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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

>I padded up from the sunken bed in the forecastle and through into the galley. It smelled of coffee and, on account of our recent refit in Nagasaki, turpentine. As I came up, Tilly returned from some chore on deck, swanning down the narrow teak stairs and onto the banquette opposite the chart table. She was wearing the carnation-colored export kimono I had given her the preceding week and, once she doffed her sun hat, nothing else. She struck a long kitchen match against the galley stove and lit a Cartier cigarette. Shifting, she selected her raggedy copy of Brideshead Revisited from where it lay interloping on my chart rack and began reading. The Japanese had put an almost mirror polish on the teakwood ceiling and as Longreach heeled slightly, the morning sun poured through a downlighter and glittered against it, bathing Tilly in fairy-light. I married her in that moment, everything that followed was a formality.
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>woman in the 1960s: let me sail around the world with this man I barely know because I’m bored at work
>woman in 2024: I’d rather meet a bear in the woods than a random man.
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>letting your parents make major life decisions for you as an adult
Why does anyone want to emulate this shit? Feeling for you anon
High trust society. I blame nonwhites for ending it.
>artist and financier Haim Claypole Roth
Not a random guy, a random RICH guy with a badass yacht. Even today you could build a harem of women in a few minutes.

Although I will agree that society has gone to shit
>rich yacht owner in the sixties: writes novel with good prose about his yacht voyage and romantic affair
>yacht owner: posts to Instagram

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ç'est sordide comment la vie continue edition

previous >>23352785
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Another day of emptiness. Continuing to literally die, for one, because of several health issues, not to mention that I may actually have tuberculosis from two separate exposures. I've been coughing blood and phlegm off and on for years- no history of smoking, no drinking, no drugs, early twenties, not fat.
I can't and won't get treated because of social anxiety. I would prefer to suffer this way and kill myself.
Oh hey tb anon, hope you're full no contact hermit
Might as well write something substantial so we have something to remember you by, leper.
not gonna lie sometimes i think about resorting back to my coomer ways. one month clean so far, but my last streak was 2 months. i just don't know sometimes. thr only legit way to release this kind of outlet is obviously marriage, but i'm way too old now and way too autistic. i just don't see it. and so this is my life? just to wrestle with this forever? i don't drink i don't smoke, i just feel genuine physical frustration from this you know, and the worst part is i know i'll feel good for 5 minutes, then feel like crap from all the shame and self-disappointment. at this point it's not even about cooming anymore it's the fact that i made previous promises to myself, keep breaking it, then do it again. this has been going on for years. why? because there's just no outlet

it's so over bros. imagine trading coom over heaven, it's such a stupid deal but when it's coom for the next decades to come it just seems so enticing. ah who am i kidding, let's say i choose coom, tomorrow i get into a car accident and don't even get it again, because i made the wrong choice. fuggg
I'm starting to think that depression is a type of mental retardation

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I personally really liked the Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, it wasn't cute in the traditional sense. But the sort of word choice in the book was quite endearing to me; Especially the way the author tries to convey certain life lessons to the intended audience of the book (children): it captures a short of short-lived and ephemeral innocence that only a child-at-heart can portray.
Breakfast at Tiffany's is a nice little story that owes all its charm and worth to a single adorable character.
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The Curve of Time by by Blanchet is one I like. Memoir about spending summers in the 1920s and 30s boating around the Canadian west coast with her children. Occasionally has some tense or sad moments, but generally a sweet book.

Dude, are you so retarded that you
1) think OP gets any say in the ads displayed on the site
2) don't use an ad blocker?
This isn't fucking YouTube, as if posters are paid to allow ads in their threads. You're beyond being a newfag. You're straight up retarded.
Sorry for spoiling your cute thread OP.
The Swiss Family Robinson
The Tale of Despreaux

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"Grandpa's story time" edition

Previous: >>23338313

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

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>virtually all writers
source: i pulled it out of my ass
>pedo rapist
Oh, nowhere, just the fucking Oxford English dictionary: "pastoral (noun): a work of literature portraying an idealized version of country life"
History is forgotten. I use pastoral as in pastoralists and so should you.
>hurr durr the whole world revolves around me and my limited experience
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>pedo rapist
Spotted the hag enthusiast.
>my limited experience
Historical record is limited...?

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What's the best Sub-Saharan African language for literature?
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Give us your credit card to exchange, phone number to contact you, and your house address so we can meet you to discuss this...and your face and family’s info for good measure of maximum contact and connectedness.
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Nigerian because all you need is French and that covers 3 countries
The second best is Ugandan. It's the biggest power player in the region and there are thousands of tribes that all have their own language that use Ugandan as their lingua franca besides English.

Since I got to contribute, here's my favorite gorilla tits. Maserati.
built for skinny white guys
Shit, that's who I was trying to remember. The woman I dated looked just like that except had really short hair. Too bad she was kind of a nympho and a whore.
Both those countries have many different native languages

I see this lil nigga in everyone now (including myself). People are so comically haughty and self important.
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this is one of the worst books I've tried reading. It's juvenile and mildly amusing at best. No wonder the writer khs.
This is exactly something Ignatius would write
>I see this lil nigga in everyone now
Then why don't I have a sexy jewess girlfriend who rides me all night long?
Book was OK but by God the sections that were just the Jewish husband and wife bickering were unbearable. If he meant to make those painful on purpose then well done, I suppose.
Is that my nigga Javert?

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Hello lit frens. Feel like taking a break from reading and putting on a movie tonight. What should I watch? Been reading a lot of Ibsen and Carpentier lately, if that helps.
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Watch the 1979 BBC Shakespeare adaptations on Kanopy directed by Herbert Wise. Beautiful blocking -- a lost art.

Also, the recent Hollow Crown adaptations are very well done. See, e.g., Henry IV, Part I, Act I, Scene 3, where Henry Percy (Hotspur) confronts the King. The guy who plays Hotspur has this great raw energy, and Jeremy Irons is entirely believable in all his nuances as the King. The scene plays beautifully. That's the thing about Shakespeare -- seeing good actors breathe life into the text. That's what it's all about.
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The Man Who Stole the Sun, the best Japanese movie ever made and it's not even close. although the screenplay (not story) was written by an American, the brother of the guy who made Taxi Driver to be exact.

you can also watch Le Samourai, the coolest movie character+actor ever put on screen. Alain Delon is too beautiful for this world and too cool for school.
Watch a Paul Anderson flick.
I remember I went through a phase of watching a ton of Japanese and Korean Cinema a few years ago and really wanted to watch the man who stole the sun, yet couldn't find a decent stream or dvd anywhere.
Sidney Lumet movies
Twelve Angry Men, Fail-Safe, and Dog Day Afternoon are my favorites. Among these, Fail-Safe is my most favorite.

Relaxing in the thermae edition

>τὸ πρότερον νῆμα·

NOTE: replace ' dot ' with an actual dot to access the links below
>Μέγα τὸ Ἑλληνιστί/Ῥωμαϊστί·
https://mega dot nz/folder/FHdXFZ4A#mWgaKv4SeG-2Rx7iMZ6EKw

>Mέγα τὸ ANE
https://mega dot nz/folder/YfsmFRxA#pz58Q6aTDkwn9Ot6G68NRg

Feel free to write your thoughts/stories/etc... in your target language.

>Work in progress FAQ

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This scenario sounds appealing, honestly
maybe try to use memory tricks for odd ones such as that
for instance, remember it as a pricer tim with an image of a man named tim putting a price tag on something
assuming you meant praesertim
this ferum aint big nuf fer du two of us
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If anyone wants to take a crack at it, here's the fragmentary Herculaneum account of Plato's death.
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Ἀλώπηξ, εἰς οἰκίαν ἐλθοῦσα ὑποκριτοῦ, καὶ ἕκαστα τῶν αὐτοῦ σκευῶν διερευνωμένη, εὗρε καὶ κεφαλὴν μορμολυκείου εὐφυῶς κατεσκευασμένην, ἧν καὶ ἀναλαβοῦσα ταῖς χερσὶν, ἔφη · << Ὦ οἵα κεφαλὴ, καὶ ἐγκέφαλον οὐκ ἔχει. >>
Ἐπιμύθιον. Ὁ μῦθος [ προσήκει ] πρὸς ἄνδρας μεγαλοπρεπεῖς μὲν τῷ σώματι, κατὰ δὲ ψυχὴν ἀλογίστους.

Vulpes, domum ingressa mīmī, et unasquasque ejus supellectilēs indagata, invenit caput persōnae apte confectum, quod sublātum manibus, dīxit, “o fōrmōsum caput, sed cerebrum non habet.”
Perōrātiō. Fabula convenit homines magnifici corpore, āmentēs vērō animā.

A fox, having entered the house of a mime, and having examined all of his furniture, found the head of a well made mask, which having been picked up by his hands, said, "o what a beautiful head, but it doesn't have a brain."
Conclusion. The story is for people who are impressive in body but stupid in mind.

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Does the Book of Job teaches us that God is a sadistic tyrant who likes making innocent people suffer for no reason?
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"How great is God - beyond our understanding!"
~ Job 36:26
The entire book could be summarized with that one verse. No need to read the rest of the tedious, unnecessary rambling
Nta, but it looks like, from the turn in God's speeches toward animals, that part of the bearing of God's response is that in order to have a world with that kind of diversity of life, the consequence must be a certain limit past which God can't interfere wholly, only in certain discreet ways, otherwise God is expected to act when weather is allowed to run its course or when wildlife interferes with man, such that, though He made all living creatures, man is the only one deserving of attention. Now, this could be objected via other Biblical passages, such as the flood, the plagues, sicking bears on kids harassing a prophet, etc., that God as depicted elsewhere is plenty willing to do just this. But it also looks as though the author of Job might even be contesting the older views of God's justice in light of the Babylonian invasion (there are are Aramaic and Akkadian loanwords at various points that, if taken as Hebrew, produce nonsense lines, bit when taken as Aramaic and Akkadian, preserve the poetic parallelisms, so this is definitely a Babylonian period text). This would also go some way toward explaining why Job's friends, who standard for a kind of quid pro quo piety seen in the Torah, are said to be wrong about God, the text disputes that bad things only happen due to divine disfavor. Consider a hard rain that benefits the field of a farmer but floods the home of someone else; the same rain helps and harms, and it does seem admittedly silly to expect it to differ in places to benefit all simply. But it does still leave mysterious why we should need rain at all, or why mules can benefit us, but bison harm us.
No. There is a lot in Job. I would recommend pic related for anyone interested in a diverse view of all that is going on. It is pointing forwards and underscores the need for a mediator between man and God.

Job being a descendent of Esau is not incidental. He is one of the few men explicitly named as righteous in the OT but is also of a line fated not to find favor as the covenant people (and yet we know all people are eventually to be offered to covenant). There is a lot going on here.
>There is a lot in Job
There's a Lot in Genesis too
Not again, Carlos

What would you say are the most fun books to read, in your opinion? Stuff like picrel or Michael Moorcock or William Craig's Enemy at the Gates are my go-tos currently. But I'd like to see or expand my horizons what I can find to read that's fun that I can read or breeze through under a day or two. Or even an hour.
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I've read just a few but his books are pretty fun to read.
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The Origin of Consciousness and the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

Why do christians still exist? Don't they know that God is dead?
Matthew 18:20
Are you trying to send a timestamped YouTube link?
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Not literature, bait thread, you know full well this is a deliberately retarded question so you can get a reaction. Get a life. Nigger.
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We've killed God and the only thing left to do is wack of to bimbos like this to relieve sexual frustration. God, what a bleak world we live in.
Atheists don't even know what they're denying and theists don't even know what they claim to believe in. The best teach can usually do can do is come up with a laundry list of divine attributes while never touching on the essence of the divine.

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You can't refute

Because he doesn’t know how to finish them.

Writers block is a bitch.
He sold the IP to Hollywood, Hollywood raped it, debased it and made it the greatest laughing stock in television. He now hates the works he created because he whored it out and now it is tossed back to him ruined and stained and no longer his.

The fat fuck deserves everything he gets.
Too busy eating Burger, Chicken nugget, and french fry

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It's kinda hard to take him seriously when you realise how unoriginal he is. Literally every thought he has is just stolen from Jung or Dostoevsky. You could just read their works instead and you'd miss nothing.
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Legitimately illiterate
Reread your original post and try again. You'd think people on /lit/ of all places could write grammatically correct sentences, yet you'd be wrong.
Also no one is jumping on the Peterson-hate train because of your faggy posts, kiddo.
One day you will read a book and it will change your life.
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>Why do you care so much about him specifically? He's a boring centrist who got famous for making SJWs look like the clowns they are and he happens to be a psychologist. And he wrote self-help books and made money on them (notice how people use this to attack his character? it's like it's personal to them). I don't get it. Vox Day wrote a book predicting his downfall years in advance, yet retards on /lit/ are still raging over his centrist midwittery 10 years after he got famous, getting in to minutia about his personal life like gossiping girls...maybe it's the site/userbase are just declining in quality? i just can't believe i see this faggot's face in the catalog every time, and there are always dumbasses seething over whatever dumb shit he put on twitter.
I loath public 'intellectuals', to be quite frank. It's oxymoronic, really. Being loved and appreciated by the tardy masses is when one is not truly an intellectual; one ought not to be concerned about the masses' opinions, emotions, or considerations; they are children who just favour what they know or are comfortable with. If you are to stoop that low, one ought to simply become a working man.
Cringe LARPer

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