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Post the worst moments in RPG history.
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Does this literally ruin every theme of the main game and the movie as well?
That heavy sacrifices are what makes a king out of a man. And the whole story being a call to maturity?

Noctis having to choose between his childhood dreams of friends and love and finally sacrificing himself to save the kingdom?

God, I miss this game so much.
If only exploring wasn't shit and jrpgs weren't so linear
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Killing Wrex.
>Bro, you need to grow up, real men kill themselves
The Japanese way, adopted by the world in general now. Get young men with talent to kill themselves and remove potential threats to your old men cabal.
>Does this literally ruin every theme of the main game and the movie as well?
>That heavy sacrifices are what makes a king out of a man. And the whole story being a call to maturity?

Yep all of that is thrown away

>Noctis having to choose between his childhood dreams of friends and love and finally sacrificing himself to save the kingdom?

don't recall Noctis having this dilemma in XV. Then again I don't recall anything about that lameass

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I have been playing the pixel remaster of this and so far it is the only Final Fantasy game I have played that doesn't completely suck.
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>haven't listened to this soundtrack in 20 years
>immediately start humming along perfectly with the song
holy hell. that's fucking great.
Stopped reading here
sadly for you zoomie or nufag the pixel remasters are worse
>FF for sony consoles : censorship,removal of content
>FF PR : more censorship and more content removed.
the only safe way to play it is
>grab snes emulator
>grab retranslated rom
>enjoy without cuts or censorship
What cuts and censorship were made to the games? The only ports I played were the PSX ports of 1 and 2, I played 3-6 natively.

Whoever posted that comparison video of 6 convinced me in two seconds that the pixel remasters were garbage, the remastered 6 intro sounds like weak shit compared to the SNES.
>still going nuts

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What are the best JRPGS for both of Sony's handhelds?
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Any kiseki is better on PC
OP is too fat to sit at a desk. He has to play in bed.
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You WILL play all 7 Kiseki games
You WILL play all 8 Ys games
You WILL play Nauyta
You WILL play the spin off fighting game
You WILL play Brandish
You WILL play Gurumin
You WILL play Tokyo Xanadu
>You will play cs1 and never touch anything falcom related ever again
Okay but which of these games are actually worth playing? I never wanted to buy a PSP tho my brother loved his. What would be worth emulating now? A Peacewalker remaster on console was a bit of a let down for me, and thats my only experience playing a psp game.

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Just finished the main story and I really don't get why this game is so maligned. Did auto-battle really filter journalists that hard? Considering strategic orientation of the battle system toward paradigm deck composition and paradigm shifts, auto-battle was a good and useful mechanic. I think the "hall way sim" complaint is overblown, the linear and open segments are well-balanced. People complain about the "20 hour tutorial" which I really don't understand, the early-to-mid part of any JRPG is going to be a different kind of experience than the late-to-postgame, and this game does a good job differentiating the segments. Two-man battle teams present a different, somewhat more desperate challenge than the late game where you have all options at your disposal. And, I love the menus, I love the UI design overall and don't get why people complain so much about the Crystarium. Even though its sections are more linear than the Sphere Grid, you actually have pretty significant control over how you develop the characters until the deep post-game.

Admittedly, Taejin's Tower and Oerba feel unfinished, the weapon upgrade system is tedious, and the summons felt like wasted potential. But this game delivers on graphics, gameplay and story imho.

What did you think of FF13? Should I keep going with the post-game grind or just jump right into XIII-2?
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It's easily the most underrated of all Final Fantasy games. Far better than X and XII and VII in any case with a wonderful story and gameplay. Remake could have learned a thing or two from it honestly. That piece of shit bored me to tears.
Yeah it was, you seething little faggot. Kill yourself.
>body sculpting mod
Its a nude mod isn't it?
based game
Its a shitty version of a series that stopped being good a decade beforehand with a hyper-linear version of gameplay for a series that was already fairly linear all so one faggot exec could have the wifu he drew in higher school in a game with FF7 derivitive characters when FF8n was already overrated babahs first RPG crap

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what are some other rpgs that have girls with big weapons? finished LoT2 wanna take a break before postgame
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Why was Undertale Yellow so much more succesful than the other fangames?
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>Knight in the name
>Same body shape as Dark World Kris
>Same sword except red because real knife
>"Taken arms against the light"
>Has an entire fucking boss fight
>NOT the roaring knight
Unless you're aiming for a technicallity, this is 100% their Knight. The best you can say is this one in particular hasnt opened fountains, but that's because the implication as I got it is the knight is just a bunch of discarded vessels instead of one entity as that's what's behind him before the fight. Hell he even turns into red mist like a Darkner killed with snowgrave when you kill him, if this isnt the knight then what the fuck is it
thats on RV pines' deltarune
I also love how garbage his gaster blaster is, it doesnt work like an actual blaster (You actually get i frames even on Genocide) and they only do 5 damage per hit. Really seals how stupid the ending is
Here's the upscaled version of Flowey, happy to see you again.
i REALLY hate the "dess is trans" thing because it hinges on a fucking nickname.
cant even give a character a nickname that all their friends refer to them by or else you'll have mentally ill people scream about how that character is actually trans and the people who use their real name are just deadnaming xhem
for example:
>DRYanon2's plan is that martlet is fighting in court for true custody of cole
suppose cole is a nickname and clover is his real name.
martlet refers to him as clover, his friends go with cole.
you go through deving a whole fucking game, ending of the game involves the court case, martlet wins...
then not even two days after the final release there is a barrage of people all screaming about how cole would be "better off with parents that dont deadname him".
could you fucking imagine the feeling?

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Enough about Earthbound-inspired RPGs, what are some LISA-inspired RPGs?
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None exist
That gutter game or whatever its called that was posted in the dev threads
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Will Buddy be a good mom?
No, mine will be best.
Just wait.
Hymn to the Earless God, will be the closest.
Otherwise, play pokEmon.


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Never trust anyone who would sing you a song for money or says that they know many tales
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I didn't check. But given the region... I would be surprised if it wasn't.
How do you challenge yourself when you replay old SaGa games?
could be mononoke?
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In case you're wondering what the Salamander in Pulchra drops, it's just the usual red dragon stuff, so either Dragon Scales or a Nether Malistryx.
Earth Dragon=Dragonscale Blade
Red Dragon=Nether Malistryx
Blue Dragon=Ice Sword
Gold Dragon=Cinderforge Sword
Sleeping Forest=Gae Bolg
>black warrior kills white hatman and everyone and peacefully sets fire to the dojo
damn.. saga went woke

This is so fucking boring. I'm sorry but the only reason I kept with it was for the potential incest kink and even then I would say it was not worth it. Like people say that Trails has such good worldbuilding and that there is so much depth to the story blah blah blah compared to final fantasy. But final fantasy at least had themes about identity, finding your place in the world, overcoming the fear of death, grief, loss, etc. Wtf does tails have? Why should I keep playing this boring ass game that was shilled to death here?
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Falcom literally produces gaijinslop in revenge for not one nuke but two
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Nobody is forcing you to keep playing a game you're not enjoying
Another thread made by the butthurt falcomschizo
I love how much constant asshurt this series causes.
shit taste hide thread

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Did we like it or did we love it? :D
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I'll let you know a year or two from now when most of the bugs have been fixed.

No custom made characters. RPGs that force you to play as a woman.
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She looks like that slutty girl with the sword from 2nd Trails in the Sky game.

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In case you haven't seen the new program:

I wanna see what you schizos will whine about now
>inb4 persona
>inb4 2 ez
are my guesses
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The game's launch has been 2.5 years ago and that's the point - it should not cost 70$
It launched 2.5 years ago on the switch buddy. It's launching with new features and an extra campaign next month, they get to charge what they want for it.

What's your scale anyway? Can you quantify your release date to cost ratio? 3 months after the switch version? 6 months? a year? 1 year 1 week? 1 year 6 months?
The extra content?
I'd be interested in your breakdown if you've thought that far ahead.
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nta but i've stopped buying most things on release because i expect there to be a 2-years-later enhanced ultimate definitive SSS+ edition
the only good thing about the OG story was that it wasn't around much. because vengeance contains more content there's a very real risk of more story content.
i preordered it

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What's the best game engine to use for a 3D low poly indie RPG in the style of Final Fantasy 8 or Neverwinter Nights?
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Couldn't you just render the backgrounds in a separate program and use them as images, then have the box you're in not be shown but still drag the player around the background? I don't know if you can have a z axis in a 2D game. That's way above my pay grade.
This is why nobody likes rpgm fanboys.
>3D low poly
>RPG Maker
Pick one
Not my fault everyone else is just a faggot. Stick to your gay bears.
give up

Do you like to play as an imperialist in your games?
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Oh sure, I guess I might as well give it another try.
What are some games that let me impregnate women?
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Life of a Wizard which is an odd mix of basic and delightful. I banged my magic college roommate and cheated on her with my elf childhood friend who I knocked up and married, then 25 years later got our son voted in as the college's master wizard while I dealt with other wizard stuff. It filled an evening and I don't regret the purchase.
what's the replay value
Medium range, I replayed the first hour 7 times happily but haven't gone back after beating the tougher situations.

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What was the best RPG on the Nintendo GameCube?
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tales of symphonia. though the chibi graphics could be a little better.
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My perfect 2005 summer preteen waifu could never look better
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
final fantasy crystal chronicles

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