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... must necessarily concern itself with marriages where the spouses belong to different Standings. Citizens of all stripes may stoop as low as a Subject, so long as the Subject has at least Patent and Nomen. Likewise, a Subject so endowed may take a Subject without such an endowment, so long as their profession, condition or conduct has not rendered them Infamis. Similarly, Subjects without Patent and Nomen, who cannot marry without the knowledge and leave of the Authority whose name they bear, and in some places may even find themselves compelled into marriages by their Authority, are also subject to the Lex Iulia and Papia Poppaea. - regardless if they or their Authority are the one seeking the marriage. Subjects with decency cannot be bound to those without, nor may they ever be bound to a Fearful and Lawful alien, nor a Fearful slave. Subjects in Infamis may be married to a Subject of the same state, or a suitable alien or slave. When two spouses belonging to different Standings are bound, any issue take the Standing of the lesser - with the exception of the Subject in Infamis. In this exceptional case, an alien being both Fearful and Lawful becomes a Subject in Infamis, as do their offspring, while slaves married to these piteous Subjects remain slaves, though the issue will be Subjects in Infamis - and they will not be allowed any avenues of matriculation and naturalization. Attend well that no other pairings with and issue from slaves or aliens are subject to the Lex Iulia or the Papia Poppaea, as they are without wedlock.

Beyond restricting the Sum of the Whole to suitable matches, these laws promote them as well. Those who are not, nor ever have been married, caelibes, may take neither hereditas or legatum that would otherwise be their due, while those who have never been in a union with issue, orbi, are only entitled to half. Such penalties are in force from sixteen until a man achieves the age of sixty or a woman achieves the age of fifty. This is held above the Ius Accrescendi, so that the portion of hereditas voided, being either half or whole, is not divided amongst the other heirs of the testator, but instead is taken by the Authority to which the testator submitted. Voided hereditas may still be calculated into the death duties, though they are commonly waived. Beyond this inducement, there are others, such as Ius Trium Liberorum, which affords particular rights and privileges to Named Subjects and their betters who have produced at least three children. No equivalent instrument, with equivalent rights and privileges exists for those Subjects without Patent and Nomen, though they are still subject to its penalties.

- A passage from Imperatives and Rights, a Treatise for the Named Subject on Lex Iulia and Papia Poppaea, the laws which outline and induce suitable marriages.
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Yes, that is correct, aqua vitae is a distilled alcohol solution. Before being offered some by the proprietor, Chlotsuintha was only familiar with its medical properties though. I'd be willing to take this as a write-in, Chlotsuintha asking the proprietor for another try at the liquor.
I'll support this
Alright, consider this closed. I'll get to writing.
Isn’t it still tied?
No, it was a three-way, then >>6008278 supported one of the options, which means that it was 2-1-1. Chipping away at the update the best I can. Hopefully it will be done tonight.

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Alas, you are still Nicole Smith, a mentally ill mess of a woman with anomalous abilities. You are a Cleaner, a deniable asset used by massive megacorporations called the Alphabet Companies and anyone else willing to pay you. Such as your Handler, a member of a powerful family who hands you most of your jobs. Mostly so you can clean up messes for him.

The last week has been rough to your psyche and sense of wellbeing. During your tour of an X-Corp military base, you managed to awaken a deep and primordial part of your psyche in the form of antlers growing out of your fucking head. Luckily, you managed to finish the mission by solidifying a deal between E, Q, and X-Corp.

After hanging out with some allies, restocking your supplies, and connecting with corporate representatives, you then spent a solid week at sea. With what? To assist the Captain on it with any and all tasks during the voyage. This so happened to include hunting down an X5 anomaly, one of the most dangerous types of anomalies, called the Admiral's Game.

You managed to hunt down the Admiral's ship and bested him in a game of chess, earning his respect before he passed away. You think. You can't really tell with anomalies this powerful but you swear he's dead. You then managed to reconnect with two of your allies, Maruyama and Kiara, and hung out with them to decompress after your last mission. You noticed that Maruyama had a spark of potential that might blossom into something powerful if you nurtured it.

Your latest mission, which you have just currently started, is hunting down a member of a powerful corporate family by the name of Valentina Vanni. You were tasked with heading down to Abgrund, a small mining town in a section of W-Corp's district, to find out what happened to her. You caught a glimpse of three powerful Alphabet Company administrators on your way in who are also hunting down for her. Things might get hectic if you're not careful.

Though, that's how it is in the City. The only place you've ever truly known. Such a vast and endless stretch of streets, buildings, districts and companies, there's apparently a doppelganger of you out there as well. What her plan is, you don't know.

Your plan? You just want to survive. For you and your allies to be safe. No matter how much blood it takes.

ARCHIVE: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Cleaner

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>You really think that's him? I'm not so sure
No, I think Creation the COLD BLOODED INFORMANT is inspired by Sebastian
Clearly, this man is a bug and not a fish. I have to admit that Roblox is a great inspiration for anomalies.
>>[WENDY ALLY] "56 years and only a few anomalies have breached? That can't be right. We need to check the status of the other facilities." It wouldn't be a bad idea to check on the status of the other facilities. Head to the ARMORY to do so.

>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] This place is all kinds of shady and you need to know who's here. Activate your MIND RADAR. (FREE ACTION, -1 RESTRAINT. WILLPOWER DC: 20, rolling 8d6. You'll get a solid idea on how many people are nearby, if any, and where to track them from there.)
Works for me. It’ll be easy to sniff out our mystery resident if we get the lay of the land.
>knew about an anomaly's name
Cross-quest meta-transfer of abnormality works
>Fear is the mind killer
We passed up the Wastes desert mission and we already had a desert at X Corp
>only sane one
This was a nice moment between the team. Funny bits all around, not much else to say

We're in a D&D party line, we're totally crawling this multifloor dungeon
Yeah the scarves have to be taken back at the end due to how good they are, but they can keep all that other shit we gave them in >>6006628
>finger away from the trigger guard
>pointed at the ground

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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice

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You may see sooner, rather than later.
Oh absolutely. He's got it MADE, easy 6 hour shifts on rotation, the best chef in the galaxy, AND all that under the protection of one of the universe's most feared assassin-slayers. Almost nowhere in the universe is safer.
That sounds like the life, the other grunts in the force must be insanely jealous. Unless we had that big of an impact on the empire, the average PTO lackey's lifespan out and about on the field is pretty short, so Orlen got really lucky.

He's got it made and knows it.
It is time!

You are Hass Takar, the Supreme Ruler of the Hegemony. It is the Year 102 of the Resurrection Era. You now stand on Jaxt, the home planet of your empire, the Hegemony. Standing before you are about a hundred Jaxtians, some of the best and brightest in the empire, who look at you bright eyed and expectant.

You raise your hand and backing music begins to play. Without skipping a beat, the Jaxtians raise their voices, and join to sing your Anthem.

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I'll swap both of the votes that don't count (Maktana and brain-degeneration) with
>Attempt to revive the digested remains of the last Andoen alien
>Random raffle to one lucky Hegemonic citizen
>Attempt to create a Starsight gene/symbiote

>Use it to integrate Maktana's Magneto powers into the Jaxtian genome.

>Attempt to revive the digested remains of the last Andoen alien
Well, guess the margin of those three only got bigger since then. I think it's Alien + Migrator + Sun Plants in the end, right?

Still think the sun plants are a giant waste...
The Inner Ear gene was introduced under Bantam early in his reign, in 60 RE, infused in the Indigo population as per normal gene projects. Accounting for a slow spread and limited reproduction during wartime, pretty much all fighting age and younger Jaxtians have the gene now. The Swall Inner Ear is a remarkable piece of evolutionary biology; essentially granting better directional sense and help against vertigo, as well as subtle changes in things like air pressure or gravity. The main purpose behind the inner ear was to improve Jaxtian piloting and maybe improve Starsight abilities among the population, but it is unknown if that has had any effect on Starsight since then.

Double blind tests show that Jaxtians with the inner-ear are performing better then ones without in spatial tests, especially piloting simulations. Swall are considered naturally gifted pilots, and the Inner-Ear Jaxtians are matching them, leading to a rivalry between both races in the Hegemony. Tests also show that Jaxtians can determine which way is up even in anti-gravity suspension tanks and sensory deprivation scenarios, which is a useful tool in space. In addition, several gas leaks and dangerous decompression events have been avoided by the Inner-Ear improved hearing on many space colonies. The only drawback to the Inner-Ear is the increased sensitivity to hearing, especially in small children, to go along with more fine tuned senses. Because of this, most of the Hegemony's drones and other devices meant to be used near people had to have an extra layer of sound proofing and stabilization added, but this cost was negligible.

Older Jaxtians, such as Hass Takar, are often surprised at how good the hearing of younger Jaxtians are, this upgrade being the prime reason for it. During Hass Takar's Tyrant-King phase, he often found himself jealous of the youth culture for having a richer sensory experience then he could have; being able to literally appreciate music and art more then he could simply because of an innate inborn advantage, but now finds it inspiring that the Hegemony is evolving into greater and greater life forms as time goes on. After introducing the Swall and Vetuckers back into the main Hegemony population; he finds the concept of alien perception and the different experiences others have to himself more interesting- a philosophical process that is tightly wound up with Starsight and the nature of consciousness as a whole.

>Life-machine Voting is now closed. The single choice with the most overall posts will be the winner. This was a bonus post.
Well if we go by >>6009112
And then consider the votes
The Andoen Alien vote has the most.

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Rolled 2, 5, 1 = 8 (3d6)

The world of Remnant is a vast and dangerous place. Horrendous creatures known as Grimm roam the land, destroying everything in their path, rending the flesh and devouring almost any kind of living being unfortunate enough to meet them.

Fortunately, humanity is not completely defenseless. Certain people are born with particularly powerful souls, granting them extraordinary abilities. When these abilities are honed they can evolve into Semblances, unique type of abilities that grant the user with powerful powers that work similarly to magic (Most of the time). These people have formed many groups across the many continents of Remnant, being known as Huntsmen and Huntresses.

However, not all of these people wish to save the innocent or destroy the Grimm. In fact, some of them use their powers for self gain and take advantage of the chaos of the world. There are even rumours that some of these Huntsmen are secretly working for someone behind the curtains, an evil force that wishes to destroy all living beings on the planet for unknown means.

But one may arise and change things. For the worse? For the better? Only the future has eyes for what is about to come.

Who are you?

>Race? (Human, Faunus, etc)

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Rolled 2, 8, 6 = 16 (3d10)

Damn so close to the crit.
Rolled 2, 8, 5 = 15 (3d10)


You attached both ends of your sabers together, creating a bow. You lifted your arms and aimed directly towards her head. You decided to execute a simple warning shot. The greenish arrow made of light flew directly towards the target and, at the last second, it diverted its course to land at a wall, grazing on purpose the side of her head. “Turning your back against an opponent like me? Bad choice.”

The cybernetic gal turned around with a slightly surprised yet amused expression. “Oh, but I don’t have to worry about anything. You see, you’re so beneath me that I’m not fearing for my life in the slightest.” She cracked her whip-rapier back in place, elongating it as sparks of various colors started to fly from around it.

However, she decided to stay in place. You clearly had the range advantage, so why wasn’t she approaching you? You suspected some kind of trick beneath all of this. You decided to hold your breath, feeling the cheers from the crowd of people fall on both of you.

And then, you shot again with your bow a barrage of greenish arrows, prodding at her defenses. It was definitely a lightshow, and people saw in amazement as the trail of light made shining strings just in front of the club.

The whip of the android quickly started to spin around her own body, deflecting and blocking your projectiles. As contact was made between her weapon and your arrows, tiny explosions of dust from various bright colors started to surround her own body. She indeed was quite good at defense, but it didn’t matter. You trusted in your abilities, and overall, you didn’t sense any danger coming from her, always ready for any kind of sneak attack and the like.

You felt movement from behind you. You glanced around, but it apparently was just a fan whistling and cheering you up. Just a mere distraction. You quickly turned around to face the cloud of smoke and dust that was in front of you, expecting a counterattack from the girl since your guard was open for a second, but to your surprise nothing happened. The smoke started to dissipate and you continued to observe attentively. Maybe you were just a little bit too paranoid, but how couldn’t you be? You didn’t like to fight in places with many people. After all, only someone sick in the head wants to do collateral damage.

After the smoke dissipated you saw the figure of Vespera slowly start to appear. Small sparks of electricity could be seen at her side. She had a small hole at the side of chest where her ribs should be, yet it was all cybernetic. Indeed, she was completely a robot, yet she still felt like a normal person.

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You decided to keep quiet. Mostly on the defensive. You still had no clue about what her Semblance was, so it would not be a wise idea to go on the offensive even when her guard was down.

The girl decided to walk forward, leaving a trail of a black liquid thanks to the open ‘wound’ at her side. Her eyes changed from a natural purple to a completely red and bright tone. Her eyes started to move quickly while looking intensely at you. Yet you felt the same. What was she doing?

Her eyes turned back to normal after a while. You kept aiming at her, but apparently, she didn’t care at all. Instead, she turned towards the crowd again. “And it appears this heroine has the upper hand! Will Ku-kuchinashi finally break away from its darkness? Find the light? If we want for this city to embrace justice then we must embrace our heroes!”

“All of you, please, give an applause to miss Susie!” the girl screamed towards the crowd. The hype was too strong to be ignored, and the people started screaming back and clapping, chanting your name. “Susie! Susie! Susie!”

How did she knew that? Was she analyzing you somehow? You managed to spot small flying drones above the crowd taking pictures and recording you. What were those things doing here? What was happening? Why were you suddenly in the spotlight? The coordination, the speed of everything that was happening, it was as if everything was planned.

But then, it clicked.

You had a strong hunch. Nothing was planned. Quite the opposite. The Vespera girl didn’t expect your intervention at all, so why were you suddenly being recorded? The lightshow, the cameras, her hype, your information being leaked. The mere fact that the person in front of you was actually a full robot.

This girl had quite a grasp in technology, and she was using it in real time to enhance her show, painting you as the “Heroine” and painting herself as a “Villain” of some sorts. Not only that, but it appears she managed to hack one of the scrolls you had. But why? Why was she painting you as a heroine?

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>>Question her directly. How did she discover your name? Why was she doing all of this? She clearly loved the attention, after all.

She's definitely gonna monologue. The real question is if it'd even be the truth and not some dramatic bullshit.

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Welcome back.

Rules are simple: Votes are tallied every hour, with whatever course of action being the most popular being the course of action taken. Write ins are encouraged and non-mutually exclusive votes will be combined if possible.

When a roll is called for, roll however many D100 are specified. 5- is a 'crit fail' and generally means something bad is about to happen. 95+ is a 'crit success' and generally means something good just happened. a 'crit success' trumps a crit fail. User input on both will be taken into consideration.

Inventory, pokemon stats and other links: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15i2N08IpWqitoTJujsUMishe4PLbao1lqT-bCAmvPcE/edit

Discord: https://discord.gg/GGXeMEMj

For a short summary for the new and to recap:

You are Alex. A newly minted trainer and camping enthusiast just starting out on your journey at the age of seventeen after your father lost his job in order to help pay the bills. On the road, you met Fie, the Fire Gym Leader, Gareth a novice Aura Guardian on pilgrimage and Holly, a runaway heiress using a pseudonym. You've also made enemies of Team Green a group of violent, radical activists looking to abolish pokemon training.

Recently, Fie returned to her gym for the time being.

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Rolled 96, 8 = 104 (2d100)

Rolled 56, 60 = 116 (2d100)

Operation : salvage Queenie
>Fluffy gets a crit
So 10 more levels and he learns Return from mastering Tackle

>Queenie also gets a crit but a fail
She tries to play ball with Alex instead of using protect thus injuring her new arms.

You figure you might as well get some training in and that you can kill two birds with one stone in the process.

That in mind, you send out Fluffy and Queenie and set Fluffy to Tackling Queenie so she can work on her Protect and he can work on his technique in preparation for when you start teaching him Body Slam which in turn, you'll use as a stepping stone towards Body Press.

It's working pretty well, right up until Queenie mistimes a Protect and gets flattened into the ground by Fluffy executing a picture perfect Body Slam.

She lays there twitching as Fluffy gets up and sniffs at her in concern and when you check her over in alarm, you breathe a sigh of relief as you determine she's generally alright, but Fluffy's Body Slam has paralysed her and she's injured her new arms in the fall.

You reassure her it was an accident and recall her and Fluffy for the time being, then go to the PC.

It'd be safer to have your mum check Queenie over in case her injuries are more serious than you could glean, in your estimation and it'd probably be better to let her recover in peace regardless.

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>Rusty (Aron)
Feed him the metal we got in store.
Work on Headbut.

Wire dad 10k so he doesn't break his back, ask him to work with the gym to clear out any TG goons.
Grass knot them for the police.

Wire little sis 5k as a backup fund, savings and reward for keeping everyone in line at home.
Leave Queenie in her care for a while.
Maybe ask her and dad to work out something with the garden to plant some Berry shrubs at home and save costs on pokefood.
Send some chesto and pamptre seeds via box.

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Your name is David "Gunny" Rockefeller, no relation.
A veteran of the united states marine corps, you find yourself in a far-out situation after an all-too-close encounter of the third kind!

In the last thread you unlocked Redbone's psychic potential, made an example out of a federal agent by dumping him outside the ISS and tracked down one of your old friends.
However, the government also made contact with you, and made clear they're both aware of and concerned by your presence.

Intending to stay on relatively good terms with them, you offered to clear things up by sharing some basic information and keeping in contact.
With your time on earth close to wrapping up, there's not much left to do before heading back into space. Will everything go according to plan, or will there be a hitch?

Find out this time, on Humanity Fuck Yeah!

>Last Thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5943919/
>All Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=humanity+-+fuck+yeah%21
>Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rNxD6ccWY5M48dLWuTWdr5LiYLuS_YIAMKlTLw42eeo/edit#gid=0
>Discord Link: https://discord.gg/PYJ7Aa3zQF
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>Kyla steps out into the backwoods to go tell David about something
>walks by a random mushroom
Also I wonder how she feels about how common mushrooms are in human cuisine.
Well...how often does David eat her out like his favorite meal when she is getting a protein shake from his dick?
I'm more curious as to whether her kind are grown from huge mycelial beds like fruiting fungi on Earth are. If they aren't she might be shocked to learn that them little tendrils under the ground can be fucking MASSIVE and all technically one organism. Also fun to note is the types of shrooms that let plants talk to each other by latching onto their roots.

>"Damn girl you walk around lettin' them spores out everywhere you go or are you tryin'a hop into my crib?"

Now you have the question. Does it taste like shiitake or truffles?
>I'm more curious as to whether her kind are grown from huge mycelial beds like fruiting fungi on Earth are
from what i remember when david had kyla's STD, they grow directly from whoever is their partner
Okay one, it wasn't an STD. Just a little bit of Athlete's balls. Nothing a little Gold Bond powder couldn't fix.
Two, yeah I'm pretty sure David had mushrooms on his willie.

It is the year 0078 of the Universal Century. A half century has passed since the earth began moving its burgeoning population into gigantic orbiting space colonies. A new home for mankind, where people are born and raised… and die.

“We are the people of the universe. We have struggled to survive in a harsh environment, and new generations of colonists testify to our success. Now, when we gaze back at Earth, we see a sacred blue and green orb - the cradle of civilization and a sacred home that we must eternally preserve and protect . . .”
-Zeon Zum Deikun, UC 0058


16:15, 9th December UC 0077
Zeon Military Academy on Guardian Banchi, Side Three (Republic of Zeon)

Crisp cool air greets you as the hermetic seals of the airlock hiss open. The wrapping blue and green vistas of Guardian Banchi’s cylindrical interior, a quintessential close-type O’Neill colony, stretch out far before you. Mountains and lakes, valleys and forests, the interior of the colony cylinder have been molded carefully to match many of Earth’s environments.

You stand at a secured exit of the colony’s Earth Federation controlled spaceport. All around you are edifices devoted to maintaining that distant government’s control over not only the people of Zeon, or Spacenoids, but all of mankind. White and gray concrete military structures stand interspersed about the small city wrapping around the spaceport’s connection to the colony, a constant reminder not only of the Federation’s political supremacy over what should be Zeon’s truly sovereign territory, but also of the jackbooted force by which they maintain that supremacy.
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“That figures for Gil, man has his priorities. Predictable at least, anything for greater favor.” You repeat your thoughts aloud but in short, and take a drink of water; it’s cool and refreshing, the flavor impeccable. Green Noa has an excellent filtration system.

“He’s not so bad really, once you get past the greed.” Elena agrees, “Maybe a little… soulless, but I don’t think he was always like that. I didn’t get to paint the K myself, some of the techs handled that but they still used my design. If it ever goes into production they’re planning on blue.”

“I do like blue.” It’s a surprise she’d even mention production.

“You do.” She grins knowingly, “But the colors won’t mean much if we don’t get the reactors working, or the frame to stop cracking under flight stresses, or… ugh, it really doesn’t end. The Luna Titanium is just about the only thing we’ve figured out, took months but some of the guys over in ship construction figured out what the Jovians were doing to make it into large plates and shape it. It’s helped some with the reactors too, but we could already use it for linings, smaller sections weren’t an issue.”

“...Ship construction?” Another surprise.

“They’re more conventionally minded, boring…” Her lips form a tight line, probably recalling some kind of frustrating conversation or another, “But as soon as they heard about the chance to improve armor on the Gwazines they started swarming. Dozle helped push some of the funding through for higher quantity production.”

“He does like his ships.” Not a surprise. You like them too of course, it's been a shared interest along with everything large and stompy, and liquor, and fencing... actually you share a lot of interests with him.

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“No, he doesn’t.” You continue to laugh, making a note to ask Dozle about what monster of a mobile armor he’s planning to have made with so much of the precious alloy, “They’re going to armor a whole Gwazine in it? I figured something like that would be too expensive.”

“I haven’t seen the numbers,” Elena continues casually, still occasionally nibbling on her sandwich, “but they probably have enough zeros at the end to make Gil’s eyes pop out. Mink’s going to be one of the richest women in the Earth Sphere probably.”

“Mink?” Another surprise.

“Her family’s mining business has the rights to the asteroids with the best ore compositions for processing into Luna Titanium. It’s not my field, but it makes the process much easier than sourcing from somewhere else. There’s enough for most of Zeon’s needs for years. I think they’re planning to haul them into the same orbit as Axis for the factories out there too, but last we talked she wasn’t sure about the details yet.”

>”Enough for years? That’s amazing, it could revolutionize the whole fleet.” Mink’s always on about something, but when she talks about her family it’s only very rarely about their business. You know they were contracted for working on part of Axis as well, but they were just helping with some of the details on it, not the bulk of the work.
>”Beam weapons and luna titanium… Sometimes I wonder if the K is getting too much shoved into it, those two on their own would be enough to outperform anything in development.”
>”...Luna titanium won’t stop beam weapons on its own, will it?” It’s hard to imagine anything less than the thickness of a cruiser or battleship’s most armored sections surviving a beam strike. Luna Titanium might expand that protection to more locations across a ship, but it’s still a brute force solution even as advanced as the alloy is…
>”Enough for years? That’s amazing, it could revolutionize the whole fleet.” Mink’s always on about something, but when she talks about her family it’s only very rarely about their business. You know they were contracted for working on part of Axis as well, but they were just helping with some of the details on it, not the bulk of the work.
>”Enough for years? That’s amazing, it could revolutionize the whole fleet.” Mink’s always on about something, but when she talks about her family it’s only very rarely about their business. You know they were contracted for working on part of Axis as well, but they were just helping with some of the details on it, not the bulk of the work.
>”...Luna titanium won’t stop beam weapons on its own, will it?” It’s hard to imagine anything less than the thickness of a cruiser or battleship’s most armored sections surviving a beam strike. Luna Titanium might expand that protection to more locations across a ship, but it’s still a brute force solution even as advanced as the alloy is…
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>”Enough for years? That’s amazing, it could revolutionize the whole fleet.” Mink’s always on about something, but when she talks about her family it’s only very rarely about their business. You know they were contracted for working on part of Axis as well, but they were just helping with some of the details on it, not the bulk of the work.
>”Beam weapons and luna titanium… Sometimes I wonder if the K is getting too much shoved into it, those two on their own would be enough to outperform anything in development.”

By the way Cont, how has the late war, rapid assault, minimally armored, beam-capable-but-only-has-a-saber, special forces MS that is the Kampfer ended up being made this early on as Zeon's very own Gundam analogue? Is this something from Origin? Or are you just a big Kampfer fan?

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You managed to build a happy family far away from most of the magical happenings that could hurt you and your children's. Nowhere is truly safe, even in your newfound home in Russia, but you think the worst is finally over.

You decided to go on a vacation into your old nameless town, both as a way to unwind and to help find out more about your magic's memories. Unfortunately, Etsy's rightful fear of the U.S agency did make the travel pretty costly, but what's the point of money if you aren't spending it after all.

Your old house has all but been ransacked after you left. You did manage to sell it, but the buyer turned out to be part of the agency, and you presume they tried to find anything that you or Etsy would've left behind they could use. As far as you know they didn't find anything, so it's not really your problem. You end up staying at a pretty expensive hotel, it used to belong to Mona, but the town didn't have any place to stay that didn't belong to her, and since she's dead, her magic is all but gone from it. Your old apartment is also of course not an option, as it was wiped out long ago by the Sword of Dusk in order to spite the U.S agency.

Your kids are pretty happy that they get to stay in a luxurious place like this, although Anastasia does complain a lot about how she'd rather have stayed home. Etsy is still a little paranoid, constantly looking out the curtains of your room as if a man in black was going to suddenly attack you.

You are a little worried yourself, but your kids have all been given a tag that tracks where they are, so even if something happens to them, K.I.S.A will be able to rush to them in an instant-- A literal instant, borderline teleportation level speed, you're not sure how it works, but apparently tri-matter has some very funky applications when it's stretched over long distances. Etsy tried to explain to you how it works, but you didn't understand a word she said, you don't think even she knows how it works herself.

Anyway, with safety out of the way, you can finally relax. What should you do during your vacation?

(You can vote for two options. You will search for Arachne's remaining memories, in addition to the two most popular votes.)

>Look into Mia's dissapearence

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Thanks, I unironically got asked 'what super power would you want to have' during a job interview and answered something like time travel because I just wasn't prepared for something this wacky. I'm kind of used to shorter interviews so wasn't really prepared for being asked a ton of questions.
>Thanks, I unironically got asked 'what super power would you want to have'
I think you dodged a bullet, the kind of company that would use such a ridiculously retarded question would probably be utter shit. It's a meaningless drivel question made when HR has too much power.
>unironically got asked 'what super power would you want to have' during a job interview
It's the wacky nonsense stuff, I hate those too. If I ever get one I'll probably go equally wacky and nonsense at them.
>shorter interviews
Some sources say if an interview is shorter than 30 minutes, it went bad. But you're also supposed to be concise and follow KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), and remember the interviewers also have places to be. So far, I think as long as the interview goes well without you fucking up and with you being able to satisfy the interviewers, it's good no matter the length.
>ton of questions
You can't prep for absolutely everything, and raw memorization is not good either. I can post some notes I can safely do so, once I get home later

I have to agree with the anons here, that sort of question probably means the company is bad in some way.
we can look for a hobby next time

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...


War has engulfed the GALACTIC REPUBLIC
With the pyrrhic victory of the GRAND ARMY at GEONOSIS, the CLONE WARS have truly begun. Republic forces find themselves vastly outnumbered in space and on the ground, as despite the massive influx of CLONE TROOPERS, the industrial capacity of the CONFEDERACY OF INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS remains unassailable.

After the battle, hundreds of thousands of solar systems declared independence from the Republic, swayed by the impossibly persuasive COUNT DOOKU.

Even the JEDI ORDER has found itself fractured, a hundred JEDI KNIGHTS have invoked their Right of Denial, opting to stay out of the conflict entirely, while a handful have found themselves seduced by Dooku, though not all by the allure of the DARK SIDE…


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Ah, my bad. I'll stick with C2 however. It seems prudent to get the tanks to the Separatist core for mass production, not to mention Tann and our new apprentice hostage.
>>[C] Use Moonus Mandel for your escape vector. The Bothan run is risky, but as long as you avoid moving on Lannik, it should be the cleanest break.
>>>[1] Jump from Moonus Mandel to the Leritor bypass, skirting the Bothan Run proper and reenter Separatist space at Bresnia. Dressel, though outside of Bothan Space, did have its defenses built up by the Republic, though they’re oriented against attacks from the Galactic east, rather than Bothan Space.
Decisions decisions
Return to Spirador, simple. Wins.

Take the back way out, probably the least expected.

Return to the core of Separatist space (not to be confused with Core Separatist space), albeit a distant corner of it.

Make a deal with the Shadow Guard.

Make it seem like your breaking for the main body of Separatist space then juke for the Ando pocket.

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true true
Fuck it, make a deal with the Shadowguard. I'm curious about these cats.

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You are the most feared Warlord of the Seven peaks, the small woman infront of you informs you in a hushed tone. This seems true, judging from the leatherclad psychos braying what is ostensably your name - oh, and the flayed skulls.

This is strange, because 30 minutes ago you left work - an office job, boring - went into a normal doctors office for extremely minor surgery. Now you're the leader of the "ExecuKillers" according to the woman (who also informed you she's your concubine).

"So... Lord of Skulls..." You frown, and she smiles slightly. "Sorry, Nigel. Right. So..." she looks over her shoulder at the tent-flap, beyond which you can hear the drums of war and bellowing hores of warriros - your warrirors, now.
"This, uh, incident... well, bad timing. The Execukillers are about to go to war with the Bloodletters... and you need to rile them up. Quickly, too, because everyone's ready to leave."

[Continued below.]
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Still not dead. Started a new job. Update tomorrow, please forgive the slowness.
In an office or as a warlord?
A slave, obviously.
>still not dead
>update tomorrow
>that was 4 days ago
Just give up, fag
I gave up. I feel so bad :(
I started a new job so I have sorta an excuse, but I'm still disappointed in myself.

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The year is 2444. Much of mankind has abandoned a ruined Earth to live in space colonies. The countries on Earth have corresponding colonies just outside the planet's atmosphere. Rather than fight wars for political and social dominance, the colonies agree to hold a M.I.L.F Olympics every four years. Each country sends to Earth a representative, piloting a highly advanced Mechanized Infantry Land Frame, or M.I.L.F for short. Due to an oversight in the M.I.L.F Pilot recruitment program you have been recruited as Mexico's' only Pilot. With your 3rd generation mining M.I.L.F "Tequila Sunrise" you must defend your countries honor! First things first, what is your M.I.L.F best at?

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+1 to both. We can have multiple sponsors, right?
Those so-called pro" MILF pilots are absolutely covered in all sorts of sponsors, from Amazon-Boeing to Coca-Cola Corpse Reprocessing.
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With your ties to mining and your troubled past you of course have ties to the local orphanage/labor union. The fact that these two establishments are already heavily linked helps massively with your sponsorship deals! It helps less so for the poor orphan miners. Sister Foreman Superior Catalina Cabrera seemed to remember you from your years spent in her care, she gladly accepts your offer of sponsoring you and your R.A.P.E G.I.L.F, she even offers you a few of the orphans to help in the pit crew. With your crew and sponsorship sorted you're well on your way to Mecha stardom, this fact supported by the official invitation to the opening ceremony you find waiting in your mailbox. The opening ceremony is in three days time, there's a lot that needs to be done to get you frame ready.
Do we have a checklist of what needs to be done?
what do? Drink a Chinese modelo in the meantime.
Put together a promotional video to get some fan support

You float about the void, a wasted carcass of white flesh and bleached bones. A slug relentlessly clutches to your remains as you bare yourself to the motherly embrace of the cold black nothing.

You’re submerged in the loving abyss, the parasite your only tether. This is your birthright, revel in it. Feel.

You feel
You are

> Alone

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Hope this ain't dead really wanted to see where it would end up.
Samefags ruin all the good qsts
Please, continue.
You raise your voice and exclaim that you will be going with Home.

The Lumen wears a begrudging expression after which he groans and utters

“Hmph. Suit yourself, you ignorant fool. All mortals are the same. Enjoy thy unfulfilling matrimony, you sorry excuse for a vessel.”

The body reacts as well, its haunting thousand voices all filled with disappointment in your choice.
“May you be forever trapped in the endless suffering that is this realm then.”

They both disappear into the darkness of the abyss seemingly consumed by it or perhaps simply returning to it.

The Ivory sculpture seems taken aback at your choice. Her soothing voice once again blesses your ears and an overwhelming sense of calm fills you as she speaks in her mesmerizing voice.

“oh, my love, i’m so glad to hear, for you to be willing to be mine, your legacy shall be etched into the upper echelons of the world...” Her voice quivers as the soothing presence grows stronger, nearly making you lose consciousness.

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“let us leave this place once and for all then.” she softly says.

“consort. grab my bosom” she bluntly says in an utmost serious tone, unusual of her. Estranged as you may be, you comply.

As you squish her bosom you both suddenly start propelling into a blinding light flying together for what feels like an eternity.

Somehow you both end up talking about how it’d be pretty stupid to pretend to be something you’re not in a system where the only verification for it is honor.



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-Imp tail (E)
-Greenwell Potatos (D)
-Sickle Herring (D)
-Darkbloom Mushrooms (E)
-Mystery Meat (?)
-Rockshell Tomato (C)
-Bilehound Slab (E)
-Leadborn Peas (B)

-Eastwind Spices (E)
-Salt (D)
-Pepper (D)
-Diluted slime (C)

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-better tongue, yes. Can talk, can haggle.
-New face. Not adventurer. Homunculus like you.
-girl, pretty, merchant, food, more?

" Instersted in my wares? Cough up some coin first~"

Quality (E->D)
Meat Ing.-> 45 Gold
Non Meat Ing. -> 35 Gold
Extra Ing.->25 Gold
Ing. from a specfic Region-> 55
Upgrade stock-> 475 Gold
Random Race Info-> 45 Gold
Random Food Recipe> 75 Gold

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>2 meat
>2 non meat

I don't think this quest is going to get very much traction with this sort of pacing.
I just wanted a comfy food sim quest. Shit you are right. Should I call it off ? Maybe prep a bit for a redux? What should I take into consideration next?
The initial tutorial was not presented very intuitively. You didn't mention that there's only one serving of every ingredient, for example.

I'm thinking
>skipping any preamble is fine
>start with 1 adventurer, with a line or two of what they want and MAYBE the opportunity to accept multiple different dishes so more than 1 anon's vote gets through.
>Bigger quests than this have died shopping. Just do a single lump purchase, or don't make it a vote at all.
>The second half of the shopping choices don't make sense for low intelligence homunculi to deal with. Introduce them through the master or something, or provide them as rewards from the customers.
>Sprinkly narrative hooks to slowly introduce the tavern, whoever operates it, and the surrounding areas.
Well, I will be back soon with vengeance, thanks anon!

This is a Toriko fan quest, taking place after the manga/anime ended.

The world is in the Second Gourmet Age and you are Sterling Pister a student in his final year at Gourmet Hunter Academy.

Alright, your final assignment, which is necessary to graduate, is as you all you know the so called Graduation Full Course. This means that you need to come up with and hunt a full course meal using the ingredients available to this school. As a reminder anyone who successfully captures an ingredient with a Capture Level of 3 will be injected with gourmet cells, though I only recommend doing this if you're confident in your abilities. [/green.]

The moment your teacher is done with his speech you look at the form on your desk. There are of course eight courses in a full course menu and you had a good idea of what you wanted to go for, but the highest capture level is 2. Even your Main Course has a Capture Level of 1.

You have no doubt that your planned full course menu is good enough to let you graduate as is but should you keep it or try to go for the Gourmet cells? Of course as Gourmet Hunter you will get Gourmet Cells eventually just by eating delicious food but that way it can take a while. As you think it over you decide to at least fill in what you're already sure of.

*Hors d'Oeuvre: Almond Cabbage (CL less than 1)
*Soup: Rock River Soup (CL 1)
*Fish Dish: Garlick Crab (CL 2)
*Meat Dish: Bacon Leaves (CL 2)
*Main Course:

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Rolled 14 (1d20)

> Try to fight
Gas them with pepper spray
>> Shout that there are intruders
They said they don't want attention, give it to them.
> Try to fight
Nice finally some blood sacrifices for Mazela
i want to believe
He's dead Jim

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