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If you're an army how do you prevent drug/alcohol use becoming rampant at the front? Russians being high/drunk in trenches has caused major losses. Is there even a way?
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Nothing wrong with drugs at the front so long as they are taking uppers.
Other than that, Drugs and alcohol usage can be prevented with beatings and extra duty.
board games, like strategy to keep moral high.
>how do you prevent drug/alcohol use becoming rampant at the front

1. Never allow unit morale to plummet to the point of wholesale despair. That means winning battles, or at the very least not losing them, and keeping your men busy as the saying goes "idle hands are the devil's playthings".

2. Severely punish anyone caught intoxicated or carrying carrying drugs and alcohol on their person.

pic related is a pretty good example of a man who managed to do both
rotate your troops
implement and enforce the bare minimum of regulation and discipline the British and the French figured out literally 300 years ago

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Post the slickest, sweetest, coolest, most SOVLFVLL ammo packaging you have. The more esoteric and rare the better.
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I've never smelled the supposed cat pee/urea smell you're supposed to get from shooting their 22. 3k Rounds of the stuff and I'm still not noticing a smell difference from federal/cci or Winchester.
they use a non-toxic primer mix.
It's more like the smell of firecrackers
Wait, so the other bullets primers are poisonous?
I can't speak to their centerfire stuff but their 22 ammo uses Eley primer but the ammo doesn't smell like Eley ammo does. Therefore I think it's the powder, not the primer. Furthermore, the Eley compound is not non-toxic, rather it's well known for its reliability.

>Wait, so the other bullets primers are poisonous?
Most primers contains lead styphnate. If you wash your hands after you shoot this is not a problem.
>lead styphnate
rimfire primers also contain barium nitrate.

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>Allah ack-
>Allah ack-
Their combine IQ of 140 is exceptional for that situation.
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rest in piss, turns out Palestinians aren't so tough when they're not targeting old women and babies.
>gaza is supposedly starving and gorillions are dying
>all of the men are fat, out of shape with man boobs
Ham-ass is eating all the food.

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Wood vs Synthetic shotgun furniture?
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Wood for style / display.

Synthetic for anything else, I love my wood furniture for my 870 but I have it taken off so it can be preserved, and because I live far up north so I don't want it getting wrecked by the extreme freezing temperatures we get up here.
So I just run polymer on it most of the time, I'm cringe though and run magpul furniture for my stock, fore-end and sling.
Wood is nice in terms of feel and color, but that shit cracks and wobbles. Synthetics, when decently made are the best for actual use. When I'm shooting trap and skeet, maybe going for a short rabbit walk, I'll bring the wood. But hunting and duty work its synthetic.
Wood looks so good. Makes me want to fondle the gun
cracks and wobbles? a decent stock is a tight fit and can be used as a club.
Wood warping on a shotgun really doesn't matter at all. What's it going to do? Change your POI? Don't think so.

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>2 second tank.
There have been Russian tanks in Ukraine since 2014.
>If abrams was designed in the 1950s
>doesn't catastrophically explode but is still a write off tank
tanks are a fucking meme
Something about the leopard design makes it look cheap and thirdie
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Of course I want a genuine answer you wehraboo retard, how do you justify nearly 30 unprotected rounds? It's no better than the Russian carousel autoloaders. Abrams has 36 in its turret bustle and then 6 more in a hull compartment behind the Commander. ALL PROTECTED BY BLOW OUT PANELS.

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What is the purpose of the bullpup?
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they use the hti also, but they'll use anything they got
Short gun long barrel trigger bar
Standard length barrel in a shorter rifle configuration. Better balanced and easier to handle than a conventional rifle but trigger pull tends to be worse due transfer bar and controls are not as "refined" (you could say) as an AR.
Bullpup development hasn't advanced much since AR's have been the golden standard for a long time but there's definitely lots of potential
And accuracy.
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very nice to hold and aim, long barrel while keeping it relatively short (fits larger backpack, no need to use rifle bag), in case of my meme keltec - excellent supressor host, cheap as fuck even in pooland (paid around 1k250 for mine, keep in mind we pay 25% tax on almost everything and guns are expensive here anyway - acceptable-quality AR that isnt chinky costs 2.5k usd and up here ), and easy/fun to mod, eats any cheap ammo I feed it, and if i break anything it can be either replaced cheaply or i can buy another one.

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Officially released by Chinese media mouthpieces.

Funny, but why cant we fight wars more like this? No people will die and the fight is decided like real men and not with that cowardly FPV bullshit.
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In a perfect world, it would be a real option, yes. But we gotta work with what we've got.
>deletes your entire company from standoff
Cringe as fuck
guys listen

what if we trained some bears and attached one to every squad
what's the job of the guy holding the Xmas tree? tangle niggas up?
>No people will die
Shitaloads of people die in these things. Theres videos where you see people thrown off fucking cliffs. The troops are such retarded subhumans that both sides have realized it's better neither have guns; not as a statement about peace or whatever but because they genuinely can't trust them with firearms loaded with live ammo. Also your alliance sucks ass
Honestly I'm chocked there's any actually white people that support fucking BRICS over european nations.
>China and India
both non-whites with one side being commies. Will literally murder each other at the border over petty arguments.
a corrupt shithole full of alcoholic wifebeaters. Unlike fags in the west they're an actually statistically significant portion of the population and not something for chronically online people to obsess over.
>South africa
hates white people, steals their land and tries their very best to replace them if not outright cover for people who kill them
is full of brown muslims who hate all western people
>Egypt, Ethiopia and the UAE

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Rate the shooting
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Probably a random mugger, maybe a hitman? I vaguely recall the dude with the baseball hat being a cop of some kind and one of the local gangs having it out for him.
wtf bro got hit in the fucking liver lol
>uses gunkata to deflect the bullets in CQB
truely now I see
can only be either a hit or personal grudge. either way, what a stupid place to do it in
I dunno wtf was with the phone thrust, distracting him with shitting dicknipples before going for the kill?

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should I spend $200 on an hour's worth of ammo or a blowjob?
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Strike that, reverse it.
Just jerk off and shoot guns in video games instead. Both is free
>$200 blowjob
Oh nononononono
Is the blowjob bareback or condom? Also, that’s a bit steep for a blowjob. What’s her half hour sex rate? If it’s $200 or close to it then pick that. Every single man should romp with an escort once a month to maintain sanity
>moldy used fleshlight
Doesn't sound much worse than hepatitis and whatever else infested whore, honestly. At least you know what you're in for with potential lead poisoning.

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It is still unbelievable to see the massive Soviet military stockpile get depleted.
Everyone here, their fathers and their grandfathers have all their life known Russia to have a massive military arsenal. All of that almost century long accumulation result is now thrown into a wall in Eastern Ukraine, in just 2 years.
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What? What do you mean releasing videos of us castrating ukranians isn't good for optics? Are you crazy?
t. NKVD.
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>Nobody ever said Russian novelists lacked imagination. Or prescience.
Being a self aware russian must be a special kind of hell
I have no idea maybe a journalist should ask him
I imagine it's like being an African American with 100 IQ
Normal person would look at the field of rusting war machines and feel relief as it's only a matter of time, when they will end their existence, never fulfilling the terrible purpose, as we managed to avoid any full scale confrontation in Europe.

Zigger on the other hand will feel urgency as they're so little time to start a new war, so all this toys won't be wasted.

We should have let Germans finish the job.

Autistic Airgun / Pellet Gun discussion part 3

We just like ‘em

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780 or so, the UK legal limit. I shoot HFT with it and the power is restricted in the rules.
Does it require you to constantly buy replacement nitrogen cartridges?
Yes, not sure if they are refillable. But it gets like 50 shots from each. If someone makes a 25 cal nitrogun I might think about getting it.
780 fps is the UK limit?
Have never seen these before, cool
Yes they got decent power, 25 fpe in .22. cool thing is you don't need any pumps.

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>the only grinding i care about
The sharpest general on /k/
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>you get what you pay for
Untrue for knives, diminishing returns start at around 15 $ thanks to Mora.

Fuck those titanium gimmicks for 300 $. Just look into some stuff from MAC Coltellerie, they make some very affordable Scuba stuff with decently hardened (very) stainless 1.4060 steel that actually holds an edge. Their serrations are pretty good as well, not Spyderco great but decent and the handles on their Aquatys series is extremely ergonomic.

I got an Aquatys with a polished blade for 30 € and after a quick sharpening it cuts pretty much everything that I need it to and has an additional line cutter, a serrated section and a 'hammer'.

MAC have a lot of stuff that looks decent to me, they seem like SeaMora.
Just realized that another anon already recommended a decent option from MAC.
>diminishing returns start at around 15 $ thanks to Mora.
lmao no. try about $100-120 or better yet take a fucking mora along as a dive knife and see how that goes
scuba divers are arrogant pricks that think they know shit from shinola when they know fuck and all, but they do appreciate quality gear. If they like it, it is probably extremely well suited to the task, but you have to weigh that against dropping a $300 tool into the ocean so examine the options. AFAIK the main quality difference in dive knives is the steel, cheap ones use actuall bad (not knife-nerd bad, objectively bad) steel for the blade, decent ones use OK steel like 420 or 440 and excellent ones use LC200N or Ti.
as far as features go, I did EMT training and the built-in O2 wrench makes me and my gumball buddies very excited, I've got a cutter/breaker/wrench knife in my gear now and lots of EMTs and FRs are picking them up too.
that thing looks like you can easily use it as a wrench without accidentally slicing yourself up but IDK, I don't dive
Moras are good for green wood working, due to edge geometry, and not total trash heat treat, that's about it.
If you try doing wood processing, or field dressing/skinning a large animal you're in for a chore.
I was referring to knives from a very general POV. Also I'd bet that a Mora Companion Rescue F wit an added retention strap would make for a much better dive knife than most 'scuba knives' out there simply because it cuts, holds an edge and you don't need to worry about losing it.

Titanium is a shitty blade material, worse than most steels (except for the most basic unhardened stainless steels like 304) because it can't hold an edge at all. LC200N is excellent stuff but expensive af.

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>video of part of a drone swarm hitting the oil refinery in Tuapse, Krasnodar Krai on May 17th

where's the air defense?

has russia just given up on defending themselves from drones?
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Your connection isn't private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from nitter.poast.org.com (for example, passwords, messages or credit cards).
Delete the com bit, genius.
is the kuznetsove there? I just want to see the kusnetsov sink before the war is over put that thing out of it's misery. the asshurt it would cause is just icing on the cake
Ha, the goofball deleted his post as well after he wrote it. Classic zigger behaviour.
>Gas price in Russia, held up by expensive govenrment subsidies, all while there's shortages at the gas stations
>Gas price in EU... except there's no such thing becuase different EU countries can have wildly different prices
FTFY, idiot.

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Give me your transgressions and hard lessons. I once traded a Luxembourg .30-06 FN49 for a PTR91 that had HK internals.
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I missed an SVT38 for 500 bucks because lol broke college student.
It was a Romanian SAR-3 with a deformed hammer. That part isn’t interchangeable with 5.45 hammers and the only company that sold one hasn’t updated their website in like 20 years
fell for the tactical meme. muh glock muh ar15 muh lvl 4 pl8
I have since repented
I bought a 1993 MAK-90 with a straight cut receiver NOS still in original box unfired from a family member for $300 and sold it for 1k when times got a little hard after the birth of my first child. Sweetest AK I've ever owned. Oh and the ammo it came with was also stamped 1993 which is cool, bought the ammo with the rifle but never fired it. Came with 2 10 round mags from China and a couple 30rd mags also feom China
I passed on a '41 Johnson at a gunshow in Washington state.
> $700
> private sale
Fuck fuck fuck.
Instead, at same show
> $75 for Nylon 66
> what a piece of shit
> fell for the Para Ord P12
> whoops
> had it for a year
> sold it for, uh, don't remember
Worst of all,
> two M-16s, sold as a set

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Jungle Warfare Edition

New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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Do not post on the chink's thread.
The thing is, they need a lot of workers - low-end workers, who would breed and produce more low-end or mid-end workers. Why? Tax money. Because taxes are needed for the increasingly aging population of whites who do not breed enough, and automation and technological progress got fucked by capilalists (because unless ordered to, capitalism actually does not assist or boost scientific progress - just conversion of that progress into market).
Thats why there is such rampant immigration. And no politician will ever come into public and say "we have fucked up big-time and this is the reason we import people from 3rd-world countries that we ruined and plundered before".

That small calibre (.22?) rifle while doing marksmanship training in school (post-soviet country - we had that pre-army training class), so i was 15 years old. Then there was shotgun and AK.
Real thread here
Real thread
Old one got pruned because the chink cried to janny

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