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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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>Can't wait for DRH!
Been saying that for two years.
Hopefully we get at the end of this year
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Your autism came on pretty strong in the last paragraph anon
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It's been 4 years. It's time for you fags to fuck off to /vg/ alongside the Talesfags.
I bring it up because gardens in general are all just attempts at paradise by niggermen as far as they understand it, and the whole domain and garden structure system is crucial to the series as a whole. I only found out the connection between the words while doing my own research on shit in the game a while back.
you spent 4 years
4 years
being a back seat janny for a slow board
its time for you to stop posting
Schizo delusion in the face of objective truth. Common.

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JRPGs are fucking bad because they are too shallow both in a tactical sense (As in the combat itself is too simple) and a strategic sense, builds are too similiar to each other and resource management is non-existent
Add how little character movesets tend to diverge from "Attack, Elemental Attack, Useless debuff, Hit Harder buff, Heal", especially in the early-to-mid game where all the fun strats are still locked off, and you get why standards for the genre are so low
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>mutt doesn't know what a timezone is
Why am I not surprised
>Jarpig tendies can't get humor since their brains ain't functioning after playing 80 gaijinslops in quarter
Same post archived on /v/ and now you have to repeat it here?
Why not? I'm in 3 days long weekend and I'm fucking bored
I don't care, and you are a faggot

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I recently replayed Morrowind for the first time in a decade, and then finished Oblivion for the first time. I'm now going to finish Skyrim for the first time, and see how it stacks up, to contrast the strengths and weaknesses of all three, and consider how the series has progressed and regressed, without the cloud of nostalgia.
Few houserules:
>no potions or alchemy
>no enchanting
>no exploits or cheese
>vendors sell at 4x and buy at 0.25x, unaffected by speech skill
>fast travel only to towns I've already walked to, 50 gold a pop
>light, minimalist modding, made a few small ones myself
Gonna split up the game into three characters that do different factions, quests, and dungeons, to stay within the archetypes I want to play as, and avoid overleveling the game.
>Breton cleric, atronach sign
Mace, shield, and crossbow. Heavy armor and restoration/alteration. College and Dawnguard. Even split magicka/health/stamina.
>Imperial paladin, lord sign.
Greatsword, bow. Heavy armor and restoration. Main quest and Imperial Legion. Even split health/stamina.
>Nord barbarian, lady sign.
Battleaxe, light armor. Companions, Stormcloaks, then main quest and the Solstheim content. Pure health. No magic allowed, just facetanking with a giant pool of HP. Only healing available will be natural regen and eating buckets of stew. Going to be pretty metal.

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I sleep.
>sooo, what's up bro? what you doin' later? you busy?
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A nice high elf offered me the opportunity to invest in valuable real estate. I just bought this mansion for only 25,000 Septims, financed at 20% per annum, compounded weekly. It's a bit of a fixer-upper, but I feel so safe here, with that fort right across the road, and that sturdy watchtower nearby as well. And I get to furnish it however I like!
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I've been playing a lot recently, but struggling to differentiate my cleric and paladin sufficiently in some skills and content they'll touch. Looks like you came to the conclusions I needed, so I'm going to steal your spreads (minus some tweaks since I'm playing Requiem). Thanks!
The most fun I had in Skyrim was turning off essential NPC's, larp as a Daedric half-prince and murder literally every NPC in the game with Ice magic and the Ebony Blade while wearing full Daedric Armor.

You literally feel like Sauron.

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In the course of my career as a vidcon specialist (my own coinage, spend it wisely), I have never seen such blatant and frankly sickening ignorance as that exhibited by the "people" (if, in fact, they are homo sapiens at all, as their intelligence implies elsewise) that claim that Zelda is not an RPG. There is nothing that Shigeru "Shiggy" Miyamoto could possibly do to make the vidcon any more of an RPG as it meets every single criterion for being one, particularly that it takes place in an imaginary realm with a fantastical beastiary, the damsel villain ratio is at or above standards, and that the core emphasis of the gameplay is on bedazzling all foes with impeccable swords and sorcery. Furthermore, this line of thought can be extended to all vidcons in which the player controls a character (hence, roleplaying), though I cringe slightly at the thought of such mundane vidcons as Madden being RPGs, as they do not even include exotic weaponry such as the tonfa.
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Every longform video game is an RPG. Yes, even Super Mario Bros and Sonic the Hedgehog.
The second game was even more RPG
Kill yourself
stop bumping shit off-topic threads
Fuck off.

This tard has been trying to get this exact post to take off for three fucking years! Damn!

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Top Three Final Fantasy Games
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4, 5, and 7 are the best.
The original FFT is superior to both FFTA and FFTA2.
Nobody thinks you're anything but the dumbest poster in the thread right now and in a Final Fantasy shitflinging thread that is really fucking dumb,
skills and class systems are fun to play with + you are probably a faggot
Y'all will post the simple and boring statement and not elaborate and act like anyone should give a shit
FF Tactics, ff1, ff3
I really like ff1 Wizardry lite approach and ff3 is a Very cute game

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Sci-Fi with magic isn't represented enough in CYOAs. No, superheroes don't count.
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WIP recommendations where everyone but you absolutely hated?
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I thought the child soldier from that one never ever wip was interesting idea for a character, but I heard she was just a clone of a character from a trails game. Other than that uh I liked birds of a rose but thats pretty tolerated here because you can play a Powermaxxing autist who'll sell his body to his boss if it means moving up in the pecking order. I can't really think of wips that anons here don't like that isn't for a good reason, most of the time its because the wips are very amateur. (Which is why I won't be doing patreon or some shit like that for my wip because I AM an amateur and I don't think people should pay for amateur work, plus being paid puts pressure on making and keeping strict(ish) deadlines at a time where I dunno if I could keep them)
Tale of Heroes. The character writing is phenomenal, the prose is ambrosia and the world building is simply...sublime. Though, to be fair, it *is* rather demanding of the one's IQ.
Shame the technocracy isn't an actual magitech faction, because Mage is retarded and technology is actually just a magical psy-op. Healing crystals will work if enough people believe in it, man!
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>Knife skill is low and I want to improve it
>I am getting robbed once again
>See that I have a 7% chance to succeed on stabbing someone
>"Fuck it, even if I fail I am holding onto too much junk anyways. I need to increase my knife skills."
>Expecting her to succeed and steal my stuff
>I end up stabbing and killing her instead by accident
>Didn't even raise my skill with knives.
Oopsie Daisy.

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What are the best WRPGs?
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>bg3 in god tier
Stopped reading there
You just responded to bait, anon.
That is not bait, this is the definitive tier list for Wrpgs, after more than 25 years of playing them.

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Name 1(one) good game made in rpg maker
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Autist who makes faggots seethe
some guy that makes rpg maker games where his self insert kills a bunch of people that were "mean" to him online (read: told him to fuck off for being an asshole)
Success breeds jealousy
salik my nuts
Doom & Destiny

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Ted Peterson and Julian LeFay (designer and director of TES: Arena/Daggerfall) are working on a new game.



Look like it will be a sort of Daggerfall 2.0

Curious to see how it will turn out.
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This, that kind of game could be so cool if they were made by competent people.
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The guys making this will be dead in ten years.
What the hell? Why?

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What went wrong?
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Their newer games don't require unofficial patches, so that's an improvement.
Bad writers + zero ambition
I disagree with woke stuff being the reason of its failure.
I think the they played too safe and didn't take too much risk. Even the woke stuff was clearly toned down lest they attract too much attention. They should've been more bold
Bold developers in 2024? No such thing.
-Level up system was shit and you have to go out of your way to not be a god of everything midway through the game (doesn't help that the game throws armors at you that give noticeable bonuses to various stats / skills)
-Weapon / armor variety was trash, somehow made Fallout 4's 9000 flavors of randomized pipe guns disaster look serviceable. The armor system needed to be more complex, only having slots for head and body is retarded and I'm sick of newer RPGs continuing with this trend, often under the copout excuse that they don't want it to be "intimidating" to new players, as if casual games like WoW, with 20 equipment slots, haven't been huge for decades
-Enemy variety was trash. Every planet basically has the same copy pasted outlaws and handful of monsters / robots
-All the companions and their quests are extremely forgettable. The only one I remember liking slightly was Vicar Max.
-No sense of exploration, all of the planets feel very small and there's no "going off the beaten path" type of exploring. I'm pretty sure every place on every planet had some sort of main / sidequest attached to it
-Sidequests were trash. Only one I can remember liking is getting sent to this research space station where some sort of fuckery was going on that forced the crew to all freeze themselves or something.
-None of the side factions are interesting and they don't really interact with each other. IIRC every planet has two factions you can opt to side with and once you're done on that planet, they never come up again
-The Board is somehow less fleshed out than the Legion from FONV. You don't even have any direct contact with them until the very end of the game
-Combat feels worse than FO4, which is only serviceable at best

I'm a huge Obsidian fag, but this is definitely one of the worst games I've played in the last 10-15 years. I also hate the sci-fi wild west aesthetic they went with.

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>"These NPCs are not scripted. We give them general goals and they figure out on their own how to accomplish them."
It's been almost two decades, why can't RPGs ACTUALLY accomplish this now? It would make their worlds far more believable and alive and feel less dead.
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I just replayed Morrowind and Oblivion back to back. Personally, beyond the first five seconds of “wow that’s kinda neat” I don’t think the AI schedules add anything to the game, beyond the tedium of “well shit i guess I gotta wait for 12 hours for this shop to open to sell my loot now”. I can understand the objection to Morrowind style “this NPC is still standing here at 3am because it’s just what he does” as being unrealistic, but I look at it as a gameplay conceit.

Then you get into the fun stuff like “lol this level 1 NPC is coded to run cross country to this other city on the 17th of every month, sure hope he doesn’t get murdered by a land dreugh and a quest just randomly broke”. As a bandaid to this you got Bethesda slapping the essential flag on minor NPCs simply because they’re involved in some side quest, which is, to me, far more immersion breaking. I much preferred Morrowinds very sparing use of the tag, and even then, it didn’t stop them from dying, just gave you a “you just done goofed” message, even though you could still d the back door route and finish the main quest, which is really cool.
Why isn't it possible?
>Bethesda has set out to create living worlds, and npc schedules were a big part of that
Yeah well I'm hear to play a video game. Go to hell.
FUCK OBLIVION fuck this stupid fucking game. every so often i get the itch to mod it and play it then i get 200+ saves in and everything gets corrupted, only ever bethesda game to corrupt my auto saves. FUCK THIS GAME AND FUCK YOU TODD HOWARD
Did you play with a million mods? It was still a 32-bit game, you may have gotten to the point where your saves got too large and the game shits the bed. I recently replayed it and the only time I ran into save corruption was in the mages guild quest with the dude and the giant black soul gem, it was very specific and reproduceable, had to work around it.

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is trails of cold steel good? im thinkin bout downloading 3
God no.
No, and this is one of the worst ones.
why no?
It’s INCREDIBLY bloated and while people love to talk up it’s lore, barely fucking anything happens in the games despite how long they are. It’s not worth the timesink whatsoever. Play something better like Dragon Quest or SMT, hell even Persona.

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Give me ONE reason this "isn't an RPG" that doesn't boil down to:
>You can't kill things in it
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>tired monty python jokes
Fallout 2
>magical realm bullshit
It's not an ad hominem to call you a tranny, I like trannies. You all just kinda act the same way. What's your favorite tabletop roleplaying game?
limited C&C makes for disappointing repeated playthroughs. it puts up a good facade on the first run though.
>limited C&C makes for disappointing repeated playthroughs. it puts up a good facade on the first run though.
Anon, why are you bringing up BG3 in an unrelated thread?
Exactly, but thats a major sin for it.
Unlike other RPGs like Witcher, BG, Pathfinder and Dragon Age. Disco Elysium puts huge emphasize on dialogue and storytelling that it being limited in that kinda ruins its status.
You can forgive a huge game with lots of other elements if it had less choices and branching paths but Disco Elysium never bothers to invest into anything other than dialogue and story so for it to fail on delivering on that front makes the matter worse.

I was very disappointed with my 2nd run as well, after hearing endless amount of praise of this supposed complex CRPG only for it to have 1 ending with 3 variation and zero branching paths, few checks that barely matter.
I ended up having the same playthrough but instead of generic fluff communism, you may get generic fluff fascism pulled for you straight from the depths of reddit.
People made fun of Cyberpunk but it had way better choice and consequence system, and at least the choices you made can give you multiple different endings.

You summed it up perfectly, it puts a good facade on the first run, it will trick the player into thinking there is a lot of choices to take, but all the illusion breaks on a 2nd run.

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I've recently played through this and I'm wondering if I should get Joyful and play it as well
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Rando being a freakshow attraction in the past is an interesting addition, although I prefer Clint being the right hand of Rando
Why not? I think they’d be happier with each other, and Lisa would probably still be alive.
Brad would sooner kill himself than ever fuck Lisa again.

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