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The Nation of Ferrovia has fractured with the death of king Harold with three successor states and a bandit kingdom now fighting over the nation's future. King Elric, the king's brother backed by the landed nobility of the country, wages war in hopes of holding up the monarchy and by connection with the landed gentry. As he styles himself now Lord protector Baric attempts to halt the Monarchists and reformists from harming the status quo with the backing of the army his force is small but well trained and armed. The last of the main contenders is Queen Meredith the sole child of King Harold and devout reformist backed by merchants democrats and communists alike she must lead this dispraite force to victory.

You are Sir Edmund ”The Crow” Drayton, a recently Knighted Yeoman, the leader of the small monarchist sub faction of the reformists. In a feat of tactical and somewhat suicidal ambition youve defeated and captured Prince Elric the leader of the monarchists defeating them wholesale. Afterwards some time is spent in the Wartime capital of Nevefar finding the potential reason for an earlier coup attempt. The last few weeks have seen you fighting in the mountains of Kresh before finally subduing the Kresh bandits and moving toward the frontline.

Past Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=BrinkQM

The morning of july 12th 1285

The day is already starting to heat up as the sun comes up lightning the flat plains of southern Ferrovia. Your men are already loading up and preparing for a day that will spent undoubtedly fighting their fellow country men. Your western flank ends in the sea while your Eastern flank is covered by Norton and his new found horde of former criminals. Due to the situation on the northern front you will have no reinforcements or replacements for some time. How would you like to push the enemy line?

>slow and cautious
>fast and Brutal
>slow and cautious
It's the end of war and we have some green troops. So not to much agression
>>slow and cautious
Fast and brutal can come around when we know exactly who, what, where, when, why, and how we're attacking.

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They had arrived only a few hours earlier, with news that were barely a few days old, yet there was a hubbub in the palace, rumors were already abound. Many Fire Sages were, after all, nobles from the many aristocratic families of the Fire Nation, and they spread the news before it was officially relayed to the Fire Lord.

And it was their task to give him the news. Not an enviable one, as the news were dire for the Fire Nation. When they entered the Fire Lord’s palace room, they were met with silence, save for the roaring flames of Ozai’s throne.

He sat there, not facing them. They knew his fury, it was quiet now, but it could swallow them like a dragon at any time.

“My lord.” The eldest spoke, all three knelt.

“You bring me news.” Ozai said. “And hearing the filthy cowardice emanating from your voices, they are not good.”

“The statues of the Avatar Temple shone with great light two days ago.” The eldest heard his voice crack from fear. “That… that means…”

The flames of his throne blazed. Fury. Pure, unbridled fury. On that day, the eldest missed the times of Azulon the most. Ozai rose.

“The Avatar has returned.” He said as he turned around, a stare as cold as ice looked over his kneeling servants. “Who knows?”

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“I thought on your words last night and i have authorized an additional stipend for both you and your mother. And among others, the rewards for good work is more work. You have an hour to pack your things, I am calling you into my personal service.”
Iroh outright recommended doing so in the earlier thread, or at least I'm pretty sure he did. Plus, Azula can just rationalize it to herself that she's using it as a means of getting into Aang's head as a way of tracking down her quarry.

Hell, there's no way that Azula didn't do significant research into airbenders in canon anyway considering all the ways that she tracked them down.
>>”Yes please, then you can return to your duties in the palace. Serving my family’s interests.”
>”Actually, you’re coming along with me on my trip. It’s not like the steward holds you in any appreciation.”
The p̶l̶a̶y̶e̶r̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶r̶a̶c̶t̶e̶r̶ maid is too good just to leave at the palace, and OOC keeping her out of Ozai's literal blast radius as >>6009657 brings up would be in our better interest. Let's remember to pick up Iroh's gift and air nomad documentation before we head out. Something tells me he'd like having the maid around.

>authorise an additional stipend for her mother and let her write a letter to her before we depart.
>Visit your firebending teachers, Lo and Li. While they aren't firebenders themselves, their philosophical and spiritual guidance will be useful before you leave to hunt down the Avatar. Who knows when you'll meet them again.
Both good suggestions. If Azula brought Zuko a gift, it would probably be something to make fun of him.
>”Actually, you’re coming along with me on my trip. It’s not like the steward holds you in any appreciation.”

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You are damaskes, a pianist, and a niche internet musician! However you NEED to expand your musicial arsenal from edited DAW piano and vocals to edited DAW piano and vocals with a transistor home organ!!!!!

What vill your first course of action be(might not reply/draw for a hour) f
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Le netizens aren't really happy with wanting to give damaskes money.
Prepare to short McDonald's stocks.
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Damaskes LOST his moolah.

Now whatsss
Masturbate to figging porn while browsing 4chan /biz/ for new stonk and crypto ideas
Can you explain why you doxxed an underage suicidal boy, got their address, threaten to call the police to try to have them arrested for threats to schoolshoot if they don't ERP?

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After getting splatted onto the ground from a random teleport, you, aka fred, somehow got the doxx to the guy who made a comment about you being less then human, this indivual is negrofred!!! Now you must go get em and kill em!!
What will you, the totally rightous and not ego hurt retard will you do to get revenge! And or get to his house without dying from aids
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And quick for those who wanna talk add me on the cord!

ye_old_fredspam is my tag
>post image on 4cuck to gloat about being a TRVE /INT/
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Only got paper, and a bit of time rn.
Start by explaining why you doxxed an underage suicidal boy, got their address, threaten to call the police to try to have them arrested for threats to schoolshoot if they don't ERP.

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In the vast expanse of the void, amidst the cold steel corridors of his transport vessel, the nameless soldier of Krieg stands sentinel, his form shrouded in the dim glow of flickering lumens. Around him, the rhythmic hum of machinery intermingles with the distant echoes of comrades preparing for the impending descent into the crucible of war. His eyes, devoid of fear or hesitation, reflect the unyielding resolve of a warrior bred for conflict.

As the ship hurtles through the void towards the besieged hive world of Haeloria Prime, the soldier finds solace in the familiar routines of war. With each passing moment, the anticipation builds, mingling with the ever-present dread that accompanies any campaign in the Emperor's name. Yet, amidst the clamor of preparation and the weight of his duty, the soldier remains steadfast, a silent guardian of the Imperium's righteous cause. For in the heart of darkness, amidst the howling void and the whispers of the warp, his unyielding loyalty shall be the beacon that guides him through the coming storm.
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Support, a pair of grenades out to do the trick
Chuck in one nade, save the other for the bunker. Wait to see if anyone comes out, end them if they do and move on.
Supporting the grenade plan. If we survive, we can lead someone more knowledgeable here to pick through what remains. If not, killing several officers and disorganizing the enemy is well worth it. As for one or two grenades, hmm, I'll go with two and hope we can loot some before the bunker. The comms are live, and we can't underestimate the moral issues we could cause if all the units currently getting orders hear explosions before the line is cut. With luck, they'll believe there's an entire unit of Kriegsmen in their backline and panic, making the rest of the unit's push easier.
We have to look at things in the sense of whatever gives the most immediate value. "What helps the greater war effort if I die in the next minute", that is the Death Korp of Krieg way of thinking.
R-1134 quickly assesses the situation, deciding that a direct confrontation in the operations room would be too risky. Instead, he reaches for the two remaining frag grenades on his belt, his heart pounding with urgency. Pulling the pins, he hurls the grenades through the gap in the door and immediately turns to sprint up the stairs.

As he bounds up the steps two at a time, he hears the first grenade clatter across the floor, followed by a shouted alarm from within the room. Then, a deafening series of explosions rocks the bunker, the shockwaves sending dust and debris cascading down the stairwell. The blasts echo through the confined space, followed by the sounds of collapsing equipment and the screams of the disoriented and injured enemy soldiers.

A klaxon starts to blare, harsh and urgent. Abrasive to the ears, it instantly alerts every soldier in the bunker.

R-1134 doesn’t look back. He knows the destruction he’s left in his wake will buy him precious moments to reach his objective. The narrow stairway leads him to a higher level of the bunker, where the sounds of battle grow louder and more intense. He emerges into a wider corridor, the smell of smoke and blood thick in the air.

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You're on a date, a surprisingly wonderful one, with a beautiful woman whose laughter is as melodious as the jazzy tunes drifting from the nearby café. She's 29, charming, and undeniably beautiful. As you share stories over coffee, the conversation takes a sudden, serious turn. She pauses, her eyes meeting yours with a seriousness you hadn't seen before. "When I was a teacher, I was arrested for inappropriate relations," she confesses in a quiet voice, her gaze steady and earnest. "I have since realized the weight of my actions and the violation of my position of power and trust as a teacher. I'm trying to reform and date men my age now. Will you help me, anon-kun?"
>[] I'm sorry, but I can't be comfortable dating someone who has violated her students in that way.
>[] Everyone deserves a chance to change; I'm willing to support you in your journey to reform.
>[] Wait, you said you used to be a middle-school teacher.... that's messed up!!
>[] It was an isolated incident, right? With just one student??
>[] Your courage in facing your past is commendable, and I respect your desire to change.
>[] You seem like a nice, trustworthy woman, and I would trust you to babysit my 12-year-old nephew any time.
>[] ____________
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>Bend over the table, pull down your pants and spread open your unwashed, stinky anus and tell her you've been a bad boy in need of a good spank
>Accept, and ask Chris Hansen for help jailing her
>write in
"What kind of trading cards?" Narrow your eyes.
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>[X] Accept, and ask Chris Hansen for help jailing her
>[X] "What kind of trading cards?" Narrow your eyes.
"What kind of trading cards?" you ask, narrowing your eyes, wary yet curious. Despite your reservations, you decide to accept her invitation, but not without a backup plan. Quickly, you send a discreet message to Chris Hansen, known for his work in catching predators. Within minutes of arriving at her house, you hear the unmistakable sound of sirens and heavy footsteps. A SWAT team bursts through the door, swiftly and efficiently taking control of the situation before she can make any move against you. The officers handcuff her, and as they escort her out, you breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that her reign of terror has finally come to an end. "Thank you, shota-kun" Chris Hansen says, turning to you with a nod of appreciation. "The evil has been vanquished, thanks to your alertness and bravery. Remember: only you can prevent pedophilia!" You watch as the police cars drive away, feeling a mix of triumph and somber reflection.
>[X] Good End
>Good End
Now start the devil worshiping ceremony, we need to reincarnate Lord Satan

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The Galaxy is in flames.

The Emperor's glorious vision for humanity is in ruins. His favoured son, Horus, has turned from his father's light and embraced Chaos.

Brother turns against brother, sons against their father. Full half of The Emperor's mighty legions have betrayed him, dealing a mortal blow to 3 of his loyal legions on Istvaan V. War has begun, a conflict that will engulf mankind in fire. Treachery and betrayal have usurped honour and nobility. Assassins lurk in every shadow. Armies are gathering. All must choose a side or die.

Elsewhere, the daggers are being drawn. Sanguinius and his Blood Angels fight for their life against monstrous Things from nightmare, while Roboute Guilliman sits confident in his realm of Ultramar, awaiting the arrival of his brother Lorgar yet unaware of the dagger pointed at his back.

On Prospero things are different. The hand of Leman Russ has been stayed, temporarily, while Constantin Valdor and you, Alpharius, a captain of the Alpha Legion disguised as the Raven Guard, deal with Magnus. You have entered his inner sanctum in secret, and spoken with the Red King, in an attempt to save him and his legion.

Even as Prospero waits with bated breath, the ruinous powers exert their influence, and the galaxy trembles. To meddle with Fate is to court ruin. But Hope has not yet died, and there may still be a chance, or is it just an illusion?

The screams of the innocent, the pleas of the righteous resound to the cruel laughter of Dark Gods. Suffering and damnation await should the Emperor fail and the war be lost.

The age of knowledge and enlightenment has ended.

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Changing vote, this anons vote and reasoning sounds way nicer on why the thread would try and backstab stophole like this, in addition to the additional questions that we might want to know about in order to fulfill our role in this plan better.
>No, but i would like for his illness to be healed. Then he could be free.

Lets ask a few questions.
>Write in
>Do you know what is this vial ? I found it inside a mirror while i was with your son.
>What exactly is my role in this, beside being a witness ?
>I don't request a full great explanation, not now at least, but whats the important part of this summoning and demon ? What is crucial for me to know ?
>What is your goal here ? What you hope to gain from killing it or trick it ?
>Will Ahriman and Valdor conceal themselves meanwhile ?
>How long will this take ? Lord Russ remains above and didn't hear anything from us. It might be prudent to confirm we have come to an agreement and aren't prisoners or dead.
>Can this summoning influence the city around us too ? Are your sons and people at risk ?

Not questions
>Since we are at this point Lord Magnus, we have forces nearby that can help us if needed, they would be able to arrive quickly. I am saying this also for avoid a fight between your legion and them.

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a promise is a promise, I know we’re alpha legion, but I don’t see him deceiving Valdor, ourselves and Magnus at the same time, lmao.

>ask about the flask.

this is the only question I’m sure we want to ask. I’ll leave the rest up to everyone else.
Will be updating tomorrow, sorry for the delay.

No rush, QM - we will wait patiently

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It all began with a small box located in the undercarriage of a boosted car, parked outside a warehouse with mob connections deeper than Gotham Bay, Officer Mark DeLucia; a fresh faced Rookie with the GCPD and a power of his own. Shivers allows Mark to communicate with Gotham City, sometimes he's shown seemingly random visions, or given fleeting scents and sensations typically as a warning. Instead of using this power to operate as a vigilante as many others have done he instead decided to join the Gotham City Police Department and use his ability in the open. Not hiding behind a mask or a secret identity he seeks to do whatever is in his power to make his city just a little bit better for the everyday person.

The first few months of the job have been hard, facing a plethora of woman troubles, home invasions, and more than a few attempts on his own life Mark has carved out a solid group within the department alongside his GCPD Mentor Mitch Hawthorne, the long-toothed detective Thomas 'Gray' Bennett, and former Army Captain turned cop: Luke Kimble. Those connections alongside The Question and Huntress vigilantes have been vital in Mark's mission to stop The SIM Killer, Mafioso Hit-Man who seems to possess his own Dark version of Shivers. Starting his investigation off-the-books Mark now finds himself at the tail end of a successful sting to strike at the Mob Families that employ SIM and back in the sights of Firebug, who seeks to kill current Mayor of Gotham: Harvey Dent and anyone who would protect him...

"You're wrong there, Kimble. The driver made the smart choice, he's perfectly fine, better than we found him even. You can't build your house on rotten timbers and expect it to stand forever. This is your last chance, all three of you. Walk away now and let me burn the debris, clear the way for your department to build Gotham back up again the right way."

You swallow hard and give a look to Banks, his eyes are fixed on Firebug but his breath is shallow and rapid while his eyes seem distant and unfocused. A delicate touch to his arm makes him jolt as he turns to face you.
"We aren't listening to this right?"

A voice over your shoulder replies.
"Maybe we should.."

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>"I'll do it. Give me the cuffs, I'll put em on myself, bomb squad can check him over before we take him in."

If for no other reason than to make Mark look really cool in front of Allison.

That and I CANNOT stomach the idea of this goober getting away again.
>"I'll do it. Give me the cuffs, I'll put em on myself, bomb squad can check him over before we take him in."
Man SWAT kinda suck here
TBF swat in gotham will get called on everything from Joker to Bane. I cant fault them for trying to keep their guys alive when their turnover must be pretty high compared to other cities.
>"I'll do it. Give me the cuffs, I'll put em on myself, bomb squad can check him over before we take him in."
>>"Is this why Hawthorne left SWAT? Too cowardly to approach a man with a broken leg and no weapon?"

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Welcome to Cultural Civ, a civ game where your civilization's culture shifts with time !

players control a civilization through the years and decide its explorations, cultural and technological advancements, and diplomacy.

how to play:
1) choose a civ to play for. change your name to reflect your choice (ex: Chin Scratcher).
2)each turn, your civ has 2 actions. You can choose between cultural, technological, or a (freeform) special action, but you cannot do the same action twice in the same turn.
3)discuss with your compatriots which actions you will take. Once you're done, reply to my recap anchor post with the recap of your actions.

Five civilizations are recent arrivals on this island, each for their own reasons. Their future on this place is still ahead of them. Where will you lead them?

I will now list the civs. Feel free to join any of them at any time!
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I agree with this we'll take a closer look at those doors after we get some nice cannons
We should also probs look into developing defenses or weapons or some such. Unless we plan to slapbox them crabs
I think we'll continue working on the fields for our first action and explore the city for our second one, ye ye ye
Ye ye ye
Well If no one says otherwise ill vote
>Tech Action: Develop diving gear
>Freeform Action: Explore marble ruins

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You're Mazela a proud transgender witch. Sadly you're forced to work as an unlicensed hedge witch because the principal of wogharts and notorious transphobe Jeker Owlings denied your application making the hurtful claim only ciswomen can be witches. You'll prove her wrong by being the best witch ever!
Your current goal is to
>acquire more psychic powers
>help as many people as you can
>defeat a terrible monster
>get a boyfriend
>get rich
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>immediately commit suicide by Bombarda Maxima for ultimate dismemberment
>Commit suicide due to depression
>decide you don't need Owling's approval! Trans witches are witches!
You decide you don't need Owling's approval! Trans witches are witches! The children you saved from the Gondola's evil don't care that you're transgender. They validate your existence as a witch. "You're welcome" you hug the little boy. The approval of innocent children is what matters not the approval of bigots whose hearts have been corrupted by hate and darkness. You're Hedge Witch Mazela your adventures are just beginning!
>to be continued
Do you really need validation this badly? Absolutely pathetic

You are a mothman. You have a gun. As an Agent of the Company, you know exactly what must be done and are willing to do whatever it takes to complete the Mission. The City is calling. Glory and Terror await.

Last Thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5776609/


In the City, in a split second, time changes. The anger inside goes away and you are finally able to see clearly now. Everything slows down.

You trace the slight shift of the RED Leader's revolver from you to the dying Captain in the murk of the tunnel. Second hands relinquish their wicked weapons now unwanted, scrabble for the BIG IRON at your hip, and instantaneously take aim.


The telltale power of the BREAKER BULLET violently twists your steady aim apart but oh it is glorious to behold. The entire storm drain is illuminated by the tremendous muzzle flash like the midnight sun and a bright white light devours everything. You see nothing, feel only the recoil.

You hate that.

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Rolled 3, 3, 5 = 11 (3d6)

Ambush roll
didn't update before voting, so this can be used for the instinct roll instead
Rolled 3 (1d6)

INSTINCT reroll.
13 + 7 + 2 = 22

9 -> 11

[INFORMATION] DEGREES OF SUCCESS are determined by how much you beat the DC and are roughly measured in NEAR PASS -> PASS -> SUCCESS -> GREAT SUCCESS -> DOMINANT SUCCESS.

shouldn't the force roll be great sucess since it's 4 points more than the dc ?

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they said I would have to Pastebin the lewd stuff but /ss/ is based and let the die be cast motherfuckers. Or we can skip it. If the majority of you want this safe for work that's cool. But will kind of miss the point of the harem stuff. This is like Ultra Sun and Moon in that it takes place in an alternate telling of the games...where in the timeline? Find out yourself!
>You are a 13 year old wannabe Pokemon Trainer. You've basically been ripping off shit you've seen online and on tv and you've been training Pokemon you've chanced by throughout your life till this point. Very close to your Pokemon bros. Not so much with your peers. But nonetheless. You haven't been able to go on a Pokemon journey as home and school obligations sadly prevented it thus far. Which is more common then you think. Pick your trainer type. This will determine, along with your region, what your starting team is. You can pick Pokemon common to your region but no psuedo, rare, legendary or starter Pokemon that doesn't fall into the 3 type specific Pokemon. If your Pokemon will gain the typing later in evolution you may choose it as a pick. For example you can pick Torchic as a Pokemon for Martial Autist's Fighting type slot. You can also pick two pokemon of the same type if they match the separate type slot. Aron for Steel and Geodude for Rock for Martial Autist. You can also pick from any region and can choose pseudos or rares if necessary for your type slot. No two same Pokemon. THIS INCLUDES EEVEE. ONE EEVEE LIMIT! NO LEGENDARIES AT ALL! Common mons are shit like Buneary, Growlithe, Zubat,
Bidoof and the like that are found in common areas and not super rare. Rare Pokemon are shit like Feebas, Togepi, and Dhelmise as well as Starters. And Psuedos are basically dragon types...At this point they are anyway...This uses anime logic so all Pokemon are kino picks anyway. You can pick
up to a first stage in evolutions. For example Ivysaur or Golbat or shit like Scizor or Gyarados...but what region ARE you from?

>First reponse will pick but in the future the post with the closest end digit to mine per post will pick when I get back. For now it's a hesitation is defeat situation since I don't know if this will even GET anon attention.

>And no you can't be an Alolan native moved out from there.
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>All out assault
Rolled 40 (1d100)

finish it before it manages to hit you. it shouldnt be able to take much more of this.
"All out attack Croagunk! Poison Sting!" Croagunk shoots out a barrage of poison needles from its mouth. "Quick Flame Burst!" Simisear charges up its fireball. "Rush it quick! Astonish!" Croagunk runs into it and his face gets a scary black shadow surrounding it.
>What the fuck kind of attack is this Pokemon anime?
Simisear leaps back in shock. "Quick Low Kick!" You call out. "Dodge it!" The opponent calls out. But Simisear flinched and wasn't able to jump back in time. Simisear takes a kick to the leg and kneels down. "Mud Slap!" Croagunk's hands ooze mud as it physically slaps Simisear point blank in the sides of its face. The loud clapping sound fills the auditorium. And Simisear falls to the ground. "Simisear is unable to battle! The winner is Amon!" The crowd cheers! "Return Simisear. You did great." He walks up to Amon. "Say your pretty good all things considered. Why haven't we seen you around the battle clubs in the area?" You can't trust people like that. People are faggots. You know they could take advantage of you. Life in the streets is hard and you gotta be on your toes. "Don't worry about it. I just train my Pokemon." He sighs. "I think its a waste of talent but hey whatever works for you. Good luck with your training." People can't be trusted like this. You made the right call. At least that's what you tell yourself. Later on the stage, your Pokemon have been healed up and are at your side as the announcer walks up to you. "Congratulations Amon! You were the underdog but I must say you've dazzled us with your Pokemon's tenacity and strength. How do you feel?"

>Make an Among Us reference (Adds 1 Spaghetti Level)
>Be humble
>Be nervous due to public speaking (doesn't add Spaghetti since that's too common)
>Just don't say much at all
>Write in
Also is my thread auto saging or something? It won't bump up on the catalog anymore.
Rolled 49 (1d100)

that is normal. after a certain amount of time. about a week i think or enough replies the thread wont get bumped up anymore.

its normal. just make sure to archive the thread when its about to fall off on page 10

>Be humble
but nervous

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Hi, can anyone help me solve a Russian riddle, here it is:

"What is in the hands of time, but has no beginning and no end?
Mighty and weak, but timeless in its wisdom.
The answer is hidden in infinity,
O fervent heart, bolder, find its holy place."

The answer could be encrypted and written in any of the languages, or it could be some kind of cipher in which the answer is numbers on the order of 1-2-3-4, etc.
But this is all just speculation, I need your help forchans.
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You consider telling the wizard to buzz off and just read the book instead of calling 911 but you ponder for a moment and realize there's no real reason why you can't call 911 AND check out the book. As such you grab the book before briefly heading outside as you take out from underneath your top hat your cell phone and begin dialing 911.




A lady picks up "Hello 911 what is your emergency?"

"Hi, I'm uhh... Anonithan a friend of mine would like me to report an incident at his tower someone err... a friend of my friend I think has passed out at some point and he doesn't appear to be breathing can you send an ambulance?"

The lady pauses for a moment before responding "Okay. Did you say this happened at a tower?"

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Ah hell was literally posting the next part as you wrote this sorry anon.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

god bless us
Rolled 3 (1d20)

We should probably leave the scene

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Elmycion, an already bustling province in the northeast of the Wymund regime. Set upon the path of pilgrims early on a long journey to holy lands in the east, near enough to the borderlands for its major city to serve as the hub of trade, and rich with history for the myriad lords of Wymund or other kingdoms that have besieged, ruled over, and died for the region.

Here, in and around the city that acts as the castle’s outer shell, a grand tournament is to be held. Organized by the kingdom of Wymund to celebrate the separatist knights who overcame the old empire and founded the illustrious kingdom, overseen by House Hayner, the current heritors of Elmycion’s beauty, it is a tournament of a different breed.

The spectacle is not to settle feuds between lords, or merely provide entertainment for commonfolk. It is said to be more of a reenactment. Mock battles, fought by royal and noble orders of Wymund and those invited from lands beyond. In the grand battle that took place here, knights of warring factions came to respect their equalized strength and resolve, and joined forces against corrupt kings and their levied armies. Historians speak wistfully of how a new social class was born, then and there. While commonfolk beam at the hyperbolic rumors of a dragon slain during the battle long ago…

Those knights realized they had a connection that could not be realized by language or race. Steel was their language. Honor was their blood. Could such an unspoken bond truly exist within the hearts of warriors…?
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“The Librarium. An order of scholars.” He points a lady out of the crowd, speaking with what look to be some young nobles, students, perhaps. “Lady Frye’s noble order. In a way, they’re here to secure funding for a ransom of sorts too. Months ago, they failed to secure funds to purchase a set of crusade-era journals from one of the olden holy orders. The Wings of the Gale Church want an exorbitant amount for the right to print new copies.”

You nod. A bunch of academy stiffs in platemail, fancying themselves knights. “An interesting cause, but they could do with a little bending of the rules from time to time…”

Alphonse doesn’t comment. “Their first round opponents are the foreign order invite of this Clash. The Valkyries of Celand.”

Celand, a province of the Yoril Isles southwest of Wymund. Once barbaric tribes who learned a thing or two serving Wymund’s lords in those infernal civil wars. When they returned home, they got to building keeps and fancying themselves kings.

“An order of exclusively female combatants… I don’t see any of them here. No clue why. I hope they aren’t late for the joust…” Alphonse takes a sip of his tea and readies to continue.

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“The Hunt’s first round opponents are the Dragoons of The Flame. There’s not much particularly notable about them, they’re… Eccentric.” He points to a cadre of knights in armor adorned with the motifs of dragon wings and heads. The tops and sides of their helmets, the pommels of their sideswords. Not even Group B would commit this hard to a motif. “They’re the noble order of House Orville. But every so often, Lord Walter catches wind of a sighted dragon, and his knights will march a tear across Wymund. They always bid to compete in the Clash, of course, they believe a dragon really was slain centuries ago within this city, before the founding of Wymund. They don’t have any major rivalries, except perhaps an implied rivalry with the Librarium, over the proliferation of false information. It’s not so serious, many Dragonets are scholars too, more dreamy-eyed perhaps…”

“You believe in dragons, kid?” You prod.

He looks away with some small embarrassment. “Believe? No. Wish to believe? Certainly. Let’s move on… One rivalry that will definitely come to light in a later round is the rivalry between the Riders of Red and Gallants of Green. Lady Addison’s Riders, Lord Andre’s Gallants. Siblings, twins at that, and due to lost knowledge of their exact times of birth, they both received the honor of founding a noble order unimpeded. Most people see it as a childish struggle between the two, one that will probably never until one of them is named the true heir to House Erican. Who else…” Alphonse taps his foot.

“I think that’s more than enough. I get what you’re saying, kid.” You interrupt. “Everyone here’s got their “story” to accompany them. We should own ours. That’s a good idea.”

“Thank you, Sir. Yes, you have a real stake in this fight. I think that can be a blessing and a curse… Make sure it’s the former more than the latter.”

“I’ll keep it in mind…” You say, finally looking over your shoulder…


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>Say nothing. Continue “the engagement.” Who’s the more charismatic knight? Who’s winning in “the narrative?” [3d100 50DC: Base 40DC + 5 (Made a good impression on liaison) + 5 (Scrutinized Alphonse’s eyeline)]
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(Locking vote for attempting to win “the engagement.” Writing. As a reminder, I’m going to end up rolling the dice for that check, to save us time.)
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(Update, unexpectedly busy day at work. The new post will arrive in a few more hours. Apologies for the wait.)

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Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%202nd%20Primarch%20Quest

You are the second primarch, Lieren of Nothing, Grand Architect of Long-jia and head of its ministry of development, great hunter of the wild and keeper of a forgotten method of bow stringing as well as a fragment of a greater plan yet, austere and much respected philosopher and creator of The Journey whose lessons and teachings have become widespread, Slayer of spirits and tyrants foul, Brother of great men by blood and oath, and soon to be groom of the ancient soul Kanzeon.

And presently, four brothers you had not been aware existed, belonging to a brotherhood known as the legio custodes, are scrutinizing you and putting you in their eyes, measuring your worth. For various reasons, each of the four has deep suspicions about you and have approached you rather rudely on this the day of your wedding and with just the first words exchanged between them and you, they have given you a test. A challenge of character and personality, knowing you abhor chaos, they mentioned the quality of your eyes one of those discordant powers granted you as well as the cursed brand atop your brow that even now thins the boundaries between this world and the wild realm of spirits and dreams. An attempt to rouse and fan the flames of your anger by injuring the pride of a humble man, though the venom in their voice is not an act and you would not need to golden sheen of your eyes to be aware of that.

"Fickle?" You ask, allowing a twinge of amusement to color your tone though not so much as to make your words sound impolite or offended, maintaining a veneer of property and courtesy despite the hostility electrifying the air between you and your gold clad elder brothers "No, efficient. Maybe a touch mischievous at times, but never fickle. I always have a goal in mind to pursue"

"And what is the current goal driving your forward, secondborn?" A different custodes, who accent differs but sounds familiar to your ears, he must have originated from an area close to Sheowl on Terra.

"And efficiency can be blinding, shortcuts and clearer paths can lead easily to disaster" another, with the intonation and airs of a highborn scion "Or doom"

"That depends, are we speaking long or short term. Of course I am prepared to rejoin our father's stellar reunification campaign, but there is much I must to do and am currently capable of doing here upon mist hidden Shangrala and just outside of its atmosphere, though I don't believe interplanar colonization projects count as short term" You continue warmly, openly sharing your plans before a traitorous smirk tugs at the corner of your lips despite your effort to maintain a relaxed and disarming expression "Though, then, long term could be considered finding a way to reduce the discordant powers and oust them entirely from the worlds of mankind, but that is...a distant thing, and one formed entirely of hope, I will admit"
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>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so
>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so
"If i might propose a change of tact. You will learn more about my fellow Primarch from observation and patience than direct confrontation. Join us at the celebration, preform your role as wards beside my father which will allow you to in turn watch my brothers, see how they interact with humanity, listen tot heir words to just their character then in quiet moments take them aside with politeness."

>Write in
"Malcador, Honoured Uncle if I may a word?"
Give him the sit rep of some of the stuff going down this is our dads best man so to speak specifically inform him that the forces of Chaos were very close to trying to get Angron's world, That the Chaotic powers are far more active and WILL be making plays for the Emperor's Primarchs the truth WILL come out so best make ready. Tell him how at all times Perti see's the EoT and feels it and so he will investigate it, then he WILL discover the truth. Finally Magnus by his very speciality and nature will discover the truth especially after what he endured beside us and his hunt for lore.

We need to do something and set up something to monitor and eliminate these threats because we cannot simply try side set them, there are 20 Primarch sheer math alone almost garantees multiple likly exposures if we use the sample size collected; 2 direct contact (1 knows the truth), 2 close calls.

No mention of the nameless yet and i know this appears a mouthful but i wanted to be specific in the warnings. Malcador needs to know so he can start laying groundwork.
>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so
>Spar with one of them
Wanna add my +1 to this writein to talk to uncle.

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