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Why do people equate buddhism with nihilism? What differentiates these two philosophies/ideologies?
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>Even the most reputable scholars of Buddhism admit that Nagarjuna has no master argument against Svabhava
The only one who said that was Robinson and he wasn't reputable or respected at all, he even confused whole chapters of the karika among other retarded mistakes
>>Even the most reputable scholars of Buddhism admit that Nagarjuna has no master argument against Svabhava
>The only one who said that was Robinson
That's wrong you liar, it not Robinson but Jans Westerhoff who says so in his SEP article on Nagarjuna and in saying this he cites Mark Siderits also saying so to back it up.

>It is interesting to note that despite the fact that arguing for the non-existence of svabhāva and the establishment of the theory of universal emptiness is the central concern of Nāgārjuna’s philosophy we do not find a “master argument” to accomplish this (see Siderits 2000: 228 and 2003: 147). Of course we do find systematic lists of the core Madhyamaka arguments, in particular in the later scholastic developments of this school but none of them is regarded as the single argument that settles the matter once and for all.
basically correct but also basically wrong
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>muh middle ages
>muslim science
islam is not a serious religion. The fact that there's so many butthurt muslims in here goes to show they're the ones that keep making buddhism-hate threads

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How did Marx and Engels come to be reconciled with Third World and anti-imperialist struggles when they themselves cheered for the political annihilation of entire nations and peoples? They were equally anti-slavic as the Nazis
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Isn't Marx for the left kind of like Jesus for Christians - someone revered, but not really taken seriously?
They hated Scottish people like me as well
>hating Scots or Slavs
Literally the only two people left who aren't pozzed to hell and back. What was their faggot problems?
Poles are uber pozzed through
anon, I...
all the so-called West "Slavs" are gigapozzed, they are not even Slavs.

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Why do people empathize for Humbert?
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He wouldn't want to fuck a nymphette?
Empathize WITH, you FUCKING ESL!
so called "non-incels" hate a nigga for getting some pussy
because he is cultured and sophisticated.

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Isn't that a sign that the Orthos AREN'T the One True Church? It feels like if they were really the True Church of Jesus Christ they wouldn't have taken so many historical Ls. First the Ottomans got them, then the Soviets. That's a solid 500 years where they were being stomped on and unable to thrive outside of their home countries. In that same time, the Catholic Church expanded around the world.

I don't know, I just think that if the Orthos were the real One True Church they wouldn't have had so many obstacles thrown into the path of their expansion. Jesus did say to bring the Gospel to all the nations, and the Orthos really haven't gotten a chance to do that. Maybe it means they're not God's favorite.
Catholicism wins.
Recently? Catholics. No one else is even playing and they had Gene Wolfe.

Historically? Anglicans and Reformed/Calvinist.

Dickens beats every novelist and Milton beats every poet not named Homer.

In addition, you have Bunyan, Melville, the Brontes, Coleridge, Machen, Carol, Lewis, Dunsany,ect...
Catholics claim Chesterton, but all his great novels were written when he was Anglican.
are Catholics allowed to like Dante? Doesn't he talk about how a bunch of Popes are burning in hell? I thought the Pope was infallible in all spiritual matters?
>Would that just be a bunch of heretical scribbles
Fixed you.
I genuinely wish every medposter to suffer from legit schizophrenia.

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>The Cleanest Race
>The Impossible State
>The Aquariums of Pyongyang
I could fix her

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What do you think of reincarnation NDEanon?
Can you pick and recommend one of those books anon?
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>2 books posted
This thread is shit.
Yes, (You).
Do you believe in the afterlife?
Post the book(s) that convinced you.

I don't believe in it.
The Selfish Gene, When Prophecy Fails, The Last Messiah, The Pentateuch, Ecclesiastes, The New Testament (tips fedora).

Non book readers are not invited.
can you summarize why you dont believe?

Books about the hellish day to day life of a wagie, preferably in an office environment. Pic related is on my list already.
my diary desu

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>/lit/ users posts literally the best passage of softcore erotica I've ever read
>refuses to elaborate further
This passage appears here from time to time, and the fucking original source is /lit/ as far as I can tell. I'm so blueballed by the fact that it ends when it does.
lmao you keep shilling this passage you've been workshopping for over a year if not two from your shitty book and every time everyone tells you it's shit. stop trying to astroturf it, it's never gonna happen.
It's from one of Nabokov's short stories.

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Herodotus or Thucydides?
Herodotus if you're into culture
Thucydides if you're into military campaigns
My nose looks like left dude's

ITT: Post philosophers and describe what they would be like if they lived today.

>Pic related would be a discord groomer.
counterfactuals have no truth value
Not an argument.
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Incel who shoots up his school
Some things never change.

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what is the most /lit/ form of therapy?
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Cock & Ball Therapy
What about Otto Rank? He never gets discussed here.
you mean not /lit/?
Worse. Through Jewish science.

It is exciting to believe in traditional values and strength today because we live in an age where these are countercultural values. Being conservative is akin to rebellion today. But I feel like I am too conservative, which inflames my fear of bias. I want the widest possible view on things. I want to understand how the other side thinks–not through the watered down, indolent propaganda that gets shuttled into minds from media today, but through the artifacts of a time when these opposing values were in their vital, striving, rebellious state. Who or what do you recommend I read?
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Pretty easy to find right/left wing perspectives on the sort of modern technological machine.
Ernst Junger - The Worker vs Herbert Marcuse - One Dimensional Man

If you actually read left wing stuff it doesn't hide it. One Dimensional Man is one of their most influential books for modern stuff. The author is a well known CIA asset and the book literally has a thanks to the rockefeller foundation on the first page. He details the machine quite well but then just says we should try to use it instead of fighting it. Kind of obvious but I found it insightful to read regardless.
>muh conservatism is the new counterculture
what is it, 2016 again?
anyway nuanced thoughtful conservatism has always been countercultural just like nuanced thoughtful leftism
This is brilliant. One of the most compelling portraits I've recently read. Although the parents and family seem to be the spirit of revolution strawmanned. I just don't understand what it means that he is more anarchist than the rest of them. Is it a poetic conceit or the notion that he is the sole revolutionary in a world where the rule is disorder and chaos?
John Stuart Mill, On Liberty and Utilitarianism
read the book lol it gets more complicated

This is a place for all things fiction, poetry, history, and philosophy regarding the Imperium Europae movement. - #5

In the next threads we will be reading and discussing important art, culture, history, and political essays.
Regardless of the original problems they were aimed at, the concepts introduce and the analyses they make are extremely relevant to the issues we face today such as AI, the inefficacy and decline of nation-states, the growing rift between entertainment and 'real' art, and more.

>The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, by Walter Benjamin
This is an essay of cultural criticism which proposes and explains that mechanical reproduction devalues the aura (uniqueness) of a work of art, and that in the age of mechanical reproduction and the absence of traditional and ritualistic value, the production of art would be inherently based upon the praxis of politics.

download here:
the file is encrypted, pass is

Thread elaboration (old version, new one is under construction):

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Maybe Timaeus and Critias for some history of modern thinking and monotheism. As an exercise find Atlantis and show why your answer has to be the correct one. When you see it you don't have to ask if you're right, it's demonstrable.
I like this ongoing timeline overview of Rome.
The first BBC documentary and the most ambitious. Post-Rome European historical overview with footage of all the places, structures and artefacts being talked about.
Timelines can act like the memory palace trick, we can put things in shelves on the timeline. If we have elaborate imagery associated with an event it's easier to recall and associate when relevant, like in the memory palace trick. Seeing the temples, castles, cathedrals and artefacts helps.
wtf is Imperium Europae
the cultural empire of Europe, it's a concept we debated in the last couple of threads and I'm currently in the process of writing an essay irl about it which I will post as a pdf here to explain what we're doing
pre-emptively not a fascist/alt-right/conservative thing, it's been covered in the replies in the previous threads
>Maybe Timaeus and Critias for some history of modern thinking and monotheism.
definitely, I have a separate list for the dialogues to see which one fits where and how, so this is much appreciated
thanks for the links as well, I will check them out later today
Has anyone tried to use Obsidian extensively?
>ignores Atlantis
The city sat on a peninsula on the southeast part of a landmass the size of Turkey with a mountain running roughly north to south. It's north side faced southern Spain. It's also called Erytheia in myths about Hercules. Pliny and pals incorrectly place both the pillars and Erytheia in Spain.

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(/lit/ edition)


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Journey is good but it is an incredibly negative book the entire way through. Instead of having your soul wrenched out you'll probably just be annoyed at how whiney the MC is by the end. Still a good book. I recommend that.
The Passenger, Norman "Corncob" McCarthy
The chit chat in the pub
Hungry as fuck
The crowd
Earlier but its just depressed me

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>Confessed my undying love to a woman yesterday.
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Top kek
Yeah basically but I have had feelings for this woman for 5 months
Now I must either join the French Foreign Legion or languish
I think I am too fat for the Legion
Ended up making a ham & cheese melt with eggs on the side

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Which should I read first?
>Water Margin
By the way, I'm (((old)))
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Water Margin, its hilarious at times. Still remember Li Kui
>By the way, I'm (((old)))
what does that mean?
少不读水浒,老不读三国 “The young should not read The Water Margin, the old should not read Three Kingdoms.”
What are the best versions of these stories for a pleb like me who can't read anything older than 1850. Give me an accessible modernized retelling
Just watch the tv shows

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