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This board is for author-driven collaborative storytelling (i.e., "Quests"). In a quest there is a single author who controls the plot of the story and who drives the creative process. They can choose to take suggestions from other posters, or not, at their sole discretion. Quests can be text-based, image-based, or a combination of the two. Drawfaggotry is strongly encouraged!

To facilitate the author-driven nature of quests, /qst/ differs significantly from other boards in that the OP of a thread is considered the quest's author, and has some basic text formatting abilities: [b], [i], and color tags [red], [green], and [blue]. Therefore, only those people willing to put in the effort to be a quest author should post threads. If you do not intend to run a collaborative story, do not post a thread here! This includes meta-threads.

Dice rolling follows /tg/'s format (e.g., "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the options field rolls 2d6).
Current board settings:

Anyone can post images.
Anyone can use painter.
Anyone can use dice & spoilers.
Only OP can use text formatting.
3000 character limit.
750 bump limit.
Decreased post timer to match /tg/ (30 seconds for text, 60 seconds for an image reply).
Automatic permasage after 72 hours.
Thread specific user IDs.
Max threads per IP is 5.
Standard 7 day internal archive.

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You are perched on your sturdy Arabian stallion, scanning the horizon. The sun, a molten disc descending beyond the hills, casts a deep amber glow across the battlefield. Your fingers grip the curved hilt of your scimitar, its steel eager for blood. Ahead, the Crusaders falter, their formation breaking under the relentless onslaught of your fellow Muslim warriors.
“They are cowardly and weak, like sheep ready for slaughter,” you mutter to yourself, voice tinged with grim satisfaction. It’s a scene you’ve seen countless times—these invaders faltering in the face of determined resistance. You know the Holy Land better than they do; you were raised under its burning sun, tempered by its harsh deserts and rugged hills.
In a heartbeat, you kick your steed forward. The horse leaps, snorting eagerly, and in moments, you’re charging toward the fray, your blade arcing in deadly sweeps. The first Crusader falls before you can register his scream, his eyes wide with shock beneath his helm. The second drops with a gurgle, your scimitar severing his windpipe. A cry goes up, a desperate yell from the Crusader ranks, and they scatter like leaves before a desert wind.
“God is great!” You shout, rallying your men. The wind carries the chant across the battlefield, and you revel in the power it lends you, pushing you to strike down another infidel with swift finality.
The Crusaders came to these lands seeking glory and wealth, a misguided delusion that warps their sense of reality. They are like children, clutching at fantasies while ignoring the harsh truth of your scimitar. “This is our land,” you think, your breath heaving, muscles straining with each swing. “We will not yield.”
You glance to your left, where your commander leads the charge. His spear rises high, catching the sun’s dying light, and for a moment, you see it burn like a beacon, a rallying point for your people. You press forward, weaving through the battlefield, moving with the ease of one who knows these sands well.
Every swing of your blade is purposeful, every movement calculated. This battle will end with your victory because your cause is righteous, a cause that burns bright within you and your fellow warriors.

>>Who are you?
>Zayd ibn Khalid: A veteran warrior who grew up in Damascus, Zayd joined the Saracen forces to defend the Holy Land after witnessing his family's farmland burned down by Crusaders.
>Yusuf al-Fahd: Yusuf is the son of a respected emir and was trained from a young age in swordsmanship; he now leads a small cavalry unit in defense of Jerusalem.
>Salah ibn Omar: A former merchant who traded across the Levant, Salah was drawn into the conflict after the Crusaders occupied his trade routes, devastating his business.
>Kamil al-Rashid: A scout known for his keen eyesight, Kamil grew up as a nomad in the Syrian desert before joining the Saracen army to help fend off the Crusader invasions.
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"Sayyid, let me go after the Crusader king," you say, seeking permission from Yusuf al-Fahd. "In the confusion of battle, I can strike at their leader, cutting the head off the snake. Even if it means risking my life." Yusuf al-Fahd grimaces, his eyes shadowed with concern. "He will have many guards, Kamil. You may die before you even reach him."
You meet his gaze, your voice calm and resolute. "If today is the day I am fated to return to god, then nothing can alter my fate. And what better death than that of a shahid?"
"The Mujahideen still need you, Kamil al-Rashid," Yusuf al-Fahd argues, his tone earnest.
"I shall make every attempt to return alive, after bringing crimson death to the king of our blue-eyed enemies," you promise. "But even if I fall, another will take my place, for there will always be those fighting for the righteous cause." Your faith in your fellow Mujahideen shines through your words. The holy land has changed hands many times, and perhaps it will again, but in the end, it will always return to those who follow your faith. Yusuf al-Fahd takes a deep breath, nodding finally. "Alright, you have permission to go after the leader of this host. May god keep you safe."
You bow your head in gratitude, your heart steady with purpose. You prepare your weapons and armor, tightening every strap, ensuring every blade is sharp. The words of your commander echo in your mind as you slip into the darkness, moving towards the Crusader camp. The night cloaks you like a shadow, and your footsteps whisper across the sand.
You move closer to the Crusader encampment, scanning the guards stationed at the perimeter. The faint flicker of torches reveals their positions, but you navigate carefully, your senses heightened. The Crusader king will be well-protected, but you remain undeterred. For your people, for your land, you will face this challenge with unwavering resolve.
The scent of the enemy camp reaches you, a mixture of sweat, smoke, and fear. You press forward, focusing on the tents at the center, where their leader surely lies. The muffled voices of guards reach your ears as you approach, your mind already envisioning the path you will carve to reach the king.

>>Three anons roll dice+1d100+10
Rolled 33 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 66 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 13 + 10 (1d100 + 10)


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Your name is Joey Donuts.
You are Grel (half elf, half human}
You are a student wizard. You haven't picked your major and you're not licenced to use magic in areas owned by the Grand Ternion Unity.

You have SIX spells

Blast - Does 6d6+20 energy damage. -MP 20
Draw- Drain 10+2d6 mana from a target, providing they have mana -MP 5
Wrack - DO 10 damage to yourself to gain 12 MP -free
WIZARD HAAAANDS - Manipulate an object you can see but not reach. As strong as you are - MP 10
Douse - Extinguish any fire up to the size of a campfire , includes ignitions from matches and guns - MP 5
Hells Heart - Instantly double the damage of any attack (ranged, magical, or physical) by charging it with magic -MP 16 Joey has improved this skill and can cast it on another party member while still performing an action for 20 mana. He can also cast it on himself and one other person while performing another task for a cost of 41 mana.
Earths Honesty - Tell if someone is lying about the thing they have just said. MP 6

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My memory's a little rusty, but were we planning a raid on their base to mop up after Mike/Highball/Karl blow the place?
/qst/ has always been slow, I wouldn't worry about it.
>My memory's a little rusty, but were we planning a raid on their base to mop up after Mike/Highball/Karl blow the place?

That is what I recall too. I think we want to avoid leaving anyone alive to put two and two together that the shipment we deliver was spiked with explosives and report it further.
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You have a single egg on rye toast. Means you're gonna be able to think straight. But you could definitely sample some local flavour before you feel stuffed.

>"They've put their minds on it and we've had thorough planning. I imagine being in sync can only improve the odds even further. I'm not sure if it was something they agreed to do together or just comes naturally."

Jones shrugs.
"orks and goblins are a little like that, I guess. Whatever works, you know?"

>Ask if Jones plans to visit Scadam himself?

"Nah, I'm alright. I gotta clean up, do some prep. Do some reading. Also, I take like 6 or 7 naps a day. I dunno if there's anything Scadam can offer a guy like me."


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>I think you weren't gonna do it straight away as there will be too much chaos.
I don't... understand? They gotta go, and they might have stuff worth taking; why let them pick up and flee? Attacking during the chaos is ideal, means they'll have no chance for organized resistance.

>I think we want to avoid leaving anyone alive to put two and two together
I second the motion!
I suppose it'll be risky for us too if we show when things are still popping off, since we could get caught in things.
While I'd love to avoid consequences of our actions, getting the OG off our back at least a while I'm perfectly fine with.
Either way, the op will be down to Mike, HB and Karl and I'm confident they'll come up with the best possible outcome.

Greet Richter. Ask if she has ever trained in such way with anyone that to be completely be in sync?

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In the world of Hainei, something terrible is about to happen. It will come fast, nobody will see it coming. It will make people loud, with fright. Bone will be ripped free of flesh confines, souls will be scratched and scarred. Darkness takes flight.

This is what will happen, right from the start, to the finish...



This quest is a side story that takes place in the universe of Chaos: The Quest for Redemption. New readers are encouraged to start from the beginning to grasp the context of what you are about to witness.

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Levelman
Questcord: https://discord.gg/BHk6RfhGTw
Wiki: https://chaosquest.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page
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>The Chosen One thought this through for a moment. If the Wei went dark, the Trinity would suspect the worst. A settlement on their mainland, their Imperial world, falling, would be grounds for purification. The fleet will be dispatched, the Samurai will come down to destroy all they see. The Wei's local stronghold can stand for now. A prolonged siege will only bring us more blood.
>Yes, it must go dark, the Chosen One thought. 'We'll cut off their means of controlling the chaos. We'll make their jobs harder, and then slick our bodies in blood. It will become less of a storm, more of a hunting game, with the people here as the prey. We will find them in every last corner and room. We will have enough even to make MORE than one Necrotower. We will test the Kingdom whole!'
>Annoying. So annoying, thought the Chosen One. This midget, this worthless dwarf. He thinks he is worthy to be in the Chosen's presence? He thinks he is some kind of... lackey? Some right hand? That by reporting he's suddenly in graces? He dares question the Chosen?! No. He is weak... He's not worthy, the Chosen thinks.
>The Chosen would consider his options carefully. He'd been watching the force go and do as they please so far but... the bident has gone unused. This, this cannot stand. Daddy is watching! After all! He must want to see something... The Chosen knows what to do. The Siran Temple... we go there.
>The bodies are being laid out. But they must be collected later. It matters not if some are in a somewhat melty state from the billowing Rotgut. They have to be melted in order the prepare the frame of the great fleshy machine that is the Necrotower. The worms, they'll need a nice open area to slip into their armor at. The Chosen elects to take the residential district. It is... a place with a low profile. There is no danger of aerial incursion or worry of orbital bombardment there to distract the construction. They will not expect it.
>"U-Unleash Kilmegu-rr-t."
>>The bodies are being laid out. But they must be collected later. It matters not if some are in a somewhat melty state from the billowing Rotgut. They have to be melted in order the prepare the frame of the great fleshy machine that is the Necrotower. The worms, they'll need a nice open area to slip into their armor at. The Chosen elects to take the residential district. It is... a place with a low profile. There is no danger of aerial incursion or worry of orbital bombardment there to distract the construction. They will not expect it.
>The bodies are being laid out. But they must be collected later. It matters not if some are in a somewhat melty state from the billowing Rotgut. They have to be melted in order the prepare the frame of the great fleshy machine that is the Necrotower. The worms, they'll need a nice open area to slip into their armor at. The Chosen elects to take the residential district. It is... a place with a low profile. There is no danger of aerial incursion or worry of orbital bombardment there to distract the construction. They will not expect it.
>The Chosen would consider his options carefully. He'd been watching the force go and do as they please so far but... the bident has gone unused. This, this cannot stand. Daddy is watching! After all! He must want to see something... The Chosen knows what to do. The Siran Temple... we go there.
We must eradicate the temple before their piety can bring the Emperor's LAW down on our heads.
>>The Chosen would consider his options carefully. He'd been watching the force go and do as they please so far but... the bident has gone unused. This, this cannot stand. Daddy is watching! After all! He must want to see something... The Chosen knows what to do. The Siran Temple... we go there.

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Earth. Fire. Air. Water. Seventy years ago, Avatar Aang and his friends heroically ended the Hundred Year War, and transformed the Fire Nation Colonies into the Federation of United Peoples, a society where people from all over the world live and thrive together in peace and harmony. They named the capital of this fifth nation Union City. Avatar Aang accomplished many remarkable things in his life, but sadly, his time in this world came to an end. And like the cycle of the seasons, the cycle of the Avatar began anew.


Welcome to Avatar: The New Age! As the opening and name of the quest imply, this will be taking place in a similar timeframe as Legend of Korra, though Aang died a few years later and a lot of the stupid shit from the comics and Korra won’t be making an appearance. I’m not saying this will be a fixfic, but I am saying that the only good part of this franchise is the original series. A couple of Korra episodes and like 2/5ths of the contents of the novels are okay too, I guess. What I’m saying is, don’t expect rugs, dykes, enbies, or to be able to metagame too hard. Now, without further ado:
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This time, you’re jolted out of your introspection by a small, clammy hand wrapping around yours. The group has already reached the front of the temple, so you’re sure you won’t be able to get inside unsupervised now. Glancing down at the sudden contact, you see a younger, slighter girl doing her best to wrap her fingers around yours and staring up at your face. She’s wearing a woven, sleeveless, hooded blue jacket with split sides that goes down to her knees, blue pants bunched around a pair of what look like leather boots, and a high-collared tunic fastened at the neck. She’s tan with delicate features and her big, light blue eyes are doing their best to peer into your soul.

“I-if anyone asks,” she says, under her breath, her voice high and frantic, “you’re my big sister, go- you got that?”

You can tell she’s not used to acting tough, or being particularly assertive. “Look kid, I know my little sisters, and you’re neither of them,” you tell her in a quieter whisper.

“Please,” she says, before remembering that she’s trying to coerce you. “I mean, look- I just need to get off the island, then I’ll be out of your hands. Just get me into- get me to the city, okay?”

>[1] Alright. She seems pretty desperate to get out of here, and you can sympathize with a young girl who’s desperate to get off of an island. Just make sure she plays it cool, no more talking.

>[2] Nope, no way. This seems like a bad idea, you don’t want the second impression you make on Union City to be kidnapping some Water Tribe girl from Air Temple Island.

>[3] Fine, but she’ll owe you! That’s how things work in the big city after all, you’re sure of that. You have no idea what some Water Tribe girl can give you, but maybe you can work something out.

>[4] How about no, but if she can get you into the temple, you’ll see how you can help her. Her sneaking off on her own probably looks bad, but she should get in less trouble if you go with her to explain things, that’s usually how it worked back home.

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>[3] Fine, but she’ll owe you! That’s how things work in the big city after all, you’re sure of that. You have no idea what some Water Tribe girl can give you, but maybe you can work something out.
>>[3] Fine, but she’ll owe you! That’s how things work in the big city after all, you’re sure of that. You have no idea what some Water Tribe girl can give you, but maybe you can work something out.
>[4] How about no, but if she can get you into the temple, you’ll see how you can help her. Her sneaking off on her own probably looks bad, but she should get in less trouble if you go with her to explain things, that’s usually how it worked back home.
>[3] Fine, but she’ll owe you! That’s how things work in the big city after all, you’re sure of that. You have no idea what some Water Tribe girl can give you, but maybe you can work something out.

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You are an enforcer. The year is 2098. Nation states are obsolete and in their place the megacorps hold the highest authority and power. When carrots are not enough, you and your squadmates will be the stick. At the moment you are a Lance Corporal, riding a helicopter with the rest of your squad.
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>Try to do both, but do you have enough time to instruct the men before the attackers are already inside?

”OKAY EVERYONE! LISTEN UP! WE HAVE ONE CHANCE TO PULL THIS OFF; BUT EVERYONE HAS TO WORK TOGETHER!” The men look up, some expectantly, some shaken. Discounting the wounded, there are ten able bodied men left. You mentally divide them up into three groups in terms of usefulness. You, Rufus and, by your account, three of the security men are steady enough to make decisions. Another three look shaken, but you believe they can still follow simple enough orders. The remaining two look too shell shocked to be of any real use.


You select the steady trio of security for the task. After explaining how you want the smokes to be thrown and so on, Rufus and the remaining men are tasked to guard the entrance. What time is it? Crap, that took two minutes? It take another long minute to re-program Lorenzo's gun biometrics to accept your grip and realign the telescope sight for your statistics.You can already imagine the rioters, looters, enemy spies(?) to clamber up the stairs, but decide to not spend even more of the precious time (and your nerves, you hate to admit) to check the local security network. That would be the future you's problem, better focus on the next few minutes first.

You sneak as close to the windows as you dare and wait for the distraction to begin. Focus on breathing, In. Out. In Out. In. Out. Almost inaudible clang from the outside is the first the warning you get, a few other follows, after that spaced out and inregular gunshots from a few handguns. That lasts a few seconds before getting cut out completely. A second of silence followed by the deafening roar of a machinegun rips through your vision, Employing every vestige of your remaining courage you nudge yourself closer to the window while all this is happening. No time to hesitate. One final breath, you spring up and brace your weapon against the intact enough part of the windowsill. Just like in training, right?

>Roll 1D20, best of three posts. High rolls are good, low ones are bad.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Well there we have it.
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Rolled 14 (1d20)


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In an age before recorded history, Man eked out a life bound by blood and tradition across his ancestral homeland of Thulzar.

And in this harsh realm where iron and sinew forged the path to glory, flowed the lifeblood of the Whispering River. It winded through desolate hills and past crumbling ruins, a serpentine ribbon in a land that brooked no weakness.
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> Leave the forest forward: Having already trespassed and made camp deep in the forest, you figure it best to swiftly continue through and exit from the other side, leaving behind this strange event.
Oh shit, we're back! And with a mysterious boob lady, as the posters at the end of last thread foretold!
...And a very rapid udpate schedule. Dang.

> Hurry forward: You had the stamina and cunning required to lose the predator further along the path, you only needed to keep the pace.
>Hurry forward: You had the stamina and cunning required to lose the predator further along the path, you only needed to keep the pace.
> Stand your ground: A huntress of clan Grey Owl is no easy prey. You decide to prepare an ambush against the beast.

easy prey runs
>Stand your ground: A huntress of clan Grey Owl is no easy prey. You decide to prepare an ambush against the beast.

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Previous thread here:

All threads:

In the last thread we convinced Tim to not report our extrajudicial killings, and enthusiastically participated in Pahan-Hys' maturation ceremony. After undergoing uncertified 'medical' procedures, we are now healthy again, if slightly stranger from the experience.
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Tim vexedly glares at you, water dripping down his moustache, “I told you. Read the report first, then drink. Thankfully it was only water.” He wipes down his face with a handkerchief while you write out Sorry in big bold letters on your tablet.

You glance at his tablet again in disbelief. What has gotten into the Third Fleet's staff, choosing this very moment to stoke the fires of war? The new ships have just arrived, no way their crew and officers have been properly trained and integrated into the larger command structure yet. Not to mention the unfavourable public climate. Your suspicions that the Kanton Orbital scandal was a setup must be true, seeing how unruly their Diet is getting.

Tim leans in to show you the palm of his hand: XO standing down for now, but keep guns ready until yr return. He claps his hands to shake loose the chalk before writing something else: If order come, will have to abort sortie. You nod, your teeth unconsciously grinding in frustration. Your commission contract normally gives you near-absolute freedom of discretion, but as Jean-Pierre's ‘friend’ has shown, national security is one hell of an excuse.

If only you have stuck to Silas' timeline, you would be far behind enemy lines by now. Then, High Command would deem your ship more useful where it currently is and allow you to go on as usual. Hell, they might even increase your bounty as extra incentive to tie down Ter reinforcements. It might not be too late yet...
What's that thing on yr neck? You may have panicked for a second there, thankfully Tim didn't seem to catch it. A souvenir from Yamir, translator for Shanghaian. You demonstrate the device to him, plucking your throat as softly as possible. “Xin cao?” Robotic, coarse, like chanting prayers. Not Shanghaian, not really.

“Just what I expect from something so small. What hole did he dig it out of? Self-contained translators died out centuries ago, especially for common languages like Common English and Popular Saigonnese.” How many tongues does your second officer speak? “Don't give me that look. Languages in that family are close enough to one another. Surprising, seeing how their speakers want nothing more than to rip one another's guts out.”

Before Tim can ask you to speak normally, you are already astride the doorway, beckoning him to follow. You deliberately fall back, allowing Yamir's soldiers to take the lead. Tim briefly sizes up the looming guard behind him before giving up any further thoughts of fighting. Pahan-Hysin is waiting for you in front of the airlock.

He excitedly shows off his new set of razor-sharp claws, “Sivi-Totonret, greetings and great gratitude. Yamir permission gives. As apprentice under you serve." He presses his body low, "Keeper, me command agree?” That last sentence is a ringing match to Kosyt's chants during the ceremony. There certainly is much ceremonial significance to your decision here.
>"Brave warrior, rise. Flesh-under-shell you protect shall." Lock your thumbnail with his claws. (Tim will have questions after this)
>"Welcome, I guess. Come on, don't be shy." Usher him into the airlock.
>Whisper to Tim, “If he doesn't fit in a cryopod, make it so.” (angers Yamir if he finds out.)
>"Brave warrior, where worm is? To me bring. Air-under-shell you protect shall." Lock your thumbnail with his claw. (Pahan's tramp corvette will join your company)
>>"Welcome, I guess. Come on, don't be shy." Usher him into the airlock.
Welcome back QM
Almost forgot but for this quest the rules are as follows:
>Writeins are encouraged, even if it doesn't win I might work it into the final decision.
>Votes should be in greentext and linked to my post, otherwise I might miss it. Also I appreciate including your reasoning for choosing your option, just a sentence or two will do.
>When changing your votes, link both your original post and my own to help me keep track of things
I will post updates every other day around 11pm JST (I got tired of tracking time and dates, should be 10am EST), if I don't post it at that time for whatever reason I will get the post in around 11am the next day instead.
>"Welcome, I guess. Come on, don't be shy." Usher him into the airlock.

Glad you haven't gotten cursed this time

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In the year 1987, crime and corruption in America is an epidemic. Drugs and guns flow into the country from everywhere in the world, and the gateway to it all is the coastal paradise, Heat City. This is a place of shining high-rises and shadowed alleys, sunsets and smog, neon and blood, ruled by ambition and greed and power. Here in Heat City, you can get whatever you want -- if you can pay the price.
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Rolled 10 (1d10)

>+1000$ and Streets loot
Rolled 9 (1d10)

>10 Rolling luxury loot
Rolled 7 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

>Final out come 1000$ and 2 Green discs
Rats managed to pull the job of not perfectly but what else is to be expected group of guys robbing anything for the first time? It seems like Jackal needs to keep looking after these guys they could prove to be useful later on. They even found something interesting to bring back it seems.

With that out of the way it was time to race as that was surprisingly fun way to waste time in this city. Her car may not be the fastest but sometimes little bit of toughness evens the difference.
>Race: Havana Hardline (Vagabond 3/3/6)

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 11/11, Edge 6/6, Move 5, Defense 5, Crit 8
Attributes: Hard 4, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning

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Rolled 1 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

>14 Use God Gamer to raise result to 15 earn: Hardliner, Hard+ token and 50,000$
Unlike the last time she participated in race this one was not an near demolition derby. Jackal was barely able to hold the lead in few turns the course had trucks turbo whining on the straights as it's engine was pushed to bring most out of it. And on that final long straight she was about to be overtaken by an car much more suitable for speedy racing. But it seemed like the opposing drivers nerves got better of them as they were neck to neck which caused an small loss of control allowing Jackal to slip past them and pass the finish line as an winner. It would seem having nerves steeled by everything that had happened truly was the key to victory here

This would have been an great moment to go to safehouse and celebrate but the fact was there wasn't one. So instead Jackal headed back to her manor maybe one of her radios would come to life announcing something intriguing but only after taking part into an silly dance off that formed after the race. Maybe even some some style that already lived it's time would works.
>Dance Battle: Disco (weird)
Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 11/11, Edge 6/6, Move 5, Defense 5, Crit 8
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 3/9 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)

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And so it is, that the business grows…

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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice

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>Darkseid's too fucking fat to leave his room without breaking the cosmic floorboards
There's a much more clever joke that could be made about Darkseid's universal weight, I can feel it.
Darkseid's metaphysical girth has only been exceeded by one other being across space and time.
His mother.
>[distant interdimensional shriek of impotent rage]
Except you can’t reach his dimension. It’d take someone with a powerlevel girthier than yourself. Not STRONGER, necessarily, but MORE. Like Aku, or even one day Jr.
Not many would WANT to save him.
Well, we can't really expect Aku to care until Darkseid pokes the bear and touches one of his planets. Not gonna hold my breath on that one.
That means we're probably just staying the course and making sure Jr. is ready to take on the cold and uncaring Universe he was born into, same as all our kids.

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The solution to no earthly secret is beyond the grasp of your little elvish head. After living for thousands of years only boredom and the road are your constant companions. Oh, Adelyle too. People always assume that she is your caretaker because of your short height but then they notice the leash around her neck. She is a tall and slender demonette, lead on a leash after loosing her eyesight privileges. She overboiled the potatoes the other day. She is now complaining but it's not your problem.

Humans approach you constantly with offers to buy her, as she is the last of her kind. The attention that she always gets irks you a bit. Just slightly. Now you feel guilty and return her sight. A hopeful potential buyer approaches you again and you enter tirade mode. You start a convoluted story, which is an allegory to a verbal representation of saying that you are a collector too. Then you proudly show off your other, non-person, collection. It is the string of seashells that form a necklace around your neck. Each seashell is taken from the shores of a different sea. Great way to fight boredom and existential dread, you have found.

My goal is to collect a seashell from every sea! Now this is a reason to keep on living! you say with childish enthusiasm.

This is stupid Adelyle murmurs to herself. You are forced to take her eyesight again. She puts on her leash with a sigh.

So in short, no, she is not for sale. Keep moving, pal, not my problem. The nonsensical verbal barrage repulses the buyer successfully.

Adelyle is very loyal, Stockholm syndrome you assume. One time, after another fit of existential anguish, you let a group of drunk humans to put their what-nots in your whatever and once the demonette learned about your clandestine endeavors, she pursued the men for several days in search of retribution. You went chasing her, concerned about her potential collector value dropping, oh, and her safety, only to find her innocently sleeping under a peach tree, covered in someone else's blood. You took her eyesight privileges for a few weeks, you recollect, she made something that wasn't your problem, your problem, after all. After that whole ordeal you started calling Adelyle Aids, but you do it sparingly now because she tends to cry after hearing her nickname for some reason.

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Since you have had enough previous interactions with drunken men, your triple-parentheses-taking-care-of-someone is to actually explode the drunkard from within, turning half the block into a bloody mess. Adelyle, still having her eyesight privileges revoked, enters her bloodlust mode after smelling the aftermath of your interesting interpretation of care for humans... Control yourself woman is enough to calm her vigorous ways.

Both of your garments, now painted red, need replacement but shopping with Adelyle last time was such a hassle that you decide to do what you do best - procrastinate!

You enter a nearby pub, looks like a very reputable establishment, probably the drunk got drunk on drinks in here.

>walk around the bar as if you are a 260 pound pit-fighter, intimidating the crowd with the guts of your enemies still on you

>go and play crabs with the noble young hero and his party in the far right corner of the pub

>unleash Adelyle and tell her to go crazy, pent-up bloodlust is never good for the skin
>go and play crabs with the noble young hero and his party in the far right corner of the pub
>go and play crabs with the noble young hero and his party in the far right corner of the pub
>>go and play crabs with the noble young hero and his party in the far right corner of the pub
>go and play crabs with the noble young hero and his party in the far right corner of the pub

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The corpse of King Suial the Third lies crumpled before you, the fury that just minutes ago burned in your chest subsiding. The blade in your hand gleams with his blood. His crimson life pools at your feet, staining the marble floor like an accusation. You feel no remorse, however. The old man was a scourge upon the land—a tyrant who reveled in wealth while the people scraped together scraps. His lust for blood sport and carnal indulgence tainted the realm. And he silenced all who dared to raise a voice against his tyranny through gruesome public executions. Your conscience is untroubled by your actions.
A soft voice pulls your attention away from the lifeless body. "You must take his place as king," she implores, desperation etched in her words. One of Suial’s favored concubines stands before you, her gaze unwavering despite the turmoil brewing in her eyes. "Or else the kingdom will fall into civil war." The revealing, green, silken dress that clings to her pale, delicate young frame shimmers like emerald in the torchlight, reflecting more of Suial's taste than her own. Hair black as ravens frame her delicate face, and eyes the color of polished jade pierce you, unwavering in their plea.
You consider her words, as shadows of uncertainty creep into your thoughts. The kingdom teeters on the precipice, held together by the sheer force of the old tyrant's ruthless rule. Without a strong hand to guide it, chaos is certain. She takes a tentative step closer, her voice steady despite her fear. “The nobles will carve the land among themselves, each vying for power. The people will suffer more.”
In the flickering light of the throne room, you see the terror beneath her composure. She, like countless others, has endured the old tyrant’s cruelty and lust, yet she does not flee, does not turn away from the blood staining your blade.
Instead, she stands before the throne that now sits empty behind her, the gilded chair a symbol of power that bears the scars of Suial’s rule. Your fingers tighten around the hilt of your sword as the weight of her plea settles upon you. The path she offers is fraught with peril, a journey that may well consume you, body and soul.
Yet, as you consider the kingdom’s fate, a resolve forms within you. You sheathe your sword, and as the concubine holds her breath, you make your decision.

> Reluctantly, you ascend the throne, feeling the weight of the people's expectations settle on your shoulders.
> With unwavering resolve, you claim Suial's throne, his crown, and his concubines, all rightful spoils of your victory.
> You decide to establish an uncompromising rule, prepared to crush any dissent with an iron fist.
> You accept the mantle of king, but only temporarily, vowing to hand over power once a rightful successor emerges.
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"Tell me about the powerful noble houses and their influence," you command the dusky-skinned concubine, once a noblewoman and now a harem slave.
"There are five great noble houses in the kingdom, your radiance," she begins. "They are called the Blood, descended from the five heroes who fought alongside Sumdaq the Great. Sumdaq the Great was the hero king who founded this kingdom eight hundred years ago, and King Suial the Third was his descendant."
The old tyrant was the last of a line tracing back to a mythical hero king, which lent him a supposed divine right to rule in the eyes of many. "But Sumdaq wasn't a god, was he?" you ask the concubine, seeking to understand the local religions and their influence on the people. "Did Sumdaq claim divinity?"
"No, your radiance," she replies, hesitating as if recalling her father's fate for challenging Suial's own claims to godhood. "Sumdaq was aided by the gods in his adventures and founded the kingdom with their help. In their honor, he built many temples. King Suial the Third tore down one such temple and built one in his own image, declaring himself a god and his lineage divine."
"Did any truly believe the tyrant to be a god?" you ask, probing for potential loyalists who could threaten your reign.
"There are some," she admits, "Priests of his temple, and children raised to worship his radiance as a god. They may resist your rule. However, those who believe in the old gods might see you as a liberator who killed the blasphemer."
"I see," you nod, contemplating the delicate balance of power. Perhaps it could be framed that Sumdaq the Great rose to power with the gods' aid, and his line ruled as long as they honored the gods. But when King Suial the Third destroyed the gods' temple, he lost his divine right to rule, and his line was replaced. "Tell me about the five great noble houses, and which regions of the kingdom are most likely to resist my rule."
"The great noble houses, in order of power, are Chion, Daeus, Thonius, Erenor, and Lorus," she explains. "House Chion is the most powerful. The queen, Suial's only legal wife, is a daughter of House Chion, and her brother is the current lord. If you have them as allies, pacifying the other Blood will be easier. But making them enemies will weaken your rule."
Perhaps this is why Suial never cast aside his wife, even though a woman nearing forty was far too old for his tastes. Replacing her with a younger woman could have turned her powerful family against him.
"As for the others—House Daeus and House Thonius are ambitious and may try to expand their influence in the chaos, possibly even starting a civil war. However, they have been rivals for centuries and would likely attack each other first in a conflict. House Erenor are traditionalists—they'll resist regime change but dislike civil war due to their focus on stability. House Lorus is the weakest of the Blood, and their next move remains uncertain."

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Hmmmm...alright, so, yeah, my initial idea remains unchanged- we should meet with Lady Chion and talk to her. See which way the wind is blowing with her personally. Sounds like she'd be better to have on our side regardless of whether we like her or not, but hopefully we can convince her to leave us largely alone in exchange for making sure they're still top of the heap, if not seemingly compliant in tyranny. Phrase it like 'we need you to take a step down so it's clear that we're not just replacing one tyrant for another, but you're still in a major position of influence.' I hope she's a reasonable lady, really, but the fact that her and her family made it through these times largely unscathed may have them think 'it wasn't THAT bad...' So we'll see.

At the moment right this second, however?

> "And what of you? I am aware your house is no more, sadly...but I will need advisors. If you are willing to stay by me, I will see to it that you will be no mere concubine, but an advisor of the crown's domestic affairs, with all the rewards and responsibilities thereof. You could, perhaps, remake your house, if you wish it."
Is there anyone I could marry to secure power?

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One moment, you were sound asleep. Probably dreaming of something that could not or would not happen in reality. Something esoteric and obscure. It could be anything and everything, as that is how dreams work. What was being broadcasted inside of your mind is of no importance at the current moment because at some time during your slumber you passed away. Died. Your heart had stopped beating and your chest had rose and had fallen for a final time. A fate that meets all living creatures, both young and old. At least your life ended painlessly and without any suffering, right? The same cannot be said for most other mortals whose flames have been snuffed out. The world of the living is behind you now. Whatever responsibilities, unfinished business, prospects, goals, or relationships you had are left behind. Now it is just you, standing in the middle of a small yet indescribably long pathway of dirt. You cannot see where it leads, as your eyes travel up ahead until the view forward becomes shrouded by clouds. All around you and the pathway leading up to nowhere is a sea of grass, beautiful white flowers sprinkled about in that green sea. A blue sign points forward, a language you cannot read being written on the side of it. The only symbol you can decipher aside from that arrow is a picture of a tree providing shade for a humble sitting bench. With nowhere else to go and nothing else to do, the only choice is to begin marching up the trail and see what awaits at the top, however far up that may be. But first, you must remember. Specifically, you must remember you who are. What life did you live leading up to your death? Who are you, traveler?

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>last post had no color
>this post has too much color
It’s like Goldilocks. The next one will be just right…hopefully. My bad.
>You had no spouse.
>You had no spouse.
A rolling stone gathers no moss
>You had no spouse.
A wanderer's path is a lonely road.
>You had no spouse.

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More than a year has passed since the call to arms by pope Urban II in Clermont. Religious zeal spread wildly though all of Christendom, gathering fanatics, monks, liegeless soldiers, the disinherited and the second sons to the banners with the cross. A huge mob of Christian peasantry, hastily rushing towards the Holy Land lead by Peter the Hermit, met their doom in the treacherous terrains of Asia Minor six months ago. Turks... Bohemond of Taranto scoffs. A boulder of a man, Norman by descend, is sitting alone in a high balcony, facing the huge city. As per his request, the Greek ruler, pretentiously calling himself the emperor of all romans, Alexios Komnenos, granted him a tower to serve as his guest quarters. He likes his solitude and the overindulging comfort of the Imperial palace isn't the right place for his soldier heart. Yet he admires the view, Constantinople truly is magnificent in its sheer size.

Bohemond, diligent as always, was first to arrive. The metropolis was set as the gathering point for the nobles who were joining the crusade. For the past few weeks he met the arriving Baldwin of Lorraine, Godfrey of Bouillon, Robert II of Flanders and their retinues, all experienced and respected commanders. Then came bishop Adhemar de Monteil, a dear acquaintance of Bohemond, selected by the pope as the crusade's spiritual leader. In another week's time came Hugh of Vermands and Stephen of Blois - the former just a boy, the latter - a noble without any notable achievements. Then there was Peter the Hermit who miraculously survived the Turkish attacks. Despite failing the peasant's crusade, he is warmly welcomed by the orthodox Greek community. Finally the rich but inexperienced duke Raymond IV of Toulouse arrives with a huge retinue. Bohemond surmises that he must be contributing almost forty percent of all crusader forces.

Alexios Komnenos is always there with Bohemond, greeting each new arriving crusader noble, inquiring about their journey, graciously providing lavish gifts, luxurious resting quarters, brand new barracks for their men and horses, calculated smile on his lips. In exchange for supplies along their long way, the crusaders are scheduled to swear oaths to the emperor in a few days, guaranteeing that all conquered lands by the crusaders will be returned to the Byzantines with the exception of Jerusalem.


Forces: 7 000 knights | 35 000 foot soldiers | 9 000 archers and crossbows

Morale: High ---> piety: +piece of the True Cross +Adhemar +Peter the Hermit -in a city (prostitutes/drinking) | provisions: +food in the city +water in the city +many war and pack horses
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Map with Names, for those struggling to know who is who.
I think you sent this to the wrong thread anon?
I hope so too. This quest has too good potential to die so early.
I did, but the forum won't let me delete it now.
Same, thankfully at least the QM seems to be both the passionate, and knowledgeable type, and with that kind of effort put into something, it’s not really something that I think gets dropped a week in. Especially if their having a sense of humor to tease about the complexity of how the game operates, and that he intends to make another thread after this, gives me the hope that this will mean we will not have our beloved quest die. At least not this early.
Yeah, you can only do that a couple minutes in the posting, after that it clocks you out of any future attempt at deletion unfortunately.

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Setting: Classic Faerun
the Evermoors

think a Bog/Marsh lake setting. Think Scotland Loch Ness Monster Vibes.

Town Setting:
Biggest town in the Evermoors but barely larger than a quaint village. The town's two main exports are silver and spirits. Built up around the local Silvermane mine. The town is mostly reliant on imports from Waterdeep of regular commodities. Boats have been disappearing and the regular shipments have stopped being regular. Approved by the mayor, a citizen traveled to Waterdeep and posted some very exaggerated fliers about a great team building opportunity in the town of Lockmead.
While in the city of Waterdeep you saw a flier about the Lockmead Adventurer's Guild offering a chance for glory. You may have heard of the Evermoors before or not, or even a bit about the town of Lockmead which you are headed to. But something brought you to the docks where you booked passage on the only ship in the harbor willing to travel to the Evermoors.
Looks interesting. Is it a free-writing reply quest?

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