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/fit/ - Fitness

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Hail to the King Edition

>Post mires
>Live vicariously
>Get motivated to keep going
>Complimenting others = Your gains are DOUBLED this week
>Posting gay shit / being a crab in a bucket = You lose ALL of your gains for the next three months
>just finished Super Squats
>wearing short shorts because it’s hot af
>cross the road to the gym
>milf driving a sports car switches lanes and slows down
>window goes down and she takes off her sunglasses to look at my juicy cheeks
>when I pass her she puts the window up speeds off

>friend’s birthday
>meeting him at a bar
>just walked through the door
>before I reach the bar I am interdicted by a landwhale wearing a maid outfit
>"you’re fit" (bongspeak for "attractive")
I’m in a dryspell so I really should have asked for her number or something
>Doing preacher curls
>Pretty heavy but still sets of 8
>I finish up
>Mohawk man next to me flags me down
>You're moving some crazy weight man
>Yeah thanks man
>Just had to know I see that shit man
Feels good, thanks HVAC man
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>visiting parents for a weekend
>little sister visits at the same time
>damn anon you've gotten big
>dad chimes in saying that I'm starting to look like a man
I had a rotator cuff tear and didn’t do much exercise for a couple of years. So here goes:
>Do some calisthenics and yoga for a couple of months
>Muscle memory kicks in and I start recovering
>Do some pullups/chinups/dips/pushups yesterday
>Go home to gf who just cooked some vegetarian spaghetti
>Take shirt off
>She says “flex for me”
>I flex, have a bit of a pump
>She goes “Woah, nice back” and touches me all over
>Feels good
>Sit down to eat the spaghetti, take a shower and go to bed to cuddle with her

I’m doing maybe 60% of what I could do before the injury, but I’ll slowly get into it. For now I just do calisthenics once a week, yoga once a week and try to do some cardio too, either running or using my stationary bike. I hope when I build up a bit more strength that I can start going to the gym. It’s looking really good for now.
>just got done at work
>talking with a few coworkers at the lunch area
>janny walks in with seemingly heavy boxes so i help him out
>”ayo thanks muscle man, you the one dude i wouldn’t fuck with here”
>think to myself did he just call the rest dyels? lmao
>qt coworker suddenly chimes in
>”i mean yeah look at his arms, flex for us anon”
>everyone is looking now and i do a half-assed flex
>At urgent care getting knee checked out
>qt physician assistant comes in
>Asks me if it hurts when I go to the gym
>Takes extra long feeling my knee and asking me to flex my legs
>Tfw good looking but still a little retarded
report her to HR
double standard bitch
>go to the gym consistently but remain fat because of gf who doesn't want to live a healthy life style
>Gf dumps me for AN INDIAN colleague 2 months ago
>Lost 20lb in 6 weeks
>Keep hitting the gym 5x a week
>Get facial gains (I'm a 36 year old baby face, based spic genes)
>Started getting leaner
>Getting nice new clothes
>Stop giving a fuck about the world, which gives me new self confidence
>Mires start flowing, the likes of which I have never experienced
>Last Saturday,
>Felt like having ceviche at a local Peruvian restaurant
>Notice waitress is a qt
>She is nice and makes conversation with me after eating. Time to order the check
>Say "fuck it" and write down my name and phone, telling her to text me
>Don't be expect shit but literally getting into my car when she texts me a "hi :)"
>Start texting
>Fast forward to yesterday
>Had one or the best sex session of my life with her
>She came 6 times
>After an orgasm, she confessed she was desiring me the moment I got into that restaurant. In fact, she texted her best friend that "a beautiful man has just gotten in"
Two months ago, I was such a different man. Truly life is a bizarre experience.
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True coool story bro, for reals. Pic related.
My bro from college was getting married. A bunch of us flew in to be his groomsmen

>woah anon you're so fit now
>dude you're jacked
>bro what's your routine
>go on a first date with a girl
>sent her a pic of myself earlier in the week
>she tells me she sent it through a catfish app to see if I was legit
>said I looked too attractive to be real
>wingman and photofeeler.com rate me a solid 8-9
>only took until 29yo to accept I am attractive
How do I make up for lost time? How do I act now that I know I'm attractive?

Based as fuck


You are losing ALL of your gains
>Joined a powerlifting gym recently
>curling 7pl8 on a preacher machine (max is 8)
>inb4 curling this much without a machine would be impossible. That is obvious. But it does look impressive, and this is still way more weight than most people can touch even with a machine.
>Zoomer kid comes over
>”How many sets you got?”
>I just started kid, but you can work in with me.
>He looks at the weight
>”Nah I’m good”

Feels Goodman
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Not a single mire but recently the world is on my side.

>Getting stronger, more muscles and better at BJJ at the same time.
>Although returning after half a year break to BJJ, people are starting to feel easy during rolls and commenting on it
>People in weight class asking me what I weigh after training and being suprised as I'm stronger than what I weigh
>People automatically smile or defer to me in all interactions
>Cashiers and female staff smile and give me extra attention
>Any service people super helpful
>Superiors at work interact with me with attention, shopfloor spill their spaghetti if I interact with them
>Co-workers try to bust my balls (in a friendly way) but I dismantle their jokes and always turn it around

I'm up to 40 days nofap and my T is through the roof. Winning leads to more winning, WAGMI. Go do those sprints, hit those squats, drop and do a double leg takedown. EAT THE IRON!
>walking past a bus stop
>foreign guy goes "hey, hey, HEY" to get my attention
>stumbles through his word for about 5 seconds
>eventually "man you look GOOD man"
>with a woman so im assuming he wasn't trying to get cock
>fistbump and leave
I've had a downturn in mires over the last couple years for whatever reason. Can I assume that if he's saying it that women are thinking it?
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How to orangutan max?
based monke
I was hanging out with friends and a girl who has a boyfriend was with us and we were at in n out and we got stickers with our food and everyone was putting stickers on our shirts but I didn’t have one so the girl with a bf wanted to put one on me and I tried to do it myself but she told me no three times so I let her and she put it right on my right pec and patted it. Idk if that’s a mire but I’ll take it.
Three teenage waitresses were sitting together looking at me and giggling to each other.
They all brought me drinks even though none of them were assigned to my table and I am certain they were on their break.
I am almost 30 so it’s over and it doesn’t matter anymore I will die a virgin but it made me feel good.
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Congrats on not staying down. World is filled with far too many "one thing bad happened to me so now I'm gonna bloo hoo hoo forever instead of getting my shot together" shitters.
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The only "mire" I have noticed in the past decade is that people suddenly started asking me to spot bench after I got past 2 plates for reps. And yes, everyone benches 2, but it did make this one noticeable difference.
I have a wife who very seldom comments on my physique, and she hasn't seen me naked much because we have a newborn. The other day though, she took a good long look at me after I got out of the shower and, while she hasn't said anything, she's begun to handle everything several nights a week so I can use the home gym. She also ordered me five pounds of whey and keeps asking if I need anything else to keep getting fit.

Also, not a fitness one, but she has literally never commented on the size and shape of my genitals, but the other day she told me she likes how girthy I am and that it makes it easy for her to cum.
Keep it up, man. Just focus on getting back to ground zero.
Rami Malek fucking looking bitch.
Tonight, my racist tomboy helped several caterpillars cross the sidewalk while we were out on our evening stroll. Then we went back to my place, fucked, and watched Wolf’s Rain. WAGMI brothers.
>Also, not a fitness one, but she has literally never commented on the size and shape of my genitals, but the other day she told me she likes how girthy I am and that it makes it easy for her to cum.
Nice, what's your girth bro?
Not sure if this counts:
>5th month of training 6-7x a week
>initially only get suspicious glances and „yeah yeah, we‘ll see“ comments from the wife
>since 2-3 weeks, wife start to grab me randomly
>bites lower lip or makes playful comment whenever I take my shirt of or hop into the shower
>constant hugging, “I love you“s, hand holding, possessiveness, etc.
I‘m not even that fit yet(duel, ~20%bf) Best part is she’s started to hit the gym 1-2x a week regularly now.
>go to girlfriends grandmas house during summer cause she's got a ballin outdoor area; pool table, bar, pool and spa
>wrestling in pool with mates who are chunky
>granny constantly berating them, calling them fat and laughing at their man tits
>constantly talking me up even though I'm a 5'10" 140lb twink
>get seduced two weeks later
Young men need to dump their virile loads in willing enthusiastic old women
Imagine getting cucked by your granny as a femanon... I'd instantly kms
>be me at the gym
>in the middle of chest day
>got a good pump going on and feeling good
>cool gym thot i talk with occasionally sets up next to me
>we exchange meaningless compliments on pump and work out
>notice first girl i ever dated a year ago walk in
>i am a late bloomer and she played me hard despite coming onto me, also has borderline or some other illness
>”anon you look like you just saw a ghost”
>she somehow instantly figures out what’s going on
>suddenly throws her arm around me and is very touchy while talking
>”don’t look but you should see the look on her face right now”
>i am manually breathing at this point and trying to remain unbothered
>a bit later the girl leaves after seemingly signing up for a membership
>gym thot tells me she was staring me down as she left
>”she was probably looking because of how good you look anon”

how the fuck do girls know the entire situation without me even saying a word?
i assume like 2/3 of those days are cardio, dont u feel tired with all those days being active. good shit tho keep it up
that chick sounds like she has great complicity with you. you should shoot your shot if you feel like something's there anon.
Fresh mire from 3 hours ago bros
>Be 6'1 195 in January
>Cut to 161 as of 2 days ago
>Morning workout warm up
>Ex gf's mom who's my neighbor walks in, see each other
>Haven't seen her mom in 4 months
>She's all smiles and is amazed at my weight loss
>Asks about the old tips and keto bread I mentioned her to get but her fat daughter said don't get it
>Laugh and tell ex's mom I'm a doctor just listen to me, she goes "I KNOWWW"
>Asks how long I've been married
>Kek I'm single
This Asian milf seethes at her daughter every time because she has always liked me and wanted me to be with her fat artist daughter. When we were fwbs I had her in the gym and slim, went away for school, she met someone and got married in a year and is turbo fat again. Such is life, if the older milf becomes single, I'ma hit that, always wanted to fuck a mom and daughter

Tell her that you aren’t sure how she picked up on the situation without saying anything, but that you want to take her out for coffee to thank her for the other day. Insist upon it!
there’s definitely some chemistry but i don’t think it would work relationship wise, which is what i am looking for. being friends (at the gym) is cool with me
GMI anon
good job
probably a keeper imo
And if it were a guy, the dick grab would be abuse

If you are consistently getting glanced and/or stared at by strangers in public, it can ONLY mean ONE of TWO things:
>You are pretty attractive
>You are so alarmingly repulsive that the average person cannot help but to look at you. It is the same as when they drive past a car crash and slow down to look when on the highway.
Or it could mean any number of other things
Out in the garden getting some sun. Neighbor from China says “your dog looks strong, you look very strong” been working hard. Feels good boys WAGMI
Wingman route might be a better option depending on the chemistry, I have a friend like that. I'll be her excuse BF in clubs, and she talks to girls to bring over before leaving to do her shit. We often dance off together and get some mires. when a song we like comes up, I pull her or she pulls me to the floor. then we do the retarded version equivalent Pulp Fictions 'I Want To Dance'
met a male friend yesterday
haven't seen eachother in 2 months
he called me muscular
even though i'm still a bit of a dyel

i'll take it :)
Been a middle aged man-whore these last few months. /fit/ told me that dating apps were a waste of time. I wonder what else they are wrong about?
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Click the IP grabber you FUCKING COWARDS.
6.5" long and about 5.5" girth

I'm pretty sure the length isn't very impressive but it's enough to knock on her cervix's door when we really get going, so I wouldn't probably wish for more

As an update, today she told me my stomach is flat, my chest looks amazing, and my arms are getting huge
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>buck mogs /fit/
Been getting a lot of mires from wife's family; especially the single mom's and femcels. Been working out six days a week for over a year: lost 70 lbs and gained muscle.

Several mires. This is today's:
>Fired from wagie job at hospital due to internal politics
>Not too worried as I have two other jobs; wage job paid the least and lowest enjoyment
>Still upset about it - PTSD flares up
>Ask MIL if I'm alright and doing enough
>MIL says I'm the hardest working man she ever knew
>Gave me an over the shoulder hug
>Squeezed my shoulders hard
>Finished with a slap on my butt
>Said I'm firming up nicely
Digits and I get mired next week
That seems like animal abuse.
>grow out hair and wear tanktip to show off biceps
>walking down the street to the bus stop
>car with zoomers whistles at me as they pass by
gay mire is a mire
Dude wants to eat your dog bro
>some form of mire almost every day
>superlikes on Bumble
>complimented at grocery stores
>occasional honks or wolf whistles from passing cars
>catching zoomers pointing their phones at me
>still miserable
based oyakodon anon
>I am almost 30 so it’s over and it doesn’t matter anymore
stop with that attitude asap bro
maybe because it’s all a fantasy in your head anon
>>Stop giving a fuck about the world, which gives me new self confidence
I need to do this, been going through a rough breakup
I'm still a dyel, but the gym is maybe the only thing helping me cope right now
good shit anon. how long you been hitting the gym for now?
> be me
> just coming back from 6.mile run so shirtless
> coming in the gate to my driveway (parked on the street)
> some dude stops his car in the middle of the street and says "hey bro can you save some girls for the rest of us".
> Tell him "I'm married you can have them all"
> he says "you look great bro!" Then drives off

Funny how dudes give other dudes mires
explain this

>become /fit/
>almost exclusively attract alt/goth girls and older women

anyone care to swap? i’m into middle eastern and latinas my age.
Be Me
>Do a quick 30min session FB
>Quick shower and hit the streets
>On the way to meeting my date EVERYONE smiles and nods to me
>Realize I have a pump
>Go on date and win
>Everyone clapped

And I am just getting in shape (ottermode)
Anon, hit that gym because your life literally depends on it right now. He disciplined. Stop caring about shit that you cannot change. You got this.
>be 5'9 manlet
>23 but look 18
>mid length curly black hair and green eyes
>relatively lean and really skinny (140lb)
>work shitty retail job
>one day working as a cashier at twilights, dead but young girls come in since they chill in the car park nearby
>two tall thin blonde girls come to my check out
>the 'ugly' one is atleast an 7/10 and the other is easily a 10
>as they're leaving I check them out and look at the less attractive one say "that boy was so nice looking" as they walk away

bros i am getting to the point where my face is becoming lean enough I am getting looked at constantly, today my coworker said I look like Francisco Lachowski but hes a dude so it didnt mean as much
>drop 15lb
>visible abs for the first time, my arms look huge too for some reason
>sister in law keeps trying to seduce me
why god, why?
What's the deal with older ladies being so forward? My mum literally had to swat one of her friends off me when she started grabbing my biceps. I ran into another of her friends (a total milf amateur bodybuilder) at a local show and she was being touchy as well. The fucked up part being is I'm pretty sure she's married.
I'm the second. My fault to be fair but still stings a little.
BASED. You have to tak her for a coffee anon
Is this your brother's wife or your wife's sister?
Update 2: My wife told me she wants me to have more of what I need to keep getting in shape and she's offered to watch the kids more so I have time.

Bros, I think my wife might have a crush on me.
Isnt it obvious? They're way past the bullshit phase and awkwardness and shyness and all that waste of time. They lock eyes on what they want and it's no beating around the bush, theres a reason they call them by the name of a highly dangerous predator animal.
>Rolling at my muay thai/bjj gym
>Rotating partners in no-gi, I go over to one of the experienced/older guys
>He shakes his head and says "Goddamnit, alright. Get over here you Jack Reacher motherfucker."
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perhaps we've been getting some but we're simply way too deep in the self-denial mentality to acknowledge em
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>How do I make up for lost time? How do I act now that I know I'm attractive?
Live your life bro, know that you will die. Enjoy this fleeting moment, it's all any of us will ever get.
everything matters. It isn't over. Don't forget you will die one day brother..
>i am a late bloomer and she played me hard despite coming onto me, also has borderline or some other illness
what is it with whores coming onto you then saying they just want to be friends- I guess they get the ick?
I guess women are simply better than men at picking up on emotions and understanding vibes and shit like that... like they can smell your confidence or lack thereof. Anyways wagmi, keep it up bro
nigga if you bear even a slight resemblance to Chico you're gonna make it.
remember to get her number once you get mired, harveyanon. Or his number, if that's your thing
I could use a little pick me up...
Long time ago I walked into a whataburger. Gay cashier looks at me and asks if I'm a firefighter (I am not) His coworker starts laughing, then he apologizes and asks what I'd like to order
caught my wife looking at my arms while I plapped her
Women don't know shit. What probably happened is she noticed you staring at the ex and wanted your attention. Give it a week and she'll probably move onto the next guy. You e just strung a narrative together so it makes sense. Remember: women will say that their zodiac birth charts told them you were going to enter their life yet you can spit on it right there.
Enjoy it.
I am pretty certain my wife resents that I am getting into shape. Instead of improving herself she's getting worse, complains she's getting fat(she is) but eats garbage and somehow expects different results.
January I went back to the gym, but I was going just 2 times per week. I started going 5/6 days per week around mid-February.
I'm skinny fat, so beside the lifting I'm also doing 30 min cardio every day, to lose what's left of my beer belly.
I'm also going to a nutritionist. Lost around 5kg of fat and gained the same weight in muscle mass the first month after starting the diet. Been noticing a lot of positive changes on my body, it's the little things that cheer me up.
Thanks, mate. It's really good reading this type of encouragement right now.
I need to get better, I can't just give up.
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>went to the drug store baked as fuck looking for purple needles to pin
>in the counter line, I get served by a fag and a very tiny and pale redhead tomboy girl
>"I'm sorry, we don't have this gauge"
>"k, then, thanks"
>fag says "thank you, sir, have a nice workout" lmao
>alright, then, let me have at least some alcohol and bandages and stab my thighs once again
>in the line for the checkout
>tomboy redhead comes RUNNING after me
>"sir, sir, a-aren't you interested in the syringes with the needle already on" - with a pack in her hand
>"are they purple"
>"thanks but this gauge is not for me, I'm low on bodyfat and to stick it all in feels like stabbing myself, bla bla bla..." (I was too baked to make any move)
>"ok then =/"

I'm not a weebo in the slightest (and don't know if she actually is) but it felt like an anime or a dorama. So cute. Now I want to break a tiny pale slut in half while she calls me senpai.
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I recently met a new girl and she mires me all the time, but no one on here will believe me, I barely believe it
>she's 26 and small, 5'3 105lbs
>DD tits, wide hips, still very slim, crazy hot body d e s u
>cute as hell, green eyes, ivory skin, jet black hair that shimmers red in the sun
>extremely socially inept but wants to get out of her shell (most of her life she was being used as free hospice care by her family for her grandma's declining health)
>a virgin, didn't believe her for a bit but it's become fairly obvious the more time she stays with me
>literally hasn't left my place since the first date, she's like a lost kitten, I've asked her why she wants to stay over all the time and she just tells me "you make me feel safe"
>has been giving me money for "rent" since she felt bad staying over so much, she's likely just gonna move in soon
>it's kind of a pain teaching her sexual stuff, but it is pretty fun seeing how awkward and embarrassed she gets sometimes
>always telling me how big and strong I am, she's very untrained so I've started taking her to the gym with me
>I see her get happier everyday and I love that I can help her do things she always wanted to do
I'm falling pretty hard for her, despite my best judgment, I feel like the state owes me a check for taking care of this girl, but she's so hot, fairly witty and decently smart that I just want to have her around all the time.
Kek. That guy is based.
How do you meet a girl like this
Wow…cool bro.
He wouldn’t know because he made all this up.
never gotten a mire. It's nice to live vicariously through you guys. :)
Why can't I be him bros
I met her on bumble, she was the first girl who replied to me after creating a new profile after years of staying away from dating apps
I was her first match on any dating app ever, (she showed me) and we just hit it off from there
see what I mean?
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Literally me
Anon, that's not a mire. That's a legitimate fling.
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Definitely the latter for me.

Such as?
Another update.
My wife told me that she was interested in me wearing a clown mask when we have sex after watching the second batman movie. i think she wants to pretend i robbed a bank and then have like a bunch of money in some other bag and am fucking her before we go out for dinner.
Short mire.
>be me
>live with grandmother
>doorbell rings
>answer it before she can
>wearing t shirt and boxer briefs
>open door and it's some 6' zoomie trying to sell ant removal services
>2 seconds into his intro he looks down at my bulge and lingers until finishing his monologue
>decline services
>as he asks me questions I close the door on him and he continues looking at my cock until the door closes
Well /fit/, how'd I do?
>preface that no one believes me so when people call me on bullshit story I can say “told ya”
You are a faggot of the highest degree.
Should have told him to suck your cock and you would buy his service.
Another update.
My wife found my /fit/ folder on my hidden encrypted drive and started asking questions. Who is this zyzz? What is a gain and why do you have so many text files named copypasta00X on there? I don't have much time. I must get rid of all the evidence before the cops show up.
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Digits and everyone who’s rolled so far gets mires next week EXCEPT me
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older good looking gentleman said i was in the "wrong line of work" and should instead be a model. (i am a cashier at dunkin donuts)
Digits and it works out.
Believe what you want, but she's literally laying in my bed rn
Or is having a girl sleep in your bed faggot behavior as well?
I believe you.
The meme that saved /fit/
Send a pic
>get tomboy gf
>she mires constantly
>feels like playing the mire game with cheat codes on
>the mires go both ways (she can bench 70kg for 8 reps)
Feelsgoodman WAGMI
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k, one low effort unflattering pic coming up
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freakishly based
kek anon I'm happy for you and your new gf, but I'm pretty sure she'd get upset if she knew that you were posting pics of her asleep with her feet out on 4chan lmao
Finally, someone in a mire thread with some balls
Considering this is 4chan there is no way the story is real. It's much more likely she faked her death and is running from the cops. She found some sucker on /fit/, sucked his dick and filled his head with lies. Then she went looking for his cheese pizza collection on his hard drive while he was in the shower and is now using it to make him come up with an alibi. She's basically holding him ransom until this whole thing blows over and she can safely exit the country.
Very happy for you
Tell her like it is..
"Omggg anon I'm getting so fat"
"You're right, and it's getting very annoying/depressing/gross"
I didn't doubt you for a moment anon, congrats senpai, make the most of it, much love
exceedingly based
they are out there bros and this anon found one
grats anon
You're not going to tickle those feet? What kind of a faggot are you?
I have without the rudeness, that will be coming soon if things don't change.
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Many blessings and gains to you
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE whatever you do don't stop being the man you are right now, that's the one she's falling in love with. Keep improving and keep showing her your love, happy for you man B)
I'm gonna fucking kms
you will die a virgin if you proceed to do nothing with these interactions.
they're old and past their prime so they'll take what they can get at that point,especially if there's even a smidgen of the beauty they had in their youth still left. especially wide hips,big butt,firm(ish) breasts etc
>photofeeler.com rate me a solid 8-9
What kind of pics?
The highest I've scored on pf (young women only) is a 7.6, it was a gym mirror selfie too lmao
I do better in real life so I want to improve my dating profile pictures
new account?
>dude weed
very low of you
No tuch monke peep monke got baby brain sexual harassment monkeysuit
Get off 4chan you failed normie faggot.
He's gay and it was a gay coworker commenting on his muscles
>going for a late morning shirtless jog to get my sunlight and cardio gains (I work the evening shift)
>Get stuck in the middle of an intersection. Mostly people just blow by. Cougar black lady in a Tesla stops and waves me across.
>As I pass she sticks her head out and says, "I had to stop so I could look at that body"
Am I gonna make it?
Fuck yeah, it's all falling into place for me too. Keep it goin brother
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You may already have without even realizing it anon
>go out with friend and my girlfriend to get lunch.
>my girlfriend does something innocent in a fun spirit to my friend and touches his chest.
>friend is an internet goblin weirdo who goes home and fantasized about stealing my girlfriend from me because she touched his chest for a second.
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Wait I've said this before
It doesn't work though, female Rami Malek looks like Mila Kunis
kek mad lad

I wish you two the very best of luck. I’m very happy for you anon, hope one day I can find someone as attached to me as she is to you.
Great work taking the lead in this relationship and finding a girl. But just calm down dude. This isn't a 10 and noway she only weighs 105lbs while carrying that much fat at 5'3.
I'm saying this not just cos you're lying, but cos you're falling in love with her too hard and too soon.
The rudeness is the important part, dumbass. Shows you dgaf, which is attractive.
that chick is tiny
Hey guys?
Anon here with another update. It has come to my attention that my wife has been saving my bellybutton lint and creating little dinosaur sculptures. The dinosaurs have the same name as my family, so her in-laws. She told me that this is a regular custom of her people and not to be alarmed if I find them around the house or in my cereal.
Honestly, I love my dumbass gypsy wife.
Damn the US really is a depressing place if you think this girl is "tiny". I hope things get better for you
she's barely taking up any space on that queen bed and is surrounded almost completely by a thick blanket
you cannot tell how much fat is on her and neither can I, but I can guess her frame and height
you are just brown, untrained, and jealous
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>going to mt class
>after the lesson the coach pulls me off to the side
>"Hey anon, what do you have going on?"
>ask him what he means
>"You've been working way harder than everyone here, you just look like you have a reason to come here"
>ask if he thinks I have some tragic batman story
>"Don't you?"
>Nah, I just like Muay Thai"
>"There's liking it and then there's training like your life is on the line, you know?"
>"I REALLY like Muay Thai"
>"alright, just make sure if you get mad to take it out on a bag and not the new guys, alright?"
holy shit impregnate her
>be me 5’9@160lbs dyel
>couple enters gym
>viking bro. big fiizeek, impressive beard, many mires
>viking bro gf. small but chubby, many stretching of pants
>wondering why he can’t do better, but whatever
>finish free weights and do some core work on the pull-up bar. hanging leg raises and windshield wipers
>viking gf occasionally glances over
>decide to do a few archer pull-ups for shits and giggles
>viking gf repeatedly glancing
>decide to chimpmaxx
>do a few sets of pull-ups and dead hangs
>viking bro noticeably annoyed about monkey business
>viking bro finishes training, starts packing up ready to leave
>viking gf looks me up and down in passing, smiles and throws me a cheerful bye
>tfw meme-stenics and twink mode might actually work
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damn bro. Very nice
it’s crazy that passion like that almost needs some fucked up reason to most people
stop being a drug addict and go to church man
get into law school if true
You're such a moron. No respect for her.
today some young chicks were walking towards me giggling, they said "he's hot" i'm pretty sure, first mire I think since starting self improvement like 2 years ago, unless I they said some other shit.

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