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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

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String Fucker boss fight is in, remember papa Cometpants loves you
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This banner came with a conquest unless they end up saving it for next month
I'm so fucked. I'm two-thirds to pity on Kihachi's banner so I gotta finish it off or all those jewels were for nothing. But if I miss Leon, it's gg 'cause he seems like the only true "must pull" of the year so far.
Even with the RS2 conquest's 10K or so I wouldn't even remotely manage to have enough for safety pity on four banners, and every single banner of the RS2 festival has really good styles
>the second banner global ever got
Haha. Hahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
The game is literally telling me to uninstall, I've gotta be the most unlucky person pulling on Kihachi's banner on Earth.
>2 singles later
What a rollercoaster. This banner is mindbreaking me. Now I gotta pray that upcoming conquest lets me hit pity for Kihachi. Liam'll likely escape me.

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Buu lost. Cooler lost. GODhan won.
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assuming you are still talking about new buu and new angel ss3, they will return during WWC which is at the end of August

But /dokkan/ told me not to summon on this banner because the new Buus will come back at a later banner. Only the new Buus come back but I don't have the Teq exchange Buu.
That's not the new Buu. INT Buu will be back in WWC in September. The EZA won't show up for a while, so if you want him I would summon now. It's rare for a good EZA to be on a main discount banner.
if you really really want exchange buu then either summon on int buu's banner or coin exchange buu
>banner won't give me 21 dupes
I seethe

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Tick tock, genkeks. Basically a month left until the new open-world gacha will take you out of the conversation.
>Superior combat
>Superior endgame
>Superior multiplayer
>Skip button that respects your time
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Should have been a modern day dark fantasy chunige to contrast with PGR.
That, and taking a girl that was for (you) and doing a 180 in her personality to ship her with a male NPC that no one is going to remember in one week. I hate how serenity and circe got basically murdered, from one of the most popular characters to getting zero fan arts, fucking crazy.
I can't believe they changed Lingyang's squeaky baby voice into a terrible chain smoker one
WuWa just got murdered on /v/ kek
nope lol

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new season soon
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dude, your odie
Weird that the game has different defeat sound clips but never use them.
Is there an honor duel list of character-item combinations?
>1 copy away from Mythic+ Odie
>All out of pulls
>Will be a few days minimum before I can get the last one I need from the dream store

I won't swipe... I won't swipe...
I logged on for less than 5 minutes to run through everything. five minutes anon. holy cow

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Rejoice, we are getting closer and closer to summer.
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Goes to show that /vmg/ is unironically smarter than /fgog/
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Man, Helena needs this shirt.
chiyome is kind of metal gear coded actually
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She's pretty underrated - extremely cute, chuuni and cool.
i was wondering why the rats said that in their shop lines
explains their noble phantasms too

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new freya sexo skin is out
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Fuck yeah
haven't played in a few months
when will they add that new footslut mage?
Next season
I'm waiting for Premium Supply to recharge
Me when I solo queue

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How about that current End of Month event? Can't wait for Mid-Month, then this upcoming End of Month event. The Anniversary is around the corner!
I genuinely think bbs is lying about their sales
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I wouldn't say lying, I would say they are generally idiots to charge $80 for a single character. At this point, so many characters are considered outdated for very hard guild quests and Limit Breaker that they should sell $20 tickets with multiple characters.

While I'm definitely sad that they pulled the option for a free choose your own six star on new accounts, at least we are getting one thanks to the social media tie-in that recently happened.
7th anni Ichigo was ass thanks to Uryu introducing the gauge effect and his weird SA1 radius, but 8th anni was the most broken character in the meta for a while. They better not fuck up 9th.
ofc they are! There are no sales in a f2p gaas for starters duh!

>Some retard deleted the previous thread
Gay as shit. I was really hoping to hit one year with it lmao

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New trailer just dropped: https://youtu.be/4TmccWDP1V4?si=7ZuIfCy8XXU3glkm

Cherno sure has a lot of character development. You rolling?
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>get Chen's new year festival boss in paradox as Katya
>wipes my whole team because I can kill the pillars
>forced to complete the rest of the run as a solo f2p Eatchel
I am never ever going to run Katya as a solo DPS again
Don't have the revive item from the tree unlocked?
If it's just an item that you get, then no. I've never even thought to need it before. This is literally the only time I've ever encountered the situation of Katya getting cucked by the ice phase of the chinese new year boss. I also chose multiple buffs that eat your own HP to deal more damage, so it was ultra fucked. This has never been an issue for me previously, but I will no longer bring 5* Mauxir and I will instead bring 5* Cherno or 5* Haru
I learned my lesson when soloing with Frit and they added Fiend to normal PL. The elemental resistance is pretty awful unless she rolls Spark. In Katya's case, the Yin-Yang buff might do the trick?
Still, not the greatest idea to count on orange buffs showing up to carry the run instead of having backup plans built into the team itself to cover whatever the mode can throw at you.
What pillars? :)

News when
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>women and trolls coming into Azur Lane communities and saying the girls are actually lesbian and don't like the admiral
Yeah, I wonder why they hate real women
Hmmmm what is you opinion about Arknights then ?
Arknights doesn't have only female characters
OP is a faggot and just want to shitpost.
>And how and the hell do they do that?
By half-assing things though mostly just shooting poses and events without SKK.
>Genshin release on Playstation in patch 2.1
>Get censored on 2.4
>ZZZ and HSR got hit with censorship on beta
Sony is fucking aids, chinks need to stop this shit.

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How bout that Hypercharge Event, huh?
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Wtf is squad busters even about
busting squads
Hey, I got the black ranger skin!
You pick up a squad and start bustin

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Did you summon for Mythic Loki?
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I see, thanks. I was gonna replace Bracing Stance with AD Unity to have less redundancy, unfortunately I had no luck on the Weaving Fighter banners
First time I ended up blowing through all my ladders and also losing my final ladderless run. Sad times.
If you ended up having used all the ladders and you only need a little more lift you could opt to go for a auto-dispatch
You don't get score for 20 hours after auto dispatching, which is less time than from daily reset where you get your Aether to the AR season ending.
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Does he still benefit from the infantry hex blade if he is away from the tile like this?

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>20 million pre-register on china
so it's flop on global ?
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I'm not even going to touch it until live, I know I will hate it.
So does the beta end when Ellen's banner ends or will we get the pubsec lady as well?
>This event is kinda ass desu
so standard hoyoshit fare?
This kind of stuff normally works on standalone games like Yakuza where there's a million things to do outside the main story and combat (which you can complete at your own pace) but in FOMO-inducing live service games you're only engaging with this crap for the limited rewards and you want it to be done as soon as possible.
I only played it enough to get the polychromes and it was still a slog. The game itself isn't even unfun (it is just Snake after all) but the sheer amount of matches they expect you to play is stupid.

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So which Personality finisher is your favorite and why is it Glasses?
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nta but that wasn't esl my guy
you might just be retarded
To expand on the original point, the only Clergy characters who have actual synergy with each other are Thille ES/Mariel ES, meaning for 90% of the game's existence you'd only see that finisher if you were running a meme West team.
That's definitely improper English my guy.
If anything it is overly proper.
Why are you being obviously retarded here?

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The global version launches soon. How bad is it if I'm starved for DMC content?
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BT is mad underwhelming, only thing he does better than SI is breaking hitshields. NJ really cooked the worst character. imagine locking fire pen behind a FUCKING GAUGE
>the event merchant shop is bugged and lists everything as sold out so you can't exchange anything
That part of the event is directly reused from the count thunder event with the same gimmick, meaning that a newfag actually gets a full shop to purchase while anyone that was here for the first run has an emptied out shop.
Where is this data from?
Not that I don't trust it, I just want to look up another game.
search by game is on upper right

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