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Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
What are your favorite non-dominant side moves and why?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

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One thing that I do like about belt systems/ranks etc is people know how much experience you have

I started wrestling recently and it's scary not knowing who else is new and who else is a monster who will ragdoll me
I also wish they knew im brand new. And also who I can ask for advice/help
>An MMA gym that rented space to instructors of various styles. It was a fucking joke. Taking a class with a traveling instructor
You're judging judo from some wandering charlatan instead of having any experience at an established program. Skill issue on your part.
>trying to say what you can & can't be doing at a certain level, when the beginners MMA class is going at the same time
Having done all three, wrestling and BJJ are safer for novices to fully practice than judo, which requires competent breakfalls to avoid concussions, broken wrists, etc.
>when I said "unironically better to learn from a book at your own pace," I meant just like practicing breakfalling at your gym and just going for some throws with a sparring partner.
I disagree, even as someone who is a good self-learner. Then again, I've had competent instruction.
>Says the fag talking about taking written and oral exams.
Make up your mind. Should students understand the underlying fundamentals and unifying principles or not? How are you supposed to test large groups of new students for a basic baseline of comprehension without asking them if they comprehend the baseline? A 1:1 student:instructor ratio might be ideal but I've only ever seen it at one school.
>Guess what dipshit, you got had by a Mcdojo.
My first exposure to judo, after years of scholastic wrestling, was a university program run by two red-white belt instructors (one a former Olympic coach) assisted by a cohort of black belts. Several other instructors I've had came from this program; in their smaller schools you were verbally quizzed, often informally. I also trained for a short while at one of the oldest dojos in the country, which gave out printed study guides and made book and internet/YouTube recommendations. I've visited some smaller schools in rural areas without having time to see too much of the process for new students there, but in my experience judo dojos uphold Dr. Kano's streamlined teaching principles.
Hierarchy's will emerge everywhere and I know it's common for wrestlers to talk shit about belts or whatever, "we don't have ranks, we just wrestle" yes you fucking do
Wrestlers have ranks, they just don't wear it on their uniform during practice
But you'll see kids walking around to safety pins on their wrestling gear reflecting their performance so even wrestlers put trophies on display the same way people do with belts
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>I started wrestling recently and it's scary not knowing who else is new and who else is a monster who will ragdoll me
Just relax and learn. Getting ragdolled can be highly instructive if you keep a level head about it, reflect on the lessons learned after the fact, and keep trying your best.
>I also wish they knew im brand new. And also who I can ask for advice/help
I perceive that to be the main value in a belt system. Instructors know how to sort large classes at a glance and newer students can identify advanced students and take the load off of the primary instructors. Everyone gets used to teaching what they know as they advance and you end up cultivating a very strong group of instructors over time.

>"we don't have ranks, we just wrestle" yes you fucking do
Absolutely. Natural in-team hierarchy aside, end-of-season tournament performance was taken very seriously. Some of the kids who wrestled at the higher levels got pic related tattooed and exposed that tattoo every chance they got.
>they just don't wear it on their uniform during practice
>the same way people do with belts
I would argue the primary utility of the belt is that it's worn during practice.

there's a wrestling thread but it's pretty dead: >>174608

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which board does footbag belong on? I'm just starting out. Decided to document my progress.
Anyone good, My record is 8 kicks with the help of the wall and 6 outside. I cant seem to stall the bags I have tho. What are your favorite footbasgs?
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today i got 13 kicks.
yesterday i only got 9
today was rainy but i kicked indoors a bit. might do more tonight
raining again today :(
Been regularly doing footbag since february this year, my record is 68 kicks for now. Other than that I learned to stall and ATW on both legs semi-consistently.
Sadly my balance is trash, so for now i have a hard time combing kicks, stalls and all that into cool routines like pros do, but I'm working on it.
Honestly finding other footbag enthusiasts here is so cool, don't give up dude, we can make it!

/HEMA/ General - Power of God and Anime Edition 3

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zueF4Mu2uM
Back to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNs
Martin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QlbKfX84k

>Where can I find these treatises?

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>Striking someone's head with the flat to set up a lethal shot when you could just strike with the blade.
That's just pointless asshole.
Looks more like a cut and thrust/military rapier. Still, why is he closing the distance as he cuts? You can see that the cut would have landed on the hilt of the blade and nowhere near the sweetspot of the blade.
git gud
inb4 meyer is sport fencing
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Training for the first time since august last year guys, wish me luck in sparring

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THEN why are bets allowed on this fight?

How can a fight be notoriously fixed with money matters behind? It's would be illegal, they would get sued.

So i believe it's not fixed... I want to believe.. it's not fixed.
Yeah but regardless I heard they had implemented some dumb as fuck rules so that Tyson wouldn’t knock Paul out cold in the first 2 seconds. Either way I’m not watching that shit
>people won't do crime if we make crime illegal
Great thinking there OP

Even if it's obvious that the fight is fixed, you need actual evidence to prosecute. If you don't have evidence, it can be the most obvious fixed match in history and no one can do shit
>Either way I’m not watching that shit
>t. guy who will 100% watch it
>>people won't do crime if we make crime illegal
No, it's people won't do crime blatantly with all media talking about it and with money involved.

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Realistic conditioning that people from MMA, Kickboxing and Muay thai do to get stronger and take shots without dying

What is one on one text book conditioning for fighting, I am weak af and can't take shots easily at all
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pro thai and glory fighters say that you should condition your thighs with low intensity low kicks after each training session till you get used to it
same logic as by shooting myself with smaller bullets I'll eventually work my way up to being resistant to larger calibers
Like that pic for example. See what he fucked up was... Letting it hit his leg..lol. I mean I don't know what else to tell you but seriously, you practice avoiding it entirely & failing that, you catch the blow in a way that diminishes the impact. But there is no such thing as just conditioning your anatomy to not respond to stimulus same as anyone.
And all that will do is get you used to the feeling, it's not going to make you tougher, and over the years you will be destroying the blood vessels that would help you heal. Pro thai & glory fighters that buy into that conditioning crap are all hobbled cane users by their mid 40's to 50s. This is what I meant. This conditioning doesn't make you damage resistant.
Do you even need to get used to the feeling? In a fight you're gonna have endorphins flooding anyway, you'll barely feel a thing

Did we jump timelines again? How the fuck is this actually happening? Am I being fucking bamboozled?
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Okay, i have free 400 dollars. What should i do? Bet on Iron Mike?
$300 in helium, $100 luxury pillow, $100 gas mask. Fall asleep and die.
I don't have extra 100
It's way cheaper than that, tank at spotlight was $70, Medical Oxygen Mask from the pharmacy $20. Got them in the cupboard for when the time is right.

Neck bridges
Good or dangerous?
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Dead lifts are always dangerous for everybody and have no value to athletes
If you injured yourself deadlifting, it means you tried to lift weights you had no business touching. I consider than an IQ test failed
if you have a coach that ever includes a deadlift in your training program find a new coach because he has no idea what he's doing
I have never seen neck bridges advocated outside of fighting sports, definitely feels more /xs/ than /fit/ to me.
I doubt these things are actually good for anything. Never seen any research to that end.

previous >>181554
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What's the best karate style to fight a bear?
Redpill me on hand conditioning
Waste of time or important?
Mostly a waste of time. Firstly the time you need to contition them you could have been training techniques or endurance. Secondly if you really go down the conditioning route full force you will have an enlarged hand that got so hard its not able to do fine motorskills anymore. Additionally you get athritis.
There is something to sometimes punching a sandbag to get a feeling for the correct bare nuckle technique, but more than that is just useless.
Kyokushin got canonised by Pride
Any kyokushin/kyokushin related live uchi-deshi/live-in student programs? Just quit my job and have a lot saved up.

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The Surfing General

Pipe masters is on edition
>how do I learn to surf?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrwL5_57C6w [Open]

>How do I pick the right board?
Use a volume calculator, and find the right board type for your local break or waves you want to ride

>how do I know if the waves are good?
go check surfline or magicseaweed for reports
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man it takes two or three sessions before im in the surf mode again
Turns out I was way too far forward on it, the board has a billion times more rocker than my other one, making me think I was too far back. Guess it really is a bigger wave board, but I caught some waves on it today and felt proud. Just took a few sessions getting used to, can't wait for real overhead now
Spent 75% of my session paddling and duck diving to ride a handful of mushy burgers but it was fun and the crowd spread out. However that was my first surf in maybe 3 weeks and holy shit my arms are rubber right now.
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Based off day tryer. We had a little summer mini-swell come through and the first day I slipped, pearled, or wiped out on 80% of my waves, but the second day I was up with fresh wax and started pumping for the first time. Little things to be stoked about in the life of a shape rotator
Nice apu. Was glad I went out. Caught a few and did a couple carves. I didn't feel like I went backwards besides fitness.

Training only once a week isn't a waste of time

resurrecting the thread for muay thai. ask questions and talk about muay thai and muay thai related stuff

>Understanding traditional scoring

>Live shows
>Siam Fight News
>Lumpinee https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYMw_GleQjXnKMjhCY58V4w
>MAX https://www.youtube.com/user/maxmuaythaichannel
>PETCHYINDEE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN96OvHRSZWiecrdPvy5Wg
>ONE Championship https://www.youtube.com/c/ONEChampionship

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Strength training does however substantially increase bone density
Sparring isn't a theatrical production; it's part of your training. You spar to get better at fighting. Spar more often and get used to it so you don't freeze up. That's what it's for.

ITT: We take a non-extreme sport and change it to make it extreme.

Marathon but you can sabotage your opponents any way you want. Weapons allowed. Basically the Road Rash game but on foot.

Dodgeball with bocce.

Polo but with rodeo horses.

Water polo but the water is slightly acidic so your skin and eyes start to burn after a while and you can only get out (rotating with other team members) once you score.

Any motor sport but without brakes.

Soccer with bowling balls.

Squash but the room is so narrow and you can get hit by the other player's racket.

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if it was in the UK you'd be stabbed instead
That's a new one
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Historically accurate Pankration.
>Allowed to get out of chokeholds by bending/breaking your opponent's fingers or toes
>Allowed to strike the back of the head (or anywhere really)
>Allowed to strangle the throat with your hands

>In an odd turn of events, a pankration fighter named Arrhichion (Ἀρριχίων) of Phigalia won the pankration competition at the Olympic Games despite being dead. His opponent had locked him in a chokehold and Arrhichion, desperate to loosen it, broke his opponent's toe (some records say his ankle). The opponent nearly passed out from pain and submitted. As the referee raised Arrhichion's hand, it was discovered that he had died from the chokehold. His body was crowned with the olive wreath and returned to Phigaleia as a hero.[10]
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Parkour where you're chased by an MMA guy and you're not allowed to see the course ahead of time. Parkour guy wins if he reaches the finish line, MMA guy wins on KO, TKO or submission.

I call it Xtreme Bullying

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What the fuck bros? There's no /scuba/ general?

Let's rectify that.

Best dive sites? Hairy or funny stories?

And the obvious question, what's better? PADI or SDI?

Here's an Australian Scuba FAQ until we make our own

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Most major cities in Cali have dive shops that you could book dives through
Any good wrecks out of CA?
No idea! PCB has some wrecks which were nifty. Cali is known for the Kelp Forest though
Newbie here, is it okay to use free diving wetsuits for open water diving? Looking at truedive and bestdive's products at the moment

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A new comfy F1 general now that the old one has gone off the rails lately

No Anime
No Twitterposting
No Redditposting
No posting literal shit
Strawposting and Gimiposting welcome

Also reminder that F1 has had more deaths than many of the sports on this board, therefore extreme
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Heikki Kovalainen

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>this kills the grappler
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I got 4 years of Muay Thai experience and 1 amateur fight. My only grappling experience is 2 weeks of training take down defense with my friend who does BJJ,(He is brown belt)
I plan to compete in an amateur MMA tournament. Do I have a chance of winning my fight?
I've seen the striking level of the guys who compete there and its absolute dogshit.
Cage size usually heavily favors grappling at the amateur level. If it's a ring, it'll depend a lot on how reset heavy your referee is. All that said, if you're not in an area known for its competitive wrestling, you'll probably be fine.
The grappling to pro wrestling pipeline was simply guys wanting to keep the money coming in without fucking their bodies up so bad without realizing faggots would overtake the sport (""sport"")
Real matches took very long and the performers were constantly injured, so they decided to start working the matches to make it easier for themselves and make the matches more exciting to watch, which brought in more money.
From there it quickly snowballed into the absurdity that is today's pro wrestling
The whole point of MMA it's being good at both

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