and jungles before they settled the land with huts and houses
with the neolithic europeans and asians started destroying natural vegetation and building villages and towns in which to take refuge from the elements

this is obviously a very simplified explanastion as to why humans "survived" before sunscreen
obviously humans do not and never needed sunscreen to survive, but the goal should not be mere survival until the age of reproduction, the goal is live and thrive
as humans started getting more advanced they started using protection against the scorching sun mostly in the form of certain oils mixed with some minerals
ancient greeks and egyptians used natural sunscreen and a bunch of other civilizations did too
in your childhood yes when your body is still developing and you need a ton of vitamin D to reach your potential
but if you're light skinned you need very little sunlight to be healthy, if you refuse to moonmax then at least make sure to only intentionally exposure yourself to the sun with as little clothing as possible so you can get plenty of vitamin D while avoiding too much localised exposure

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Just another grifter
>selling books saying other perspectives are wrong
>sell supps for that lifestyle
>changes his mind and sells books saying something different
>follows with supps.
Yeah Totally innocuous
How long has he had AIDs?
Grifter saying his diet is perfect only to change it to near-opposite then again saying it's perfect all the while selling supplements which logically aren't needed on perfect diet. He also looks and acts like a rat on meth. His fans are baffling, aggressively defending anything he does no matter how he contradicts himself. Just kill them all.

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Mighty Ducks edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Big Bellies who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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I know that feel bro

We'll all make it.

Can I drink coke zero while fasting? Or will it just make me hungry?

I am trying to fast for 4 days on water (and potentially coke zero) and refeed the day after. I am trying to lose 60 lbs by doing this within two months.
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any study on non-diabetic people?
The study was conducted on mice, and they got immense amount of sweeteners directly into bloodstream. Stop spreading this bs. Staying away from addictive shit that causing cancer is a good idea tho.
When I lost weight, I drank about 6L of Coke Zero and ate 1800-2000kcal of KFC thighs and wings daily.
dumb meme pushed by the fatty cult (who will post pictures of other supposed fasting success stories but never themselves)
Just eat less, your body will rip apart your muscles for amino acids if it isn't getting enough protein.
no it can't, stop giving misinformation

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>does cardio
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Its Whatever they dude is just gunna ignore it and say they dont count or Whatever. People believe what they want to believe
The guy ran about 240 kilometers barefoot (probably dropped the sandals after the first 10 km) from Marathon to Athens. With was left of his armor (legends says it arrived naked), but the actual situation was that he did it twice (or four times 240km). Yeah, he dead AF after arrival.
A whole lot of mental illness
I bet you pray to Allah and believe that you must spread Jihad don't you? Sandnigger
Hopefully his family gets a refund. Surely they can be compensated for taking the experimental pharmaceutical product and dying from it. That's a thing right bros?

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looks like olivia o lovely im old as shit
Picking on the weak is what niggers do
lmao imagine if the hobo had pissed on him
that's the look my sister gives me when she demands I make her squirt

Have you bought his FREAKKEINNN COOKCBOOOKKK yet?
99% it's full of tasteless slop. gonna download it just to see. in case anyone is curious - http://library.lol/main/1081EAB3B880746D998696DAFC5D2C0E
Any cookbook that contains "onions bacon bits" is a joke.
What a joke word filter. It's $oy bacon bits.
Wow thank you so much for that link
Isn't this that one guy who murdered a 27 year old through orthorexia?

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Hail to the King Edition

>Post mires
>Live vicariously
>Get motivated to keep going
>Complimenting others = Your gains are DOUBLED this week
>Posting gay shit / being a crab in a bucket = You lose ALL of your gains for the next three months
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Wingman route might be a better option depending on the chemistry, I have a friend like that. I'll be her excuse BF in clubs, and she talks to girls to bring over before leaving to do her shit. We often dance off together and get some mires. when a song we like comes up, I pull her or she pulls me to the floor. then we do the retarded version equivalent Pulp Fictions 'I Want To Dance'
met a male friend yesterday
haven't seen eachother in 2 months
he called me muscular
even though i'm still a bit of a dyel

i'll take it :)
Been a middle aged man-whore these last few months. /fit/ told me that dating apps were a waste of time. I wonder what else they are wrong about?
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Click the IP grabber you FUCKING COWARDS.
6.5" long and about 5.5" girth

I'm pretty sure the length isn't very impressive but it's enough to knock on her cervix's door when we really get going, so I wouldn't probably wish for more

As an update, today she told me my stomach is flat, my chest looks amazing, and my arms are getting huge

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>got my first compliment from a cute girl at the gym

We're so back bros
Let's fucking go liftah. I can't even begin to count the memories and experiences I would have missed had I never started lifting. Socrates may have claimed he knew nothing but he was pretty fucking spot on when he said it's a shame to grow old without ever learning the beauty and strength your body is capable of
Women don't give out compliments like that, you must have got others before out of gym

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We live in the age of technology, acquiring knowledge on how to become jacked is just a few taps away.

Yet, many modern men, in our hypergamous society, refuse to be the muscular when they KNOW they are just a left swipe away from being replaced with a better man.

How the fuck can anyone complain about moden women, when 80% of modern men are lazy and entitled slobs?

And then they spend all their time on sites like incels.is and whine about female nature. How does that make any sense at all?

Why don't men self-improve, instead of complaining online?
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society failed us. our fathers failed us. it's no excuse, but a huge detriment to progress. men these days are playing on hard mode in ways that our forebears never had to consider.

>it's all genetics

environmental influences affect whether and how genes are expressed. Sure there's a genetic component but you can still become the best version of yourself anyway. All this defeatist mentality doesn't even fit in a fitness oriented community, what are you even doing here anon?
I get laid and I still know I'm getting a subpar life experience because I'm missing certain features. Height is important for more than just attraction.
Why do fags in noguns countries always think guns are magic killing devices that make you drop dead if pointed at you. Even trying to shotgun yourself you could blow your jaw off and still survive.
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>more women are overweight then men.
Per picrel, you're right. I always thought it seemed like their were more fat women then men and its turns out thats true

Tips for men with legs like this?
kill yourself twinkstalker
Shave calves and commit to being a power bottom

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Turkish Getups. Thoughts?
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I've always found them kinda boring and tedious. It's a good workout but it just takes too long and it lack a sense of immediate progression.
more like cockroach ack ups
dan john doesnt like the turkish getup. says its more of a circus trick than something useful.

i did them a few times even with 32kg kettlebells and i second this opinion.
What does Dan John recommend?

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where does this skinny faggot have such punching power?
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Just because you may have power and possibly should be a strong boxer doesn't mean you’re a good one
Skill and technique are still taken into account
Yeah you may have bigger and stronger muscles which obviously help with generating more power in a punch, or you may have the absolute optimal physique and muscle mass to be the best boxer, but if you’re a shit boxer then so what
>Because he's skinny. Low mass = more speed.
No, more force production = more speed. Mass actually makes you more powerful, and it can be proved mathematically.

>More speed = More power.
Only half right. Power is the time rate of change of work. Work is the inner product between force and displacement. Take the derivative of this expression using the product rule, ignore the mass time derivatives, and you'll see two terms. One is the inner product of force and velocity, the other is the inner product of jerk and displacement, multiplied by mass. QED
he's 6'6" 220, he got dwarfed by Fury (who's 6'7" 260+) and Joshua (who's 6'6" 245)
All you fags talking about power and work forget one thing: to perform work, you have to expend energy. To accelerate the opponent's head, your punch needs to deliver kinetic energy, which increases linearly with mass and quadratically with velocity.
>the trainer throwing gang signs

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roid bros……..
women find us disgusting to look at…….
h-how do we cope with this?
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>there is nobody on fit who looks even close to this lol
oh yeah I forgot you all are slightly overweight with dad bods
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Doubt anyone of 4chan's roiders looks like Ronnie Coleman, rather something like this.
The tans look ridiculous, borderline blackface even.
>/fit/ - Gynocentrism
Women literally see bodybuilders like men see woman bodybuilders. I got very confused and angry when one of my early girlfriends said Arnold and Stallone are disgusting. Not a single woman I've ever known has hots for the craft.

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Anyone else no longer goes to commercial gyms coz of this?
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Is that Mick Jagger’s secret young chamber?

Spot on.

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