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god damn it. all i wanna read now is classic noir. everything else stinks.

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yeah wish i could help you out but i dunno either.
I’ll probably watch it anyway lol
>This pissed me off.
>The second he walks in, the woman falls into his arms. No one fucking does that,
>and no one talks the way these people do
Ross Macdonald has the cosiest bibliography. HIs stuff is just as good as Chandler

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Let's refute that unemployed retarded Mādhyamika faggot who spams his Niggerjuna copypasta in every Buddhism thread all day every day.
>Niggerjuna was the greatest philosopher and refuted everyone with his logic
>ummm... but what about these fallacies in his argu-
>NOOO!!! You can't just be skeptical of his claims and see if they hold water... don't you understand?!?! It's uhhh... "metalogic"... it's not "analytical".... that makes the fallacies okay... you are just supposed to accept it as true uncritically

Watered down kant derived from dogma
t. Icchantika
When one applies their mind rationally they take one measure of justification and apply it to one measure of a matter.

When one applies their mind irrationally, they apply unlike measures to unlike measures.

In reference to rational application of mind and irrational application of mind, this sutta is relevant: https://suttacentral.net/an1.306-315/en/sujato

“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to wrong view, and once arisen, makes it grow like irrational application of mind. When you apply the mind irrationally, wrong view arises, and once arisen it grows.”

“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to right view, or, once it has already arisen, makes it grow like rational application of mind. When you apply the mind rationally, right view arises, and once arisen it grows.”
I'm smoking some niggerjuana right now

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Are his works worth reading?
What about his letters/essays?
Absolutely. Schiller is in the top fifty of critic-philosophers. He's top five among the Germans.
Schiller is a genius. The aesthetic letters are a work that can change your life
>Schiller's Letters ... aim at a remaking of civilization by virtue of the liberating force of the aesthetic function: it is envisaged as containing the possibility of a new reality principle.
Isn't this what fascism was all about?
Just leave this board, you are irredeemable at this point.
You see, art is subjective except when it's made by the wrong side or when the wrong side likes this.

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When collecting books by series or by author, how much does it matter to you whether all the books are of the same imprint and/or design?

Pic related
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Keep wasting time on le imageboard and pointless discussions. I'll be over here reading.
Ladies, please. You're both wasting time on an image board
Keep wasting time replying to my posts. I'll be over here reading.
Keep wasting time reading. I'm going to be having cool discussions on the 4chan.
Reading these posts on an image board, I presume

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what are the best chivalry books? was the order of chivalry or equestrian order real, or a book only thing? was Cervantes right in burning all chivalry books or did he make a mistake?
Ramon Llull
>what are the best chivalry books?
You mean works of fiction about knights or non-fiction books about how to be chivalric? The only book of the latter type that I know of is A Knight's Own Book of Chivalry by Geoffroi de Charny. But if you're wanting the former, here are some of major works as well as some of my personal favorites:
>The Works of Chretien de Troyes (Erec and Enide, Cliges, Lancelot, Yvain, and Percival
Chretien de Troyes didn't invent the genre of chivalric romance but his works are where they were really perfected and what popularized the genre throughout Europe. Erec and Enide and Yvain are my favorites but Lancelot and Percival are worth reading too. But he died while writing Percival and the story ends mid-sentence. Many other writers wrote their own continuations but none of them are very good.
>The Prose Lancelot-Grail Cycle
Interesting but very long and repetitive. The image most people have of the tales of King Arthur, Lancelot, the Holy Grail etc. come from this. Many of the stories are pretty much self-contained (The Story of the Grail, The Death of King Arthur, etc.) and are often sold as their own stand alone books.
A German version of Percival written by very eccentric Bavarian knight who takes the story in some very strange directions. My favorite Grail story but it's the most unlike the story of the Holy Grail most people think of.
>Tristan and Isolde
The German version of the legend of Tristan. I think this is also the best version of that legend it's the one Wagner based his opera on.
>Romance of the Rose
Highly allegorical story that was hugely popular in the middle ages. I haven't read it yet but I'm including it for posterity's sake.
>Gawain and the Green Knight
One of the few Arthurian legends actually written in England that's actually worth reading.

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>Orlando Innamorato
An Italian Renaissance story that blends the Arthurian legends with the legends of Charlemagne and his paladins, which is a whole other body of literature altogether. It's another case where the writer died before he could finish it. Very good and is only forgotten because its sequel is even better.
>Orlando Furioso
Sequel to Orlando Innamorato and one of the most entertaining things you will ever read. It doesn't take itself too seriously but it doesn't go so far as make everything a joke either. There's an often repeated narrative that Innamorato was a serious work while Furioso is a comedy but that's not true. There is more humor in Furioso but both works have a fair amount of comedy, drama and, above all, adventure
>Amadis of Gaul
Spanish prose work that was extremely influential in the Renaissance. Cervantes himself adored it and thought to be the best chivalric tale ever written. The first two books are the best but 3 and 4 are still good.
>Jerusalem Delivered
It's sort of like the Iliad but set during the First Crusade with the Crusaders encamped outside the walls of Jerusalem like the Greeks outside of Troy. Godrey de Boullion is like Agamemnon, Peter the Hermit is like Nestor, Tancred is like Odysseyous, etc. There are also a lot of elements of chivalric romance blended into the story that gives it its own identity. One of my favorites.
>The Faerie Queene
My all time favorite. It's a mix of chivalric romances, classical epics, and medieval allegories and was basically the first modern fantasy story. It's broken up into 6 books that each deal with a different virtue. That was the plan anyway, but the writer gave up on that around book 3 and just let his imagination go off the rails. If you're going to read this, I'd say just read the first book at first. It's the best one and functions as a self-contained story. If you like it, then check out the rest. Just know that, once again, the writer died before he could finish it.

>was the order of chivalry or equestrian order real, or a book only thing?
It was real and was taken very seriously but no one ever agreed on what the exact code of chivalry was.
>was Cervantes right in burning all chivalry books

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Classical Greek and Roman thought is unintelligible without first studying Indian thought. There are many parallels between Orphic cult ritual, Pythagoras, Plato, and Aristotle and the Upaniṣads, Nāgārjuna, and Vasubandhu. The dualism of form and matter (and of good and evil in Gnosticism and Neoplatonism) and the metempsychosis of Orphic cult ritual almost certainly originates from India.
>Guillaume Ducoeur, Claire Muckensturm-Poulle, La transmigration des âmes en Grèce et en Inde anciennes. Institut des sciences et des techniques de l'Antiquité (ISTA). Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2016. 127. ISBN 9782848675459. €19.00 (pb).
>Uncontested textual parallels with Indian literature have been discovered in both cases. For Orphism, see J. Mendoza, “Un itinerario al Más Allá: Laminillas órficas de oro y Jaiminīya Brāhmaṇa 1.46- 50”, in Orfeo y la tradición órfica: un reencuentro, Madrid 2008, pp. 933-961; for Pythagoreanism, see A. Bernabé and J. Mendoza, “Pythagorean Cosmogony and Vedic Cosmogony ( RV 10.129). Analogies and Differences”, Phronesis 58, 2013, pp. 32-51.
The six Hindu darśanas correspond to the schools of Greek philosophy:
The parallels are so obvious in each case that the Greeks must have depended on the Indians. The Romans and Christians all depended on the Greeks, so ultimately any honest scholar will say that Western civilization is ultimately Indian.
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Copleston refuted this
Why are pathetic indians trying to connect themselves with the ancient greeks? Dumb streetshitters
>Classical Greek and Roman thought is unintelligible without first studying Indian thought.
How did the Greeks and Romans and Medieval Europeans understand the Greeks when 99.999999% of them had no knowledge of anything Indian?
You wasted years of your life studying Buddhist and Hindu metaphysics, but you still have time to start reading Western philosophy. You don’t need to resort to the most retarded, nonsensical theories in order to justify your past choices.
Our parents make us study a lot

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Any books that explain what the Eucharist actually does?
It doesn't do anything. If you have eternal life, you partake of it. The eating of the body and blood is a visible manifestation of a spiritual truth about the one who eats and the One offering Himself.

There have been saints who've lived off only the Eucharist as sustenance for some period of time, but this wouldn't work for the average Joe. Because again, the eating of the Bread of Life is a manifestation of an existing spiritual reality about the person. Thinking about what the consumption "does" is likely to mislead.

This is my understanding, I'm not sure how orthodox it is.
It's sovl food

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How do I get back into reading?
My brain is fucked from like 20 years of porn abuse
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I was in the same situation, I’m still a coomer but I went from reading 0 books in 10 years to reading ~50 books/year.
You need quantifiable goals to start. The same portion of your brain that gets hooked on stat farming in video games can be exploited to make reading a compulsion. For example, I really like Africa so the first books I read were part of a mission to read one book from every African country. Set yearly or monthly reading goals, but don’t set weekly/daily goals, that just stresses you out and increases chances of failure.
Also start reading on your phone. You’re a screen addict, so be a screen addict. I put a piece of sticky note on the screen over the page number so I can’t count pages as I read.
Lastly, read only what interests you. Ignore the garbage in charts you see posted here.
I watch porn. Watch TikTok. Still read four hours per day. Either you're retarded, or I'm a genius.
Just read a fucking book. Open it, and read from left to right.
>Open it, and read from left to right.

Arab bros...
True, also you underthink

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How did Marx and Engels come to be reconciled with Third World and anti-imperialist struggles when they themselves cheered for the political annihilation of entire nations and peoples? They were equally anti-slavic as the Nazis
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Isn't Marx for the left kind of like Jesus for Christians - someone revered, but not really taken seriously?
They hated Scottish people like me as well
>hating Scots or Slavs
Literally the only two people left who aren't pozzed to hell and back. What was their faggot problems?
Poles are uber pozzed through
anon, I...
all the so-called West "Slavs" are gigapozzed, they are not even Slavs.

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Why do people empathize for Humbert?
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He wouldn't want to fuck a nymphette?
Empathize WITH, you FUCKING ESL!
so called "non-incels" hate a nigga for getting some pussy
because he is cultured and sophisticated.

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>The Cleanest Race
>The Impossible State
>The Aquariums of Pyongyang
I could fix her

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What do you think of reincarnation NDEanon?
Can you pick and recommend one of those books anon?
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>2 books posted
This thread is shit.
Yes, (You).
Do you believe in the afterlife?
Post the book(s) that convinced you.

I don't believe in it.
The Selfish Gene, When Prophecy Fails, The Last Messiah, The Pentateuch, Ecclesiastes, The New Testament (tips fedora).

Non book readers are not invited.
can you summarize why you dont believe?

Books about the hellish day to day life of a wagie, preferably in an office environment. Pic related is on my list already.
my diary desu

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>/lit/ users posts literally the best passage of softcore erotica I've ever read
>refuses to elaborate further
This passage appears here from time to time, and the fucking original source is /lit/ as far as I can tell. I'm so blueballed by the fact that it ends when it does.
lmao you keep shilling this passage you've been workshopping for over a year if not two from your shitty book and every time everyone tells you it's shit. stop trying to astroturf it, it's never gonna happen.
It's from one of Nabokov's short stories.

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Herodotus or Thucydides?
Herodotus if you're into culture
Thucydides if you're into military campaigns
My nose looks like left dude's

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