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In the year 1987, crime and corruption in America is an epidemic. Drugs and guns flow into the country from everywhere in the world, and the gateway to it all is the coastal paradise, Heat City. This is a place of shining high-rises and shadowed alleys, sunsets and smog, neon and blood, ruled by ambition and greed and power. Here in Heat City, you can get whatever you want -- if you can pay the price.
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Rolled 2 + 8 (1d10 + 8)


Name: Tony Vespucci
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 10/10 Edge 15/15 Move 6, Defence 4, Crit on 5 and above
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0-1, Sharp 5+1+2, Weird 4

Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), SMG (Range 10, Damage 3, Ammo 3/15, +1 crit range, Autofire)
Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4 uses)
Special Talent: Taser (4/4 uses)
Special talent: Pack Alpha (names: Carlo and Diego)
Special Talent: Electrify
Special Talent: Snake Eye

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It's a little hard for Nishina to think while she's busy stabbing (and being stabbed by) men in suits. But a little part of her mind is still thinking about something else. It's the only thing that part of her ever thinks about, every moment of every day. Revenge. The blood of the man who killed her brother. Mifune.

It's impossible to know for sure whether Mifune is here, now, in this building. Nishina knows that he came to America, to Heat City. But ever since she arrived here chasing him, every lead or clue she's followed has gone up in smoke. Other than the sheer volume of yakuza here, there's nothing to indicate that tonight will be any different.

And yet ... and yet.

Nishina knows that Mifune didn't just come to America for a business opportunity. She knows that he fucked with the wrong people back in Japan, and that he came here on the run, looking for a fresh start. He had to leave everything behind. Even his name.

Tokumei. It means "nameless".

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The Yakuza strike back. Heckler eats a baseball bat to the face -- twice -- then gets set on fire as a kitsune-masked woman tosses a molotov around the corner. He thinks: It's not as funny when it happens to you.

This is already getting intense. If you didn't have several allies waiting in the wings to strike, you might be in trouble. But you do, so that's good. Problem is, so do they. There's a hell of them already here, and it seems like word has already got out to their nearby friends. Pretty soon you'll have enemies both in front and behind you.

Well, you know what to do. They die the same no matter what direction they come from.

Turn 3 begins.
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Meanwhile, somewhere in one of Heat City's many jails ...

They took away her face. This soft fleshy thing on the front of her head, it's malleable and expressive. It's vulnerable and weak. How is she supposed to be her real self, hard and unflinching, without her face?

One of the inmates, the guy in the cell next door, tried to fuck with her. Turns out she still knows how to hurt people, with or without her mask. Now they're leaving her alone. So that's something.

Dokkebi spends a small, private eternity here, alone in the dark. Waiting for something to happen.

Some instinct tells her she won't be waiting much longer.
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Rolled 8, 10, 5, 6 = 29 (4d10)

Hard 0[1] - HP [8/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6
Sharp 0 - Edge 5/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]

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More than a year has passed since the call to arms by pope Urban II in Clermont. Religious zeal spread wildly though all of Christendom, gathering fanatics, monks, liegeless soldiers, the disinherited and the second sons to the banners with the cross. A huge mob of Christian peasantry, hastily rushing towards the Holy Land lead by Peter the Hermit, met their doom in the treacherous terrains of Asia Minor six months ago. Turks... Bohemond of Taranto scoffs. A boulder of a man, Norman by descend, is sitting alone in a high balcony, facing the huge city. As per his request, the Greek ruler, pretentiously calling himself the emperor of all romans, Alexios Komnenos, granted him a tower to serve as his guest quarters. He likes his solitude and the overindulging comfort of the Imperial palace isn't the right place for his soldier heart. Yet he admires the view, Constantinople truly is magnificent in its sheer size.

Bohemond, diligent as always, was first to arrive. The metropolis was set as the gathering point for the nobles who were joining the crusade. For the past few weeks he met the arriving Baldwin of Lorraine, Godfrey of Bouillon, Robert II of Flanders and their retinues, all experienced and respected commanders. Then came bishop Adhemar de Monteil, a dear acquaintance of Bohemond, selected by the pope as the crusade's spiritual leader. In another week's time came Hugh of Vermands and Stephen of Blois - the former just a boy, the latter - a noble without any notable achievements. Then there was Peter the Hermit who miraculously survived the Turkish attacks. Despite failing the peasant's crusade, he is warmly welcomed by the orthodox Greek community. Finally the rich but inexperienced duke Raymond IV of Toulouse arrives with a huge retinue. Bohemond surmises that he must be contributing almost forty percent of all crusader forces.

Alexios Komnenos is always there with Bohemond, greeting each new arriving crusader noble, inquiring about their journey, graciously providing lavish gifts, luxurious resting quarters, brand new barracks for their men and horses, calculated smile on his lips. In exchange for supplies along their long way, the crusaders are scheduled to swear oaths to the emperor in a few days, guaranteeing that all conquered lands by the crusaders will be returned to the Byzantines with the exception of Jerusalem.


Forces: 7 000 knights | 35 000 foot soldiers | 9 000 archers and crossbows

Morale: High ---> piety: +piece of the True Cross +Adhemar +Peter the Hermit -in a city (prostitutes/drinking) | provisions: +food in the city +water in the city +many war and pack horses
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Is this vote still open? It’s been live for a while now, and the results haven’t really changed much you know?
Hey, um QM are you doing alright? You've been quiet for a good while now?
Why God, why must we be punished with the death of such a Glorious quest when we have done nothing but goodness towards you! We didn’t even sack Constantinople in your Name!
He was killed by the Mujahideen

Year: UC 0080's
After the devastation of the Stardust Incident, trust eroded in the capability of the Earth Federation, and the need for an task force that could operate outside the purview of the law to prevent an similar event from ever happening again. Thus the rise of the Titans was officially declared, an sizable chunk of the Federation budget poured into the coffers of the Titans as they began to develop and test countless mobile suits and variations, all at the behest of their leader, Jamitov Hymen and his right hand man, Bask Om.

But not all were content to simply lie back and let the Titans rise be absolute, their heavy handed policies brought upon them the scorn and distaste for not only the Titans, but also the Earth Federation as well. Still, your father was a federation man, who lost his life in the war. Even so, you left to become a soldier...

[When did you join the Titans?]
A. 0083, when it was first established.
B. 0085, just before the Bunch 30 Incident
C. 0086, Prior to the AEUG performing their Gundamjack operation.

[What type of Newtype are you?]
Oldtype, sadly
Dormant Newtype
Average Newtype
Potent Newtype

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>Galbaldy Alpha
If I am going to pilot zeekshit with a new paint job it better be the good zeekshit
>GM Custom
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>GM Custom

The GM Powered is exceptionally strong, but we don't have the GP-01 Data anymore. We can't really repair it easily. The Galbaldy Alpha is also great, but it has no throughline aside from a few scattered upgrades for the Beta.

Now, the GM Custom has a *super* good throughline to the GM Quel, and either the potential Hazel units, or simply upgrade to newer models in 0084 like the Hizack.
>GM Custom
Best development path potential, no monoeye, visor supremacy.
>GM Custom

I'm glad Gundam quests have been popping up more lately.

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Are you a fan of World Trigger?
Or are you just curious?
Regardless, let's play a World Trigger campaign.
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I was thinking more like we all kind of contribute to the story and we can all play 1 or a few characters and discard and add characters as we like... is that too random?
the manga (with the viz translations) is better!! the anime was toei'd!
Thank you.
Hit that /qtg/ up, QM.
Anime where Humans are gifted with abilities and archetypes. These abilities are ranked in terms of strength against other humans as a meta plot hook, but the main story was about humans using these abilities to ultimately fend off an alien invasion. Then one of the human-alien hybrids (if I remember right) had an ultimate ability and this hybrid joined the average-ability MC and his rookie sniper friend to boost their team rankings.
>I was thinking more like we all kind of contribute to the story and we can all play 1 or a few characters and discard and add characters as we like... is that too random?
Stuff like that's not unheard of on this board, but if you really want to try and do that I think you need to provide a bit more structure if you want people to join in. An explanation of the setting, rules, char gen, a narrative hook for people to start from, etc. As is, you kinda just posted three sentences that don't explain anything and asked "What do?"
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Japan, Mikado City.
The organization Border uses the substance/energy form "trion" to create advanced technological weapons called Triggers and "trion bodies" which they fight in, so when their trion bodies are destroyed, they "bail out" back into their vulnerable bodies.
The Neighborhood, which is essentially outer space, consists of several countries which are basically like stars or planets orbiting. They all have Triggers as well.
Neighbors invade Mikado city occasionally to collect trion from humans. They sometimes take them back to the Neighborhood. We're on a mission to get our people back.

In story mode you can just roleplay in your posts and roll dice if prompted for a skill check.
In battle mode we can have a grid map and do a turn-based improv thing, some of us can play enemies as well.

>char gen
Pick a name, a character design, introduce their personality if you'd like, and pick their triggers. See https://worldtriggerwiki.com/wiki/Trigger/Border_Triggers for more.

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You are Argentinian who sees himself as an Italian but speaks only Spanish.

You are just Argentinian, Otto, forget this Italian stuff your best friend says.
My paternal and maternal bloodlines dare to disagree, Poncho. Methodically, patiently, placidly, contentedly, I have successfully traced them back to Tuscany, you rootless mutt! you have started disliking him since he came out as gay.
Your name is Otto.
Ah, Tuscany! Old country, home...
Your name is Otto, Otto.
My parents saw themselves as Schleswig-Holsteiners but I refuse to bow down to anything non-Italian!

...gay silence...

You are also obsessed with some French hussar that was obsessed with dying at 30. Now you are kind of obsessed with dying at 25, can't let the French win. Your pompousness, swaggering and boastfulness are also your best allies in making that obsession come true. It is the Italian blood in your veins!!!

Currently you are in a gay bar. Not Italian, just an Argentinian gay bar. Poncho, your gay best friend, was adamant of bringing you here. He believes that you are secretly gay too.

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Rolled 1 (1d2)

>the same way Mussolini's royal guard came out with rusty rifles at The Inspection of 1939, my affection for you and your gayness has rusted like a their long rifle barrels [strike a pose, roll dice+1d2 for one that is gay or non-gay]
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Same QM as Mad God Ireland or what have you? I despise Paco Pistachio's "art," but the prompts are amusing.
>"Mussolini's guards"
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>"Mussolini's guards"
Stand and deliver!
>>"Poncho, are you grooming me?"

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It has been 100 years since ancient beings, known as the Old Ones, walked the Earth with their two strong feet. Now they are gone and we animals now rule the remains that they left behind. With our new knowledge of sword and sorcery, we were able to survive in peace for a while, but then came the three factions.
The Apes: Strong giants, claiming to be as just as the old ones and believe they should be the ones to rule over the new world.
The Pigs: An intellectual but slothful group who wish to rule the world with an iron hoof and remain kings while the others remained as dumb animals.
Then there the Lizards: A fast and large group that want to set the world a blaze. Trying to forget the harsh past that the old ones left.
All three sides wishing to go war and destroy one another to bring in what they believe to be true peace.
But, unbeknownst to everyone, there was another group. One that was trying their best to find a way to heal everyone. To bring back order.
You found it.... and now you are taking care of it.

A D&D Homebrew Adventure.

Previous Quests:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rise%20of%20the%20Awakened
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Sure, have a good night you two.
Have a good day
Sorry can't do RotA tomorrow.
Got called to do some cleaning.
Alright, take care. We'll see you next week. I would've been late tomorrow anyways.
Have a good day

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You are a weirdo, an absolute strange one. After a lightning strike against some magic clay, you were born. You have no name, no goals, and an entire world of poorly illustrated weirdos who each likely have their own schizophrenic wants and needs!

Our story begins on the road where you finally have your ego slip into your new form. No deity claims you, and you don’t know what to do with your hands. In the distance, you see a quaint village bustling with activity. Its inhabitants are just as bizarrely drawn as you, moving in peculiar, jerky motions as if they're part of a child's flip book animation.

Nearby, a crooked sign swings slightly in the wind. It reads 'Welcome to Twisty Hollow.' Just past the sign, a group of creatures, looking like a mix of turnip and human, argue loudly about the best way to grow magical carrots.

As you stand there, trying to make sense of this odd world, a small, scribbly cat with two heads, one smiling and one frowning, approaches you. The smiling head purrs and says cheerfully, 'Hello there! New to these parts? You look like you could use a purpose! The folks around here always need help with something. Maybe helping them will help you find your own path!' The frowning head adds grumpily, 'Or just create more confusion. They're a weird bunch, after all.'

Your hands still feel weird and awkward, but you decide it's time to interact with this strange world. The cat continues, 'If you're looking for something to do, I know a few troubled souls who could use a hand:

>Help the turnip-humans with their magical carrot cultivation problem.
>Assist the local baker, a floating loaf of bread, who seems to be missing some crucial baking ingredients.
>Investigate the mysterious singing coming from the old well on the edge of the village.
>Simply explore the village and see what other odd jobs you might stumble upon.
What will you do?
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Hello everyone, I'm not dead. However because I am a superstitious man and due to recent events in my life I will be getting my assets and such premade and I will begin qming again at a later date. I do appreciate the attention this was given in the short time it was up and please expect me another day, however im not tryna get cursed atm, I was recently arrested, and I almost killed my father over the weekend :), the arrest and this are 2 seperate events and I wont go into it further, but another day my friends!!!!
i hope everything will be ok QM
It wont :,)
become fugitive to tell strangers of turnip carrot farms
Jesus OP. TY for the heads up and best of luck with everything.

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>You are an Inspecter looking to find out the truth on the matter of Son Gohan being severely injured. His sister, Son Peppa, has not been injured, but may have some clue as to why her brother was injured. You will have to find out what she knows.

>WARNING: This is a spinoff of Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest. Being familiar with Tuffle Quest helps, but this spinoff will also have topics such as bullying, abuse, self-harm, drug use, grief, suicidal ideation, grooming, violence, and rape.


The Inspecter actually three of the tuffle Maple Son-Mahogany, Peppa's Mom, in a trenchcoat has heard Peppa describe in detail how her chocolate, meant for her girlfriend, was stolen from her on February 14th.

Then, Peppa talked of how she was fighting with her brother Gohan since that incident, but then the fights got too severe for Peppa to recount the rest, so the Inspecter motioned for her to take a break.

The Inspecter went out and had coffee, and the three components of the Inspecter (Scolding, Doting, and Inquiring) discussed some theories based on the info they had, then went over some of the big questions of the case.

In the end, there was only one question that could be answered with any certainty...
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Peppa’s next day at school goes a bit different. Not that there’s any event or unusual behavior from someone around her, no.

When it’s time to take notes, she shows the image of a studious student, but focuses instead on sensing every other student around her, and whips her head around to Videl and Erasa when they so much as move a limb. When people look at her in response, she looks back down.

When it’s time to answer questions, she raises her hand because that is normal for her and also because that will focus the room’s attention on her if anyone starts throwing things, but after flubbing a question because she didn’t retain any of the lecture, she stopped raising her hand.

When it’s time to head to electives, she zips through the halls. However, she pokes her head around the corner to see if anyone’s following after her, and is disappointed to find that everyone is indeed following after her because they’re all headed to electives.

Her art in art class, despite what the pattern may indicate, does not show any disturbing imagery that reflects her mood. …although, the total lack of imagery on the paper might.

When asked what’s wrong, Peppa goes, “Nothing.”

Then, it’s time for P.E.

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>B. Go to the nurse’s office.
so is it really cum or it depends on what we pick ?
It's the same no matter what you pick.

>E. Ask Coach if any boy has been inside the locker room.

"Become my husband, Yuusha! Together we can overthrow the demon king and rule the kingdom as equals!" The demon king's top general whom you've fought multiple times as the chosen hero makes a shocking proposal! How do you respond?

>No, you're evil, I'll never marry you!
>You're just going to betray me after defeating the demon king!
>Sorry, I already have a girlfriend.
>Write In
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I don't know, anon. Feels like it would turn into a harem situation easily. I kind of want to focus on the dense, innocent, battle maniac instead of the elf girl. As for the thread, maybe QM meant it's the start of the next chapter and interchanged that with the word "thread"?
The elf girl can be a comedic unsuccesful rival.
Then just don't vote for a harem. Simple as.
>The demon king's top general and the chosen hero go on their first date!
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Welcome to Do Your Best Quest: Relevant Times. A collection of auto-conclusive short sidestories in Prancijan!

Select one of the characters, complete their short story, and move to the next one! You’ll decide the fate of each one, help them succeed or watch them fail! It’s all down to your choices!

Please, pick who you want to play as first:

Rob Banks – Officially demoted (again) from his position as Police Chief, Rob Banks has been tasked to aid the mysterious Unit 95 with its most important mission so far: Apprehend the most powerful homeless man in the shelter. Can they defeat the man blessed by the city itself?

Dunja – This Orange Star United spy snuck into a high society party where President Lazarus Gordon Junior and his cabinet are guests of honor. Her mission is to assassinate the ‘Air Force General’ Wichapi Cherrikano. Will she taint her hands with blood? Or will she die in the process?

Ivanna L. Tavarez – After years under the tutelage of the former head of government Lazarus Gordon Senior, the second phase of his revenge is underway. As the future head of state, Ivanna has to pick a right-hand man from the prisoners locked up in the highest security prison in the country to serve her. Will she choose wisely?

Uzziel – The most outstanding prospect of the Saoinji & Koroma Educational Program of Excellency is being interviewed to work directly under presidential candidate Elicarto Lloydington. To test his competency, he’ll face challenges not even the bravest in Pokyo Lokyo could hope to survive. Will he tame the metaphorical White Tiger of the Concrete Jungle?

Richard Wright – The reinstated detective started his own private investigation on Elicarto Lloydington, and gathered enough information to get a search warrant for his office. He’ll find more than mere clues if he’s not cautious. Will this be the first step towards the politician’s downfall? Or will Richard be made to disappear like countless others?

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We need to GO
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“Take him away, it’s his best chance to live.” You raise your hands to show you’re not hiding anything.

“We won’t oppose you, bud.” Hanno joins you with hands in the air.

“G00d on you to look past your fears. You two are a rare breed.” The disfigured creature praises you for retaining your rationale. “He will L1111111V3.” With Flint in his possession, he bounces from wall to wall upwards through the hole in the ceiling he made to enter.

“What in the heavens is going on here?!” Lloydington enters the room in a rush, noticing that Masterson is missing from his blood pool. “That repulsive brat, how did he get in here?! I never made him aware this place ever existed.”

“Mr. Lloydington, do not rush ahead.” Uzziel is by his side, mildly concerned for his well-being. Buonanotte sneaks in by the wall, trying not to be detected. You can feel it, he rushed here to save the cat before he knew you’d be here...

“I tolerated your existence for far too long out of respect for your mother. But if you’re going to pose us harm, I’ll consider this a declaration of war, you hideous traitor.” Lloydington is pissed at the horrific human being.

“Ya lil’ jabber box, BRING your G0D to me and the c0ck$ucker will never want to step out of heaven AGAIN.” The Monsters holds onto the wall just to metaphorically spit on the criminal’s face, then continues climbing. “GAHAHAHA#4#4#4!!!~”

The tension in the atmosphere raises tenfold like the birth of a hurricane, Lloydington is about to bring out his entity...

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“As for the two little rodents in my building.” Lloydington turns to you…

Or where you were supposed to be. You, Billy, Ghost the Cat, and Hanno (as a hostage you dragged away with your powers) already ran away to the elevator. The monster distracted them for long enough that this became a sound idea...

[To be Continued…]

That’s all we have for this thread! Thanks for playing! We return tomorrow with a regular thread!
Cool thread. Thanks for running!
>“Ya lil’ jabber box, BRING your G0D to me and the c0ck$ucker will never want to step out of heaven AGAIN.” The Monsters holds onto the wall just to metaphorically spit on the criminal’s face, then continues climbing. “GAHAHAHA#4#4#4!!!~”
This absolutely alien freak of nature that is barely even human and most likely has never been human, is BASED and cool for doing this crazy shit to Lloydington if all people

Very good thread OP, thanks for running

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You are a Cutémon!

You are one of the rarest types of mon: a mon that looks like a cute human girl!

Like all mons, you gain energy by fighting and defeating other mons. Your trainer is the human boy Joe Apple of Patina.
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It's nothing fancy.
I understood nothing but I kneel nonetheless.
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"Inpainting" is the term for altering a specific area of an image. The AI takes visual cues from what's already present in the image, so if I start with the image of Cutémon outside in front of a blue sky, then select the empty part of the image and tell the AI to render "vertical splitscreen, identical character, different background", it draws a splitscreen divide and gives me something approximating the same character with a different background. From there, I just select smaller sections for the AI to focus on and tell it what needs to be fixed. As long as the AI has the left half of the image to reference, it will quickly get the details corrected with a few more rounds of inpainting.

That image sequence is the same image after each round of inpainting, starting with the original Cutémon image (on the left), the splitscreen divide, and the sort-of-same character (on the right). The next steps are the detail fixes. The final step is to inpaint over the original (left half) with the background for the new image.
This is clever!
Rolled 91 (1d100)

>>Show the cutécaptor to Professor Holly (roll 1d100)

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A cute voice echoes,"Yuusha-sama! Yuusha-sama! Rise and shine!"

Startled, you snap awake. But there's nobody there. It was just a dream. Alone in your cramped studio apartment, you realize it's Monday morning. School awaits, yet the thought fills you with dread. The bullies are going to beat you up and steal your lunch money once more. Such is the fate of a fat loser in a school from a poor neighborhood.

Will you attend school today?
>Yes, there’s no choice.
>No, perhaps it's best to skip.

Roll 1d100. The result will determine today's luck.
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Rolled 56 (1d100)

Rolled 74 (1d100)

>Aaaiieeee Nakamura sama I kneel! Please don't unleash your wrath against me!
>I’m sorry, Nakamura-san. My bad. I'll get you a strawberry milk to make up for it. [DC 80]
Rolled 40 (1d100)

Assault her

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You are Kuroda Haruka and King Lot of Lothian and Orkney. You are also King of Camelot by right and claim! Of course, so far, shouldering this heady title has only resulted in lots of work, bizarre discoveries of how things work in Avalon, and the responsibility of fending off attacks from enemies.

Like the monstrous Wyvern, which had the temerity to eat two of your vassals!

Even if all the vassals are unruly Anarchists, rigid Nomenklatura, religious Fanatics, disloyal Pirates and other such odd characters... Going down that mental route is verboten for a King. You need as many Baphomets alive to enact your ultimate ambition of returning home with your identity restored!

The unnatural two headed creature lashes out with its long, poisonous stinger tail to disrupt your attack. Black smoking ichor beads at the end of the scorpion-like stinger, and the odd droplet sizzles as it drips on to the ground.

Perhaps attracting the attention of this thing wasn't the best idea...

Kuroda Haruka, 16 year old. A forgotten but genuine member of the Kuroda samurai clan.

Identity: King Lot of Lothian and Orkney

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Something like that scene with Jack Sparrow, "this gun has a bullet with a name and that name is ser Rodomonte, but keep this shit up and it may just turn into yours".

After years of dealing with delinquents and watching yakuza dramas on tv our girl may just turn into a delinquent herself.

(Or at least that's what I would like to go for)
Oddly enough, the Yakuza's icily deadly way of respectful dialogue is something our girl Haruka could pull off very easily.
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You try to ignore idle fantasies of revenge and focus on the task at hand. You did not walk into this haunted hell just to see your enemy escape! The spearhead, buried well into the floor through bone, scale, and flesh, pins the Wyvern in place for your cohort to attack. It's desperate struggles to move away and escape will always fail so long as it remains.

Which means you are sitting duck, defenseless, and barely moving.

Straining, you press downwards on the spear haft and attempt to dodge the thrashing attacks of the desperate enemy. You really should have taken that shield off the leader of the warriors. The cohort of Baphomets does their best to protect you, but they are also hard-pressed by the bucking enemy with its claws and fangs.

One of the warriors uses his hammer to knock away the poisonous stinger aimed at you, catching it mid-strike. You left out the damn scorpion-like stinger. You wouldn't have been able to dodge that blow in time! The furious enemy isn't dying fast enough in your opinion.

"Hurry up, Gareth!" You scream in frustration.

Gareth has blown off one head of the Wyvern and is trying to destroy the second head to end the battle, but the Wyvern isn't stupid enough to tamely allow that to happen.

"I'm trying!" The Knight snaps back and jabs her lance once more at the Wyvern. The sharp point drives deep into the base of the neck of the last thrashing head. Black blood oozes from the wounds and coats the floor beneath.

Why is this thing so resilient?!

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Is this our cool ability name phrase time?

A dodge ability sounds nice.

Nice holy trips.

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You politely listen to you friend's concerns. Given all that the two of you have been through you found their fears to be valid although Xin Lan was never one to exaggerate or dance around the point when they were serious. A trait that only served to punctuate what they said as they didn't hide it within a joke or a tease. "Xin, I don't intend to use magic or even want you to attempt to remember what was done to you." You stroke your chin as think about how best to explain your intent. "I don't want to completely cut my emotions out. Hmm..." You pause again. "This new style is supposed to be empathetic. To truly understand their suffering or anger. To that extent I need to be able to ignore everything else. Any anger I have towards them, or fear, or perhaps even doubt. If wanted to use this style then I can't be angry if they're holding you, Ming, or Ren hostage. You're the best at doing that sort of thing and given that you can do it at will, I was hoping you can teach me."

"It seems rather limiting. I mean the reason you're fighting someone is because you're angry at them." Xin Lan points out. "Do you really think you can empathize with say...the guy who destroyed the Library?" You go quiet. You weren't sure about that. You did defeat the ones who were behind that atrocity and even let them live but you couldn't say you did it because you felt bad for them. You're not sure if you could do the same for whoever sent the order out.

"Well, I suppose for now I'd try to use it against those who are simply lost. People who are simply lashing out. I think it's at least worth learning for purpose. Someone who doesn't really want to hurt others but they think they have no other option isn't the same as say a bandit or raider who sees themselves above morality." You explain. Xin Lan might have a point but you'd be glad if you could use it to pacify innocent people at least. Xin Lan tilts their head.

"There's plenty of styles for that. Or you can just hit their Chi points like you always do." They point out.

"Yes, but there's the challenge of it. It's like...writing a whole new story. Or discovering a new medicine. Right now, it's less about it's use but more about making it. We might never find it's true potential but now it exists. Someone else can find it, learn it, and take it to new heights I could never dream of. Just thinking of that...I think it makes it worth it." You eagerly. Xin Lan let's out a sigh before moving to lay on their back with a bit of a struggle.

"You're being weird." They say and you take their tone to indicate they had be placated and their worries assuaged.

"I can't help it." You say. "So can you help?"

"I dunno..." They admit. "You're asking for something weird. To not feel and feel at the same time. You know I don't work like that right?"

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>Try and goad Tigress to fight harder. You want to be under real duress before you start to fully let go.
>Push it furtheŕ.
"Looks like we have an audience. Care to make it look good?"
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Thank you all for your participation in the King & Queen of /QST/ event! We chipped in, and Olympus QM made you a Renshu!
Thank you very much for having our bun in your event! Picture looks awesome! What were the results if you don't mind me asking. Seems like I can't find the thread anymore.
You flip back onto your feet and dust yourself off. "Looks like we have an audience. Care to make it look good?" You ask as you dust yourself off and adjust your shoulder. Tigress stands up straight and shoots a glare at you.

"I should have known you couldn't take this seriously." She growls.

"I take all my fights seriously. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy them either. Someone doesn't just dedicate their entire life to a single art without finding some joy in it." You muse before immediately leaping forward to strike. The two of you resume your fight with an extra air of ferocity. Neither of you were pulling punches or testing the waters for a nice warm up. More and more people arrive but they all keep their distances as a ring forms around the two of you. It almost reminded you of the advancement demonstrations you used to hold for the other students of the Palace. Everyone in the Valley would arrive to watch their friends and family members earn their new ranks or to simply watch the students break boards and spar. All that was left was-

"Get her teach! Put her in an arm lock!"

"You can't cheer for him! He's a murderer! Besides, Tigress is the greatest fighter of the Valley, no all of China!"

"What do you guys know? You ran off Tai Lung before giving him another chance. The Library saw his real potential and helped him hone it. If you had been to his classes then you'd know."

There it was. The people taking sides and arguing. You couldn't lie, however, it was heartwarming to hear the citizens of the Library come to your defense not to mention it was a nice for them to have something to think of other than losing their homes. The cheering and shouting rises as the fight goes on and more people are sucked in to the excitement. Try as you might, it was difficult to meditate or even pull back to fight on instinct now that things were in full swing. You weren't used to fighting some at this level on pure instinct and every now and then you had to stop and put your full attention into the fight lest you were cornered or caught in some kind of feint.

>What do you do?

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Megan was trembling in fear, as she and her three guardsmen friends, Flora, Daniel and Gregor entered the large, dimly lit hallway. The four were noticeably injured and anxious, with Flora being carried by Daniel. "G-Guys, I-I can't do this... I-I don't wanna t-tell her we failed. I-I know s-she'll hurt us if we tell her the bad news." Megan said, Gregor sighing in defeat. "We agreed to just tell her the truth. I'm sure that, if we're just honest, she might show some mercy. We just... need to keep calm, okay? Besides, if you run from her, you'll be as good as dead anyway..." Daniel started sobbing already, shaking his head and clearly panicking. "W-Why did have to happen to me... I-I just wanted to do a good job... w-why me..." The four would soon make their way to what used to be a containment chamber, the glass wall leading up to it having been destroyed. Aside from the destruction, the place was eerily clean and well maintained, with electricity allowing the place to be properly illuminated.

And in the remnants of the chamber, upon a large golden throne, sat their queen. Beside the queen sat many anxious guardsmen and a few scientist, some crouching whilst others were clearly on guard. Their queen had her legs crossed, her eyes looking down at the four soldiers who approached anxiously. She kept quiet, as the four would immediately bow in fear. "Y-Your majesty, w-we have failed t-to... c-convince the s-survivors n-near the f-factory of your rule. T-They f-fought back... a-and as you c-can already s-see, we... w-we unfortunately lost a m-man." The queen scoffed, hardly seeming to care as she leaned back a little. "I am already well aware of your co-workers failure. He was shot in the leg and taken in by those non-believers. Of course, I made sure he did not... betray me and my mission." The four guardsmen all looked terrified, knowing what that entailed.

Though soon after, Daniel broke down in front of her, much to the panic of the guardsmen. "P-Please, y-your majesty, h-have mercy! W-We're sorry for f-failing you! W-We will do better, we promise! Please j-just-" The queen would stand up with a soft stomp, before approaching Daniel and grabbing him by the neck. "Did I allow you to speak?" Daniel kept quiet, trembling in fear as the queen would tighten her grip on his neck. "I was going to pardon you, yet you speak out of turn and show your cowardice." She jabbed her fingernails into his flesh, before he moved his hands to her arms to try and get her to stop. Daniel started screaming in agony, the rest of his men looking down or away. Daniel's screams soon turned to gurgles, before a strange fleshy matter would wrap around the queens fingers, seeping into her flesh. She let go of Daniel, who fell to the ground and covered his neck with his hands as his breath sounded raspy and broken. He tried speaking, but no voice came out as he started letting out tears.
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You'd ask Derek for the map on the tablet, wanting to see what other places there were you could head to right now. Currently, you were in the offices still, being a decent walk away from the heap of barrels which blocked this space. This meant you could go further south from the chemical storage site to find what was there. Though, there was the risk that you'd run into the queen's forces there, given they last came from said area. You could explore the main chemical site you were nearby, or the open factory and storage floor which you had passed through. And if all else failed, you could head northwards to the main assembly space which also hosted the bunkers. All of these had their ups and downs, though time really was the most important thing now. You didn't want to keep the girls alone for too long, given how emotional they seemed.

Besides, you also wanted to maybe listen in to the obituary once that started. Though that was fortunately a long time away from now.

>What do you do next?

>Head southwards. This queen's servants were probably going to be easy pickings. Besides, finding out where they came from and if there was anything of interest there was quite important now.
>Explore the offices or chemical sites nearby. Maybe you missed something of interest in that area.
>Head north to the assembly space. The paranoid guardsmen there could probably be avoided. And you were bound to find something worthwhile there, right?
>Stay here instead. Maybe you could just wait with the mission and relax instead. You could maybe help the girls out or plan ahead for the future as well...
>Discuss with your men...

(Hope this post is of sufficient quality. I've been somewhat distracted today with my birthday, so I did sorta rush the last bit out. Hopefully, it'll be good though.)

(Anyway, I suppose now would be a good time to ask for suggestions/thoughts you guys have with the last few weeks of updates and what you're curious about. I'll try and focus on aspects you guys really wanna explore further.)
>Explore the offices or chemical sites nearby. Maybe you missed something of interest in that area.
I don't think we should risk going after the Queen yet without subject backing. The rabbit was bad enough, now imagine a rabbit with mind controlled guardsmen. Sure, it's probably not that bad but better safe than enthralled. Besides, the offices can maybe have files on other subjects.
>Explore the offices or chemical sites nearby. Maybe you missed something of interest in that area.

I don't think she's gonna have Caera tier physicals, but yeah subject participation will help us save as many of her subjects as possible.
>Explore the offices or chemical sites nearby. Maybe you missed something of interest in that area.
It's probably for the best.
I always expect the worst anon.
>>Head north to the assembly space. The paranoid guardsmen there could probably be avoided. And you were bound to find something worthwhile there, right?
If it is safe for them, it can be safe for us
I think we could take the queen with or without the other subjects. Though morgan is 100% a great bonus.
My IP def changed but I'm the same anon btw

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