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Monday Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

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90% of the posters ITT are noguns
Post yours with timestamp
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This packaging would make a great t-shirt
better as a patch
after you

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Can we talk about gun minimalism? I'm relatively new to firearm ownership, have a pretty generous hobby budget and I'm trying to not go overboard with frivolous purchases as I have in other hobbies in the past - I don't want to end up with a bunch of shit to resell. What in your eyes constitutes gun minimalism and quality over quantity?
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Here goes.
>1 AR-15. Go with either a 16 or 20 inch barrel.
No 20 is not too long. Try being less of a pussy.
>2 Mossberg 590.
If you are poor then be less poor, alternatively the Maverick 88
>3 Ugh... Glock 19. There, I fucking said it, okay!
Of the handgun models you can get, capacity isn't really as big of a factor for the average civilian.
Shot placement is king and always will be, so with EVERY weapon, you improve with practice.
>It’s a Walther P1
That is da Bomb Giggity. Those post war grips look so kino.
If I ever get a gun here in NY it’s gonna be a P1 being under 10 rnds and a Cold War classic.
Dont forget to look over each shoulder after shooting faggot.
Czech Republic?
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I wanna have something functional and put the rest of the money into other hobbies or savings.

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So, what's your opinion on Futas?
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Though I do not actually have the ghey, I can respect your dedication.
Futa = hermaphrodite, tranny = newhalf/shemale/gynandromorph
You lost the ball when you started turning a definition into your own personal political rant.
Despite all the copes people with attraction to futas and passing traps/trannies fall into the same category, GAMP.
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Would it be able to outperform Male?
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Impressive, innit?

With this most recent achievement, fate has, in a single stroke, marked the resurgence of the brits and spelled a new era of proper prosperity and cheeky global dominance for the British lion, which promises to firmly stand in direct comparison to the historically perfidious ascent of anglo powers and the tea-related subjugation it brought to the browner nations of the world. The blessings of British fusion-heated tea kettles, FUTAS, marginally higher budget BBC programming, quantum navigation, Indian food but worse, CRISPR-engineered royalty, quantum aircraft carriers (with ramps), automated sports hooligan androids, superdimension hyperfortress Falklands, meat clown, +2km range airburst muskets, subdermal nanite license monitoring, 5G Dental Surgery, microscopic wireless camera panopticon, optimized tax haven algorithms, and winning the world cup will be the instruments with which Britain affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-anglophone world the same old option; an inhuman return to the smugness of British leadership and the opportunity for the standard stuffy and dignified imperialism
FUTAS is always bigger.

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What would you have done different at Prospero if you had led the Thousand Sons against the invading forces?
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>Hacks at BL
What is BL?
Black Library, Games Workshop's writing branch.
>What would you have done different

Burn fenris
>What would you have done different at Prospero if you had led the Thousand Sons against the invading forces?
Well since Magnus disabled the plant defense systems and allowed the invasion to happen, just do the exact opposite of what he did.
The Emperors logic for keeping the Primarchs in the dark about the true nature of the Warp was because belief empowers the chaos gods. And the level of empowerment is based on the soul of the believer. The Chaos Gods were effectively becoming dormant because of the enforcement of the Imperial Truth and mankind exterminating a heap of chaos worshiping aliens. The emperors fear was that telling the kids would have caused enough of a ripple in the warp that the gods would have gotten a power boost and try to get their hooks into them. Unfortunately Magnus's hubris and Lorgar's zealotry and the Lectitio Divinitatus were enough to keep the coals burning until the Heresy kicked off with planetwide sacrifices and full time human religious shenanigans.

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Ukrainian drones attacked this morning. Wonder what they hit?

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There is no conveyor belt. Don't buy into his bullshit
oh shit youre right, brb, loading up my FW190-A for ground attack
>totally not royal marines
Your AIDS is showing, zegro.
The S-500 isn't the S-400 on steroids.
It's an ABM that bridges the gap between the S-400 and the A-135 anti-ballistic missile system.
You are embarrassing yourself, vatnik. Nobody believes the S500 can do shit. It is an AIDS larp, simple as.

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Shitty satellite imagery of Belbek is out, looks like 2 planes and a warehouse got ganked.
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>"Is of needing renovations anyway!"
Sorry mate. They can't count past 1
Again, there is no war. Why would they build anything if there's no war?
Actually due to dialectics as teached to us by grandfathers in the glorious USSR, when you say its a war I say its a special military operation when you say its a special military operation I say its a war. Understand, comrade? Understood.
I understand everything, comrade, my ass was in the ass all along, and my eggs have been measured and have been found wanting.
I'll report to the penal battalion myself.

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Discuss guns and woods and whatever.
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>20% increase in pressure
>one (1) locking lug

Just gotta nut the fuck up. But seriously USAR started blowing the burgerkrag with a mere 10% velocity increase on the service load. I don't think the bolt goes shooting through your head, there's a safety lug, but certainly the gas and frag will. I agree, a 308 krag would be a silly risk.
How exactly do you win though? Maybe there won’t be a conservative resurgence because so many of them have “tactically retreated”
I left for Missouri. Couldn't even get a 9 shot 590a1 back home because of the fucked laws.
Enjoy the mandatory registration coming soon (you know it's coming) once Enslee's buttplug gets in as Governer.
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Both sides will be concentrated into their respective states. Some issue will be forced, then national divorce (civil war) time.
>mandatory registration
There's already registration. Has been for 10 or 15 years.
When you buy a pistol the state gets a copy of that transaction. It's been this way for the last 10 or 15 years.
Recently, they added long arms.
> for pistols and some rifles that info is available to local dispatch
> my dispatch is Norcom (Bellevue, Kirkland, Mercer Island, Medina, Bothell, Clyde Hill, etc)
> when they run somebody
> dispatch knows if you have a CPL (carry permit, for you non /wa/ types)
> they know if your CPL is valid or expired
> dispatch knows if you were a "denied firearm applicant", thanks NICS
> dispatch knows if you have any firearms registered, this goes for pistols and recently, long arms
So, when you get pulled over for a traffic stop, before the cop is out of his car, he knows:
- is that a valid license plate on the vehicle?
- does the license plate match the vehicle?

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Its Zouaves
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Good choice
Everybody did. By the 1860s the Dreyse needle rifle had fallen pretty far behind. Sure they could pick on poorfag countries like the Danes with their muzzleloaders, but every serious military had a better rifle.
I want to charge into and inside Koume.
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Who was the first country to stop and think
>What if our military uniform looked like grass?

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Only a few pics. Continuing the trend the recent factory tour was followed by a test, the mini Norksanders in the quad launcher:

'The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, expressing great satisfaction at the strategic military value involved in the result of the independent development and successful introduction of the autonomous navigation system, highly appreciated the relevant defence science and technology team, which contributed to achieving the valuable success.'

Sounds like inertial navigation.
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Forgot pic
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>Gonna rain?
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And woohoo, hope the factory tour followed by testing trend continues because guess what just got inspected!
Imagine having a luxury armored train with a car whose sole purpose is comfy missile test viewing . It's not fair bros....
Camo almost but not identical to prevent high rez satellite counting, look closely at the nosecones. Honestly good attention to detail on their part.

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cozy castles
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not sure but it certainly was in alot of movies
based thread I've seen in weeks

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rate this qt's loadout
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she still looks like shit albiet
Welp, that's the last time I ever ask /b/otulism for anything nice. I knew the place was always a shithole but oh but I forgot how bad it really was till I stepped back in after god knows how long. I don't even really care about all the porn, what really bothers me is how fucking schizophrenic /b/ draw threads are apparently. More beggers and troons as apposed to actual talent.

2Ch or maybe some drawfag on /ak/ who has a few braincells.
Don't be rude Mr. Bateman, she's a well fed tribal, so she might have a good mind to realize that the numbers mean the range of the gun. Only the drug addicted behavior sink rats do that.
>Myanmar civil war

Whether you think an event like this will occur, or is even possible is irrelevant. This is just a pure discussion of the 22lr's viability in different scenarios.

Long story short, finally got a long time friend into shooting and he purchased a Mossberg 702 and a Taurus TX22. Thought they would make great beginner guns, but now he claims he has everything he needs. I disagree, but it got me thinking about how he would do if something that he fears came true.

He has taken my advice on many other things
>he purchased a bunch of mags
>he has a bunch of "hotter" 22 ammo and shoots it
>he goes shooting with me once a week
>he does dry fire practice at home to improve his shooting (at least he says he does, and his shooting has improved)

Does someone with a 22lr rifle and pistol (and is proficient with both) really have everything they need to survive?
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Aren't these things Jam-O-Matics? I guess they're kinda cool, but it feels like they have an incredibly small use case. When I go backpacking, I just carry a heritage rough rider on my hip or in my bag. Does pretty much the same thing, and the exposed barrel on the AR7 probably means accuracy wouldn't be all that much better. I can also carry 22mag in that, unlike the AR7. Cheaper price also means I don't have to worry fucking it up or losing it.
>dry fire practice
>friends firing pin breaks when shit hits the fan
you niggas really think storage conditions are gonna be great post SHTF?
Because ammo cans disappear?
Never heard of these?

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As we all know, India has been on the front lines of the global war on terror, as well as containing the CCP, for decades- longer than any western country. Why then, does USA and its allies exclude India from the F-35 program? Indian participation would be enormously beneficial for all involved: China and the Muslim sphere would be surrounded by air forces equipped with the F-35 on all sides, and India's aerospace industry would help USA perfect the design. Furthermore, the F-35 could be integrate into India's carrier battle group, improving security in the Indian Ocean and beyond. This seems like a win-win, no?
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That's not a god.
It's the white throne on which the chosen sit.
The clean ones who have ascended above the shitting streets and reached enlightenment.
>this thread again
>every thread on this board is the same thread
Infowarfare has ruined the internet. Thanks anon I'm actually leaving this cesspit forever now.
>then we're expected to give either of them humanitarian aid.
Fuck. This is actually a greater-than-0 possibility and if it comes to pass I'll know we're really in some kind of mass-purgatory.
they got scammed into buying russian hardware lmao, there are probably lots of third worlders who got a wakeup call after r*ssia's current clusterfuck

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>The Fujian, China's newest aircraft carrier, returned to port last week after its first voyage, an 8-day sea trial to prepare the giant ship for handover to the country's navy.
>Its debut marks a new milestone in a military modernization effort the likes of which has not been seen anywhere since World War II.
>Building and operating a ship as big and complex as the 80,000-metric ton Fujian is one of the most difficult tasks a navy can perform. It is a national enterprise that involves not just building the ship and its onboard systems but also developing a fleet of aircraft to operate from it. And aircraft carriers do not sail alone, but rather go to sea with a fleet of escort vessels and replenishment ships.
>So vast is the endeavor of deploying an aircraft carrier that only the U.S. is capable of doing it at scale. France, the U.K. and India each operate one or two much smaller carriers and they import the ships' onboard aircraft.
>Aircraft carriers are potent emblems of national power, and just by building them, China is demonstrating that it has not only the strength but also the national resolve to do difficult and expensive things. Like the showy feathers of a peacock, an aircraft carrier is an investment in displaying national potency.
>Another interpretation is that China wants to reduce its dependence on U.S. protection of the arteries of world trade. The notion here is that those channels which the U.S. Navy keeps open, it can also close. China likely no longer wishes to be dependent on American goodwill.
>A third theory is that China is building a fleet to match that of the U.S. so that it can eventually force the U.S. Navy out of Asia. China would prefer not to fight a war with America to achieve this ambition but having enough naval power to win a major conflict might itself persuade Washington that its position is untenable.
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>automation is only....LE CHINESE
anon, any innovation or industrial revolution ultimately finds itself global. AI firms are overwhelmingly western.
The Chinese did not edge out the competition by having superior industrial automation in the 1970's, Europe and the United States clearly bested them in this (and still do). They grew off cheap slave labor in the hundreds of millions, which they are running out of. Any movement towards automation now is reactionary, not proactive.

That, and their youth are quitting the rat-race en-mass doesn't help thing either. Plus the middle/upper-middle/upper class spending decades sending their children abroad to USA/CAN/AUS/EU has both demographically injured them further, and been a source of endless brain drain. Overall, they are a bit fucked.
>>Aircraft carriers are potent emblems of national power, and just by building them, China is demonstrating that it has not only the strength but also the national resolve to do difficult and expensive things. Like the showy feathers of a peacock, an aircraft carrier is an investment in displaying national potency.
Cool, and their neighbours were only -minimal faster.
(Hosho, built in 1922).
Did the Hosho have EMALS catapults?
Yes, shipbuilding is facility intensive but requires comparatively little skilled labor. Shipbuilding industries in developed economies require massive subsidies because of how much labor cost can be offset by moving to a third world country. Ship fitting requires a lot of skilled work.
>Any movement towards automation now is reactionary, not proactive.
>Saars! pls understand! Do not redeem! Saars!

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So I had a random thought. With normal frag grenade it's pretty obvious how they work you just put some nitride based explosive and fuse together, but I have no idea how flashbang work and when I tried to google it I just got the really wage destription that it produces flash and high decibel sound to stun the enemy which was is basic knowladge to begin with. So obviously I am not gonna type into google how to make flashbang to get better description of the percentige of chemicals used and schematics of the casing because that would instantly put me on multiple watchlists. So I've been wondering if any of you have some answers?
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>stun someone.
It's a bang and a bright light, it's not like in the video games.
it's absolutely not just another boom. buy one. try it. better yet, toss it into a friend's truck or into the bathroom at them. more fun, and you'll still feel it outside the door.
>buy one
Fucking where
Try taking a spoonful of primer powder and hitting it with a hammer in an enclosed space, and you'll understand.
not him but IWA sells civilian legal flashbangs, not as loud as the real thing but still pretty disorientating esp their M13 thermobaric flash

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