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Not polished yet: https://close.city/

It's an interactive map to show the best places for transportation and walkability.

The default is Grocery + Library which makes the map really really narrowly defined and there's no real way to weight the options, so I recommend disabling Library and/or using just one at a time. But it does an incredible job of highlighting walkability and would make a great tool for deciding where to develop or move
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Not sustainable means it sounds good but is short-sighted. Urban walkable neighborhoods (white) aren't cherry picked examples.

It's an environment to grow, connect with a community, raise kids safely, and help or even start small businesses that get traffic from passerbys on foot or bike rather than people driving straight to their goyfeed "restaurant" or Walmart. The reason you have that that image in your head of them being "chic" is that it's an environment where someone can open a small successful clothing shop or a craft brewery in the first place. When your street looks like pic related, these are your only choices of destinations
What do you mean "at the uni itself", like on the campus main lawn? In the admin building? Inside a classroom? Like did they just abolish university libraries or are they really just for homeless people to take drugs like foxposter claimed?
I like jews and I hate a lot of Yimbys. I also live in a very old suburb that still feels walkable and has lots of trees. I think the ressentiment of many Yimbys is palpable and is a clear turnoff.
How's college?
STILL no arguments.

the mustached man edition

Read this:

Old >>199235
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There's also those all over the rims, they are made out of some sort of paper and leave nasty adhesive that I can't remove with water or alcohol https://files.catbox.moe/bf99qh.jpg
I don't know what retard in Cube thought it's a nice touch.
This is common with all but the most generic cheapo disposable junk wheels because it can be next to impossible to tell what wheel you're looking at and bike companies will often swap different wheelsets on the same model, it's easy to remove and it also makes it easier to tell what you're looking at when it's not a prestige wheel like a campy where you can tell from 100 feet away what brand it is even if there's no sticker

Alexrims isn't anything fancy but it's better than the worst junk so of course there's going to be stickers on it announcing that you got a bike that has better than the worst possible wheels
It's Cube Hyde Race in case you wanted to know. I removed the stickers from one side of one wheel, not the adhesive though. Tomorrow I will go and but this fucking adhesive removal spray because it's seems there's no way around it. I also tried gasoline and WD40, both didn't help.
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I’m going from 160/160 to 203/180 and the rear 180 adapter with the included bolts interferes with the caliper
So I used an M6 with no on thread washer and ground it down a little to clear, but these are 10mm bolts instead of the longer normal brake bolts
Is this going to kill me?

Pic is the black original brake bolts and the bolt I’m using on the caliper
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I can’t just use the original bolt and shave that down because of the non removable washer on the bolt, it’s too tall, if I ground one down with that washer there I’d be taking off half the head

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I wonder how many people here actually practice what they preach? Not many I'm sure, I can smell the the hypocrisy. Rules for thee and not for me is the rule of the internet.

So let's post our walkscores and let's see how bad things really are. If any of the there numbers are under 90 you don't belong here.
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Can confirm, I walk or cycle everywhere. Don't own a car.
Wish this site extended to UK, I wanna see how my city compares.
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hate this suburban shithole,

the bike score is a myth because they painted a bike lane but susan in her lifted Cadillac will still kill you
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Have you heard the good news about John Forester? It turns out He did nothing wrong!

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How much does this stuff annoy you train autists? I love trains but in a different way to you
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It's ugly as shit, and if you wanna make ugly as shit art in your own space fine, go nuts, but this is an eyesore the whole public has to look at
>degrading common goods is cool
this is the nig mindset
In 2024? I think It's the opposite of "cool". A teacher of mine used to say "philosophy was born and died in Greece", which means that is a unique and unrepeatable cultural phenomenon and translates to "tagging was born and died in nyc". That context doesn't exist anymore, To me if you were not credited in style wars you're just a vandal and really stupid or confused and this theory is confirmed by all the taggers I've met in my life.
It's really just like littering or vandalism, it's amazing how much damage just a few schizo or idiots can do to the public space.
As long as it doesn't shit up the windows too badly I think graffiti is cool

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Confess your sins, /n/.
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I’m three years into an urban planning degree, am I fucked career-wise?
Ugh. I moved to a location with excellent public transportation 2.5 years ago and have driven my pickup truck to work every day since.
how are they any better than vintage bikes?
i don't want no disc brakes and don't mind shifters on the frame. Why would shitty aluminium frame would be better than sturdy steel?
i don't get why some aluminium bike is $1k when you can get some really decent bike from the 80s for max $200
Whenever I have an extremely basic maintenance task on my bike that anyone who calls himself a cyclist should do at home, I coincidentally suspect there's a really complex problem that I wouldn't feel bad about asking for help on, and I wheel it into the shop.

The shop guys poke and spin and prod and go "it's fine, anything else?", so I go "well, since I'm already here, sigh.... I was gonna do it myself but why the hell not, I guess _____, so knock yourself out man, ha ha, I'm here right? might as well!"

I'm pretty sure they see through my ruse but I'll bet I'm not the only guy with a fragile ego who walks in with a basic bitch maintenance request, and their labor rates are higher than some shops so I don't even feel guilty, but I'm 100% sure this makes me a shit cyclist who should kms immediately, no wonder I'm slow. But faster guys pass me really close so thats a compliment right?
I wear the same bibs for like a week

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Previous: >>1962890

US Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1lxDKFTLO4x771l06T9y331XYhlc6TqYj-hfhl91iXXU/edit?pli=1
UK Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjRTjwJRkW_wYqis7E-c9U0xTQZWLXbsP--2qgYKUdM/edit
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I wouldn't know I'm not an eceleb that attention whores or anything. Honesty I wish Covid was as deadly as they were hyping it up to be because it would cull guys like you from the gene pool and open up the housing market a lot more.

It was a nothing burger.
Unlike a tiny jab, which is profoundly terrifying
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You've met our resident libtard, let's give him a head pat for being a good boy and taking the unnecessary pharma product. In other news, many (most?) smaller maritime companies dgaf about the vax so get applying. Pic unrelated
>many (most?) smaller maritime companies dgaf about the vax so get applying
Got any recommendations? I'll see what is nearby first I live next to a river and see barges every day I might start off doing that.
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Got the call from the crewing. About to embark on a ship company newly acquired. Selling my life for four months for a fistful of dollars.

Just about the damn time I can have a five star panic attack at any minute.

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Why does this keep happening?
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jews are sabotaging the aviation industry. reason is unclear
I don't think there's any black people there as ATC. I remember it being 3-4 white guys, one Indian guy, a white girl, and a Puerto Rican girl. The white girl is a angel, she's very nice to deal with, bubbly personality on air while the Latina can get a little bitchy towards you.

Ryanair doesn't land in America

Everyone is inexperienced, the experience left during COVID when it seemed like the industry was 100% dead and everyone was getting laid off. Last month has seen a incredible amount of traffic, moreso than usual and probably exceeding pre-COVID amounts
i work at a center and we're chronically short staffed and work way more planes than we did before covid. spring break was awful this year
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I posted the conga lines at JFK last /gag/ thread 2 weeks ago. Was a long blur of blue colored departures on the north side taking off on 22R when you saw it on Aerobahn, a few of the older people I worked with said it was hasn't been like that for a while. You had easily 30+ planes on the north side waiting to take off from U3-U1, then looping around all around 13L from start to end of Twy C to Twy E to depart along with planes waiting on crossings...and it was like Friday night.
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(The JB in the background N2048 A321N has been down for months because PW GTL problems)

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Do you enjoy any /n/ games, like city builders and tycoons?
>picrel OpenTTD, the best transportation game
If not a game, what software would you use to make model junctions and rail systems? /diy/ has solidworks, autocad, etc. Unironically a dumb game like OpenTTD seems to be the best option for exercising what you learn in your hobby, at least for free (so, not including real model railways.) It's also just fun as fuck.
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>he thinks working at a single railroad gives expertise necessary to make generalised statements
None of those concepts are inherently difficult to understand or implement.
t. buttblasted foamers
just play a-train and deal with the dogshit ai
Cope, foamie

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Post some cool /n/ webms you have
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It's not a webm but it's still cool

Yet another Scharfenberg, this time with... uh... data bus connectors.
aerial fire fighting is a massive waste of money that doesn't accomplish anything
its around because it makes politicians look like they are doing something in public emergencies and the services make tons of money doing this are always politically connected
US Forest Service did a study on this and found it was a massive waste compared to spending like 10% of that money on private forest management
public forests are terribly managed because of environmental faggotry which makes management impossible and just another way of scamming tax money for nothing productive
Jesus. Where was this?

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Why is every bridge built in the last 20 years a cable-stayed bridge? They're kind of soulless and boring.
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They're cheap, they're cheap, and they're cheap. Also, they have a bit of visible drama to them that arch bridges don't have without looking as busy as a truss bridge.
nta but sure that could be fun
is the lower structure from building the bridge or something else?
it's the place where the shah asked the engineer and his family to stand during the first run of the bridge
>that could be fun
Not for the poor dog.

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/bbg/ Bike Building General
"I'm not paying Park for a fucking bike stand, or cleaning my shed" Edition.

A place to ask questions, and to share tips & resources. Post your projects, your finished & in-process builds, restorations, etc.

Barnett's Bicycle Repair Manual - https://www.flwlib.org/DocumentCenter/View/2461/Bike-Repair
UCSB Associated Students Bike Shop Manual (2022) - https://bikeshop.as.ucsb.edu/files/2021/08/AS-BIKE-SHOP-WEB-MANUAL.pdf
Sheldon Brown's Bicycle Technical Info - https://www.sheldonbrown.com/
Bike parts, tools, etc. - https://www.universalcycles.com/


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what year, 81 or so ?
oops, 82 i see...
i've got an 85 - super comfy.
I want to strip the paint off my bike and I want a bare steel frame. Pic related, it's the bike I got 4 years ago. Rides extremely well, upgraded it, hate the name/frame colour, etc etc...

I want to know if I can do it myself, what tools/chemicals I need, and what kind of stuff I need to protect the frame?

Is this something I should get paid to be done (e.g.: sandblasting), or can I do it myself? I need tools to take off the crown, BB and other stuff as well, anything I can use to improvise here?

Don't do it it's a beautiful bike. Expecially if you don't have another bike. Just ride. The bare steel it's particularly stupid. If you have money just buy one from those dresden hipsters or do it on a pos used bike.
It's a good idea only because you'd learn everything on assembling a bike. You'd need a lot of tools that you can't improvise.
It’ll look shit unless it’s professionally polished and coated, and I doubt you’ll find anyone who can do that. You’ll end up with a dirty brown rusty pole if you try to strip it.

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I've been debating selling my car for a bike and I want to know what you think /n/. All my life all I've ever owned are cheap ass big box store bikes and I thought that's just how bikes were. I thought the expensive ones at bike shops were just for hardcore riders. Well, I decided to check one out as there are several in my town because riding is quite big here. Well, I don't need to tell you guys how much better these bikes were. And it had me thinking.

I'm a tubby broke neet. I need to save more money and get in shape. I can get somewhere around $7000 for my car, enough to get a really solid bike and have plenty extra. I want to know if anyone has ever done this. I've thought about it for several days, and the ONLY reason I can think against it is "driving is easier". There are bike paths and lanes everywhere in my town. It snows maybe 2-3 weeks a year. Grocery store is a 5 minute bike ride away. Has anyone done this before?
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the thing is a car isn't really "free" even if it's paid off, maintenance, gas and insurance are gonna be hundreds of dollars a year if not over 1000
I didn't say I wanted to put my feet flat on the ground. You said that. So I'm not gonna bother with the rest of your post since you didn't bother with mine.
Damn so /n/ has their own version of "3k civic" guy.
>i can't understand selling my car to purchase one
You might not do it and that's fine. But if you bothered to read you would understand it.

Thanks to those who were helpful but the shitposters are here so I'm out. Cheers
yea and while youre at it you can make a decent pair of shoes out of cardboard boxes and twine, only an idiot would pay for brand new shoes
Bumping because op is actually trying to live the /n/ life instead of trying to impose his control freak mentality on others by corrupting the law and turning it into power armor for rapacious developers, like the average yimby urbanist
based, also based op
daydreaming about doing this to save money and rack up mileage but desu I'd probably have to change jobs or live in an even smaller town than my current very small town. on the other hand I may change jobs anyway so.

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Performance enhancing drugs edition

Old >>1972124
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Got some massive air off a pothole, stuck the landing.
A snippet of todays ride, testing a GoPro
Otherwise it wasn’t anything crazy today, just messing around in the woods for a few hours
>80’s Fuji vantage
Neat, surprised someone was still rolling that around even recently
cool video, protp: the gopro app can straighten the curved lines from the spherical lens but the workflow is a pain until they release the pc version, however, there's a free and open source tool called gyroflow that can apply lens correction to make curved lines straight again and utilize the motion data (in the original recording) to further stabalize or apply horizon leveling
gotspicey,,,,salty,,,pepperyabouturning Gods word,,notone Word!,
dontell me itsnotruevery WORD!

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Australia can build nice modern metro stations, why can’t the US? New York’s city 2nd Ave Subway extension costed billions and the station built looked like shit, mid at best. Australia does the same yet builds great stations, all modern, functional with great station amenities and architecture. Metro trains are fully automated as well with platform screen doors on every station.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with mutts? This is not an Anglo-issue (London finishes Crossrail and Toronto is going big on transit expansions and major renovations), it appears only mutts are the outlier, why?
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Washington DC Metro had good looking stations and the trains looked nice inside.
if i didn't know how SAS stations look like i'd say this sydney station looks utterly soulless. it is insane how much difference even a beige tone can make compared to full sterile white
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I agree with you that Sydney Metro is awesome. They have my favorite aboveground metro stations of any in the world.
>What the fuck is wrong with mutts?
For some reason that I'm sure some Anon can answer, American municipal governments have the worst culture and norms of any in the world. Since it's city governments that often take the lead on public transit projects, and since the people in American city governments are literally brain-dead or chained to NIMBYs, American public transit projects are often smothered in the cradle, or ruined in the design phase.
I was just in DC. The underground stations in the core section are still very nice and pleasing to be in.
First part was meant for >>1995195
>New York’s city 2nd Ave Subway extension costed billions and the station built looked like shit, mid at best.
I'm not saying the 2nd ave line looks amazing but your pics aren't exactly attractive either. When I think of nice looking subways I think of either Mexico City brutalist style, or Russia/DPRK commie nightmare dystopia style. But maybe it's just me.

America has globally, objectively low commute times. And generally the more public transit usage and walking there is the longer the commute.
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Congress should pass a bill ensuring that no more new light rail systems are created and that existing funds for transit projects are only approved for heavy rail passenger rail/transit or highways.

I hate the “cars vs. trains” analogy, just give me great highways, subways, regional rail and intercity trains. Fuck light rail. Go big or go bust.
Fully approve this. Deploy buses instead. Much cheaper
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First off, no one's commuting 400 miles. Second off, a combination of good highways and airlines can cut down on those times significantly.

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