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/xs/ is a place to discuss all types of extreme sports and similar physical activities, which include (but are not limited to) skydiving, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, climbing, rafting, bungee-jumping, parkour, BMX & mountain biking, airsoft, paintball, etc.

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~~Crack edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.

>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).

Here are some useful resources for sizing:

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climbing a lot and jumping off the wall fucked up my running for a while last year because of this
ALWAYS downclimb
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I've made an attempt to revive the /out/ climbing thread:

If anyone has outdoor climbing stories, questions, or curiosity, please give it a bump. /out/ is much faster than /xs/ and the thread will likely get bumped off the board if it doesn't attract interest.
>fucked up the link
it's always something

>Also climbing outside is retarded so yeah
the worst part is that you typed this unironically. you are subhuman.

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Roller blading and roller skating general
>Don't do crack, just roller skate edition
Discuss tricks, gear, hobbies, and anything else relating to rolling. Derby and hockey fans are welcome to join as well.
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this anon here, after being told I'm obese and then still struggling to get the skates on over the next few months, I gave up on them
I decided to try again today because it's getting warm again and I'm itching for something to do outside
while trying them on I realized that, while not obese, I am a fucking retard and I was supposed to push this thing in to unhinge the strap so it actually closes
I'm disheartened to learn of my mental handicap, but I'm looking forward to actually trying to rollerblade
sorry for calling you fat, retardanon.
Just now I impulsively purchased a pair of inline skates online and made an appointment of beginner lesson thanks to this thread. I'll post pics later (in two weeks). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o38XqVhmBY
Wanted to switch to flat but accidentally bought much softer wheels. Would it be a really bad idea to put them on the outside and switch my harder wheels to the middle?
No that'll be pretty fun when the outside wheels wear a little. Look up what rocker is on inline skates. It's what people like rollerhockey players use for being maneuverable.

Did you watch that video because it's a little girl?

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is dancing an extreme sport?
Only break dancing and lion dancing.

/HEMA/ General - Power of God and Anime Edition 3

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zueF4Mu2uM
Back to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNs
Martin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QlbKfX84k

>Where can I find these treatises?

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Tell us which one's you so we know who not to post.
>open hemaratings.com
>longsword has a troon specific division (underrepresented genders)
>no other weapon has such section
I blame ttrpgslop and other nerd media. When will they be cancelled on Tiwtter for putting women and trannies appart?
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Need to make a gambeson soon just for ren faire purposes and I already bought some prequilted cloth. Does pic related pattern look okay? All the ones on youtube have these elaborate patterns that I don't have time to download or buy. I do have a tape measure though. Will this work okay enough?

My girlfriend's brother told me that USA HEMA is a bunch of trannies and fags anyway. I just want to get into it so I can feel like the equivalent of a level 1 D&D fighter one day.
>open HEMA general
>nonstop discussion about trannies
It's easily the most obnoxious aspect of HEMA that you can't discuss bluntly in mainstream HEMA settings so it makes sense that anons would take the opportunity to vent.

Old thread: >>191222
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god, dudes like you are so pathetic and retarded. just straight fucking braindead waste of space, kys. imagine giving this much of a fuck about what someone else is doing that it makes you not want to skate. you need to be put down. youre too stupid to live.
Whatever trannie
you are a tranny that wish anyone gave a fuck about trannies. no one gives a fuck about fucking trannies you self obsessed faggot
Whatever trannie
That guy makes my skin crawl.
Does Patrick O'Dell still do these? I haven't watched them in a long time.

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SPAZ Edition

Old Thread:>>187462

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Recently updated Newbie pastebin

>Recently updated /asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

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I have absolutely no use for this, but I want one.
look at the north african kits
they would be better fir the heat
>order PDI M120 equivalent spring
>supposed to make 1.5J of power
>install it
>only getting 1.2-1.3J
>tweak several things trying to identify the air leak
>nothing works
>finally decide it must be the spring itself
>order SHS M120 equivalent spring
>supposed to make 1.5J of power
>install it
>2.1 fucking joules
I fucking hate BB guns
The Afrika korps kit is almost completely different from the regular ones so it'd be too costly for something that's not even very high on my wishlist. Maybe if I win the lottery or something.

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Grappling causes skin infections
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it doesn't make sense to anyone. brazil is a mysterious country operating in mysterious ways.
I haven't seen any gym here that washes their month between sessions, idk at end of the day even?

So they'd have bjj, cardio boxing, pro kickboxing, amateur kickboxing etc all day without cleaning the mat.....
I bet they let people go into the bathroom with no shoes
You have to wear flipflops outside of the mat as you go through the actual gym and lobby to the locker and toilets heh
You also have to clean it up the tatame from time to time . Use a broom then alcohol. I used to clean it up the tatame for free with a friend of mine before the class.

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Is this an extreme sport? WHat are some unusual sports i can get into besides skateboarding?

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nah i seen him walking bro
how u got thiago moises in here
where is he cunt. its just these other ATT dickheads
damn caseoh really fell off

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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
I only do it because it's trendy edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: What kind of amenities should a gym have?
I think there should always be a bowl of oranges on the front desk for anyone to have
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It's the quintessential "big guy" submission, because you generally need to be stronger than the other guy to hit it
Yeah, and if your opponent is sitting on your back, you're also as good as dead, yet wrestling fags conveniently overlook this reality
There are exactly zero "realistic" martial arts, every single one of them concedes some realism to the rules. MMA is as close as it gets, if that's what you fancy
If you want to strike him, you need to get past his legs.

Just pass, bro. He's put himself at a disadvantage by sitting on the ground. Just pass, pin, submit.
Blowjobbers treat showing the back like some kind of foregone conclusion, and it's not. There's a big difference between showing your back to someone and giving your back up. The most effective way to escape is to turn away, and as long as you don't let him under your far side armpit while you do that you're not in danger

The current meta in MMA is to just beat him up from inside the guard because people realized that's a better pin than side control. He's stuck down there under you so passing will just give him more ability to get away. Craig's power ride series is based explicitly on this fact, there's no need to pass the legs to attack and the only reason we do it is because bjj scores it as a way to get points. It's a bad habit
For learning submissions what order do you think people should learn them?

I believe it should go
1 Back Attacks
2 Front Headlock
3 Kimura
4 Armbars
5 Triangles
6 Leglocks

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Riding season started above the equator Edition

FAQ on buying a bike that nobody reads anyway:
> What good bike can I get for under $500?
a stolen bike. Possibly a newer used entry level hardtail but don't expect it to survive rock gardens, jumps, or drops. Or an older mtb which won't be as good as newer ones and will still have a front derailleur, but it'll be good enough.
> What good bike can I get for under $1000
Good used hardtail, new entry level hardtail
> What good bike can I get for under $2000?
New Hardtail, decent used full suspension
> What good bike can I get for under $3000?
Used full suspension, decent entry level full suspension but prepared to put more money into it.
> What are the excellent value brands?
Marin, Commencal, Canyon, Polygon, YT, Propain, Kona, and many more. Sometimes the expensive brands have an excellent alue bike
>> What are the differences between an XC, Trail, Enduro, and Downhill bikes?

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Mullaly is a great man, really love him. But I don't think he has what it takes to get top 10s. That and he has a ton of shit to do other than ride.
Anyone got decent tire pairing suggestions? I'm new to the hobby and wanted to swap out my tires from the stock ones. Any suggestions?
If you're new, you can get into the hobby with a Trek Marlin. My buddy did. Then he got a YT Jeffsy and loves that bike more.
Describe your intended use.
Admittedly I am ancient and ride ancient bikes so I probably don't have much advice for you, but I always did bigger volume, then close packed knobs for xc/hardpack, then semi-close+large knobs for rocky/dry tech.
Then open spacing large knobs for mud/wet.
I tend to run large volume but fast rolling tires in the rear, but for very technical rides you want gripper big tires in the back.
I need a new bike. Mullet and a fucking long wheelbase. I'm 100% sure I'll be faster

previous >>181554
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Based Jap man
Kyokushin did that in the 1970s when Oyama opened up a Kickboxing gym that Terutomo Yamazaki (1st winner of the All Japan Kyokushin championship).

When K-1 debuted, it was already built on Ishii's Seidokaikan challenge matches against other styles. He envisioned K-1 as a promotion to bridge all the fighting disciplines (regardless of whatever organization they were champions in) to compete under rules that they could successively utilize their techniques. Early K-1 allowed more knees to the clinch/neck-wrestling so long as it was continuous attack and not jockeying around for several seconds to gain decisive leverage and angles like Muay Thai does. This got dropped later on.
There's still hundreds of Japanese kickboxers who come from kyokushin karate backgrounds even today.
So you can attack the spleen by kicking someone's calf
So THIS is the power of karate!


Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
What are your favorite non-dominant side moves and why?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

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Perfect, he has chosen to put himself into headbutt into the nose break range
What's the best way to increase my gas tank?
Ok ok ok
Someone please help me
What is the judo defense against a spear tackle?
I mean a judoka your size or maybe a little bigger just sprinting towards you and flinging his entire being towards you like a C spear to the guts?
What do?
Tawara gaeshi
Okay what if he bear hugs you instead of going under your arms

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As a small but mighty board, /xs/ has their own Soccer (not an extreme sport, I know,) team that fights other boards. This is done by making a computer play pro evolution soccer. Most recently, our former boardmates over at /pw/ won. Our roster is largely unchanged from the early days of the board: so I'm putting it up here for people to give feedback on. If there is a meme or shitpost you like from your threads (especially you guys, fight bros,) please hit me with it and what you think no longer represents the board. This is all autistic as fuck, I know.
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Add "Gun" as a goalkeeper.
Turn Hakuho into PUNISHED Hakuho
Oh shit, didn't see this before, change Hakuho to Terunofuji and call it "Exploding Knees"
Yeah, I am not helping
Indeed, hakuho in a janny suit would be neat.

Something to represent the floor hugging sports would be nice

In any case, next ( possibly final) match is in around 1 hour vs /m/. Basically need a win and a r9k win afterward to go forward

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