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The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

Previous Thread: >>10967337
Belt Thread: >>10973434


>Lock Tracker & Guide


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I did it bros, i bought one. Man i feel so naughty...
Welcome to the club. I've bought enough cages that seeing a "packaged has shipped" email gets me horny
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I decide to illustrate my frustration as a form of coping. I thought it would be cute small and aesthetic and just sort of squish my cock into my body. Instead it feels more like it just kind of stretches my body over my cock. And I also tried pulling it back with a belt. All that does is make my balls hurt and go a dangerous colour. Doesn't really flatten the shape.
Whoops I meant to reply to your post earlier but started fapping and forgot. I don't own a nub, but you should never experience discoloration when caged. The only strange tension you should feel when caged is the sensation of trying to get hard but being unable (which I assume is pleasurable for everyone, given that they are here.) If you're ever feeling sharp/dull pain or if you're noticing discoloration, something is the wrong size. From your second pic, it looks like you're erection is retreating into your body, which you need some kind of strap to contain (I just used old shoelaces which I washed). You said you used a belt and that this caused discoloration, so you probably need to size your ring up. As for the pelvic bulge, that shouldn't happen if your rope/belt is secure. My tying trick is to make an X of the lace, send one end around the other twice, pull taught, then tie off with an overhand knot. It's very simple, secure, adjustable, and easily taken off.
Ok then. Yeah I ordered the same thing but with 45mm ring instead of 40mm. Annoying with metal because you need to just buy another one. But yeah I don't even have an erection and it's doing it. Hopefully a bigger ring will mean I can use the belt. I also wonder if it's not the diameter of the ring, but the distance between the cage and ring that squishing them when they are pulled up by the belt. I tried the belt on my larger plastic cage and it was also pretty uncomfortable and just makes it point forwards so you have a big bulge in your pants.

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previous thread >>10948212
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>she's a devout member of the "Church of Dick"
She'll be a bottom yet.
With how casual elves apparently are with sex, and especially how those two act you have to wonder if Funou has Uma rail her ass occasionally. They already gave each other titfucks while Yuri rimmed them after all.
She was skipped over like twice now. Gotta give Funou some love considering how popular she is because everyone loves an Ara Ara Milf.
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>this is considered small in elf land
I relate to Tansho's insecurities more and more every day.
I mean, have you seen the average elf cock? They have easy-to-learn magic spells at the ready to fit those things. On the bright side though, seems like it works to make their pussy tighter too.

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Thread dedicated to sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Question Of The Day
How long do you plan for and prepare for your masturbating sessions? Does it build up some sort of anticipation to the moment and get you exited about what's to come? Tell us about it!

Previous Thread: >>10948869

>FAQ - Please read before posting

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training/Blowjobs

>SurfboardPotato's Guide to Prostate Play

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Good dildos if I don't want something that looks like a penis? I "rode" my aneros last night and it was really hot, wouldn't hate going the next step
>don't want something that looks like a penis
I wonder what the different is for people with that distinction. Being straight, part of the appeal was having one that looked like a real dick because that's just not something I'll get to experience for real. Add to the thrill and forbidden feeling.
I finally came from my ass for the first time after a year of trying. Holy shit.

I don't normally shoot large loads but I came everywhere, and I was so fucking horny afterwards that I went another couple of times. I came 3 times today and I'm still horny. What the actual fuck.
Absolute king. One day I will join you brother.
What flat cages do you guys recommend

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>NovelAI: online, non-free
Tags for Furry V3 model (new, best): https://e621.net/tags
Tags for Anime V3 model (old) : https://danbooru.donmai.us/tags

>Stable Diffusion: local, free
Giantess LORA: https://civitai.com/models/199258
Ochiko LORA (new, made by anon): https://civitai.com/models/389429?modelVersionId=434534
For more info, check the threads in the "Related boards" section below.

>General NovelAI guides

>NovelAI guides for size

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What do you think about this? I didn't have time for adjusting the color of the hair and of the eyes, but I think I was lucky to get a decent pose in the first attempts. It's hard to give her a groggy look, like you called it, but I tried my best.
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getting ant sized tinies is hard
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this is fucking awesome, i love the idea of stuff like this just naturally existing in a world where giant women are real, it kinda fleshes out the fantasy in a different way, and an arrogant cunty kpop girl who was legitimately a giantess singing some braggadocio song like this would be MIND DESTROYINGLY hot

well done, pls make more

would contribute to this thread but my images get nuked by jannies every time for being "too western" so have my IG gallery instead:


The thread where boobs get bigger

>Hourglass expansion is ok
>Lactation is ok
>Other growth is ok if focused on BE
>No AI or AI talk of any kind please

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>Multi breasts. Self explanatory, 4 tits.
>Anti-Gravity breasts.
>Living breasts. Breasts become sentient, moving and talking on their own.
>Detachable breasts. Her breasts can be detached and attached on someone else, maybe they become sentient too?

Combine them for an unusual super power.

The woman herself is literally just a pair of flying tits that docks onto her sister's body. Her sister has her own breasts but she simply attaches over the top of them.

They were born as conjoined twins, but nobody knew that growing up. They simply thought it was one girl who could hear another voice in her head. Then during puberty the tits-twin's powers became active and suddenly she could disconnect and fly around on her own.

She can dock onto anyone, but usually uses her sister since they grew up conjoined anyways.
I love the idea of a girls breast development overcoming their once-celebrated athletic endeavours, or also sort of like having a reverse trap struggle to hide their femininity due to the overwhelming onset of bigger boobs, and the inevitable chest-bind failure in front of their crush or whatever. Tomboys suffering a femininity overload in general is just hot.
That said, as someone who likes athletic/muscular girls and breast expansion, I wonder if there’s any scenarios/conics/stories where the athletic girl’s ongoing breast growth spurs them on to working out harder to try and ‘fight against’ their swelling tits? The end result being a buff yet still incredibly stacked woman. It could also tie in to a girl working out as a result of having back pain from their big tits too.
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Don't know if anyone else follows this manga but this girl grows huge in the next 2 chapers. They are already availabe on a manga reader app from japan but who knows how to get them.
Name is Ataerareta Skill wo Tsukatte Kasei de Isekai Bijotachi to Ichaicha shitai
How do you know it then? How huge we talking and how it happens?

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Trophy Edition

Previous Thread: >>10971105

Discuss lewd games, share your projects, and have others critique them.
Post pictures (/d/ related, preferably) to inspire developers and keep the thread alive.
Check the archives before posting requests:

>/dgg/ Game Catalog:
Password: lewd
>New thread guide & template:
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So I've played a lot of TF-CardGame recently and I decided to make my own sort of deck builder game.

Would you be terribly annoyed if the players cards weren't at the bottom of the screen? I feel like I get a ton more space to display the target in I organize them this way. Haven't played much deck builders on pc.

What ?
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I think anon is talking about Jack of Nine Tails. If I had to go by *years and years ago.)

You could train the slaves in pony stuff, but I never really explored that part of the game.
what, are the right cards the enemy's cards? I don't really need to see all that, tf card battle has the right idea that it focuses on your cards and not theirs. Granted that's because tf card battle only has one transformation per character from what I saw.
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annual dungeons and prisoners update: as of eight months ago, ILL was on JAK inhibitor therapy and it cleared up his psoriasis but not his eye issues. he subsequently left twitter for mastodon, where the account that i think is his only posted once.

as google now owns blogspot and requires a google account login to view the blog, i won't check it so i have no idea if there's any news there.

this has been your annual dungeons and prisoners update.

Been a while since the last.
Post displays of physical strength. Be it lifting, bending, crushing, outrunning or any other form of physical prowess.
Both female & male are fine, but preferably post petite slender girls destroying the notion of what strong should look like.
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that's sweat, mate
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Damn, this stuff's great. Had no there was a name for it.

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victims being assimilated into other organisms, preferably Fleshwall, tentacle...
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Whats CTF?, I would share regardless... this one is a bit of a stretch...
Capture the flag :)))

Cock Transformation
people being turned into other peoples dicks, or just into dicks in general
we have threads about it semi regularly
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I would still post it, there aren't good assimilation so I guess whatever goes to get this thread going
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would something like this work where the girl is slowly turned into a plant
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assimilation with machines count?

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Just girls who loves to eat.
No vore
No preg
No super fat weight
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no limits, especially because I know it pisses off berryfags
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If it’s just a few speech bubbles they let out it’s fine. My problem is if they go into stench or if the whole image gets cloudy as if it’s fart art. At that point it’s more about the gas than the stuffing.
Honestly I've just started photoshopping them out of art I like before I save it.
Berryfucker moment.
No limits desu

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Old thread >>10862048 has hit the bump limit. Time for a new one.
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Link to the page itself, as I forgot to include it last night: https://www.deviantart.com/ericasw/art/Lillie-s-Tiny-Tea-Time-Troubles-Comm-1048910590

Give her some love, as she does some good work. If you're interested in a commission like this, details are at the link below:

Hi, how can I send you a message on deviantart?
Are you looking to speak with me, or the artist I commissioned this from? If it's the latter, you can use the second link to look her up. If it's me, my info can be found on the commission page itself (first link), as she has me mentioned in it.
Is there a mega folder for your SFW drawings?
I wish I did...

Thread for damsels in distress, predicament bondage, peril scenarios, game overs and bad ends.

Previous thread >>10979287
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Previous thread: >>10954361
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Who's the artist?
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Filename ;)
Ilias getting eaten by Alice - or another monster girl - is so delicious.

The arrogant Goddess being defeated, eaten, and digested by one of her enemies, who she looked down on so much.

Imagine the cheers and celebrations among the monmusu when they learn that one of their own made a meal of Ilias. Or how the angels and humans will react when they learn what became of their Goddess.

Ah, thank you, I was on mobile. Where did you find this though?
Guys, I got nabbed by that blonde from the other class. Stop her before she gets home!

Theme Questions:
>How would you make use of exotic slaves like Centaurs, Harpies and other humanoids?
>What extra precautions need to be taken when training/owning dangerous races like Giants or Echidnas?
>Would slaves with magical powers be sold on the market or are they restricted to society's elite?
>What's the relationship like between normal human slaves and the more exotic ones?

Classic World Building Questions:
>1) What setting would you choose for your scenario? Modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Based in reality?
>2) What's the main supply of slaves?
>3) In case of mass enslavement, how are new slaves kept and trained to ensure they won't rebel or disrupt the society?

Questions for Masters/Mistresses:
>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?
>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?
>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?

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I like the collar as a eternal reinforcement and reminder of that domination over your life. It's aesthetically pleasing sure, but when you're owned and under the complete control of your Master, and you get dumb little thoughts of touching that little thing between your legs without my permission, the metal against your neck is just another angle ensuring compliance to my will as the thought of my supremacy over your life as is the way your heart flutters when sighting me just as much the thousandth time as the hundredth time. You almost bring your hand down there, but the thoughts of a good girl who gets headpats and might be allowed to cum out her pathetic juices earlier for pleasing her Owner will be helped in overpowering what being a disobedient slave would do. The whip bringing you to tears, but not only that, the even worse idea of letting down the Man who owns you completely. Every thought of yours filled with the person who you were put on this earth to serve. The entire reason for your existence being disappointed in you should be the worst thought imaginable, and the whip and chains are just parts of life that reinforce that reality, they are not the source of it. Not for good slaves like you anyways who are truly who I look for at the market.

Being completely dominated in such a way does help with your price should I sell you. Not that you would be allowed to know your price or anything like that, but I also wouldn't want to sell such a devoted piece of meat. I found you in something a bit like a garbage bin, and gave you a entire reason for existence. Even if your hide was worth millions to be sold to another person you are mine for life, get used to it.
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Collars with ID tags and address.
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Any, as long as it chokes them, giving them a permanent reminder that their very breath depends upon me.
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Ive always loved this picture. A harem of personal slave girls maxes out at 3 for me, too much more than that and you get into more of the managing of a industrial slave estate, more than 3 of them and they are better off being human livestock toiling for your benefit rather than personally waiting on your every need. But while integrating a second into a harem can be helped along by teaching the two girls to treat eachother as close slave sisters, introducing a third is going to cause trouble for their little brains, and thus you need to set a example of how they will get along.

A third girl should come in as lower than the two sisters, and earn her way to being one. In that picture the two sisters are clothed and have less chains around them. And are in a regular service position instead of grovelling. The girls could haze her a little bit, she isn't too happy about her new life in that picture, I am sure if she's forced to lick out her new sisters a few times it'll help her acclimate to her new reality. They're going to hold the fact that the only cunnilingus they've ever had is from her for however long it takes for her to earn equality of being beneath me.

Likewise we all know what feeding slaves people food regularly gets them. Those girls holding the fresh fruits for their Master to snack on may occasionally get offered a nibble from his hand, if they've been good, but doing it in full view of the third who might have her face being held down in her gruel by the other sister is another way to just fuck her little head apart.

After these kind of rituals are passed and she is accepted as a slave sister by your other girls, it would be ideal to repeat some of the hazing you made them do to her to extinguish any lingering ideas that they aren't all equally worthless. Cunnlingus is happening for her now, and if you ordered slave 1 and slave 2 to do a freeform beating of slave 3, its only fair that you return it alongside slave 3 on each of them.
any great slave games? I primarily wanna knock up tons of slaves.

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Especially if it's pegging, facesitting, cum/bodily fluids drinking. Whatever you have! Let's see some femdom!
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