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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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if you must
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>10.5" upper
>shoot to 500ish yards
Commendable spirit you have there, anon
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>willingly talking to cops without a lawyer present
>"I'll just chat them up and get myself out of this mess, they'll see it my way"
Don’t you live in an apartment what are you going to do with a chainsaw?
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>I'll represent myself and i will be vindicated.
For me, it’s gynecology videos.

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What's this little guy gonna do when he is militarily defeated? What's going to happen to his army?
>Gets militarily defeated
>What's going to happen to his army
Are you retarded?
>everyone else wears professional attire
>he has to larp in a fucking uniform

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In most sci-fi I watch, there never appears to be any kind of damage control like what we see in modern naval vessels. Most of the time, the Captain is just sitting there as they get updates on how their ship is getting torn to pieces. Sailors are basically firefighters on vessels that assist in keeping the boat from sinking...So what would that look like on a spaceship?

I mean, obviously they aren't fighting fires so much as solving incredibly complex engineering issues in the middle of an interstellar gunfight but wouldn't it make sense to ensure every crewmember on board can fix the ship in a pinch? Or is that such a difficult skill that it would be impossible to man such a vessel?
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they just had really dense air on that ship
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>aircrafts - plural
>deploying space marines with melee weapons who fight to take control of the critical system to force a surrender
And trying to get there before the command or engineering of the system blow their reactor.

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You joke, but by the time we get reactionless engines space warfare becomes ridiculous. Planet Killing KKVs would travel close enough to the speed of light that your warning time would be effectively zero, all but guaranteeing a successful first strike and a 'Dino Killer' level apocalypse on the planets that get hit.
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If you can accelerate a fully fuelled space shuttle to 0.3c, it'd also be pretty easy to expand outside your planet, and somewhat possible even outside your solar system. Build a couple hundred thousand habitats in solar orbit, they'll be fine even if Earth gets hit with a planet killer.

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How do we get revenge on those cykas?
You can always be happy that you make more in a month than they do in a year
Why? The only people who give a shit are Russians/vatniks or people not old enough to post here.
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Oh no, I am demoralized now. How can I compete with 500,000 dead Russians!

I have a unused AR laying around that I would like to convert to a Coyote gun and then gift to a dear friend, what would be some modest suggestions for such a project?
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You will have 125 to deal with next
This is why coyotes are so widely& heavily hunted in the US. There's really no danger of wiping them out because of their breeding patterns. Basically an endless hunting resource
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ok and?
Get the most accurate possible SKS and accurize it further to sub2-moa with match ammo
If you can convert it to 6.5 Grendel even better, it will increase your hit probability past 200m
Put it in a precision stock with tritium illuminated iron sights and wear a nightvis monocle
Ghillie suits work in the snow but you want a blend of white, greys and blues (make your own from a net hammock and strips of fabric)

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New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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That was the OG finfag. Nowdays everyone gets called finfag for any reason.
What are some peoples problems with adding rail systems to a gun?

>See T81 with rails, tree huggers sperg on how you added extra metal on rifle for lights/lasers
>See Famae SG543 with rails on handguard, anons sperg that you removed the original handguard.
>See short barrel double barrel shotgun, people sperg that you should've had a longer barrel
>See levergun, add railed handguard, people call it ugly
>See tactical shotgun, add handguard for rails. People call you gay
>See 180K rifle, people put handguard with rails to adopt lights/laser/grips, gets called a cope gun

>See jewgun, put rails, dildos, chainsaw, canopeners. Nobody fucking cares...

Is the jewish community behind this shit?

What if weren’t not shooting 7n6?
The principle is fundamentally the same Anon. Fuck
You shouldn't really dwell on the opinions of autistics, aside from the fact that it's completely irrelevant to your life they generally have no idea what they're talking about.

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ITT: Boomer gun terms
>Ball ammunition
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>Stoppin powah
calling every bolt action rifle a Mauser
Slide action
They sorta are

A couple of not so good guys at my school (I'm 18) keep joking about attacking me on my walk home, I'm kinda worried...

Any suggestions /k/? I'd prefer if it were under 100$ and could knock a man down for a while.
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A bat does not have plausible deniability you absolute retard.
Bro's just gonna walk to and from school all day, every day, with a fucking bat and a baseball glove when he doesn't play fucking baseball?
That's premeditation. And what, you think a baseball bat isn't a deadly weapon?
Nah, if Timmy is holding a fucking baseball bat and me and my three friends are coming to fuck him up, we're taking that bat and shoving it up his virgin ass.
Carry a knife, you're not going to be on the hook for jack shit if you are a man of moral fiber.
PS, my advice would be carry a gun, but I live in Canada so that would get me sent to fuck-me-in-the-ass-prison for life, so I choose the second best option.
Tasers/Stun guns are kind of garbage though. Serious question: Have you considered getting the largest pepper spray you can carry?
Silly question: Have you considered a black powder cap and ball revolver?

From the question, we can assume he is either in "avoid detection" or "avoid targeting".

Bats have more range though. More effective range helps win fights.

>option of lethal or non-lethal force.
Look, a martial arts expert with lots of training can talk about using it on their arms and legs for nonlethal but the reality is that the average Joe or Jane will swing at the opponent's head if their life is in danger. Blunt objects are lethal weapons, its why less and less cops seem to carry batons nowadays, those weapons suck as non lethal.


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Have you tried crossdressing and seducing them?
Bar soap in a sock. And maybe stop acting like and being a bitch. Quit being a mark faggot.

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Why nobody else has procured a grenade sniper for their soldiers but the based Chinks?
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it is, it's just thic and bolt have this weird cut at ejection port
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nah bruh they differnt. I seent. I ain't no dummy.
I feel like a 60mm mortar and drone correction is probably more effective than this in basically any imaginable combat scenario but I was navy not army so wtf do I know
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maybe easier to see here
Wouldn't that also include any explosive shells fired by tank guns or other portable weapons?

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Tactical gear thread.
Post gear, discuss gear.
Old: >>61516975
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does somebody know how to get rid of logos/labels printed on polycarbonate lenses?
buying from the amazon holosun store means its still coming from amazon and the biggest threat there is people swapping them with knock offs and returning them then it getting shipped back out to you
but I risked it a few years ago and it was fine
the quick release latch broke but thats kinda common so now it's just cranked down tight enough that the quick release wont undo if snagged, or even if I try to release it
Do you even see it when you wear it??
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Can anyone experienced with the Comtac V and VI tell me if the Mission Audio Profile feature is worth spending the extra $200 on the VI?
And is the battery duration comparable/anything else I should know?
Much appreciated.

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Is it because Glocks are simple and reliable and they want to be comfortable with the pistol abundant everywhere on Earth? Or is there some other reason?
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As opposed to the super soldiers from... Where, exactly?
russia, obviously
ups even ruskies get a glock when they can
They were using glocks when the rest of the military were using Berettas. G19 is lightweight and compact vs a 92
Larpers online don't use their pistols outside of drills but they choose a wide variety of pistols, so that can't be it.
Glock 7s are porcelain guns made in Germany. Won't show up on X-ray detection machines at the airport and probably cost more than you and I make in a month

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fresh kino of a Ukrainian squad fighting out of a basement for 14 hours while surrounded

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>>Ammo conservation
>Lived to fight another day
Lost a key position.
>Somehow bad things

They hunkered down which means that they let the Russians get in their OODA loop. Russians had the advantage throughout the engagement as they were able to determine the terms of the engagement for the duration. Yes, I am sure a bunch of them died however they took key ground and the Ukies withdrew without demo'ing the basements which means that the Russians can now hold those same positions with relative comfort.

That is a lot of assumptions you just threw in and no the vid doesn't describe the outcome of the engagement other than "they withdrew in good order" or something to that effect.
>That is a lot of assumptions you just threw in
>which means that the Russians can now hold those same positions with relative comfort.
Yeah, yeah, keep yapping you faggot keyboard warrior.
Not an argument.
I called you a hypocrite, faggot keyboard warrior.
Your whore mother isn't an argument.
Still not an argument. Also, curious as to why you're getting so emotional.

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>actual knife and not a fucking shovel edition
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I use an angle grinder for cutting the shapes from the flats and used to clean it up and shape the bevels with a 1x30 belt grinder. Then I would just use lump charcoal with a hair dryer to heat treat the knife before tossing it in oven for the temper.
The results were so-so with the grinder setup I had since the belt would jump or get bogged down with grinding so much steel. I was so frustrated with my garbage bevels that I bolted together a 2x72 grinder and had a much easier time since. I was able to get tools and make it as a wagecuck at the time, so anyone can do it
Dude is renting. Oil is messy and stinks to high heaven, I had to move my quenching setup out of the basement entirely because it made the kitchen smell like old diesel and cigar ash. Water is just fine, if you're worried about quenching too fast heat it up first and make a brine that will slow it down enough you don't have to risk anything. I quenched my first few small blades in a coffee pot, water comes out about 170-180 and the pot won't shatter.
Mostly it's about the mess and the smell tho
Fair point, I hadn't thought about the smoke/smell.
Strangely enough, I kinda like the smell. Dunno why.
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Letter opener lives close to me.
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Fresh outta the oven

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