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Why was Undertale Yellow so much more succesful than the other fangames?
didnt we agree on a more generic UT fangame dev thread?
since thats what the other thread turned into
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That would have nothing to do with this board
>actually came out
>good enough story
>good enough humor
>good enough character designs
>good enough amount of secrets
First point being the most important by far.
if it happens two threads in a row, then we can try that next time.
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kitsussy do be needing that big human cock doe
not an rpg
whats defines an RPG?
surely you can give an answer that doesnt exclude the majority or RPGs but excludes UT/UTY
RPG = anything that isnt undertale
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behold, an rpg
this but unironically
shilled harder than other ones + actually came out
>Make fangame off of already popular and successful game
>Wow how is this popular???
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if it was as easy as making a complete experience we should have more than one example of this
we've gotten other complete undertale fangames before this, believe it or not. they just didn't have the sauce that yellow had.
the only other originally written fangames i have seen even get a shred of notoriety are undertale 2: revenge of the robots... which isn't nearly as known to the community at large, and that one fuckass dating sim that only got popular because it was thrust into the spotlight after years of literally no one knowing about it existing
people want more Undertale
more Undertale comes out
people like it

also AUslop and single fight fangames have been a thing for years but they obviously don't have enough to talk about. People also love new and original characters, which Yellow has but AU slop usually doesn't (which is also why people wanna see more of Deltarune, it keeps adding new and fun characters)
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I wish more in-dev fangames had more unique zones. It's so sad to see pretty much every single fangame being worked on right now starts in the ruins. I hope when Toby finished DR, he steals the other good area aesthetics from HS. Almost all of undertale's zones were basically just ripped from HS
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Since this is kind of a game dev thread and its frecuented by people with experience...
Hypotetically how would you recreate the fullscreen borders seen in Undertale and Deltarune in Godot? It probably has something to do with canvas layers or viewports but I'm not sure
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Godotanon here. It's a complete guess but in Godot I'd have to place the whole game in a viewport camera setup (something like pic related), and then just have the border as a background around the viewport. The project would need to have viewport width/height values accounting for the borders (or do it manually on a game manager by code) and then make the screen resize the border image to fit the window with the game inside.
I was thinking of something like that, but doesnt the entire game need to be a child of that specific subviewport? Like wouldnt that cause problems? I have only a few months of experience with Godot so maybe its not that big of a deal as it seems
There also the thing that in Undertale the borders dont appear in windowed mode so you would have the reparent the entire scene when switching to windowed
Exactly, you'd need to setup the current scene to always be under that viewport. So you'd need to code a custom scene changer from the get go since the default method changes all nodes. AND make the borders only show up when activated and with the default being borders off and the game's window stretched to the viewport first. That's definitely a bit advanced imo

Though. I think the DR1 anon is MUCH more knowledgeable than me considering he has more experience, so I'd say to wait for his input or look up resizable game windows
> Almost all of undertale's zones were basically just ripped from HS
Can you expand on that?
Yeah that sounds painful, there must be an easier way, if I were on my computer right I could at least test some of my (retarded) theories
Can you asing the texture of the main viewport to a texture rect? Is that too insane for Godot?
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Textures can take viewports as their texture. It's better to do it by shader though, at least the last time I used it, it was a bit buggy doing it the normal intended way and sometimes without fail setting up the texture.
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had to look up an old project of mine. Here's the shader I used, though it's for a 3D material. Just copy it and it should consistently work unless they fixed viewport textures in recent updates
So you can, but its has some problems?
My idea was to make an autoload CanvasLayer with a TextureRect as a child, this would be the "borders texture", then that node would have another TextureRect as a child, this being the "viewport texture rect"
I think this whole Idea falls apart because the game would be rendering twice, I know that a toaster could probably run two instances of Undertale at the same time without problems but I still dont like the idea
for a 2D game it's not that bad, the game is still doing the rendering inside the viewport so you basically treat the scene inside the viewport as the real scene while outside of it is just like, a single image or nothing
Thanks, I'll give it a try tomorrow
I studied shader for a few days like three weeks ago, I understood some of it but so far it has been the hardest topic to grasp about the engine
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Homestuck has a bunch of different worlds in it, and many of the areas in Undertale have strikingly similar aesthetic design and are very clearly inspired from the Homestuck worlds. Parts of Snowdin in UT look similar to the Land of Frost in HS, but with more Xmas flavoring. Waterfall has an almost identical pallet to the Land of Wind and Shade, which also features dark blues and black as the primary color tone with glowing cyan plants for contrast. There's also Hotlands which drew some heavy, heavy inspiration from HS. There's some more stuff too, but it's less apparent in the colors and more of the theme. There's some lesser stuff like Home and New Home both being cities with tonally opposing, monochrome color themes while in HS there's Prospit and Derse which is thematically similar.
Toby took the parts of Homestuck that everyone liked such as the wonder worlds and charismatic characters and funny things that happen while taking out all the shit everyone hated

also he didn't fuck it up because he had the front fucking seat to seeing Homestuck collapse in real time so he KNOWS everything to avoid
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Yeah, it's basically the Homestuck Greatest Hits compilation. I just wonder if Toby's/Anybody is ever going to try to pull inspiration from the other good parts of homestuck aesthetics
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I think that method is good, it's what I immediately thought to do. Don't worry about it rendering twice, I'm almost certain that's not how it works. It's more like it renders the game world once into a frame, then it renders that frame (NOT any of the game objects, the literal frame itself) into the texturerect. From my experience, the performance penalty is negligible even on very low end machines.
Keep in mind that you won't be able to poll mouse clicks inside that texturerect (for that you need a subviewport as mentioned in >>3468227), but since UT doesn't use the mouse at all, it shouldn't be a problem.

I was gonna send a reply to that guy basically saying "i dunno man i don't see it either besides Hotland/LOHAC", but after you pointed all this out, I see what you mean.
I noticed you had an image of Rose's planet in your other post, what do you think that influenced in Undertale? I also can't think of any analogous Homestuck settings for the Ruins and Core, notwithstanding what you said about Home/Derse.

I agree that Undertale is almost like a distilled Homestuck that avoids the same shortcomings, but I personally enjoyed Homestuck more because I found it to be more creative and interesting. Mind you, I never fully finished act 6 and don't like act 5 very much, I just liked 1-4 enough to consider it more memorable than UT.
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>Mind you, I never fully finished act 6 and don't like act 5 very much
yeah. uh. yeah I'm glad you didn't!
But I have Homestuck deep into my heart and I even like Act 5, but Act 6 and every drama that happened since the kickstarter began is a book of "shit you shouldn't do ever" for any piece of media
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DRYanon2 here, the process is probably a bit different but i cant imagine that the core concept here is too much different between engines:
>render space doesnt upscale with the screenspace, nor does the engine crop the scene to maintain a perfect aspect ratio
>instead you have the viewport set to windowed mode's resolution, and then the game is allowed to render outside of that viewport
>so if you have a 1280x980 viewport on fullscreen, and then remove the cropping, the scale will stay the same while rendering at the monitor's screen size.
>the fullscreen borders are part of the UI.
>it will naturally be hidden while out of fullscreen, but upon entering fullscreen the borders become visible
here's a rough and quick example using DRY2.
>inital black borders: the engine cropping whats visible to the player
>full view: deactivating the engine's cropping, showing the full scene.
>the ruins border: activating a UI overlay, creating a textured border
>what do you think that influenced in Undertale?
I was just wishing Toby/some fangame dev would draw inspiration from some of the other homestuck locales. Would be cool if we got a DR world theme'd loosely after Rose's planet
I kind of feel like deltarune chapter 4 (or whatever the church chapter ends up being) will look like this
Alright I tested it and it didnt work because I forgot the minute detail about the canvas layer being on top of the entire scene, so the image I would get from viewport texture would also include the borders
Huh, I swear I got a similar setup working before. It's not the same, but take a look at this from the Godot example projects (this specific commit, not the newer ones):
It uses a subviewport, but one time I edited it to use a texturerect and it still worked. Later today I'll see if I can try to replicate your idea on my end and provide more details if I get it to work.
Alright, managed to put together a sample project showcasing what I had in mind.


Basically, make the gameworld itself into a scene, then in your main scene have a SubViewport with the gameworld as a child. Then, have either a SubViewportContainer as a parent to the Subviewport, or a TextureRect with the texture set as a ViewportTexture pointing to the SubViewport.
I did both in the sample project, but I'd personally recommend the SubviewportContainer since it's more flexible with gathering input. TextureRect tends to be more flexible with upscaling though, with SubviewportContainer all you have is the stretch_shrink field.

Feel free to poke around in the sample project and adapt to what you have, and if anything doesn't make sense or doesn't work just ask
I went back and actually read the thread, and I just realized this is more or less exactly what Godotanon was talking about here >>3468227. Albeit probably less gracefully than how he would have done it. Whoops.
Hopefully it doesn't come across as too redundant or useless.
just a question, how does this project work in windowed mode?
It works the same. I just used full screen since my monitor's resolution is 1920x1080.
In retrospect, I probably should have kept it windowed, since running it in a monitor with a different resolution would make the whole thing look wrong. Oops.
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got martlet's idle sprite done
24 frames for her idle is probably a bit expensive, but i'm not planning on clover to have sprites in-scene for this song (or for most songs) so it's probably fine to get a bit carried away with these
let me know if anything looks weird so i can fix it before doing the other sprites
i like it. maybe its because im used to simple idle animations from other mods but i think you should slow down the movement in her hair and wings, unless you are planning to add like a sort of fast wind effect going in the background. again, just me though, i think its good otherwise
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speaking of martlet, updated return to form with a tiny little interlude chapter for those interested and want to give their thoughts
Alright, but only because you asked so nicely.
And also because your story is pretty good.

And also just because I like freakzoid.
could a guy not yet initiated get a link? i'm not really familiar with navigating the search system on fic sites and not interested in being shown unrelated slop browsing around...
actually, expanding on this thought, is there like a compendium of competently written works? finding something good instead of baby's first cornyaoi slop fic when browsing has been a slight hurdle into getting into this stuff.
Decided to expand upon this a little and add extra options to enable/disable the border, as well as a simple "scale to window height" like the original PC UT release. I also put the project up on a Git repo for convenience.
what i usually do to find something good is go to
(in this case trying to find martlet fics) and on the right there's an option sort by a multiple filters, so i usually sort by kudos, bookmarks or views. the other option is look for recommendations by other anons, but i wish there was a compendium for these things like you said
for archiveofourown
so the idea here would be for the "MainScene" node to always be instanced? if you want to load a new area or something similar you have to swap the "GameWorld" scene with another right?
the way I personally do it, I just have the scene as a child of the main node (with the main node having the main logic and camera/ui)
so when changing rooms, just delete that node and instantiate the other one without needing to swap the entire scene
That's how I would go about it, yeah. If you were to take the same approach as >>3470283, the camera and UI should probably be in the GameWorld scene, or at least siblings of it.
I might fiddle around with that sometime.
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Anon that first asked about the borders here, I have been messing with this anon's project >>3470113
This worked much better than I expected, making the Scene Manager use the "GameWorld" scene instead of the "current_scene" didnt cause any real problems, the scenes with UI elements and 3D elements didnt break either
btw I just now realized that anon updated the project with an scene manager
anyways thanks to all the anons that helped with the borders project
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does anyone know if there's a font specifically used for character names and HP numbers?i really dont feel like making two fonts just for that.
wait, found them
Glad to see the sample project came in handy. I was self conscious after putting it out.
I was considering adding in a sample UI system, but I see you've already gone far above and beyond anything I could make.
I just used the font used for the enemy dialogues (dotumche pixel) and it worked well enough
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godotanon here
my artist made an edit and asked me to kindly share to you all
well this is horrible and i hate you now.
Thank you for sharing it, there is something familiar about the image that I pray to the gods isn't real.
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I'm so, so sorry for bringing it back

and if you want some Extra
Oh, it's from the first thing. I never seen that thing before

>and if you want some Extra
Nah man, I was already checking sugoi quest for kokoro to see if it was from there.
I'm in the third episode but I see my search was pointless all along.

might as well check whatever neko sugar girls is and- 57 MINUTES LONG?!
ceroba if she was a better character
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Honestly my main issue with Ceroba in Yellow (or the ketsukanes in general) is that she feels way too surface-level. Martlet is introduced in Snowdin and she feels like she fits there well considering her puzzle-making gimmick, which makes sense for the first major area of the game. You have Starlo and the Feisty five who all are great western themed characters representing many of the archetypes of the genre. And, of course, Axis is perfect for Steamworks.

And then you have Ceroba, and she's a touhou character. That's kind of it. She's a very traditional japanese kitsune who wears traditional japanese clothing and she has a magic staff and her fight is a touhou fight. She has a massive japanese estate in the middle of the fucking desert where she lives with her traditional japanese family. And she's in the dunes with Starlo and everyone else.

Like, I don't like saying this sort of thing, but saying it anyways, if I absolutely wanted to include my furry fox lady in the game (which I absolutely understand and won't complain about), but have her still be introduced in the Dunes, I'd try just a little bit to make her inclusion a bit more... thematically appropriate? There is a LOT you can draw from to actually make it work. From the way Samurai and Western movies were directed very similarly and inspired each other, maybe take a look at how japanese immigrants had their life in frontier America, try looking at japanese firearms of the time and maybe give her a cool fucking japanese rifle... Heck, that deleted NPC makes me pissed off because there could be a whole discussion in the game about how much monsters took from human culture by essentially taking our trash and trying to copy it, like exactly what happened with Starlo; If something like that happened with the Ketsukanes, they could have had a theme about not fitting in or feeling out of place.

it's just a bit annoying that she doesn't explore her theme as interestingly as they could
surface level in design and theming, to clarify. I think her story/writing is interesting, though it's not, like, actually solved in any way at all. And I wish it was.
oasis town should have been japanese inspired and have a feud with the wild east that you had to mediate
>I think her story/writing is interesting
They were juggling some interesting ideas but I don't think the actual writing we got was good. I think they changed it to make her responsible for Kanako's death/coma at the last moment. She's mopey and secretive from the beginning, but she really doesn't have the guilt or self-awareness of a woman who murdered her fucking child.

I bet the dev team notes said something like "kitsune mother with BIG SECRET (missing daughter???)" and they had to fill in that mad lib in the final stretch of development. I don't know what else could cause this wild disconnect between what a bitch she was and what a saint she's treated as
i feel like a potential fix to that is to make it so that
>ceroba walks in on kanako holding the syringe
>frantically tells her to stop
>kanako points out the note she found about the extract
>"kanako... i've already looked into that! it wouldn't ... (actually... _would_ that work..?)"
>ceroba pauses to think about if it really could work like that
>kanako does it before she can make a decision

now something horrible happens, she isn't directly responsible... but still failed at being the voice of reason and disallowing something she should have already decided was wrong

but then again that would just make her passiveness in the ending way worse
...maybe it's a concept better reserved for a larger rewrite au
I almost feel like they wanted to do something like that early on, it's called the Wild EAST after all so it only makes sense to have be a weird feud between western and eastern culture. Hell I figured for a bit that the entire Dunes area was artifically made into a desert and the bits of grass and flowers you see lying around around what the east was actually supposed to be. Problem is they just dont do anything with that idea, assuming they even had it in mind at all and Im not just pulling stuff out of nowhere
Either of the dryanons, can you or someone who has the image post the designs for integrity?
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current designs for my half (DRY2)
lemme grab DRYanon1's quick.
mylo and gizmo's color schemes are still a work in progress, but my spriter is working on some battle sprites for june at the moment.
speaking of, how is that design for gizmo so far?
oops >>3474097
>How’s that Gizmo going
I think you think I’m a different anon, I just liked the design and wanted to use it as a reference for some fanart I’m making. Thanks man
got it, just give me a moment to grab DRYanon1's stuff. having trouble finding it.
also i was asking about feedback on that one. does come across as a different kind of question though.
Ha, my mistake, these designs are miles ahead of the sprite-work seen in most UT fangames or just fan-sprites in general, you did a great job!
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oh i have zero artskill.
cole and kanako's inital designs are from DRYanon1, the other three are from my spriter.
anyways im having trouble actually finding the sheet DRYanon1 posted
here's the latest overworld for his integrity (and his axis)
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here's mine, not as great as dryanon2's since I'm not a dedicated sprite artist
also sorry for not posting anything for a while, my boss berated me for procastinating too much
I'm also trying out a few ideas to go ahead with turning my DRY take into an original game, so progress has kinda halted
what sort of ideas have you been thinking of? im curious on how you'll go from a deltarune fangame to an original game. maybe sort of like what oddity did?
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not him but
honestly it's not that hard, Deltarune is basically "it's a world with humans and other races" and then you go in magical otherworld adventures like a trillion JRPGs
Mondealy was originally an Undertale/Deltarune fangame and it's pretty fucking obvious but the dev just really didn't give a shit. And it's okay, though he switched all the monsters to just anthro characters. The dev also does some really raunchy porn of the characters
holy based
I wouldn't call it so because he made stuff of underage characters and that made it near fucking impossible to find people to help him with the game which is why it took ages to develop
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well since it wouldn't be in the tobyverse anymore, that gives me full creative control
I already have a bunch of ideas that were planned for my DRY, which besides taking place in DR's world/setting, were original enough that I feel could stand on their own (a lot of time on DRY was wasted working around toby's lore)
there still is a "dark world" kinda deal, but it would work with different rules (more flexible for me). battles most likely will follow the DR style, but with higher focus on combat (almost no acts, more focus on spells and you actually get exp and leveling without the game calling you out on it, so a more standard RPG)
I'm already in talks with a friend of mine that can sprite to work with me on this, webm related is what I've changed so far, my own sprites but I'll ask said friend to replace the assets later. still using the old strings for items and stuff
you can just make Furry Persona and it'll sell millions
that ui is looking really snazzy
im sad it wont continue as a dry project but at least we have the other projects going around
does this mean DRY1's getting scrapped? or do you plan on dumping the DR game somewhere?
I wouldn't say "scrapped", just "dormant", maybe. if this game can't make it, I might return to DRY. I just wasn't satisfied with how limiting the dark world lore is, and I felt like I wanted to expand on the story but there was no room using the UTY cast and DR setting, so I thought it would be better to make my own setting and cast besides it avoids any potential stigma that might appear from using other people's stuff, the UTY twitter stuff legitimately scares me, I just want cute fox and human interactions
>do you plan on dumping the DR game somewhere?
since I'm using the DR engine I made for this, only if I drop this new project, but I'm confident I might be able to do it if things work as well as they have been so far
its tough to make a fangame out of a game thats not even fully done. lorewise, the stuff added to deltarune in chapter 2 was huge, and i predict the same will happen when chapter 3 and 4 release whenever. so it makes sense why you feel so limited with the current status of deltarune.
maybe the stuff that will get added will make the project work better as a DR one, but maybe thats just me coping
NTA but there's also the fact that like, despite being part of the worldbuilding, Toby clearly cares more about character writing and general plot flows than trying to explain soul lore theory. He doesn't have that weird obsession the fandom has with explaining soul mechanics since his thought process is simply "I'm the writer so I can do anything I want lmao"
there is also the other factor, the UTY and DR stuff has a ton of baggage attached to it (just browse twitter and reddit for a few minutes and you'll see), so I'd rather do my own clone game with my own stuff that won't have all that stuff on top and hopefully can stand on its own in some way
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This is stupid and I doubt I'll put it in, but here's a Flowey talk sprite I made for fun.
if its made, why not use it?
make it a fun value conversation
I don't wanna put memes in my stuff. Yellow got big because it's full of original ideas, and best I can, I wanna avoid just referencing Undertale and internet culture.

Captcha: DRY2M
That UI looks pretty cool, good luck with your original project DRYanon2
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>a lot of time on DRY was wasted working around toby's lore
>you actually get exp and leveling without the game calling you out on it
>besides it avoids any potential stigma that might appear from using other people's stuff
>the UTY and DR stuff has a ton of baggage attached to it
all entirely fair reasons.
and even if you do decide to fully swap, i dont think anyone would object to you still posting updates here.
on my side of things for DRY2, ive already got my own well developed setting (picrel is half of the chat logs between me and a friend on it. we only catch each other online about once a month. and yes we use discord for it because its convenient.)
if i actually finish DRY2, then you can expect me to move onto that.
but believe it or not, im not a furry. so non-human races in that setting are more monster-person like than furry like.
the unholy desire for fluffy fox tails, unfortunately for me, transcends the monstergirl-furry line.

that would be DRYanon1
is he stupid or smth? it shouldn't be hard to be normal publicly when you're trying to attach something important to your name
>is he stupid or smth?
he's russian
Because it was a full experience and not just a remake of the ruins and Snowdin.
IMHO, this game isn't as good as the original UT. Even boring. The plot, dialogue and humor feel forced, doesn't have the touching feeling and fun of UT. The only good thing is probably Martlet. But since it's a free fan game I forgive it.
maybe on planet retard
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after entirely too much procrastination and getting all the objects of the menu into place, progress into the code side of the pause menu has continued.
im aware that the text in the description looks a little wonky, fixed it already.
Whats that "power" stat?
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for now, just this. (values not final)
in the long run it'll be the sum of
>enemies [genoslided]
>arbitrary story events, like dark fountains closed
idea is for it to pretty much be dark world equivalent of LV/EXP while still rising over the course of a normal run.
So its quite literally their "power level", speaking of wich
The dark world stats have the prefix "fake", does that mean that you are going to use the "real" overworld stats at some point?
I just noticed that magic is one of the stats taken into the power calculation, does that mean that Cole will always have the lowest power?
>does that mean that you are going to use the "real" overworld stats at some point?
just naming them the same as base DR's dark world stats.
but the answer sits in the realm of a "maybe"
>does that mean that Cole will always have the lowest power?
like i said, acts and spells will also be taken into account.
once i make the battle system cole's acts will be on par to the magic stat and spells
idea is that everything together, a character starts with ~500 power at base.
>Acts will be taken into acount
Wait, so the acts aren exactly enemy specific in this fangame? You unlock them and can use the same acts in different battles?
suppose its been a while since the justice system was explained
so every enemy type will have one of several crime tiers assigned to them, with flavor check text to match, and a handful of acts related to said crime tiers.
all justice related acts will be available at all times
an innocent enemy. just spare as usual with normal enemy specific acts.
light crime
can just be "criticize"d, or fought until the enemy runs away.
moderate crime.
will need to be criticized, but will need to have their resistance dropped with regular acts or fighting first.
additionally, cole has a "suppressive shot" act for combat that lowers HP, but cant reduce it below 10% so that you dont mess up the encounter.
heavy crime.
will need to be "apprehended", which will usually involve catching the enemy off guard or
>death sentence
the rarest type, reserved for specific unique enemies.
every playable character will have a unique lethal skill.
this totals up to four justice-related acts, so cole will have two act tabs: a regular act tab, and a justice act tab. the same is true for monster party members, having support and offense spell tabs.

all "end conditions" will be available for all enemies, and neutral endings will depend on how you close battles off.
staying true to justice will get you the good ending, while going too heavily into one kind of method will get you a neutral ending. including being a pure pacifist and sparing normally.

but there's also the fact that just the ability to act itself will add power as well, since its what allows enemies to be spared in the first place.
>staying true to justice will get you the good ending, while going too heavily into one kind of method will get you a neutral ending. including being a pure pacifist and sparing normally
You probably noticed this, but that's anti-Undertale as fuck. Total divergence from Toby Fox's style.

I don't dislike it. Too many modern heroes pull that "if you kill them you'll be just like them" shit in places where it really doesn't apply. If you can just turn the guy over to the cops, sure, okay. But I see way too many uncontainable sociopaths left to run amok because gee, who cares about all the nobodies he's killed when he's got such a fun gimmick? Just leave him because the author will contrive a karmic death before he kills anyone actually important
>that's anti-Undertale as fuck.
NTA, you say that as if it might be a bad thing lmao
Anyone who's paid genuine attention to Undertale's story should understand the message of "Everyone deserves to live no matter what" is it's weakest and outright worst message because of what it entails, even with all it's excuses it still fails to actually make absolutely every monster someone who deserves to live (See Muffet and Mettaton for the objective examples). That message is part of why Yellow is so shit, it doesnt recognize that sometimes someone does deserve to die for their actions.
Even with that said though you can make the argument that's not even the game's main theme, it's simply the choice to kill and spare as you please at all. Yeah obviously its going to antagonize you for commiting genocide but do you expect anything different? Of course the only person who'd praise it is the one non-monster. At the end of the day it's your choice, the natural evolution of that is making the choice more complicated than an extreme "Everyone should live/Total Monster Death" scenario
>an innocent enemy. just spare as usual with normal enemy specific acts
What's their reasoning for fighting you at this tier? They can't exactly be "Innocent" and "Able to send you to a Game Over" at the same time
>you say that as if it might be a bad thing lmao
It's fine, it's just a sharp thematic contrast to Toby Fox's stuff. It was so important he advertized Undertale as "the friendly RPG where no-one has to die" and such. I expect people playing the fangame for more of that will get burned. I just thought I'd point that out.

>See Muffet
I get irritated by cutesy characters getting away with shit, but Muffet was fine. She was told if she took down a murderous spider torturer she'd get enough money to help her friends. If you bring evidence you donated to spider charity she apologizes and the fight just ends.

Mettaton, I'll give you. You don't spare him for his sake, but because he's the only form of escapism the monsters have. But even he can only rationalize his bullshit because he thinks you'll die to Asgore instead and kick off a genocidal war.

I think the biggest bitch is Undyne. You can risk your life to save a monster right in front of her and she still spergs out. She doesn't even have a proper spare option--you have to subdue her. I hear if you leave her on the bridge you can't get the good ending even as a total pacifist.
Do you guys struggle with writing characters? Did you have experience with writing characters before going in? This applies mostly to the anons making fangame but also people who have written fanfics and stuff.
>I think the biggest bitch is Undyne
I like to give Undyne a pass thanks to the "Soldier clause", in that it's literally her job to kill you regardless of how she may feel about it. It's genuinely a better excuse in my mind than "It's not an attack its a bullet pattern greeting" that the mob monsters use. Not to mention she does back off for a second after you help monster kid up so she's clearly thrown off by it.
>She doesn't even have a proper spare option--you have to subdue her.
TECHNICALLY.... If you lower her HP enough she will never make your soul Green, and thus you will never be forced to fight her for the rest of the chase as you can run turn 1. Again, it's her JOB to kill you so she cant let you off the hook outright until given proper reasoning to (Like running into an area she literally cannot survive in)
>I hear if you leave her on the bridge you can't get the good ending even as a total pacifist.
You mean at the start of Hotland with the wter cooler or monster kid on the bridge? Because in the latter's case if saving a child doesnt sound like a requirement for the good ending to you that's a (you) problem. The water cooler though I get that, that's kinda dumb but also it's not an arbitrary reason, if you dont save her there she isnt willing to be your friend, and being her friend is needed for True Pacifist. Going out of your way to save the life of someone who was just trying to murder you is a tall ask yes, but she's a soldier, you NEED to put in that extra effort to prove you mean no harm and for her to forsake her duty and not only stop attacking you but get on your side.
Muffet's just kind of an asshole who only thinks of her spiders and couldnt really care about anyone else even when faced with a genocidal manic, willing to let them go completely because they arent genocidal to HER friends in particular
Some monsters/darkners are simply retarded and cant control their damage, even Toriel can kill you when she is trying no to
I suppose the enemies in that tier are literally just doing their job and can accidently kill you, either that or they see you as a threat for one reason or another and stop fighting as soon as you show them that you mean no harm
>I suppose the enemies in that tier are literally just doing their job and can accidently kill you, either that or they see you as a threat for one reason or another and stop fighting as soon as you show them that you mean no harm
I'd suggest you make an active effort to ensure that is clearly stated and that no innocent enemies seem to take joy in fighting you then, because that very problem is why morality in undertale is so stupid. Maybe for the truly innocent, if they're at 100% Spare they stop attacking entirely instead of waiting for you to actually use Spare? Show they're willing to back off as much as you are
I'm not DRYanon2
And I'm not paying enough attention, very nice to meet you
Sorry about that lol
I read you don't need to save Monster Kid to get the best ending. I won't do it because that might be my favorite scene in the game

It could have been clearer. Spareable enemies attacking is pretty ridiculous. Monsters like Asgore can have their attack dropped psychologically, so intent isn't obvious. Even the "they aren't really attacking you" bit is mostly fanon supported by a single mention of a bullet pattern birthday card
>Even the "they aren't really attacking you" bit is mostly fanon supported by a single mention of a bullet pattern birthday card
Yeah it's funny remembering that, it's literally the ONE thing thats meant to stop the monsters at large from being truly evil, and all the evidence for it is 1 line of text in the librarby, that doesnt even come from dialogue, and doesnt even bring it up as an in-person exchange just cards. And it only gets worse the more you think about it from there, like how you're the only one getting these "Bullet Pattern Greetings", its not impossible for a monster to just talk to you normally, and it means "Tool for Human Eradication" and "A Friendly How-Do-You-Do" are the same thing to a monster.
Maybe innocent and guilty darkners should have slightly different attack patterns

>Attacks more support-based, blocking parts of the battle box
>Targeted projectiles attacks are thrown in your direction, instead of going directly at your soul
>Some patterns are somewhat random, hoping to incidentally hurt you rather than directly doing so
>Targeted projectiles target your soul, or at least, are thrown in your direction in a less spread-out pattern
>Parterns that would be random take little time so they can be properly aimed at you (less attack speed, more accuracy)
>Innocent darkners go for the defensive
>Guilty darkners go for the offensive

I don't know if attack patterns should actually be modified in a noticeable way since they could be a giveaway of the darkners crime level
Maybe just increase attack speed and accuracy the more guilty they are, to give the feeling they are actively trying to hurt you.

Although one could put a small level of randomness to the equation
>Guilty darkners who don't know they are criminals, so they go for the defense
>Innocent darkners who think you are actually trying to kill them, so they attack to kill
>Innocent darkners who are being coerced into fighting, either by threat or deception, are slightly more aggressive
Hell, perhaps even uncommon versions of the normal darkers.
>An innocent darkner who thinks you are attacking them and uses "self-defense" as an excuse to be violent
>A desperate darkner who just spam attacks with no care for accuracy
>Guilty darkner who feels guilty, so they put little effort in the attacks

Just pitting out ideas here.
>but that's anti-Undertale as fuck.
yeah i get that and have thought about it, but my point of view is that the question of "but what if you meet a REAL killer? is constantly teased, but never actually enacted upon.
undyne, muffet, flowey, and card king.
the four of them fit the "true killer" bill, and they all would have killed you if you just tried getting them to back down.
>have to run away from undyne
>have to stall in muffet's fight.
>flowey is forced to stand down by the other souls.
>card king exploited the team's kindness himself, and if it wasnt for lancer would have killed the party.
granted, undyne gets a pass because she has the soldier excuse and is fighting for the good of monsterkind as a whole.
but the other three actually do deserve to have their shit slapped and dusted/turned to plant pulp
anyways point is - UT/DR never address the "real killer" problem when its brought up in game, there's always just a bullshit excuse to skirt around it.
there will be a single digit amount of cases with the death sentence, and the first time is treated as a small shock point.
there will be consequences for leaving these enemies alive that prevents the true ending from happening, because surprise surprise, you let the person out for blood alive. and WOW, someone died. who woulda seen that coming?
in CH1/2 its pretty heavily implied that none of the enemies actually want to fight. most CH1 enemies are soldiers under threat of the king, and CH2 enemies are either mind controlled or one step away from being a wild animal.
>I don't know if attack patterns should actually be modified in a noticeable way since they could be a giveaway of the darkners crime level
already planned that in DRY2-CH2 you'll get battle UI elements telling you the darkner's crime level so that you're not forced to check after chapter 1.
oh yeah knew i was forgetting something, with the second part (also forgot a quote >>3476107)
idea is that innocent enemies similarly feel forced to fight.
>have to stall in muffet's fight
Come on. As soon as she gets the memo that you weren't torturing and slaughtering her kin, the fight is over.
and there's literally nothing you can do to convince her that you're innocent until the other spiders tell her.
if it wasnt for outside input, someone would have needed to die.
So it's okay to be bound and attempted to be used as beast food 3 seperate times in the meanwhile?
That really just suggests she's gullible more than it suggests she's a bad person. It's surreal to see "if you don't kill murderers you deserve a worse ending" and "muffet deserves to die for attacking (who she thinks is) a murderer" in the same post
she threatened alphys and was the reason hotland wasn't closed off during genocide as well. she is objectively a bad person
do i need to remind you that the reason why she thinks frisk is a murderer is because of money?
>Do you guys struggle with writing characters? >Did you have experience with writing characters before going in? This applies mostly to the anons making fangame but also people who have written fanfics and stuff.
Not one of the devs here, just an anon learning Godot with the intention of making a fangame, what do you mean exactly with "struggle with writing characters"? Technically atleast for me coming up with a character concept is really easy, a concept cant be as simply as "a character who loves to fight", depending of the importance of the character an small concept is all you would need, once you have the basic concept things like the personality traits of the character, the design, the backstory their importance or conection to the plot, etc start to come naturally with time
The real struggle for me its writting dialogue, I have never written a fanfic or anything but I have been writting notes for game concepts for 6 years now (literally just an ideas guys that writes a ton of notes), wich includes writting characters, I think most of the dialogue that I write is really bland even when the character has a really defined personality to guide me it still feels stale, and since I'm too self conscious to post my writing I cant tell if my writing is actually shit or if it just has some flaws
It doesnt help that dialogue is probably the most important part of any character, a good design can make a character popular but that doesnt mean the character itself is good, personality traits are meaningless if the dialogue you write isnt consistent with their personality (see Ceroba), plot relevance can make a good character even better but if the character is already bad it will only make things worse and you have to write a really good backstory if you want that to be the sole thing to carry your character
The dialogue (and interactions) is probably the most important part of writting a character and the hardest too
She still is kind of a psycho, so...
And no, she literally only cares about 2 thing: Money, and her spiders, so she is still one.
Which she intends to use to help her friends? But even then she wouldn't kill an innocent for any amount of money, so Mettaton had to make shit up.
also to add on, yes
>It's surreal to see "if you don't kill murderers you deserve a worse ending" and "muffet deserves to die for attacking (who she thinks is) a murderer"
is a fair point to make, but there's also a point to make that muffet isnt exactly deserving of pure mercy either.
in any route, muffet is told to kill frisk in exchange for money because frisk kills spiders.
on pacifist and neutral, there's no way to prove that you wouldn't hurt spiders (unless you farm 9999G for the joke way through)
but then on genocide she is the sole reason why hotland and core enemies get wiped out - because she refuse to evac so that she could get the kill.
and to make matters worse if you abort genocide on her fight, she just lets you go. doesnt matter if you've killed every single person before her, you just didnt harm spiders so she doesnt give a shit. even if you go on to kill even more after aborting her fight.
under the justice system there's no way she falls under anything lower than a felony.
>But even then she wouldn't kill an innocent for any amount of money
see above, she lets you go on the route where its WELL KNOWN that you're going around and killing everybody you see.
she doesnt care about anything other than her spiders and money.
she could do an objectively good thing by stabbing you in the back and yet she doesnt.
The problem with Undyne, and pretty much every other monster if we are being honest, is that they don't even see you as a person.

Like sure, it's her duty and I would too kill a child if it meant the freedom of my species.
But she kind of tries to pull the moral high ground on you, like she's the paragon of justice and you are being a jerk for not dying.
If you kill any of the dog guards, she says it was due "to the whims of the human" even when it's part of the job.
She also says that if you want to help everyone you should, which is true but not her call to make
And honestly, she's kind of racist by pulling the "some members of your species did us wrong so now your ENTIRE species is bad" card
I get hating a group that completely fucked you over, it's an understandable emotion, but my god fish lady that's a child who probably didn't know about the war before falling in.
>The father may shape the progenitors but his sins should never be laid upon the children

Honestly, Clover's Justice route could still be seen as justice because, despite being completely overblown in its retribution, it's based on the same logic most monsters have.
>Some of your species did wrong in the past, so all of your species have to pay
Hell, "Enemy Retreating" being a kind of cheerful and empowering song that plays while slaughtering innocents fits with how monsters usually feel so "heroic" when fighting you.

But I know most of this stuff is Toby Fox not thinking too deeply about the story/dialogue/lore even if he basically ended up creating huge double standards that humans have compared to monsters.
>Any monster you kill is seen as an act of violence, never self-defense.
>And the only monster who you are fighting in pure self-defense and cannot be reason with, cannot be killed either (mad dummy)
>Even hurting them is bad but by the game's logic they should be aware they are hurting you too thanks to the "HP bar"
>And they know about it because Napstablook mentions his
You can argue she's right about the dog guards because every single dog enemy in the game has a 1 Turn Spare by using an item that you literally entered the underground with (The Stick), so ironically despite it being their job they are less dedicated to killing you than a Migosp. Even still though, yeah I totally get where you're coming from on that
>I get hating a group that completely fucked you over, it's an understandable emotion, but my god fish lady that's a child who probably didn't know about the war before falling in.
Let's not forget the 6 other humans that fell before Frisk, all of which were also children, where at least 1 one of them was confirmed to be involved in the deaths of monsters in one way or another. You agreed with the idea of killing a child for your people's freedom, but you glossed over it a bit too quickly honestly. If you HAD to kill a child for the greater good, chances are you would delude yourself into believing every possible thing that would make it an easier task on yourself mentally, because you're still killing a child no matter how neccesary it is. You need to be very fucked in the head to not go through that. That's why it requires so much effort to get her to back off, you need to show her 3 seperate times that you genuinely mean no harm before she can stop lying to herself to distract from the fact she needs to skewer a child. It's still a terrible situation but by all accounts I cant fault solely Undyne for acting this way, war fucking sucks and forces people to act in shitty ways to cope
>If you HAD to kill a child for the greater good, chances are you would delude yourself into believing every possible thing that would make it an easier task on yourself mentally
also part of what makes muffet worse.
she doesnt even cares about the freedom, she ONLY cares for the money and her spiders.
she's killing a child for money.
And it's even more obvious in genocide, so yea.
Muffet is a psycho/socio/ihavenoideawhatelsewouldfit-path.
She cares about the spiders' freedom. She doesn't have a single gold piece on her so she probably dumps it all into the travel arrangements
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i hate UI design.
was gunna start with the pause menu, but NoOoO i have to fix the fucking determination font because spacing between characters is fucked.
god damnit.
at least this is a one time fix (hopefully)
>realized that its not very noticeable in this image so it looks like i actually am going insane
oops, just look closely at the O
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This is no longer a game dev thread,
Commence the bird posting
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>iToddler telling me what to do
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Recreating the monster dusting effect is proving to be harder than I expected, it doesnt help that I suck at shaders and I'm mostly doing this blindly
I wanna say that Undertale does it by spawning individual dust particles where the white parts of the sprite are, at least that’s what I’ve heard.
Yeah I read that too, but in any case I dont know how to implement that either I thought using shaders would be easier
I'm pretty sure it's based off horizontal rows like old console scanline effects. The easy way would be to get the height of the image and iterate through it, spawning 1px horizontal slices. Then go down the rows and give each one negative Y acceleration, random or sine(y) X acceleration, and a fadeout. This would be very inefficient at modern resolutions but Undertale monsters are... what, a hundred pixels high? I strongly suspect it's what Toby did. I might go through the decomp later to see.

If you try to do it with shaders I think things will get more complicated because fragment shaders operate on an area the size of the fragment (in this case, the sprite texture) and the dust effect is much bigger. So you'd have to use a vertex shader to make it wider and taller or use a framebuffer or something.
>I think things will get more complicated because fragment shaders operate on an area the size of the fragment (in this case, the sprite texture) and the dust effect is much bigge
Yeah thats one of the problems I currently have with the shader
in the gif you can clearly see how the dust effect gets cutoff by the sprite's texture rect forming an square wich looks pretty bad, the other problem is that the effect isnt pixel sized like in undertale, it doesnt form an square for each pixel, it looks more like liquid more than anything
I found a bunch of vaporization code in the Undertale decomp and it's fucked. I don't wanna keep digging. Whatever you end up doing, it'll probably be an improvement.

Seriously, though. If you want a simple solution, do the slices. Just spawn some Sprites with region_rect.size.y set to 1 and slide 'em around and you're done.
the guy that was making the undertale dev kit in godot actually managed to recreate the dust effect in a shader, should have asked him for the shader code or at least some pointers so I could recreate it myself too
maybe next time he shows up I'll ask him
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school is finally over yaaay
the speed at which i work on this over the summer depends on if I get a summer job or not (which I don't want to, because i've already saved up a good amount from working earlier, and working full-time on this as portfolio material seems far more conducive towards an actual career than working some wagie job, though my dad disagrees) but hopefully regardless of what happens i'll have much more time for this than I did with college on my ass.
currently working a bit on the HUD. i'm trying to take from the pixel style of undertale and turn that into newgrounds-flash style. i made soul-shaped notes and am working on accuracy rating sprites
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here's the combo ratings compared to the default ones, lmk if this style looks good or if i should change anything about it
You’re still working on this! This is cool even though I’m not much into FNF
Everything looks fine, no problem here
The newgrounds and undertale style looks suprisingly good
i love the heart notes, really nice touch.
also kind of unrelated but, i stumbled upon your starlo running sprites a while back, and right now im making a mod for uty since i wanted to learn a bit about utmt and gamemaker. would you mind if i used them? of course with proper credit and all
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So we know that in the Undergrounds the monsters also have ASCII and UNIX systems from dialogue in the game. Do you think they had C and Assembly? I like to think that Axis and Mettaton were probably programmed in an embedded systems language like C or C++.
I like this font more. Good job anon.
go ahead! here's a link to the .ase file if it would make it easier to export a spritesheet

thank you very much! now all i have to do is find a set of dalv running sprites and im set!
im making a mod where the main cast follows you around for a bit longer. for example, dalv follows you around snowdin, martlet follows you through all of dunes and starlo follows you around a new area above the cactus girl. i already have most of the dialogue written and the follower system. my plan is to also include a new ending, but ill see how it goes
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You could even try re-writing the Pacifist ending to have more Kanako and True Lab. I know the Godot anon is doing that but he isn't doing much with the True Lab supposedly.
yeah, i've been thinking of doing that but i would rather leave that to godotanon since i think his premise is more interesting. for now, its just a simple cutscene and text mod, nothing too major. im not planning to add battles or anything like that, unless i learn more about utmt as time goes on.
the hard part is gonna be making the followers help in combat like what ceroba does. i already have a few ideas about what dalv, martlet and starlo can do, but im open to suggestions
if it's too much work, you don't need to add battle stuff for all followers, just having them around and the talk option already adds a lot
also add a date at martlet's house in the time you can backtrack there after the wild east and the steamworks
someone made a yellow thread on /v/
time to see if the /v/ threads are completely out of steam or not.
They should all just post here
i want to try and do something like the papyrus hangout for martlet and starlo. its something i have planned but i want to first implement the dalv and martlet follower stuff and then move on to the other stuff
before this thread was made, the /v/ threads were the primary, and the one on this board was very light and largely was just gamedev updates
not sure if we ever necessarily switched the primary threads over to this board, but i sorta like the one here being a slower thing to sporadically check in on, while more lively ones crop up on /v/ every now and again
Forgot to mention, I was using this shader as a base in case anyone wants to give it a try
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I've been meaning to study shaders for a while now, not just because of my fangame but because of other projects as well. Thankfully most of the effects I need to do are pretty simple
>I would rather leave that to godotanon since i think his premise is more interesting.
I'm honored
Just finished this and I'm really proud about how it turned out. It's very much my own take on Integrity and her role in the story, starting out kinda tomboyish but eventually adapting into a killer ballet dancer after falling down. I was worried that the bleeding mascara might be a bit too much but it grew on me.
lemme know your thoughts and if I went too far, constructive criticism welcome but say something nice too if you don't mind.
what project is this for?
Think of it like UTY master quest
Finally, the Wild West is real
>her role in the story, starting out kinda tomboyish but eventually adapting into a killer ballet dancer after falling down
She didnt have the tutu before falling down?
>I'm kinda ambivalent on the bleeding mascara, but it certainly makes her look unhinged. If it's grown on you then i'd say keep it
>Given the bang hanging over half her face, shouldn't the left and right facing sprites be different?
Looks good.
well, the /v/ thread went better than expected.
guess we've still got some steam left for /v/, just need to space them out and time them a bit better
And maybe announce them in this thread. Most people stopped checking /v/ so often but everyone checks /vrpg/
it struggled a bit but im surprised it reached post limit.

small update on this but i already wrote the dialogue for all the rooms, im just giving them a second pass and then giving it to friends for feedback. hopefully ill be able to work on the cutscenes soon
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might as well repost these here
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shame multiple images in one post isnt a thing.
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why is every singular "A" capitalized?
singular letters are-
>the teachers taught me wrong
>as a joke
god damnit.
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then again, it has also been quite a while since ive last had to write formally.
How are you developers doing for music? Are you just reusing Yellow’s ost or what?
its the exact reason why im making a tech demo in the first place, the fandom is filled to the brim with people willing to help out if your project looks promising.
You're going to get non-ESLs to sort your shit out before release, right? Every shot you posted has errors.
english is my first language. i do not write formally often.
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anyways i can assure you that i do speak english natively.
but as you can probably tell by my typing style i dont exactly have formalities at the front and center of my mind.
so i need to put a little more effort into it, which would involve not typing things out at 2am, like i did when making the react text for those and right now.
as for the pause menu, this is the current state, will work on the inventory half tomorrow.
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just realized that something isnt quite right.
At first I thought you meant the color because its too orange, I have the feeling that he final game will have at least one instance of someone accidentally calling Cole "Clover"
I think you should just call him Clover, since it’s literally just Clover aged up and not a new character (I assume)
cole just sounds cool tho
what if clover is his actual name but kanako calls him cole as a cute nickname
Clover 'Cole' Prower
Making Cole/Clover's name an in-game toggle might be a good idea to look into, Cole is a better sounding name but it is a bit weird to give him an entirely new name when he's still supposed to be the same Clover from Yellow, especially if Kanako didnt get a changed name
I mean it's obviously supposed to be like Frisk/Kris
Yes but Frisk and Kris are also different people outright, Cole is still Clover. I get the naming logic but its the still the same person, no one is going to accidently call Kris Frisk but you can see right there people will still mix up Cole and Clover
i think you trying to fix a literal non-problem.
No one has ever had a complain with Cole.
And no one will be confused by the obviously different if technically the same character.

In fact, it is better to have them named differently as to not confuse who is who and what game is being talked about.
I think there's a case against this in that UT gives almost no indications of Frisk's character whatsoever, and what's there isn't contradictory with what we know about Kris. It's very possible that their personalities are exactly the same, we just don't get to see Frisk's. Also, although we never see her, Susie is called Suzy in UT.
>no one is going to accidently call Kris Frisk
Toby actually did that in one of the newsletters lmao
Toby did that because kris and frisk sound similar, it only takes a tongue slip for someone to accidentally say frisk instead of kris
>Also, although we never see her, Susie is called Suzy in UT.
besides those two (who are the main characters of DR), every returning UT char has the same name
a new name for kanako could work but I can't think of anything that won't sound weird
Can o coke
Maybe Kana or Kanata? Kana has the bonus of being a very dumb, probably-not-how-the-language-actually-works pun where UT's Kanako is the child version of DR's Kana.
my theory is toby will take a page from homestuck and jojo part 6
my crack theory: when the roaring happens, the DR universe will be reset into the UT one but kris and susie will die in the process, having them be reborn as frisk and suzy. for some reason kris will be split into 2 though and the 2nd half becomes chara
Honestly, same. I'm not expecting it to play out exactly as you've outlined, but ever since DR was first revealed I always imagined it was something of a pre-scratch prequel to UT.
If it ends up being real, that would also make my "Kana" suggestion work on another level, in that Kanako Undertale is the spiritual descendant of Kana Deltarune, haha
i actually like kana, considering the ko is japanese for child iirc?
ive seen a few people call kanako "kako" which i thought was cute
>build a character that fits a specific role
>go through a story making decisions that have narrative consequences
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my only addition to the name conversation is that toby probably didnt think that hard about kris and susie's names.
the logic was probably "naming the human frisk or chara will imply too many things" and "wait, suzy isnt that great of a name for a regular kid. good thing susie is pronounced the same"
the origin of cole's name was just to follow the naming convention that kris established (frisk - f = kris), and mylo is an extension of that (using melody as UT name)
I have been fucking around with shaders and particles to recreate the monster dusting effect
this time I used this shader as a base https://godotshaders.com/shader/teleport-effect/
along with a CPUParticles2D node to recreate the dust particles, the particles nodes uses the monster's texture as an emission mask so no particles randomly appear in transparent areas of the monster's sprite
using an animation player I interpolate the shader's progress property and the particle's transparency while emitting the particles in the first keyframe, I also set the paticles node Z index as lower than the sprite's Z index, this way it looks like the particles only start emitting once the sprite has reachead a certain point
Pic related is the result, the main problem now is that the particles are somewhat random and sometimes they all emit at the same time before the shader finishes its interpolation, but thats only a minor thing, there is probably a better/more efficient way to do this but I would say that for now the effect looks "close enough" to the original
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forgot my gif
Slick, dust particles seem a bit too small in the gif but I’ll let you be the judge of that, I don’t know how your engine’s particle system works.
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Undertale dust particles are 1 pixel in size but I agree that the particles do look kinda small, fortunately particle nodes are very easy to tweak so its just a matter of adjusting things until they look right
I just want to get railed by Chujin
Currently studying English colloquialisms and multi-syllable vocabulary words as well as American literature so I can write better dialogue for a fangame of a fangame of an indie game designed for children.
Heck yeah, now I just gotta get good at art and potentially audio design. Skills that would be cool to have, regardless.
>Currently studying English colloquialisms and multi-syllable vocabulary words as well as American literature
You are probably putting more thought than Toby in this
I honestly stand by the opinion that Toby should have just bitten the bullet and named Kris Frisk. Or the other way around, since DR was conceptualized first and Kris is a better sounding name anyway.
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a more finalized iteration of the HUD during songs. i don't like base fnf's HUD, so i made various sprites to condense certain information and make it more stylized
top is more rhythm-related stuff (accuracy, misses, the strumline) while the bottom is more relating to undertale, with your health, level, and current opponent
i might orient back to coding soon, been doing a lot of stuff on the art side lately and I still have some overworld features to add and complete
interesting, so the opponent notes would not show up, right?
Dude, this looks so good. Amazing job.
Are neutral runs possible or is it just "pacifist lv 1 songs and genocide songs"? Because it would be cool to get stuff like a neutral run axis song where ceroba aint singing
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i'm planning on the game running in 4:3 ratio so it looks more accurate to undertale. so yes, opponent notes probably will be hidden, simply to save space on the screen
for the demo, I want to prioritize having a working overworld and a few good songs to show off. plus the demo will only be a fraction of the full game, so for now I'll probably limit the player to pacifist.
but in the full thing, yes, i'll try to make it more dynamic, particularly regarding if ceroba's in the party or not, and most likely different vocals will be used for Guardner and Axis's fights if so. (hence a "partner" system, picrel)
probably gonna be similar to the base game in that regard, where neutral and pacifist have small differences, while genocide fundamentally alters how things play out
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on a related note, i sorta feel bad for starlo, thinking about ceroba being an ally in the steamworks songs, AND having her final boss song, AND having her genocide song, AND probably another one in the true lab. and martlet gets all of hers too.
i'm considering if i should rewrite genocide to give starlo an undyne the undying-esque fight, or at least give the player the option to kill either him or ceroba, to have both possible
would that work with his personality? to me he's sort of like the game's papyrus, but the game shows he absolutely isn't naive when shit gets serious. plus i'm sorta rewriting the game anyways so why not?
if i'm really crazy I could make some Ornstein and Smough shit
what if theres a song against the feisty five but starlo is on your side? or, in case of genocide, a fight against all of the feisty five. theres other concepts ive seen like sirious starlo? i think it was called? but i would say go ahead and go wild, its your mod after all.
its normal for fnf mods to not have stuff thats from their main inspiration straight up, like the petscop one or the bazillion sonic.exe ones
You're rewriting the game too huh? UTM?
Well, I've been working with this game for a while, if you want some advice or have any questions, I'll help you out as best as I can.
A Ceroba with Starlo fight makes the most sense, you could even add a joke about having a "dual" with both of them
NTA but by UTM, you mean Undertale Mod Tool, or what is it?
People want to fuck the bird woman, and old west shit is neat.
Yeah, Undertale Mod Tool is great, it’s the next best thing to completely decompiling the game and working on it in gamemaker studio (which might be a thing you can do, I’m not sure)
>Ornstein and Smough shit
I've spent a long time thinking about this exact scenario for Genocide, and the only conceivable way I can see it fitting with Yellow's lore is Ceroba using the protection technique she uses on you when she's allied with you in the steamworks, except the shield regenerates every turn. This would force the fight to end with Ceroba dying first, and from there Starlo would get killed in one shot (Maybe even ending the fight with a "Duel" ACT to give people the choice of being honorable)
Of course, if I really had my way it'd be a full on Feisty Five showdown while Ceroba is nowhere to be found.
Personally I wouldve just made Ceroba a super boss you have to "know" about beforehand to fight. Specifically, have her hiding in the manor from news of the evac in Chujin's old lab desperately searching if he had any contingency plan for that made. You "unlock" the gate simply by shooting it, have the choice to desecrate (try and fail to shove the headstone becuase 12) Chujin's grave if you check it, and then find Ceroba by checking the table the lab is under about 5 times. That way she doesnt show up in the main route but if you think to check her manor, a place you can only see otherwise on Pacifist, you can fight her if you really want to leave no stone unturned. Yeah Ceroba is annoying, but is having the main antagonist of the pacifist route just not existing in the genocide route at all much better? It'd be like if Flowey stopped showing up entirely in UT's genocide after the ruins.
oh yeah, i was asking because im actually using utmt for my mod and its been quite fun to do it. rn im struggling a bit with some sprites but i think ill get it working soon
that's actually a pretty good idea, but the devs really wanted to shoehorn their fox mommy
might not be hard to mod it in if you just reuse her battle and change the dialogue
there is a mod called dust devil which adds a feisty five genocide battle, so that might be worth checking out
Question, erect remixes? Even if theyre for important songs like clover vs zenith martlet or clover vs pacifist ceroba.
by "rewriting" i was mainly referring to narrative and not code. i'm modding FNF (which was made in haxeflixel) but I am adding an overworld state mostly from scratch. it'll play almost like a rhythm game RPG
i'll have to ask composers about that when i'm getting the music for the mod. not a bad idea though
I’d be a lot more proficient with UTMT by now had I known that all it took to add a new thing was to right click on one of the lists. Wish they’d put that in the Manuel.
What if the game had a Weird Route that involved performing specific actions to manipulate the Wild East characters, make the Feisty Five fight lethal, and get Starlo chasing after you culminating in a boss fight? Maybe even a final boss with its own ending, though that might be too much feature creep
huh? how did you do it before?
I just didn’t even know how to add anything, though at the time I only planned on editing code and dialogue.
Yknow, imagine if clover's vocals were changed to something similar to fnf kapi's dance-pad, where instead of singing, the vocals are like sounds from stepping on the dancepad
In the bailador fight I mean, forgot to clarify
it's kind of funny how better coded are the end parts of uty compared to the first parts. for example the code for the elevators in new home are better coded than the elevator at the mines. kinda interesting
also, i wonder when someone is gonna make another v thread, its been a while since the last one
that's normal for most projects as programmers learn more as time goes on, and going back to change something that is badly coded but working is a bad idea because it could end up break more stuff so just leave it alone
And now me, someone who’s hardly programmed at all, get to start the cycle all over again. Hopefully I’ll do better than Toby fox
the whole dark ruins part is a mess as well. wish me luck trying to change some of that stuff
I think a bunch of code for one of the Dalv scenes is stored inside of Clover
yep, some parts of the dunes follow this convention as well, handling all cutscene data in an npc. also, dalvs sprites dont follow the same pattern as the other sprites, probably because he was early in development
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Can I see the UTY source code?
Download Undertale Mod Tool and with it open the data.win file for UTY. Inside it is the entire game except for the launcher, all editable and searchable.
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alright i coded some more shit for the overworld
most notably, follower NPCs (still a bit janky but generally functional) and support for decals from the tile editor. decals are essentially just sprites placed into the tilemap, something you'd use for more detailed rooms. I also added scroll factor support (scroll factor is how much the sprite moves relative to the camera movement; this allows for the illusion of depth by having foreground and background elements move at different speeds, like the pillars in the last corridor of undertale) so in theory, I could start recreating the game map in Ogmo if I wanted to.
at some point i'm gonna have to add scripting/cutscene support and i'm seriously too stupid to figure that out. i might ask the engine dev for help on that and just try to do menus and savefile stuff in the meantime, or even the martlet sprites.
This is done in the same engine as FNF right? its pretty crazy for a mod or fangame, I'm not sure in wich category this falls at this point
also about the newline thing you mentioned, most if not all the dialogue in Undertale starts with an asterisk, each line is actually written with a \n between each line to preserve the indentation from the asterisk, this applies to Undertale Yellow too
What engine are you doing this on? Psych? Or just base FNF?
I’m doing this in a recent version of Forever engine. forever is in more of an alpha state compared to psych but it’s coded/structured a lot cleaner and is supposed to have scripting support
For those unfamiliar, FNF is an open-source game made in HaxeFlixel, and “FNF engines” take the base game’s code and clean it up a bit and add features to make modding easier/more powerful. This overworld stuff is pretty much an independent game state i’m writing in Haxe, while the songs will probably be closer to modding existing game states. But the backend stuff is useful universally, which makes the engine choice important regardless, as recent Forever builds have pretty solid file management and parsing features, for example
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I've heard that there is unused content for the True Lab in the game files, but I can't find anything about it on the wiki
Does anyone have more information about it?
From working in UTMT, the only things I've seen were the unused debug function where you can play as Kanako and the True Lab graphics that are used for the Flowey fight. I have no idea if there's anything else
theres also the unused hotland kill counter, which is a very heavy implication about what was planned.
The juiciest thing you can find in the files is sans sprites and sound effects. Also the tall miner girl’s sprite is called MINER_GF. I guess Undertale fans really love miners.
There is also the another medium remix wich is actually a full theme with Kanako's leitmotif and lots of leitmotifs in general, wich probably means that hotlands was going to be a bigger area since in the actual game hotlands is like 4 rooms long and you will stay there for like 1 minute at most
Unironically more RPG than Starfield
not adding sans was genuinely the best decision they could have made
>Hopefully I’ll do better than Toby fox
thats not a very high bar to pass, you arent going to put your entire dialogue system in a single +1000 lines long switch statement are you?
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Do tell more
>was one second too late to the yellow thread and couldnt bump it in time
maybe we could try making them a friday thing, it probably died cause everyone was working,
its weird, sometimes some threads get a lot of traction on the weekdays but not on the weekends, and sometimes its on reverse. i think not having undertale yellow as a title was also a miss. honestly i would rather get a new thread every 2-3 days instead of weekly but idk
i'd say it's bad luck it was posted on an apparently busy day. i posted, went to have lunch with family, and came back to a dead thread.
i mean, be the change you want to see in the world man. make a thread on thursday or something if nobody else does before then.
Which Ceroba is gettin the best dick?
Manic obviously, dick is so good she is going insane
Sad or neutral are probably getting the worst one
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I've seen this redesign posted a lot since it was made but I never had this thought until now, I think this is genuinely an overall improvement of Ceroba's design, which is wild considering the rest are either complete dogshit or unchanged axis
The style of the face matches Martlet's more and gives her a more tired expression. The dress was made longer to actually show off her size and her boots were removed to actually show off more monstrous traits than her ears. Her hands arent hidden in her sleeves anymore, and she actually has a tail too. They actually made her look more like an adult monster mother and a bit less like a generic furry despite adding a tail
idk i actually like martlet's as well, she looks more like a royal guard in that armor. regarding roba, i think i like her normal robes better, but the rest of it, i agree
I think those redesings made a got job at giving the characters different body shapes since the entire main cast of UTY (with the exception of axis) has the same lanky body shape, they are even around the same height
NTA, but knowing how slender she is in her canon design, I just can't imagine her clanking around in the bulky armor in that redesign.
I propose a fair compromise: bikini armor
Here is a design I made for Kanako, it's not final and right now I don't plan on adding the true lab, (I'll leave that to Godotanon) but here's a design I made. I'm not too blown away by it personally, I wanted to find a way to add some color but I didn't know how to do that without sacrificing the amalgam appearance. If you got any cool design ideas for her, lemme hear 'em and I might just take your advice.

She can shapeshift btw
Are her eyes meant to be covered by her "hair"?
I'm having a hard time seeing the expression on her face, if there is any
She's got the Kris cut (and also her face is melting)
Made a version with her face uncovered but I won't post that.
i actually kinda imagine as martlet being a bit chubby considering all she does is sleep around all day, add that to martlet having to carry a huge piece of armor that overfits her, is kinda funny

nice design. you're doing a mod for uty right? i am as well, so hopefully we dont do the same thing haha
Reminder that Ceroba is the best character and nothing you say will ever change this
this with complete and utter sincerity
I think you did a good job if the sprite is harder to interpret, gives that almalgamates feel
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I want to bear her children
I literally think about her every day
martlet does dress like a royal guard, though. more specifically, she dresses like doggo.

besides, wearing metal armor like some of the other guys might prevent her from flying (which is pretty important to her job when she actually works it)
>I want to bear her children

Hey faggot, next time please reply to your own posts so i can hide all offtopic posts with one click. Thanks.
the fangame devs are the primary reason why we have the /vrpg/ thread.
you might as well just get the fuck out of here and never come back, because update tracking on fan content is a staple here and shitting on it just makes you look like a retard.
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Turns out for this scene, in the files there's a bunch of extra sprites for him laughing while you shoot him but they don't get used for some reason. maybe I can rig it so it works
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Anyone got the greentext one anon made for this picture?
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i think you're just crying and shitting in your diaper right now because you came here to complain and doompost and finger your ass to ceroba futa rape porn like you do on /v/, but instead you're just seeing a bunch of people who are more skilled and motivated and happy than you
Can i mention deltatraveler? Because honestly, about the fell sans fight, theres the monologue that papyrus gives about fell sans changing and becoming a merciless killer, snd it makes me think, why isnt there any special dialogue for sparing fell!sans in obliteration? Wouldnt it make more sense if the fun gang realized, "hey, isnt it fucked up that the thing possessing kris killed everyone including a defenseless scared dog EXCEPT the insane maniac killer who was willing to kill a lot of people?" instead of not changing the dialogue at all???? They freak out and break your soul if you kill dogaressa and spare dogamy, but sparing a literal serial killer after killing two children and a scared dog is apparently fair game and nobody questions it????????
At some point I really need to write an expansive list of all the shit like this in Deltatraveler, no matter how bad it already is there's always something else retarded about it. I wanna see how big a list of all that shit in game would end up being
>ceroba futa rape porn
may i have some of the aforementioned as well
what the fuck is deltatraveler and why do i keep hearing bad things about it
is it really that bad, if so i don't want to see for myself to find out how bad it is, i liked yellow too much to want to lose it
so after chapter 2 released people started making memes about susie being confused on why she's now suddenly in a dark world.
these memes included just shoving the two into any and every game around.
the DT devs wanted to make a shitpost game on this.
but they are also all egotistical always online twitter crazies and started taking the project way too seriously sometime during the second segment, now because of the positive support echo chamber that is discord they've had not a single reality check to stop them from turning the game into edgy skeleton-wank.
should also mention that if it wasnt for DT the project's lead would have been working on THIS, https://gamejolt.com/games/ATONEMENT/384093, a post-genocide game set in hell and the only enemies are humans who are caricatures of specific sins.
https://gamejolt.com/games/deltatraveler/661464 is a fangame for deltarune that started out as an adaptation of an (honestly not funny) meme where kris and susie are dragged into a different games. it was originally just them going into the ruins from undertale but further updates have expanded it into "they go to whatever the devs decide is interesting".

it suffers from bad dialogue (tbf yellow also has its moments) which can be lampshaded by the fact that it originated from an unserious depiction of the characters, but it doesn't really do it any favors. there have been patches for it that change the dialogue though, so at least from what i've gleamed the devs reluctantly agree with the writing sucking no matter how much glazing they get from people who unironically like it.

but uh.. yeah. flimsy characters, flimsy motivation, very weird tonally, and all that seems to get worse in the "killing, some monsters..." route.

and btw it doesn't actually have anything to do with yellow jsyk (besides like a cameo from frostermit in one single part of it, and a name picking menu joke if you enter "ceroba" that they quickly removed so they don't make teamuty mad)

tl;dr is that its a punching bag for being poorly written but it's honestly not that deep and you're free to form your own opinion or even just ignore it, utdr fans just like having new things to talk about and you know there's a negativity bias and all that
never heard of atonement before this, but
>humans turned into the seven deadly sins
ts!underswap temmies if it fucking sucked
>canceled for being stupid and not interesting in concept
rynogg admitting defeat on bad concepts?? redemption arc?
>rynogg admitting defeat on bad concepts?? redemption arc?
nah because this was three years ago.
I think we a new newsletter people.

It contains huge undertaleo lore, like
>sans with a hat
>flowery's secret friend, papaya
i was going off the more formal cancelation announcement. i feel like ceasing work on it and outright stating it was a bad concept are wayy diff things
Please do, i wanna see as many flaws as possible listed down
It also proves that sans cares about money since he took the million dollars despite the font change
Undertale yellow thread on /v/
Go there NOW
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epic fail
for a second i thought the thread got deleted
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Here you go
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the inventory and ability to use items is done.
there's a little bit more to do but every feature exists now.
i promise the equip menu will go faster, this really could have been done in one or two days. wont have much time over the weekend
>geno's slider

I would the "dark bricks", it's kinda of too on the nose. Like you are trying to create an equivalent for "dark candy"
Maybe use a more abstract way of saying "gummy", like
>Ecto Brick
>A chunk of mysterious green slime for storage for codes of some kind
>And also as a knack for hungry workers
i'll be honest, the dark brick is mostly just a placeholder, but also an extension of an older joke i forgot the source of.
it's a reference to kanako eating lego bricks and that pic sig drew of her eating candy lego bricks
...I was going to write something funny about the geno's slider in the previous post but totally forgot about it.
Maybe an expired to emulate an aborted genocide route?
>Geno's Slider...?
>Seems like someone gave up always through cooking this burger
>Heal 40HP
>Increases attack by 10 for 3 turns, describing after every turn

>older joke i forgot the source of.
yeah, I remember.
The fact that Kanako used to ate her lego bricks.
And we decided that she should eat the actually edible equivalent as she grew older, which a gummy bricks.
They are real apparently.

And also, Clover or Cole eating pop rocks instead of gunpowder, which I thank god for.
He seems like the kinda of person who would like a smoke after, not because he smokes, but because it looks cool and "Like a cowboy would"
>it's a reference to kanako eating lego bricks
yeah i vaguely remember that, but i cant for the life of me remember where thats from. i dont remember seeing it in game at all.
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When the hell did Kanako eat a lego brick? I've only ever played Pacifist but I don't recall that being brought up ever.
I remember ceroba saying somewhere she had to get kanako the non edible kind of brick in one of her talk dialogues or something
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Did I completely memoryhole this or something, I don't even remember her saying this or even seeing lego bricks at the Ketsukane estate during Pacifist
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the bricks are on the bottom left
the question is which room/interactable implies it.
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I found this string by extracting the text but I don't know what message calls it, but it is one of ceroba's talks in steamworks
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I think I found it, might be the room axis traps you in and you gotta build the robot
also what's with how the dialogue is coded in this
ah yeah thats it.
though, the line could just as easily be interpreted as normal baby/toddler behavior. little kids love to stick random things into their mouths
kanako wasnt that old when she got injected, so "when she was younger" would put her well into "i am going to eat this lego because uhhhhhhhh" territory.
>shilling = making free fangames for a free fangame
Fun fact: there's going to be a fight against frisk in section 7
Not just this, there is currently a fight against the ""Knight"" in the same area on Hard Mode (Since you go to the same area ch7 is going to be in at the end)
If you think this is bad, 5 minutes later Dess shows up and all but directly calls Gaster a pedophile
Is Dess still a tranny too
No clue but she looks like this
This isnt the roaring knight, this is just some random retarded vessel.

Its funny how gaster immediatly murders frisk (instead of starting a normal fight) right after dess calls him a pedophile, as if he thought, "SHIT, THIS TIMELINE IS GOING TO FUCK MY SOCIAL LIFE UP BECAUSE OF THIS RETARDED GENOCIDAL ASSHOLE, OH WELL, GOODBYE THEN FAGGOTS."
>Knight in the name
>Same body shape as Dark World Kris
>Same sword except red because real knife
>"Taken arms against the light"
>Has an entire fucking boss fight
>NOT the roaring knight
Unless you're aiming for a technicallity, this is 100% their Knight. The best you can say is this one in particular hasnt opened fountains, but that's because the implication as I got it is the knight is just a bunch of discarded vessels instead of one entity as that's what's behind him before the fight. Hell he even turns into red mist like a Darkner killed with snowgrave when you kill him, if this isnt the knight then what the fuck is it
thats on RV pines' deltarune
I also love how garbage his gaster blaster is, it doesnt work like an actual blaster (You actually get i frames even on Genocide) and they only do 5 damage per hit. Really seals how stupid the ending is
Here's the upscaled version of Flowey, happy to see you again.
i REALLY hate the "dess is trans" thing because it hinges on a fucking nickname.
cant even give a character a nickname that all their friends refer to them by or else you'll have mentally ill people scream about how that character is actually trans and the people who use their real name are just deadnaming xhem
for example:
>DRYanon2's plan is that martlet is fighting in court for true custody of cole
suppose cole is a nickname and clover is his real name.
martlet refers to him as clover, his friends go with cole.
you go through deving a whole fucking game, ending of the game involves the court case, martlet wins...
then not even two days after the final release there is a barrage of people all screaming about how cole would be "better off with parents that dont deadname him".
could you fucking imagine the feeling?
I mean, yeah it gets a lot advertisement. But how do you shill a free game? Money ain't exactly coming from nowhere
Why are nicknames connected to trannies? Nothing about dess says she's trans aside from retards wanting their personal headcanons to become canon
because when a tranny decides to sterilize themselves, they often take on a different name.
since trannies also need constant moral support to avoid roping themselves, they'll do the equivalent of "they are standing next to each other, this means they are a perfect ship!" by using nicknames as a way to make a character trans
But nicknames are common, like, dess is just a shortened version of december, and people using the shortened name is more common because its easier to say
You're looking at the problem but you arent seeing it, the problem IS the fact nicknames are incredibly common and not immediately indicitive of transgender, but trannies dont agree and assume anyone who wants a different name or uses a nickname is trans, and then later uses that as a reason to hate them when they arent
oh hey, zenith of justice updated as well finally
now we just need bird brained anon to resurrect and we'll be back in full business
So its a psyop to force tranny headcanons?
Now you're catching on anon
Just don't interact with the fandom. My only connection to the fandom is through these threads an I've never heard of the shit that anon is talking about
yeah its that simple for us, but for the devanons its not an option. its like walking through a minefield.
cant give them any ammo to steal a character, but also cant make the game blatantly anti-woke or else the entire fucking fandom will be on your ass.
You can get away with anything controversial as long as it’s high quality and tasteful enough.
how the heck did this go from a UTY discussion to yapping abt trans people
What's the context for this?
Yeah? KR is sans' thing
>cant make the game blatantly anti-woke or else the entire fucking fandom will be on your ass.
What are they going to do about it? Nothing, you're getting scared over nothing
tho in a way the stuff they're doing is somewhat justified because toby is literally a tumblr woketard
i wish it didnt take this long to come out but the animations were nice at least

its 4chan, what did you expect
deltatraveler's issues were discussed
>What are they going to do about it?
the fandom has attempted murder over disagreed ships.
>the fandom has attempted murder over disagreed ships.
why are they that autistic
Even then, 5 damage per hit with I frames, and if you were on genocide like me you have 44 hp. It takes an awkward amount of time to actually kill you. Also with how shit the writing is you'd figure they'd give Gaster KR too because he's connected to Sans, or at least just remove the I frames, it doesnt explicitly have to be KR
This sounds like a nitpick but technically this is also applicable to the fell sans boss fight, it has KR on genocide but you still have i frames so his attacks do next to no damage even with it, you will commonly just scrape and take 3-6 damage if you dont dodge entirely
That only happened once in a convention, this shit won't happen to you unless you willingly dox yourself or if you had negative opsecs AND went to some public event
"muh fAnDom wIll CrUcIfY u!" Nigga please you're making a big deal over something that's not even worth worrying about
Unironically its like cockroaches, the fact even one of them confirmed theyre serious about wanting someone dead over a ship means there's plenty more who genuinely want you dead for them and just arent acting on it
Yeah and? As i said you'd have to fully dox yourself and announce that you're attending a public event for the slimmest of chance that someone's deranged enough to kill you, nevermind the fact that whoever that nearly died willingly took a cookie from a stranger
You're being paranoid over nothing
>That only happened once in a convention
Quick rundown?
nowadays they cancel you online instead
I think that the reason as to why fell sans's KR is so shit, is because the KR effect is being spread to 3 people at once, therefore, KR is like 1/3 effective. If kris was alone, KR wouldve been 3 times more effective than with the full party being in-battle
id say that its because KR is literally just karma so it gets stronger with the party's bad deeds, and the fell sans battle is before the halfway point.
But that's weird, we do a lot of bad deeds, we have like lv 13 by the end of section 3, we killed many people and even people who didnt really want to fight (napstablook, lesser dog), and there's the trying to kill susie and pissing her off which makes her devious thing, also, i do remember correctly, but didnt we kill like more creatures than frisk does during a normal ut geno run? So i firmly believe that KR is weaker because its being spread to a full party instead of 1 singular target!
actually that makes me wonder, how will LV20 be handled if we're already at LV13?
will the cap be higher?
will we just be stuck at LV19 for a while?
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added the song state stuff into the game, and a soul transition state to go into songs
i'm thinking I should just get someone to do martlet's song now, even though there's a lot of other development to do, just so I can get one complete song posted ASAP to gain more traction on this
This is really freaking cool, dude. No doubt this will get attention in the community if you can finish it.
I think that the lv cap will be higher, i heard somewhere that the code has the lv cap set at 70-something
this is so awesome. i would say asking for help for the song now while you work on the other poses and the other stuff, is more time efficient and a better idea.
you could also get help for the flowey song as well, considering you have the sprites done but idk
Does anyone have the sound used for opening a letter, I can't find it in the game files
Salty fan gave an artist a cookie with a needle on it, luckily it only pierced their tongue
Ackshually, the attacker's motive is merely speculated to be due to the fanartist sans/frisk ship but it's been 7 years and we don't have any confirmation
>up to lv70
would be interesting if this is actually taken advantage of
>UT worlds lock your level at 20, earning any XP while above LV20 will set it back to 20
>one nonUT world has enemies that canonically respawn forever
>can grind these out all the way to lv70
>get a unique ending if you finish the game at lv70, which includes sparing enemies in UT worlds after getting to that point
granted, the DT devs probably arent clever enough to do this
Hmm, this possibility sounds plausible, lets look at the facts:
>we are at lv 14 AFTER obliteration fell!sans's battle.
>right now, the game ends right when section 4 begins, and thus, we still need to go through the sections 4-8 (that gray core area... and the dark world created by gaster as seen in the underevent deltatraveler vid... it proves the existence of an 8th section.) WITHOUT reaching lv 20 before the final section.
>we also know that in section 4, we'll go in to rescue noelle, THEN we'll escape alongside noelle, as seen in the underevent deltatraveler vid, so essentially, we would have to kill 2 times the amount of enemies in section 4 obliteration!
The level cap HAS to be higher than 20! So your scenario may not be as farfetched as you previously anticipated... even if you still dont buy it, at the very least, its a possibility we'd need to consider.
yeah we'll go above level 20, but the DT devs are not smart enough to actually take advantage of the meta aspects of LV and the implications of LV20+ in the UT universe.
Well, we still need to actually see what'll happen, we either end up surprised if they do it, or we remain unsurprised by the results. I would still reccomend saving the text walls somewhere so that you can remember this possibility for later, you never know if it'll be correct or not after all...
Why are you niggers talking about that trash fangame Deltatraveler instead of the actual thread topic
to laugh at it.
its inside data.win under the name snd_mail_jingle. its not on the snd or mus folder, you have to export it from data.win using undertale mod tool
My data.win has an invalid Boolean apparently, what do?
Install the bleeding edge version, that one works for some reason, if that doesn’t work than ask on the Underminers D*scord server
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I just found out there's some guys making "deltarune yellow"s and I just wanna leave my two cents that you all should not be afraid of adding "new" things on your projects.

Half of the reason people go fucking ecstatic about Deltarune is because it's "new". It has new stories, new characters, new mechanics and new places that don't really happen if you keep regurgitating the same characters over and over. Don't be afraid to introduce new people and lore into the mix because that's what a lot of people will be looking for. The Yellow cast is already miniscule as it is, so you have plenty of room for making tons of new characters
ya, while we already know that seeing as UTY did as well as it thanks to being an actually original story compared to all those swap au's.
It's good to see more people with enough to realize that nothing kills a fangame faster than reusing the same characters for the billionth time.
God, I don't ever want to see sans undertale again.
my plan is to leave the overworld as more of a "i took the dunes, placed the snowdin characters there, and then transported it to DR's world. oh yeah and dalv's here too, i guess" while using dark worlds for most of the new characters.
but none of the main characters except for clover (being named cole) had too many lines (if any at all) so they are mostly blank slates with the exception of what those few lines imply about their personality.
here's the main cast
>cole (middle)
>clover but deltarune, has spent about a decade with martlet under foster care.
>martlet forgot to sign up to be clover's proper adoptive mother, so now she's fighting in court to be his adoptive parent over the course of the game since another family wanted him. cole is reasonably stressed about this.
>but he has a flawed sense of justice in that people who are guilty are just guilty with zero care for context or reasoning.
>kanako (to the right of cole)
>kind and outgoing, into baseball, seemingly nothing wrong on the surface. close friends with cole.
>but she barely ever does things alone, and as a result has massive self confidence issues.
>june (to the left of cole)
>a passion for arts and crafts, most often hangs out with gizmo if she, gizmo, cole, and kanako arent all together.
>but she's shy and rather introverted, doesnt do too well with people that arent her immediate friend group
>gizmo (far right)
>most often hangs out in the arcade with june when the group isnt altogether.
>often june's right hand because she rarely talks to others, he doesnt mind.
>but he has a "brute force" attitude about most things, he's not very good at puzzles and june is often left doing the strategic work when they play co-op games together.
>mylo (far left)
>integrity soul, she was a minor part of UTY, just dead. idea is that her UT name would be melody (music notes to heal, in parallel to the justice soul using clovers and being named clover) and mylo is an extension of the naming theme established with cole and kris
>the [bitch of the batch]. teachers pet, bullies kids to keep them in line and out of trouble, so on.
>not part of the friend group, in fact she and cole will often try to fight on sight outside of school before others stop them.
most of their personalities are gleamed off of what little we know about the characters.
for example:
>june in UTY would rather prefer to play alone without her friend there than find other people to play with.
>cole, kanako, june, and gizmo are friends because june and gizmo's lines say that a friend is missing, which is pretty heavily implied to be kanako.
>mylo is themed off of the integrity soul. and the fact that its implied in the base game that she killed, along with UTY taking that implication and using it.
should also be noted that june, gizmo, and mylo's UTY counterparts dont have official names.
>should also be noted that june, gizmo, and mylo's UTY counterparts dont have official names.
well, Saddie is kind of an official name for Kanako's friend even if its never used in game thats the name one of the UTY artists gave her
>>mylo is themed off of the integrity soul. and the fact that its implied in the base game that she killed, along with UTY taking that implication and using it
There is a theory about how the integrity soul only started killing after Toriel made her promise to kill any monster that tries to hurt her outside of the ruins
are you going to do something like that with her character? someone who has too much integrity and never breaks a promise
>Integrity staying with Toriel
Here’s a better theory
>Integrity fell within a few years of Clover
>However Toriel stated that it’s been a long time since anyone has fallen down
>Description for the arcade cabinet in the dunes arcade in the secret room in the steamworks lines up with what we know about Integrity, being “blue” and “coated with dust” as well as “few people ever saw it up and running” and is likely a weird subtextual way of giving her a backstory.
>says that the machine was recovered from the waterfall dump
>Integrity didn’t stay with Toriel and fell into waterfall where she made her home and retreated there when getting chased down.
Now the real question is… do you have faith that UTY’s writers would ever do something this elaborate? I myself choose to believe that there is in fact a meaning to it, and it’s not just a dumb depthless Polybius joke, they do put some other interesting/important ideas in that hidden book as well, and I think it’s way more interesting and fixes the plothole of that throwaway Toriel line at the very start of the game.
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What's the best crack ship you can think of?
Dalv x anyone
Let's say Dalv x El Bailador in specific. Bailador wants to bring Dalv out of his shell and show him the depths of emotion that dancing can bring out
I am dreading having to turn Dalv into an interesting character and he’s the reason I’m procrastinating writing my script. Please wish me luck/give me ideas
wow you already wrote more character for dalv than the entirety of the uty devs
there might be a /v/ thread up
I dunno, make his conection with Kanako more clear? Maybe he used to be Kanako's babysitter and was a friend of Ceroba or something (Martlet is already Chujin's friend)
It's fine if he makes a cameo or something I just don't want that Deltatraveler trash again
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sadie was used in exactly one (1) filename, and june is related to the type of monster that she is because "june"bug
unless the devs or artist come out with sadie officially, im sticking with june.

anyways, got the item menu to 100% yesterday.
>inventory menu movement is restricted to slots
>can toss away items now.
>inventories are properly highlighted based on if you can use whats in them or not.
onto the equip menu menu today, which will get done much faster than the inventory.
there will only be placeholder sans the placeholder skeleton
he will be the guide for the extremely basic tech demo as it will be my only chance for skeleton themed jokes and hijinks, because there is no way in hell im putting a skeleton in the final game.
kanako will hate skeletons at the end of the tech demo.
>last spoiler
Will she have a negative reaction to one of those anatomy skeletons they have in schools?
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>/v/ thread going good
>we got 404ed
it was the fags openly discussing hmofa instead of yellow wasnt it?
Gotta make room for more Vivian threads.
it wasnt a vivian ttyd tranny thread so it had to go
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Thread just couldnt handle the March
I'm gaining a great deal of respect for even the worst Undertale fangames because writing dialogue, in any capacity, is difficult and even writing a simple quip or conversation between two characters to the point where it's OK, takes practice and/or a mind built for character writing. So yeah, even Deltatravler deserves some appreciation, for being functional in any way at all.
>even Deltatravler deserves some appreciation
I agree that even the basics are hard to accomplish, but that doesnt mean you deserve anything for doing the bare minimum even if everyone around you has been failing that much. You need more than the basics for the overall writing to be considered anything more than "It exists". The writing is still awful for a majority of the game and not worth genuine praise, standards are a thing for a reason
deltatraveler writing is better than uty's writing
yeah man it's incredibly underrated
Same here, it's actually really hard to write something and having actually be good and be consistent with the character. It's nice to have second opinions, ask your friends to help you proof read, at least that's what I'm doing
i get what they were going for with the "retrospective" dream segments, but as usual with DT, the execution is terrible.
you could send the same message in a much better way by having a dream battle against one of kris' friends with no mercy button.
Wow Kris is so relatable XD
>you could send the same message in a much better way by having a dream battle against one of kris' friends with no mercy button.
I guess they thought instead of making it a dream, just make one of kris' friends outright attack him in the real world like its a solution
Quick! Name an UT/DR fanwork that actually has good writing!
Undertale 2
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I remember when this thread was basically only development updates
TS!Underswap (at least from what I’ve seen and heard)
This one too
theres not enough devs to overtake the whole main discussion but theres still a decent amount. and considering the /v/ threads are not daily anymore, discussion had to go somewhere
Technically discussing writting is part of game development
When this thread hits bump limit do we make another Yellow thread or Undertale fangames in general?
I wanna say yellow but its an unwritten rule you can talk about other fan games as we've been doing, since the main reason this exists is for development updates on yellow fangames specifically
I vote for UT/UT fangames, making too many yellow threads will probably be seen as a general and get the threads kicked out of here
In that case dont forget to put "Yellow" in the title so we can find the thread easily
just undertale will work, if its going to be a fangame thread then yellow shouldnt be mentioned in the title.
i'd say it should be an undertale yellow thread first and fangame second. it would be like undertale yellow & fangames discussion in the title imo
>if its going to be a fangame thread then yellow shouldnt be mentioned in the title.
It can just be listed as an example of a fangame though
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Speaking of fangames, we now have 1 (one) official png of Wildfire.
We had an official webm of the combat system of wildfire for a while
one thing wildfire has from the other soul games is the art, it really does look nice
undertale green clears
Rename the op's picrel's filename into "Yellow" to make it easier to find
damn they're fuckin MOVING it along, it's only been like... 3? months and they already have good progress on something resembling a game

honestly, i don't expect a lot of these new fangames to actually happen, but i'd be shocked if this didn't make it. the dev team is so stacked they CLOSED applications for new members (something rare for a fangame)

it's crazy to me that undertale yellow releasing was basically just a flashpoint for people to believe in making full length fangames with actual quality again, it'll be very cool to see where the community is 10 years from now.
UTY was the 1 in 150 for 2016-era fangames (even if it took 7 years to come out)

Wildfire is looking like the 1 in 150 for the post-Yellow era
most large fangames end up being filled with ideaguys who don't know what they're doing and 3 months into production 75% of them drop out. then it's just the last few who now need to do 400% of the work they signed on for and they usually get burnt out or have a life now that they finished college/highschool or whatever. more so in the modern day you just have people with programming degrees and shit making fangames and romhacks competently
yeah, something i was going to bring up but decided not to is the fact that enough time has passed where some people making these have have known undertale for over half their life. i feel like it's just going to keep compounding, where more and more people are inspired by undertale sooner and sooner in life, and therefore the further we get from undertale's release, the more knowledgable and dedicated people we'll have making fanworks.
i think the biggest examples are in romhacks where we went from people putting the building blocks of levels together 18 years ago or whatever to just completely programming novel shit in assembly because they're programmers who are fans and not some random nerds in an obscure forum making their own mario levels
If their team is good and they have at least one super autist on it keeping everything running smoothly, hopefully we’ll get to the demo at minimum, but they’re definitely producing high quality content.
Alright after some months my Undertale battle system in Godot is almost done


This was harder than I expected and I should have chosen an easier game to recreate as my first "serious" project in Godot, there are still things that need to be polished like the battle box and the dialogue system, but all the important systems are there
Now I just need to scrap the project and start from zero, yay! since the code is a mess and I made it while I was learning how to use Godot, there are some really baffling lines of codes and things like the battle box are very poorly done
The good thing is that I learned a lot from this project so making it again shouldnt take that much time
btw I'm not related to Godot anon in any way and I'm not that other anon that was making an Undertale template in Godot
this is why the Yellow devs used a pre-existing undertale engine
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I'm sorry, they what?

You're telling me I DON'T have to program every system from scratch?
Yeah, its built off of the Undertale Customs engine for gamemaker, just modified
The thing is that I started learning Godot back in january, I had no previous game dev experience, this project was more of a test of my skills than anything else
I didnt work on the project all the time either during those months, there were days were I had to study basic functions of the engine, wich is why a huge chunk of the code is a mess compared to the last stuf I added
Someone with previous experience in Godot could probably remake the system in a week or 2
All in all this was a fun learning experience I might make my own UT fangame after all
good shit anon, the best way to learn an engine is to try to recreate something you like in it. undertale is not a really complex game so i think it was a perfect choice. good job!
I bet that deltatraveler's version of a battle against mario and luigi is going to be worse than this version of a vs. Mario and luigi fight: https://youtu.be/8YNj47eKRds?si=OzpPX7BGywoD1OKb
Mark and remember my words by then
>when one bro dies the other will call out their name in a panic and pick them up to avoid further injury
how much are you willing to bet that they fail to get even this detail right?
Oh no they're going to do it, but the bro who dies (Probably force mario to die like ness) will cover the other bro in blood as they get crazy eyes and somehow start attacking faster
deltatraveler fans will jump out of their seats at the writing masterpiece known only to humanity as "green mario is no longer green... or , seek king mercy !!"
DT's abysmal genocide writing is my main fear going forward with DRY.
i think ive got a good grasp on how to make it not cringe, but at the same time im sure the DT devs also think that
>you kilmor my friend, the net?
>i am going to BAD TIME you! !
is perfect writing.
The problems with deltatraveler's writing run a lot deeper than "You killed my friend, I will kill you", because at least it makes sense for people to get upset at you killing someone. Pretending you have absolutely 0 reason whatsoever to actually kill things beyond "lol content" or "lol boredom" is the bigger crime and end up making it so the 11 year old girl defends the cultists who kidnapped her and planned to sacrifice her to an eldritch horror
Well, Toby fox is slightly more subtle when it comes to the genocide/weird route, he doesnt have the characters go "GRR YOU ARE EVIL AS SHIT FOR DOING LE EVIL ROUTE!!!" like deltatraveler, he lets you be as evil as you want to be, and then he shows you the consequences of your actions without trying to autistically push you out of the geno run, its that simple. Toby fox doesnt care whenever you find the geno route fun or not, he simply lets you know that you're soing evil things in-game without trying to moralfag you about your actions in a fictional game.

as for rynogg? I've seen her complain about people loving the obliteration route, so its pretty easy to know if your geno run's writing is good or not
Deltatravler designed by Dorkly
I would fucking kill to see a sonic world in deltatraveler, but specifically Sonic for Hire. It'd the dumbest, worst piece of shit possible but it'd be glorious
Thanks man, its funny because at first I did this to test how much I was learning about Godot, but while making the system I started to have tons of ideas for different game mechanics that could be implemented in UT battles, I think once I'm fully done with the system I'll make my own Undertale fangame I already have most of the stuff needed for the overworld done, like the UI, save and dialogue system
yeah i get that, i was just making an example.
if i actually went through and made a list of every flaw in DT's writing it'd probably be longer than a single message can hold.
but as i said, its easy to miss the flaws in your own work, and geno-related writing is easy to mess up because you have to tread the line between "impactful and takes the situation seriously" and "edge & cringe" for the whole game with characters that are otherwise lighthearted and goofy. you're effectively writing two stories that have entirely separate tones with the same cast of characters.
its also why parts of the code are a mess, sometimes its better to recreate it so you can actually understand what you are doing
screenshot (or link) for the rynogg claim? i'm interested in what she thinks (considering the state of dt obliteration).

>he lets you be as evil as you want to be, and then he shows you the consequences of your actions
reading that part reminded me of the fact that ironically team deltatraveller is currently working with team switched on section 5 (afaik at least), and they're pretty much the only people who are proven to be writing a good genocide route. pretty funny duality to me.
At least it’s not written by Toby fox
>if i actually went through and made a list of every flaw in DT's writing it'd probably be longer than a single message can hold.
Stay tuned
By recreating it you are also not limited by the GameMaker engine wich doesnt have a lot of support for 3D stuff
Im pretty sure that i remember rynogg saying something about it in her discord server, unfortunately i was kicked out from the server so i cant get any screenshots.
found out theres a /v/ thread rn, i had no idea there was one
I love so many things about ts!underswap's geno run, the battles are fun and challenging, good exclusive ost, actually gets toby's way of doing evil routes right by showing you the consequences of your actions by showing you scared monsters in the overworld hiding from you, the evacuation happening in front of you, and you see the ruined home npcs hide in their apartments.
Not only that, the evacuation neutral run is unique and makes the game more immersive because monsters ACTUALLY react when you get genocidal in a later area during pacifist/neutral or abort genocide.

Meanwhile, in deltatraveler, you'll notice that the monsters around you dont really seem to react much, like, in obliteration section 1 and 3, the monsters around you dont really seem to care nor hide when you're trying to kill everybody, they arent scared nor affected by your actions, however, section 2 does have the civilians escape and the cave enemies near the end run away on sight. Its just that i feel like deltatraveler relies too much on the characters saying "you're evil for playing like this." instead of enviromental storytelling or lasting consequences. I truly believe that making you feel bad about your actions through enviromental storytelling is far more effective than doing shit like the protag ripping out their soul whenever you do something very evil or lacking subtlety and having the mc go all "waa why does the player keep killing? I bet my friends hate me ill die alone waaa (5 seconds later, kris's friends dont hate kris, making the section 3 dream scene a very cheap attempt at non-subtle guilt-tripping)", of course characters have to be disgusted by your actions, but being more subtle does help a lot.
>the monsters around you dont really seem to care nor hide when you're trying to kill everybody, they arent scared nor affected by your actions
Wrong actually, if you kill the same enemy in a room twice, the third time you find them they will actively run away to try and not start a battle with you. In battle has no differences however, its just the overworld.
But even this causes its own problem, the fact there IS the same group of enemies spawning 3 times in the same spot dimishes the idea these are actual people and makes them feel like what they are, random mob monsters with no real personal identity.
I guess, but you kill like thousands of monsters in the ruins or fell!snowdin and yet they never think to run away on sight like the latter part of section 2 obliteration, they simply repeat the "rush towards human the first 2 fight, then run away on the third fight" pattern too much, and its weird that the monsters on the next room dont seem to care about whatever you've done in the previous, like, if i heard my cousin die three times on the room next to me, i would think abour running away. Not only that, but why do the section 3 characters seem to not know about what's going on? Like, surely a group of random guys massacring the royal guards and almost everyone in the forest would be noticed by papyrus, the shop rabbit, etc. even if this world is all about edgelords killing each other, nobody seems to notice nor point out the disappearance of many monsters around the area, section 3 fails to visually show any meaningful consequences aside from the characters whining about le evil player, they couldve made it so that the enemies in section 1 started to run away on sight after you kill napstablook (after all, napstablook asked you if you came to beat him up, implying that he knows that you've killing monsters, so why not apply that same knowledge tothe other monsters?) and add more dialogue changes to section 3 obliteration run.
Yeah not saying they did a good job at all, just pointing out saying they didnt try period is wrong.
Funnily enough, this problem is exclusive to Genocide. Im doing a Pacifist run right now and if you spare an enemy they never respawn, but kill them and they will.
OK, anyone know any good graphics engines for C++? I want to try making Undertale's engine in something a little more direct so to speak

>the next monsters don't care that the ones in the previous room died
>enemies respawning in geno

i think it's very funny that THE GAME THAT THIS IS "CONTINUING" did this way better. in snowgrave you freeze enemies once and they stay frozen there, and eventually every enemy runs away from you because they figured out what you're doing. the blueprint is right there in front of them.
i didn't check because gamejolt doesn't give exact dates for some reason but yeah i know they probably started this before chapter 2 came out before you say something i think it isn't too late to fix holes in the game.

>ts!underswap having challenge, monsters that clearly either hide or flee on sight, and in-progress evacuations

i love this a lot compared to undertale, it really feels like an escalation of conflict, and a natural response to an attack from a human in a connected society. i especially like how it seems like it'll go in the future, since the furthest point we've seen has chara is being directly hunted and attacked by royal marines in an ambush, and beethovenus has stated that from now on ALL encounters in the ruthless route will have to be hunted down in the overworld. it seems like the developers are really dedicated to giving us a unique and constantly evolving gameplay loop and narrative that's consistent with itself and not inconsistent with the source material. i am beyond excited to see where the full game will take us (when it comes out and my youthful gaming ability has drained leaving me too old to beat the final boss)
The "Kris where the hell are we" meme started after chapter 2
okay yeah that's a pretty baffling decision for them to make then. like they don't have to directly call back to it but they could at least make it feel consistent with deltarune wherever possible.
This might be more high level than what you're looking for, but lately I've been making games with a framework written in C called Raylib. It abstracts the specificities of rendering, input polling, audio, etc. and handles all that for you, but I've heard that it's also very flexible in allowing you to dive into the nitty gritty and handle all that yourself if you so desire, with its source code being written in a way that's simple to understand and extensible.
Mind you, I've never really tinkered with its internals myself, and I know nothing about graphics programming. Just going off what I've heard people say.
aaand its another deleted thread. is it over for us?
We were mostly talking about uty too! Whats the deal!?
It's the Cerobafag circlejerk. They don't like when we shit on their cumbait fursona.
Jannies are just bored tonight, it seems.
Plus they near-instantly delete any "furshit" threads.
Stop playing tranny zoomer games
Undertale one sucks
That valuable board space was being wasted on something other than TTYD drama.
we can try again tomorrow with an op that USES CLOVER instead of any monsters, we'll have more people looking anyways since its friday.
unfortunately i dont think thats even gonna work considering tuesday's and today's threads got deleted. i dont think tomorrows thread will make it past 50 posts without getting deleted...
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nobody was defending ceroba until you started sperging out here >>>/v/677417815
also please leave, this is a slower board. if you sperg out here as well we'll 100% get pushed out and our last two options will be either /trash/ or /vg/, and both will attract terrible posters.
Question, is there any undertale mod that removes every lgbt aspect from the game? Like, the tranny lion npc doesnt wear mettaton's dress, no rg01 x rg02 nor undyne x alphys mentions (the undyne option in mtt's quiz is replaced with either papyrus or mettaton, and instead of undyne calling you to deliver her letter to alphys, you get a phone notification which is alphys posting in undernet that she wont be at home for now and asks people to NOT barge into her house.), napstablook uses he/him, chara uses she/her, etc.
Quit being a fag.
seconded, just take it like it is. none of that is worth the energy to scrutinize.
are you using gdscript or c#?
i really like this idea, it gives you the option to spare but in its own way, it also makes a lot of sense with the justice theme
i wonder if that was because 'Susie' is an anagram of 'Issue', like how 'Kris' becomes 'Risk'
tobster loves his anagrams
this is cool, i like how the fc marker is next to the notes, makes it very helpful
maybe make the score UI a little bit smaller, it's a bit distracting
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I use GDScript with static typing. I do know how to use C# if I needed to, but GDScript is a lot more natural for me and better integrated in the engine, and it's a lot easier to deal with Godot's built in types too. GDscript has bad performance metrics if you don't use static typing, but if you do, it's more than enough.

Definitely more than enough for an Undertale fangame.
what's the difference between static and dynamic typing?
Static typing is when variable types must be know at compile time, otherwise it's dynamic typing.
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basically what >>3497564 said
it's when you define the variable's type in the code.
>Dynamic Typing
"var a = 0"
>Static Typing
"var a : int = 0"
With dynamic typing, the compiler will have to infer the type of a in runtime, which is slower. With Static, you assign the type immediatelly, letting the code execution skip a few annoying steps. You *do* need to respect the type you assigned later on and avoid ducktyping. If you configure your editor correctly, the built in godot editor also gives you tips and warnings of your variable types if you're incorrectly assigning them. You can also have static typed methods but it's not that important

Here's an example of my save file variables. Since I know the types of these variables from the get go, I assign them on the code instead of letting the compiler do it

Ideally you want to make dynamic variables for stuff you don't know the type during runtime, and static typed variables for everything else
>var a = 0
That's still static if the compiler infers that a must be an int and enforces the appropriate constraints.
Basically if you write
>var a = 123
>a = "abc"
and it compiles then you have dynamic typing.
It might still crash at runtime, it might not, that's a whole other can of worms.
Wouldnt a dictionary be better for flags rather than an array? I have no experience with game dev but I think it would be easier to differentiate the flags in a dictionary
I'm asking because I'm making an UT fangame in godot too
Array is more leet.
More seriously, dictionaries are nice for automatically giving flags legible names and avoiding reusing the same key accidentally, while in arrays you have to define a bunch of consts if you want legible flag names and you have to be careful not to reuse indexes.
On the other hand, dictionary allow for "null" flags (key isn't in dict, so flag has no value) while arrays don't, so arrays can be better if you like compile-time safety.
>inb4 just use TryGetValue() bro
That still forces you to handle the null flag explicitly, which can get tedious and obfuscate intent.
I do use a dictionary for the save file variable itself, but an array for flags are fine if they're just values.
/v/ thread is up, clover op with undertale yellow in both the comment and topic.
lets see if this one gets 404ed or not.
Yes, a dictionary with string keys is perfectly fine for script flags. It's never going to affect performance.

>in arrays you have to define a bunch of consts if you want legible flag names and you have to be careful not to reuse indexes
You really shouldn't be giving programming advice if you don't know what an enum is.
First of all, learn2quote.
Also enums are just a fancy way to declare numerical constants in most languages, usually with bizarre pitfalls such as C# silently converting invalid enum casts to 0.
>usually with bizarre pitfalls
You don't know how to program.
>such as C# silently converting invalid enum casts to 0.
>"when you code wrong, things dont work right"
holy shit anon this is MASSIVE news, we have to bring this to the nearest news station proto! it'll shake up the dev world at its core.
>t. bootcamp graduate

>when you code wrong
>hurr durr what if type safety isn't safe?
Ask MS why their official docs say enums should reserve 0 as an invalid value, then.
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posting this here too on the off chance people want to give feedback, first draft of the next part of return to form
Is she built for BHC?
the response to the anti-ceroba schizo is NOT to become just as annoying yourself.
It actually lasted til the bump limit
i'm way too late but i read this chapter over at ao3 and i loved it
its kinda interesting how your two depictions of zenith martlet are different, ones an overprotective one and the other is angry for being experimented on, thought it was a cool difference
how many chapters do you think are left, because its kind of nearing the end, right?
can't really say for sure but at least a handful of chapters minimum, still gotta cover ceroba, starlo, dalv, etc
the anti-roba schizo is currently having a meltdown in a /v/ thread some rando made
oh yeah forgot to mention how im glad that you are including dalv in this as well
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Just use a vector bro
Unironically player career mode is basically an RPG.
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The thread is ending, lads.
Post your wives
>usually with bizarre pitfalls
What would you say are some pitfalls of enums in other languages, like C for example? I think the scenario you mentioned comes across more as a quirk of C# and its design choices more so than a quirk of enums in general
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Star cowboy wife

Also godspeed to any devs/draw/writefags here
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here's to more fangames, art and writing! see you in the next thread
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I wanna tell the interpretation I have of Yellow so badly, it’s like Toby and his Deltarune dream to me. I’ve got an outline for the expanded story and a handful of ideas, and the ability to put them into action but before I can put those into an actual playable game, I want to get my own personal life in order. I discovered just how much a person’s creations reflect their creator and if I’m gonna make something I need to be in a positive state of mind and I reckon that goes for all the devs on here.
Basically what I’m saying is, get a social life and don’t neglect yourself and live like a trash possum.
Best of wishes to my fellow developers and if anyone needs some pointers on how to work UTMT feel free to ask. Godspeed
Godspeed, anon. Whoever you are, I hope that your project sees you to success.
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i'm also doing an utmt project and my bane is the fact i cant do any art at all and i have no idea how to get help. best of luck to you too.
although if i had one question about utmt is that, do you also edit everything inside utmt? or is there a way to export everything and work from, say, visual studio?
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I edit everything in UTMT itself because there’s an autocorrect type of feature in it. You can’t write comments unless you turn on profile mode which gives you more control but is more unstable. Can you use visual studio? Yes you could if you don’t wanna worry about the code suddenly deleting itself because you made a typo.
oh neat, i didnt know there was an option to enable comments. yeah, im just gonna keep using utmt then
This is what flowey took from you.
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Anyone have any last words before the thread dies?
I think Clover and Martlet should fuck.
/vrpg/ threads last days on autosage you fucks
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I hope you realize bump limit doesnt mean the thread is going to die in the next hour on this board, this place is very slow we still got a couple days minimum even now. Even when it hits page 10 you likely got an hour or two left
I agree and wish there was more content for the two
I do not like Sig's artwork
Not anime-style enough and features are too grotesque or caricature-like
im trans and a nigger btw not sure if that's relevant
fuck you
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For anyone who cares, Im checking a bunch of scenarios in Deltatraveler just to see how deep the rabbit hole goes, turns out in section 2 if you attack the coil snake it runs away despite hitting 0 hp, and Susie is UPSET that it runs away. On Genocide she BERATES you for attacking a "Harmless snake"
I can't make this shit up
What’s happens when you write characters scene by scene to do whatever would be coolest in the moment. See Martlet Genocide fight.
man, that snake really does have a lot of writing fuckups associated with it.
if you spare the painter cultist after killing the snake even he will berate you for killing the snake.
clover and martlet are for mom-son relationships only!
Clover and Martlet are for /ss/ non-con pseudo-incest relationships only!
i don't think i've seen the "neutral route" in dt, what's the full dialogue if you fight the snake in a neutral/pacifist run
Not just that, susie tells you after killing the snake to try and NOT kill anymore if you can. Listen to her at the first chance you get, she implies you're a human supremists because the next thing that fought them (Not that KRIS started a fight with mind you) happened to be one. I also plan to see if they acknowledge a genuine human supremist run, go back to genociding the second it's non-humans again
There is none, you spare it and move on instantly. Doesnt have any unique attacks (Its ONE attack is a reskinned vegetoid attack), is sparable turn 0, and has a single line of dialogue mid fight. Its literally just there so the gang has a reason to explode at you on genocide
the snake is actually in earthbound in that cave
That just means one of the only times they're accurate to the section's source game is used as an excuse to finally show blood, not even a slightly quirker comment from susie about something "So weak" being here after the aliens and exploding trees they fought earlier on pacifist to balance it out
how is it inaccurate to eb?
>Giygas is never mentioned once
>Every enemy is treated as a UT Monster
>An enemy reaching 0 HP means they die, where in EB it breaks them free of Giygas' control
>The Territorial Oak is named "Exploding Oak"
>Mr. Carpainter suddenly cares about a child's life after trying to murder 2, one of them on screen 5 minutes prior
>The postcard lady knows what LOVE is and can see Kris'
>Ness acts like he doesnt beat the shit out of everything you do in his own game
Do I need to go on?
>>Giygas is never mentioned once
porky mentions him
>every enemy is ut monster
I think the cultists return to normal in a non-obliteration run, but yeah I can see why that would be meh for the normal enemies
>enemies die instead of returning to normal
referenced with the quiet mushrooms, i think it's intentionally different in oblit
>oak name change
i assume that's him "returning to normal" when he's dying, since he returns to normal in eb when you beat him
>the rest
most of the changes I didn't find too egregious
with how inconsistent this game is a small part of me believes it's some sort of long running joke that we won't be let in on until the end starts getting closer

i'm not confident in it, but considering this is the same writing team that shoehorns in the ralsei smoking weed sprite wherever they can, something is starting to feel wrong about assuming that obliteration is meant to be played straight

that being said however, that doesn't mean it's well written. none of the game really is. the only time i thought the devs did something at least competent writing wise is toriel thinking gaster was still the royal scientist. i mean there might be something i haven't seen yet because i'm still getting though it, but i really doubt that's the case.

oh and also
>human supremacist run
i think something funny they could do (they won't) for this concept is a stronger version of a probable chara bossfight where the spamton rage mode effect gets triggered
>every enemy is ut monster
The LightClear spell changes the world from the superior earthbound style at the beginning to the undertale style for the rest of the chapter, so the combat being undertale based is probably a result of the world changing to fit the world the lightner gang comes from
i still really wish they didn't cop out of actual earthbound gameplay so quickly, very disappointing.
Yeah that part sucked, I don't even care about the gameplay, I just wish the graphics stayed as Earthbound.
I think we should be getting actual segments of the crossovers in the future chapters at least, which looks promising.
>porky mentions him
I will admit I am, only now, doing a run that isnt genocide so I didnt know. Even still, that kinda makes it worse because they should KNOW all the enemies are meant to be malicious
>I think the cultists return to normal in a non-obliteration run
I tested that, if you dont have "The Ability to Draw Blood" they will just run at 0 hp. They return to normal without having to get beaten up either which is contradictory to EarthBound where the game states that the ONLY way to break the control is beating the tar out of them
>i think it's intentionally different in oblit
Yeah on that you gain "The Ability to Draw Blood" but it never explains what the fuck that is or WHY you have it, you just do now shut up everything bleeds despite you hitting it with way less power than Ness does.
>i assume that's him "returning to normal" when he's dying
That one I'll concede on since I was wrong about Giygas, but it doesnt make that clear at all. He shouldve used the final moments to genuinely apologize too and actually acknowledge he was under control. I doubt it was actually intentional
Hard Mode is somehow infinitely better written the actual Section 1 because of how accurately UT Toriel is portrayed in it. She actually tries to fucking KILL Susie thinking she wants to hurt Frisk, which was completely unexpected to me. Hell you can do the murder dance on hard mode and not the regular story because Frisk is capable of it, but not Kris
afaik they confirmed they wont do that again in later chapters so that cant be the reason, and even then FUCKING WHY
Sensible or not that is a retarded piece of the story considering the whole idea is putting the deltarune gang in other worlds, if theyre changing the entire world's lore than why fucking bother at all? Im just meant to accept that every reason these enemies have to be beat into the ground in their own game is """Conviently""" wiped away the second I start playing?
Considering Kris jumped into the door without Noelle at the end of Chapter 3, we better fucking get some actual LttP gameplay
there's a snippet of kris in the lttp style running around hyrule castle in one of the trailers
>I will admit I am, only now, doing a run that isnt genocide so I didnt know.

Complaining about a route you've never played. Never change, 4chan.
Hey, at least Im actually playing it all now lol. I decided to go through all the routes and find out exactly how bad the game is on ALL fronts rather than just genocide. I thought it was a fair assumption he wouldnt be brought up at all if he wasnt on the route where I was being evil. Maybe Ness couldve thought we were one of Giygas' minions or something?
honestly, i think deltatraveler is overhated, sure some of the writing is horrible but i think theres still some enjoyment to be had while playing it
Same guy whos been complaining here, I actually agree! The gameplay, at least on genocide (On pacifist so many fights are designed to end in 2 turns) is genuinely interesting and fun, and the bosses arent awful by any means. If you tape down the [C] button you wouldnt even know its a bad game
the UT fandom isn't used to writing characters in genocide that aren't sans, give them a break
Couldve fooled me, even their sans is retarded because he sells you weapons on genocid. I shouldnt even need to bring up "Cathartic" either
remind me, what did the C button do?
hey if you jumped across dimensions with 3 mass murderers would you rather be with them or against them?
really though, would have been cool if he didn't really care/know until halfway through section 2, then teamed up with edgy sans for the chapter 3 oblit fight, but the creators really really really want him for the plot in each section so he can't attack you so soon
Skips all text on screen lightning fast
I think you people care more about Deltatraveler than the actual fans at this point.
when the next part of deltatraveler or deltatraveler yellow releases, ill be first in line
hey, they could still go back and rewrite it
>have a nintendo game the nintendo ninjas can't legally touch
>decide to visually change it significantly (i.e. before any sprites from the original can be reused)
>later on do a nintendo game they actually care about
>use the original assets (presumably)
very smart of them.
also i just realized that like half the games they visit are nintendo games... they couldn't afford to be a little creative?

i torture myself with playing this game as well so i don't become this lol >>3502334 knows what i'm talking about

true. and i believe they have, right?
>also i just realized that like half the games they visit are nintendo games...

Most of those chapters seem to be stuff the dev grew up with because muh nostalgia.
If Ryno were a couple years younger there's a good chance we would be getting an actual FNaF World chapter.
i think they've been tweaking section 3 on and off since it came out, same with small updates to early section too
what else would be a good fit, do you think?
LISA is a popular choice for one, really bring the pacifism argument to its limits and genocide can do interesting stuff with the infinity franchise
Considering how many similarities it has with Deltarune, I think Omori would definitely be way more interesting for the Lightner Gang to visit than fucking Toontown.
OFF is also another good choice to push the pacifism argument.
the world is better off destroyed as a mercy killing.
omori would be fun, but the concept just doesn't really work if you spend a little longer thinking about it, since most of the game is in sunny's mind, you'd be saying gaster can make doors to portal into kid's brains?
>kris and susie take joy
Not even just that, The Batter and Kris existing in the same space without anything else attached is already an insane concept. The Batter outright admits that all his actions are guided by a Player. I imagine that world would start with the option to just immediately abandon Kris and join the Batter's cause seeing as he genuinely needs us to accomplish it
would be an interesting scene where you see the SOUL power difference like with paula
I really really just want to see funny scenarios like the gang getting mad that you killed a minion of ganon or some shit
You know what, its not an rpg but fuck it. POSTAL would be a good fit for a deltatraveler world. You can choose to be nice and pacifistic or murder everything for the hell of it, and the Postal Dude is another guy controlled by a Player with the difference being it's a more mutual bond (Unless it's POSTAL 1 specifically) and he only gets upset with the player when they save scum
you know what, Pacifist not actually being the "Good" route over the entire game would be very interesting. Maybe in some chapters being neutral (say in a Zelda chapter, spare the knights who are controlled by a magic spell, and kill the evil creatures like octorocks and agahnim) or even killing everything (inside bowser and the dark star) are the "good" routes and not killing things is a bad ending for that world.
Tbf, fell!sans and porky are big pieces of shit and everybody agrees that they deserve to die, and althrough you'd need the context of the mother games to understand why porky is such a big asshole, fell!sans is 100% evil and even susie is ok with his death, consider this: sans is going to encounter frisk and try to kill them, and its pretty obvious that fell!sans is going to kill papyrus the moment he finds out about how papyrus did a heel-turn and decided to turn good. Therefore its best to finish sans's life off.

I genuinely hope that the game isnt going to imply that going full pacifist is the correct option no matter what, because i'd like a Neutral run ending where you arent treated as a piece of shit for choosing to kill people who deserved to die.
>fell!sans and porky are big pieces of shit and everybody agrees that they deserve to die
Being a little pedantic, but you can argue in the greater scheme of Mother's timeline Porky gets a worse and more deserving fate if you let him live to see Mother 3 where He gets locked in a ball that can never open or be broken where he also cannot die, forced to watch the small amount of the world he can see outside it move on without his influence for eternity
But if you think about the greater good, its better if you get rid of him earlier so that he cant do any more evil, think about what other evil things you could prevent.
This is the exact reason the monsters were sealed underground thanks to the soul absorption shit
not the exact reason, unless one of the humans had the gift of precognition (save and restarting?), but similar enough i guess
I dont think you need to be able to see the future to know that inevitably Monsterkind would put Humankind in the ground, or kill thousands trying thanks to the fact they can just kill 7 and become a God. That's not even considering what boost they'd get with more. It'd be naive to think monsterkind will never have 1 psycho born who attempts this if given the chance, and humanity would have no counter beyond hoping another monster becomes a god to counter it.
Guarantee you Muffet will be that psycho within a week of True Pacifist happening after seeing how most humans think of spiders
>kill 7 and become a God.
Except the part where that "God" is literally beaten by a child. And when that same god had 6 souls they were able to rebel against them quite quickly. Undertale is very coy about the actual way absorbing a soul works and what kind of consciousness the souls have.
>Except the part where that "God" is literally beaten by a child
A child with a meta entity controlling them who can only use the powers of Saving and Loading due to the void of Determination that is the Underground, and the fact the god in question was having their (ironically) Humanity restored in real time thanks to having a soul again and very quickly losing the will to actually kill anyone
>can only use the powers of Saving and Loading due to the void of Determination that is the Underground
but anyways, if we assume the power needed to break the barrier is equivalent to the power needed to create it, then a human mage should be roughly as powerful as a monster with a human soul
There's also the problem of, uhh, how the fuck do the humans know monsters can absorb their souls? If no humans died during the war, and they declared war out of nowhere (seemingly), then why did they fight in the first place?
Purifying the world of monsters in your god-given quest!

Hunting down the beasts down to the last individual!

Dust spread across what were once homes and shops!

Vile devils cowering in fear at the sight of you!

Monster parents tearfully begging you to spare their children!

Crushing their children under your boot anyway because you like the way they scream!

Pretending you're letting one of the fiends go just so you can watch the hope in their eyes die when you kill them anyway!

Burning down their towns and villages and forcing them to watch as their only home is destroyed!

Taking your favorite creatures and making them your slaves for the sole purpose of humiliating and degrading them before they die!
Isnt that literally stated by toby one of the legends of localization books though, along with the fact "Determination" is a pun on "De-Termination"
>how the fuck do the humans know monsters can absorb their souls?
If Humans and Monsters were at peace at one point, it makes sense youd have houses that both share. Eventually a human would die in a monster's arms and oop soul absorbed that's been discovered.
Or better yet, how did Chara know it was possible if it wasnt known before the war in some capacity? That was the core of her plan after all
>how does chara know
because it's the reasons humans went to war, and it's written in waterfall.
The whole of undertale human society is left sooo ambiguous, like what do humans do with human souls? If alphys can extract the ability to not-die from them in her lab in the underground with human garbage what can humans do with them
undertale is full of wordplay and anagrams and double entendres, de-termination is just one of many, if you have the source for the random line of text in one of the localization books i'd love to see it
My guy, omega flowey can instakill frisk a billion times, and frisk can be fully paralyzed by asriel, they only win because of souls and because of muh determination in asriel's case (also because asriel is held back by his emotions)
My hc is that the human equivalent to an amalgamate is a dying human turning into a zombie
Frisk is a human Child, not an Adult Human Mage
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>if you have the source for the random line of text in one of the localization books i'd love to see it
Page 89 of Legends of Localization 3, underlined the specific part in red.
You can argue its not exclusive to the underground, but this logic would mean if you have an area where everyone is equally determined (IE, the surface where all the humans are gathered) no one would be able to use determination to save load. Hell, maybe a monster would gain the ability to on the surface if they absorbed enough souls and added their determination together if there isnt a meta entity to counter it
And how do you think that human mages could handle omega flowey and asriel at full power?
Well then is a human child stronger than a monster god or not?
frisk just says "no" to dying against asriel so yeah
yeah, only took 7 to make the barrier, who knows what a small platoon is capable of
So youre saying a human child is stronger than hyperdeath asriel because they can say no to dying, while at the same time the reason they can get they're ass handed to them by the same monster and die in the first place... is because they're a human child.
7 souls isnt the limit, through, imagine a monster with thousands and thousands of souls
>Mage casts Soul Call
>Speaks directly to the souls to make them rebel or even control the monster that absorbed them
ggs, anyways we don't know what human mages can actually do besides make the barrier. i also found it kind of weird that UT is a world of magical monsters but we only ever see them use that magic to be offensive
And at one point does getting more souls become trivial? Asriel is able to just take power from all the monster's soul with 6 human souls, imagine that boost with a pre-war monster population
If you dont know what a human mage can do why are you banking on them? Idk what a magic sword does but that doesn't mean I can rely on the mere idea it COULD cut through reality itself
we know frisk can reach out to the souls in Asriel without magic. Now apply the same kind of magic that made a barrier that trapped monsters underground for centuries to the same concept.
I'm just hoping we get to know more about human mages and soul-absorption in Deltarune, and that the light world plays by the exact same rules as Undertale
Actually, i have a theory. depending on how many souls a monster has, it gets harder to get the human souls to rebel, so lets go over every example of a monster with human souls:
>its said that chara and asriel's control were split, therefore, its safe to say that its easy for a human soul to rebel when a monster has only one soul.
>however, in the fight against omega flowey, flowey has control during most of the fight, it takes a whole fight for the 6 souls to rebel against flowey, theres no split control here.
>you cant even get the souls to rebel during asriel's fight, and iirc, every monster soul equals 1 human soul, so if a monster has the equivalent of 7 human souls, the human souls cant even rebel.
Therefore, i do believe that you cant just call out for the souls to have an easy win.
Dude, the only reason frisk reached out to the souls is because of the save button, and SAVE is directly tied to determination. frisk is only able to pull out some sort of win because of their DT and because asriel was emotionally vulnerable, but if asriel didnt hesitate, he could easily beat us like how he killed us a billion times at the end of omega flowey's fight
nah i'm gonna cast a spell and beat him
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DRYanon2 here, whats left for the equip menu:
>need to fix the description display not clearing when hovering over an inventory slot thats not filled
>make the special ability names display in the stats section
>implement equipping the items.
>update a few weapon descriptions, they should all show what the exact stats are.
>color changes when going to the inventory, item name text should go from light gray to white.
then its onto puzzles and the tech demo's other rooms after cleaning up a few things
>and that the light world plays by the exact same rules as Undertale
thats what im banking on, id assume its the same but it is toby so im also leaving some ways out for rewrites incase toby decides to make the big reveal that the light world rules arent the same as UT.
I'm waiting for the ch6/ch7 moment when we get into a battle in the light world and it's an undertale battle :)
Are the VRPG threads archived?
and one more thing before i sleep at the ripe late hour of 6:20AM:
ive been debating using sadie for june since thats what her concept artist calls her (she has no name officially), but im not entirely sure on which i should use
i personally prefer june because "junebug" plus the fact that she's bug inspired, but at the same time sadie is also a nice sounding name.
so i guess its up to you guys.
which should i use?
i liked june until everyone started calling her sadie in other stuff because, well, thats the ""official"" name now. i would say use sadie.
maybe have june be the nickname only her closest friends call her? can tie it into her character arc or something depending on what you're going for with her
not the DRY anon but we did talk about nicknames like that earlier in the thread. not a good idea.
Make June her dark world/co-op games persona or her last name
Never let those people stop you from having fun, don't let them be some sort of censorship police
>don't let them be some sort of censorship police
all im saying is that if i were to make something, id try to not give those kinds of people more fuel than i have to.
especially with a fandom like this one that will comb over every little detail and word to come up with theories.
because once that politically charged theory is broken, you'll get nothing but drama around it and the TS!swap cancelation attempt will look like a tea party.
>Make June her dark world/co-op games persona or her last name

This, just make June part of Sadie's full name instead of some awkward compromise of identities.
maybe first name sadie, last name june? sadie june?
Sadie Junebug is her full name
I like that a lot actually, I vote for this one being her name
So, next thread when
When this one dies
Enjoy it now, we can blab all we like without killing the thread sooner
https://youtu.be/METNUSrD5MI?si=H5hmKqQ6mDI5OhiH cool clover in normal ut stuff
When this thread is archived and not a minute earlier, we have no reason to rush things here
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alright so thinking about the names more:
>sadie junebug as the full name
artist also pointed this out but i dunno, it REALLY just isnt speaking to me.
>june as the name
i have thought of several gags with the name using junebug and the month of june, cant exactly get those gags back with sadie.
>sadie as the name
still sounds nice, and is the name the artist uses.
there is also the minor fact that humans currently follow the trend of four character names (kris, cole, mylo), i could use sadie over june to help establish this as a human only trend, but there is rosa who already has an established name.
>there is also the minor fact that humans currently follow the trend of four character names
Frisk and Chara? Unless you mean just in Deltarune, but in that case I think you're putting a bit too much importantance on it. Though if they're all specifically written on paper in all caps to reference early Final Fantasy's naming limits, then Im a lot more into it
i think it could be funny that kanako or cole makes lighthearted fun of sadie having "junebug" as her last name while sadie finds it annoying. regardless, if you have to stick into either sadie or june, i'll say sadie
What's martlets last name? I ask because there are two possible last names for clover to adopt:

>clover dreemurr
>clover kitsukane
Martlet Undertale Yellow
well the actual mythological martlet is typically associated with sussex, so in that case
>brighton, which fits
all that to say that martlet is likely bri'ish
>bri'ish Martlet has a cowboy son
>bri'ish bird has a cowboy human son who has a japanese fox gf
talk about mr worldwide...
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>kanako ketsukane
>sadie junebug.
>cole brighton
>gizmo ???
>mylo ???
anyways as im still indecisive on june's name, im just going to make this easy for myself.
>0-99: june
>100-199: sadie
>200-299: full name for the main 5 characters, with june's being sadie junebug
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welp, that settles that.
Sadie Junebug is a funny name I like it
Mylo sounds like her full name would be somekind of homophone joke like "ligma balls" but with Mylo instead
hell yeah, i love sadie junebug
>martlet is a filthy *nglo
>Mylo sounds like her full name would be somekind of homophone joke
I dunno maybe her name has something to do with LOVE? because she was the most violent soul in UTY?
>MyLO VElez
>MyLO VEra
>MyLO VErnon
>Mylo Velez
>My LOVE is
might just go with this one, or something similar.
Haven't been on the thread for a while, but seethe harder nigger
had a dream where it was the yellow pacifist ending but when clover gave his soul and began to die everyone started singing always look on the bright side of life from life of brian
I wish Flawed Pacifist still allowed you to kill Asgore and go home
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Time to destroy the world
Do you think if he tried being cruel and waited until Clover had actually crossed the barrier and then reset that Clover would still be outside? Since we're meant to assume the surface is unaffected by the undergrounds resets
that's a better ending
Why is this thread so much better than /utg/ on /vg/?
actual creators and appreciators making content for the game they like instead of attention whores and drama spazoids attaching themselves to characters like a fucked up parasite
the average utg user is an attention seeking coomer (usually deltarune flavored) that only thinks about the actual game when something new comes out and posts pic(un)rels of their fave to usurp >>(you)s from others ceaselessly

here we are still kinda coomers but we care a lot more about the game (as well as other official and fan works) and are moreso attached to the characters in a "i wish we had more content with them" sort of way, not to mention the fact that everyone here who tries to stand out is actually making something of value
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>"i wish we had more content with them"
I wish we had more content about the 'roba and Kanako.
very little moderation is done in generals, then you've got the fact that vg is a FAST board so there's gotta be someone discussing shit at every single hour of the day.
combined these will slowly build up a base of insane posters that rarely ever talk about the game
meanwhile /vrpg/ is a moderated board so we have to be on our best behavior if we want the thread to continue, and the board is much slower meaning there's not much pressure to force discussion. topics will come and go naturally for a long while.
wouldnt be surprised if that one ketsukane seether was a leak from utg
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sorry it's been a minute. here's a pause menu.
i can repost this later if the thread is archived too soon
>lower stats than sans
Flowey is a massive Jobber tho, we have never seen him fight in UT, he just takes cheap shots when his oponents lower their guard, as far as we know he could never defeat Asgore or Sans, even with infinite retries
Looks insanely good
Remember, physically Flowey is just a fucking flower. You think monsters are pathetic for being made out of magic/dust weak enough to be pen'd by a child with a twig? You could actually sto.p flowey out if you had strength on par with a 3 year old
stomp, fuck
I really wish we had more Flowey fan content. Like Flowey Killing Toriel and using her soul to try to kill everyone in the UG
Could Flowey even absorb a boss monster soul? He doesnt have a human soul of his own to absorb it into
He's made as a vessel to absorb all souls. He is able to do so since he absorbs all of monsterkind's souls with the 6 human souls
Yes, but that's WITH human souls. Im saying a monster cant absorb another monster's soul unless they had a Human soul to act as a container, otherwise he wouldve taken Toriel's soul and beaten Asgore with it as that would put them on a more even ground
Flowey isn't a monster anymore.
Flowers cant absorb souls either you nitwit. He wasnt created explicitly to hold souls, he was just to show off Determination. Holding souls is something he can only do once he gets his hand on a human one to act in place of his own soul, a boss monster soul is worthless because he has nothing to absorb it into and it cant hold its form on its own after death
holy fuck this looks so good, really nice work. for a single person project, this looks so much better than projects with like 10 people. amazing
>flowey cant absorb souls until he absorbs a soul
??? Your headcanon does not make sense.
Alphys chose a flower specifically because it's not a human or a monster so that it could hold monster souls. Reread the true lab entries.
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...Alright, I genuinely forgot about that part, I am sorry. It's still weird though then, why did he not ever think to absorb Toriel's soul if this was possible? Or what the fuck would make her come to this conclusion, surely monsters have died to animals in the past there'd be records if it was possible for a non-human/monster to absorb either soul. They arent the only two races on the planet
Well, the other option is to consider that Toriel and Asgore have the same stats, so maybe Flowey just isnt strong enough to beat either of them. Also note that unless someone has "immense" power, most monsters souls disappear when they die, and only particularly powerful monsters (BOSS monsters) have their souls remain. So a froggit being mauled by a bear wouldn't have a soul for the bear to absorb. I'd assume most animals aren't magical enough to use the magical power a human soul possesses, so a wolf taking a human soul might just end up being smarter or braver or whatever
>so a wolf taking a human soul might just end up being smarter or braver or whatever
But wouldnt the human now have at least the potential to try and wrestle control from the animal? Chara was able to influence Asriel, even if he managed to resist he still couldve lost control. A wolf, something a lot lower on sentience, would likely not be able to resist it. It would be pretty known really fast if something like that was possible.
the idea that humans waged war on monsters because they realized soul absorption was a thing from animals is cool

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