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Rejoice, we are getting closer and closer to summer.
I'm pretty sure that summer was so lame in the swimsuit department (Erice, Gareth, and Merlin were definitely done dirty) that they tried to apologize for it in summer 8 by giving Skadi an extra swimsuit. Also
>loli Wu Zetian will never get a swimsuit
Whose idea was it to release a new story chapter in the middle of an event
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Summer Wu is great though.
All of this shit is burnout inducing on a 3 day window.
When is NA's anniversary again? Last week of June, right? That's like less than 3 months left. Can't wait for Xu Fu. Gonna dump a couple mils of FPs right then and there instead of waiting for supes Bunyan event.
wait never mind, didn't realize supes bunyan is in like april/may.
JP or NA?
I can't get over how bad Gareth in a swimsuit looks, at least I probably won't get her by accident since I'll only be rolling on the other banners.
JP, luckily I have a whole year to do it
I kneel to the anon who advised me to use Caren for this CQ, barely clutched it out.
you're welcome
damn that's crazy
More friend slots just dropped, need more bros 252,093,740
thank u, daily discount button
>one multi
>gold saber
as a brown female enjoyer i consider this a win
>>one multi
>>gold saber
Same thing happened to me but I got the sisters.
Enjoy your unlucky lady though. I have her at NP5 with how many times I've been spooked by her.
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I finally got Scathach-Skadi the other day and I can honestly say I have never seen her 2nd ascension outfit before. It is pretty bad though so I can understand why most people would use her 1st or 3rd outfit.
So, did you guys clear the cqs? any last-minute attempts? What about your box count, did you go all out on apples? (I couldn't cause I was doing cqs till the last moment)
Ereshkigal is cute. CUTE!
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I can't wait for Wu. Seeing lolis grow up is one of my favorite things. Now we just need big Beni.
>It is pretty bad though
DAMARE! True boob-window enjoyers put her at 2nd Ascension

I was glad that the bugged Liz one got fixed, once that was done I got them all. Didn't hit the farming that hard this time around. Now I'm trying to figure out how to kill the massively HP-buffed Sigurd and Surtr.
Only reason I was able to clear any of them was my darling Gogh-wife.
>no summer lolis this year
On the bright side, I get to save up for all the servants I want next year, but it sucks not having anyone to aim for.
User survey for 4 tickets:
not even the survey can escape their shitty QC lol
managed to clear them all except for the NA-exclusive noodle lizquest, i had to wait for the patch on that one
got to 303 boxes; would've done more, but i didn't feel like spending that many rainbow apples and i already have a decent hoard of coins for the time being
>Now I'm trying to figure out how to kill the massively HP-buffed Sigurd and Surtr.
Dunno about Sigurd, but there are comps for solo ungrailed David and Bob
Solo for Surtr I meant
That's good to hear, I think my Sith is NP 4 because she kept getting summoned when I was rolling for Barghest.
Reporting back, my Sith was able to kill mega-HP Surtr after I shuffled some command codes around. Thanks for the tip.

On the topic of mega-HP Sigurd, my Chad Orion was able to kill him yesterday, so I'm in the clear to focus on the water monsters event.
maybe melt isn't so bad
What did she mean by this?
Albert being Albert, just pretend it doesn't exist
Mash is one of the best characters in this game and it's fucking weird reading threads where everyone seems to hate her. Is there a meme I'm missing???
A lot of people don't like Mash because of how she's "forced" into so many scenes, often preventing Guda from having one-on-one time with other servants.
Personally i think Mash is fine enough (and she damn well SHOULD be considering the amount of content and focus she gets by basically being the second main character of the game), i just think she pales to a lot of the Servants, but she has her moments (Usually ones involving other Servants).

I think the best way to put it is that a lot of people are either in it for cooming (so they aren't interested in Mash as a love interest, they already have a "target") or for Servants being bombastic morons (and like 95% (arbitrarily made up number) of the time Mash is more of a straight man for others to bounce off, though she has her occasional moments.) so they don't really care for her "what it means to live" character development, development that takes up A LOT of the "mandatory" content. In events she usually just kinda chimes in a bit every once in a while.
she won't let me have sex!!!
bros i have no idea how to play poker
Just pick the All In button. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, you still get to unlock the servants, so speeding through the games ASAP by betting all your cash right off the bat is the best way to play.
just like real poker!
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servants for this feel?
>no cock
what's the point
the con kinda sound like arco
Nitocris Alter is a no-goodnik, I'm SO glad I didn’t roll for her
Did the ever improve the translation? I used to play yrs ago
Well, it's gone from stilted to trying too hard, so I guess that depends on your preference.
Heh, thanks anon. I vaguely remember being disgusted by newer localizations back then. This was around the time KnK ran for the first time I think. Japenglish and stuff. I hope you're lucky.
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Oh, that hasn't gone away. In fact, they have a whole character dedicated to it.

>I hope you're lucky.
I'm ambivalent to it, honestly. Most of the really cringe stuff for the events, and I'm more in it for the main plot. I can't speak to how well they translate it from the Japanese, but the autism on display is left fully untranslated, and that's a language I speak fluently.
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>I'm more in it for the main plot
Main chapters TLs are largely fine since LBs, don't listen to certain groups of dekinai clinging to their shitty fan TLs.
Altria is still objectively stupid, but the localization team can't really do anything about it.
I think her translation is cute.
>insufferable otaku speaks like an insufferable weeaboo in english language
it's a good choice
Yeah I know I'm in the minority lol. Disgusted enough to uninstall. I had around the same time finally pulled who I wanted after saving a ton and once I did I just felt annoyed at the whole grind and rates.
>decide to roll for some Morgan copies
>roll 3 Wu copies right off the bat
Is this a good sign or a bad sign?
>30 more pulls
Guys, I'm scared.
>30 more pulls
>Another Wu
>saber Diarmuid
Is this happening to anyone else? Does this banner have broken numbers to increase the chances of SRs? Because I have never pulled this many ever.
Out of SQ and tickets. No Morgan, but holy fuck that was weird.
Egad, I looked at Appmedia, and I'm on chapter 18, I thought I was on chapter 8 or something…Jannu is living a lot longer than I expected
Where would I be without this cockroach?
Damn, Taisui looks like THAT?
Congratulations on 30%
Such a big statistical anomaly
he be packin
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Is she the biggest bimbo in FGO?
no that's (me)
I hope there's a break before the next event, I need QP like a crack-addicted whore right now.
We just had a lottery...
And anon obviously spent it all on ingredients because barghest kept eating them all.
So is Taisui any good? Didn't bother trying him in the plot since he turns up for the final fight and the Trung Sisters melt that fight
>AOE np5 gold servant with battery
what do you think
AoE skill seal and is also alter ego = good for Bazett
Also, do yourself a favor and bookmark this site
Neat. Might actually go for a 9/9/9 on him then
>Decide to drop 150 quartz to try for Morgan NP2 again
So I now have Little Wu at NP5. Can't even get mad at the little goblin.
wtf is that site?
>ibuki, wu, support koyan
>ibuki can crit down both w1 and w3 of the 90+ FQ as long as she has one buster
this is too fun
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remember to invite her to play with your cats, she loves them
prolly the best planner/simulator site/app in english. you use it to organize your roster, make plans to raise your servants, budget for summons, simulate NP damage numbers, etc

Don't forget to backline taisui, you'd want lancer//rider/zerker/mooncancer/foreigner for red con drop boost too
It's a battle simulator. You use it to test out teams for different nodes. It calculates damage and NP refunds, you can select NP5 levels, CE levels etc.
Why did I do a daily pull after making this post??? I should've known better.
only 10 more copies until you can max grail and append her
>120 sq on the Trung/Lambda banner
>not even a single SR
fuck me why do I even bother
>build the theater
>Vritra and Arjuna Alter are the only servants to stay for the ear rape
I get FromSoft-chan staying, buy why Cat God?
he just knows good music when he hears it
farming these cons for the upgrade materials and copies of Taisui is taking forever
i mlb'd my stars day off as soon as i could since the upgrades seemed pretty cheap but wondered if that was a good idea after seeing the bonus quest costs
at least i'm done with them now, just gotta rebuild my island
I was wondering why you need so many until I saw that the event is 3 weeks long.
And the best farming map only really give like 10 (+any from your event bonuses) cons at best, barely more than you get from the first farming node, it honestly feels broken
I'd say the intended idea is probably that the final two scale better if you have 5CE+Taisui since they drop all tupes at once and the drop rate is better, we are just talking like ~300% droprate for two Con types each at the first quest (so 30% of the CE/Taisui bonus is irrelevant) and ~370% Drop rate for 3 cons types each at the last quest (and the CE/Taisui is 100% efficient).
But if you MLB'd the CE as you got your copies you basically shot yourself in the foot to have a MUCH slower grind at the high end node.
>Altera now has the ability to loop
Finally, my girl is complete.
The new Olga quest looks challenging
Well it took all my command seals but I won, now if I never see Olga again it will be too soon
JP got a new Olga quest?
I wish we didn't
y-yeah who'd max out their CE's before the end of an event

I think I'm going to have to drop fruit on this to make sure I get the maxed out Taisui
>y-yeah who'd max out their CE's before the end of an event
Guilty as charged, needed the extra NP charge for a comp.
On the bright side I got a couple ce drops afterward, still fucking hate this event.
I enjoyed the event itself, but this grind at the end and getting burned on the gacha really soured the mood for it
>Enough mats to max out either NP2 Vritra or NP1 Mysterious Alter Ego Λ
Opinions? I'm on the fence on this one.
Realize for a moment that you're debating leveling a np2 5-star vs and np1 4-star.

If that's somehow not enough, Vritra gets a damage bonus in the next event.
>the next event
Is it going to be the Alter-Ego Bunyan/Mary Anning Plesiosaur event?
My grandma in a swimsuit

My grandma is too erotic
I love lolibabas, and I'm glad the token one in FGO is so great.
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QP costs in this game make me want to open a lament configuration holy fuck.

I have to spend 3000 years grinding 6 million Evil Bones for EACH FUCKING SKILL then it's another 3000 years of these same fucking doors. I'm losing my fucking mind right now.
take the 300 boxes per lotto pill
i havent done doors or hands in like 5 years
solved my bone deficiency too
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She truly is best girl. By the way, this is something a drawfag on /co/ drew for me a few years ago. Figured I'd share it.
I struggle more with the class orbs tbqh

She's still one of my fav Casters to use
>140 APD per secret gem of saber
>Need 102 of them to max out Ibuki
Lmao please fucking kill me.
At least with OC you can get QP while knocking out the daily orb grind at the same time
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No, she's just erotic enough.
I can't believe grandma forgot to wear panties again.
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any new rats?
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No rats, only mice.
>3 super bunyans
>0 rrats
what the hell does it take to do some breeding around here
Is Super Bunyan easier to roll or something, the same thing happened to me. And it's not the first time I've got the rate-up 5* easily recently too.
>final multi of my 400+ SQ
i've been milked...
I can't believe Liz's singing caused hurricane Katrina.
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Huh, Mary Anning (and her dog) was the last person I expected to see in FGO. They should do an event at the gallery in the Natural History Museum in London that has a bunch of her fossils on display.
Well hopefully no-one knocks any bridges later on because that might piss some burgers off.
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>120 SQ
>wanted the rats or a CE
>no rats
>no event CEs
>got Bunyan
Honestly that's fine too.
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she doesn't know...
Does anyone else feel like Habetrot has a stealth rateup right now? I've gotten as many copies of her as I've gotten of Anning. Nice to unlock all of her appends I suppose.
Nah, i did around ~800,000 worth of FP and didn't get a single one, i got like 3 Saber Lily (That i already had on NP 5) and a Angry Manjew (So now he is on NP2) as my outlier rolls, not a single Habetrot, not that i mind mind you. Im very happy with pulls so far. Much better ones compared to when i pulled for Nobukatsu.
I just realized that I always go out of my way to collect all the brown servants in this game. Name any brown servant and I have them. I am the brown expert of FGO.
All the counterforce servants? Both Caneises? Big Rom? Iskander? Is Atilla dark enough to qualify? What about servants with tan ascensions or costumes like Summer BB and Musashi?
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post your kuro and demiya too
i wonder who at lasagna thought that "overbearing american businessman" would sell well to a japanese audience
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My little FBI director can't possibly be this cute!
It worked with Edison.
Edison in FGO is just
>bickering with Tesla
>orbiting Helena with Tesla
>1 single interlude about colluding with Emiya to pirate other people's NP
that fat fuck anning shouldn't have a voice that cute
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Yay, finally got Aerial Drive to level 100 just in time for it to get replaced by a better CE.
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It is still good to have a wide variety of CEs,
Reminder to take this opportunity to level more of your good CEs. On JP, the olga fragment quests can be a pain if you're the sort who have been relying hard on black grail/kaleido. In particular, the blue olga quest has this annoying thing where you need to farm badges to use MC skills and to do so, you need to kill as much of the earlier waves as you can. But there's a restriction on the number of turns you're given per wave.
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I am enjoying this event and I think Super Bunyan is cute.
anning's fish stroking animation is kinda erotic
Edison also kinda has the whole "Furfag Bait" thing going for him as another factor that probably gives him a "boost" regardless of his personality and how he is written, if Sinjötli ever gets added we will see how Edison fares in the aftermath, but right now he is basically the only character in his "niche" designwise.
>casting Paris as a runaway slave
Weird choice. I guess Emiya Alter wasn't down for it.
Maybe, though I think Himiko might give her a run for her money
>Well hopefully no-one knocks any bridges later on because that might piss some burgers off.
It's okay, we already have Fujino's NP
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Liz managed to flood both New Orleans and my pants.
When is Mary Anning getting a swimsuit?
>Daikokuten changed into suits because the only other outfits they could find were lewd
Do they not know what game they're in?
They wear the lewd outfits at night for their Master. They don't parade around and show off to randos.
she lives in dorset so there's like 1 week a year she could get use of it
We'll get it for the Ryo Summer event next year.
i want to believe
they're chocolate...
How do I overcome my addiction to Kama looping?
By replacing her with Summer Melusine
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Literally me, except I have a book child gf
>Try to get the mice
>Get Nemo instead
Can't say if its a good thing, a bad thing pr just a thing
Unlucky you didn't get him in time for the last event, all that water turns him into a weapon
just as good for breeding
Nemo is worthless 9/10 times.

The remaining 1/10 he's literally God.
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If you've got a penguin, you can use her to achieve the necessary wetness to use him effectively.
>shota must be lubed up for maximal insertion
same, but my child gf is huge
I never thought I'd see the day...
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This is the first event where I'm good enough to differentiate between "good support servants" and "bad support servants" and my fucking god, I'm gonna be trimming at least half my friend's list over this shit.

The first to go will be the "1/1/1 Castoria" fuckers.
There will be a few thanks to the upcoming Castoria rateup and people showing their spoils, but anyone before that is fair game.
Sometimes I feel like playing this game again (haven't since Caster Artoria was brand new). Did they ever add a way to play events that you missed out on or is it not worth coming back?
Certain events are available for purchase using yellow cubes
IIRC these are
>Altera santa's event
>BB's event
>Paul Bunyan's event
Last year they did a halloween special to get all the Elizabeth versions
And they added Saber Lily to the free gacha
>Certain events are available for purchase using yellow cubes
There now free after reaching a certain point in the story. They're also going to add the Tunguska, Ooku, and Imaginary Scramble events down the road. Plus they're going to add a way to get old welfare servants next year.
>Nobus are literally the only strat for me to reliably 3 turn the final node
Thank God for trait counters.
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So who's everyone picking? I have most of them and don't really need any of them, so I'm getting Siegfried, since he has the most interludes and strengthen quests, so it's the most return on investment.
Maybe Saber alter, Saber Lancer, or Robutt ninja? All the others I've either already got them or don't care about them.
I know Siegfried gets pretty solid with his next strenghtening, but why him over a storylocked?

I'm undecided between Barghest and Salter.
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>Saber Lancer
Only the Alter is 4*, the regular Lartoria is 5*.
Cool, soon I'll be one copy away from getting Hephaestion to NP5.
>but why him over a storylocked?
Because I'm swimming in servants, there aren't any available servants I don't already have that I'm a big fan of or that I have a great need for their utility, so I'm not really getting any that I intend to use all that often. Siegfried has the most SQ to be made off of his quests, with two interludes with SQ rewards, and two, soon to be three strengthens, meaning 10 potential SQ, plus advancing the extra master missions, making for an overall value of 15 SQ. Plus, having a summer outfit means he have an event bonus every summer, making him more viable for me than the other servants.
Wait, shit, just realized his interludes are going to be unlocked soon. Need to recalculate.
Checked the numbers, Edison now has a slightly higher SQ value and elevated rarity of being story locked, but I'm gonna stick with Siegfried for the summer bonus, since that means I'm more likely to get bond SQ from using him, unlike Edison.
Probably Hessian Lobo. I have him at NP2 and he has a couple of banners coming up this year that im going to do some light calculated pulling on so im sure to pull tons of dupes of him if i pick him for free.
Salter or Barghest, but I hope to get the later on the Castoria banner
Oh it's Saber Lancer Alter, my bad
Too many servants I want

But as I don't have a Pretender yet maybe I should get Hephaestion. I'll probably just get UMU so I can finally have her
Headrunners are:

Yu Meiren: useless eye candy, nice animations, not likely to roll for Qin Shih Huang, will get a free Xiang Yu spook
Saber Alter: good gameplay at NP2+, will probably spin for her rateup with Meltryllis
Gorgon: no good campaigns, completes the sneks until Cooldusa
Lion King Alter: is there too
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This event’s 90+ node may be the first where I haven’t bothered with looping. Morgan clears wave 1 no problem, Penny tags her out and a support Koyan buffs/charges her to one-shot the demon, then Martha dumpsters Stheno.
Morgan and Martha both have 20% mana loading append.
I don't think what I'm doing is considered "looping" either.
>Saber Alter: good gameplay at NP2+
She has good gameplay at NP1 once her strenghtening comes.
Hephaestion is tempting, but since she's not storylocked I'll go for Saber Alter.
I'll grab NP2 Barg, everyone else I would want is already NP2+
Faker is good for farming. Having higher NP levels is a good thing.
for me it's nata
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I have Hajime on NP5 and Level 90 so i just use him to nuke Wave 2 and 3 by being buffed by my Castoria and then a Support one (Saving the NP Gauge skills for Turn 3 where i use them and the Mystic Code Buff to Hajime to be able to oneshot with his NP again) after Morgan cleans Wave 1. Im kind of a shitter though so no idea if there is a better way, but it werks.
God, arts looping with Loli-Vinci and double Castoria absolutely WRECKS that challenge quest.
I forgot to grind for Taisui Ascension mats after getting him to NP 5 bros...
And you're fucked for 2-3 years.
What's the best emulator to play this game on PC? I want Aoko!!!
>the welfare messes up looping
Very nice
>Literally 0 of the bonus-damage ST servants for this event
>My only not-shit Rider is a 6/6/6 Ushi
I have a while to try out some meme strats but I'm probably gonna have to resort to command seals for this one.
where the hells the exchange for the 4* Servant? I've done the exchange for the craft essence but I can't find the other one anywhere
Probably more since they stopped doing rerun in JP. They did a player voting in JP 3 months ago to choose which event which should get rerun but they still haven't actually do any rerun.
>try to claim items from box
>connection error happens
>Can't claim items
>leave and reopen it
>all my items gone
Shiiieeetttt still not up. Got everything else but I can’t get the da vinci exchange for it.
It might have still claimed it. Do you remember the amount you had before?
It's tonight, at the day turnover.
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Is anyone gonna be using these? I do usually forget to use up all my ap in the evening but then I'd probably also just forget to use these to save it as well.
none, and I still have none :/
Probably during dead weeks when I don't have anything to farm.
Probably, i don't think they are completely useless since they are basically just "I'll spend this AP later" resource if you don't know what you want to grind or know there is a event you would rather grind then current stuff to put the AP there, and since i got like 1269 ones and i think most anons got more i don't think it is something you really need to worry about saving.

Not super useful but they should be some QoL I know i encountered a situation in the past where the game decided to crash on my phone if i started any battle for like 2 weeks once before working again but menuing around worked fine, and these would been in handy then.
I'll use them when there isn't an event. I normally just blow some AP farming something I don't need anyway. This way I can save a bit for the next event.
uwooogh i'm multiplying...!
I'm kinda jealous
I'll use them when work gets hectic or when I don't have time in the morning or at the start of those events with three 15 minute 0AP story nodes.
i multiplied so damn much
>LVL 120 Miyu
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Oh damn. Very nice. Glad to see you're giving her a lot of love too.
Okay what exactly is the rate on Hephaestion??? Because I just got her to NP5 and only one of those copies was from pulling on her actual banner.
I can't math but i would assume:

Non-Story locked 4* so i think it should be 1.5% (Chance for a Off-banner 4* since the chance for a 4* is 3% and the chance of the Rate up 4* is 1.5% (Divided if there is more then one on the banner) divided (Im assuming a Non-Story banner with a limited) which should be like 49 (i think she is 50th non-limited 4* servant) right now?

So 0,0306122448979592% chance of getting her in a offbanner roll Single? Keep in mind that that is for a single pull and not accounting for shenanigans like guaranteed the 10 pull bonus.

As said, im terrible at maths so i could be wrong, and if that is the case i would be happy to be corrected by someone who actually knows this stuff.
Am i the only one with a weird audio bug the game sounds slower like if i apply a slow effect?
>the chance of the Rate up 4* is 1.5% (Divided if there is more then one on the banner)
It doesn't work like that.
3% for 4* servant.
Solo rateup is 1.5%, 1.5% chance for spook.
Duo rateup 1.2% for each of them, 0.6% chance for spook
Thanks for the clarification anon, as said happy to be corrected since i don't wanna disinfo on accident.
Are you a literal fucking witch? This is the second time she's spooked me since reading this post. I actually am going for 10 copies apparently.
sooo i wanted to ask.
I used my special ascension on zenobia.
Should I just restart?
It's just a instant gratification feature, yeah yoiu could have had "better" picks, but you gonna end up grinding and have Cumcubes to Max Asc basically anyone you want anyway. Bigger reason to reroll is getting a 5* you want. But if you like Zenobia, stopped your rerolling spree for Zenobia and are planning to use Zenobia and would have brought her to Max Ascension anywya then you shouldn't really feel compelled to restart because of it.
she must be terribly excited to welcome the newest members of chaldea's anti-cat club
special ascension makes like no difference in the long term
there are plenty of worse options to get a head start on than an aoe gold servant anyway
The spider is a no-goodnik, I'm SO glad I didn’t roll for her
Not really?
She's a fine special ascension target.
All it really does is bring the servant to max ascension, so you save some mats and EXP. Both of which you get plenty of eventually anyways.
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>Shuten banner
>I solemnly swore the last time she escaped me that it wouldn't happen again
>She bleeds me for nearly 400 quartz
I'm worried about securing summer ibuki now lads.
Older Wu should have been her own servant and loli Wu should have gotten the swimsuit, I personally hate when they use summer alts as a quirky way to change the proportions of the girls instead of just making a genuine alt in the first place.
nearly 400sq is just the expected cost for a rateup 5*, mathletbro...
>traum in mid-may
guess it's time to stop procrastinating on reading orlando furioso
>start orlando furioso
>my very next daily spin
well, i'll be damned
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>Admiring my Jalter-wife's new outfit
>"NP3 is beneath you me queen, let me check when your next banner is"
>"Oh cool she's getting a rank up, lemme just check and see what-"
... I have to wait until 2026 for this?
Is she a regular at Thanksgiving?
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I don't know why everyone in Japan hated this event so much. I thought it was a lot of fun.
Who’s the barney on Appmedia who recommended using stalling tactics for Koyan, Sitonai just beat the snot out of her
Well the "lottery" seems kinda shitty and it's way too long (just like the last event), but I bet they hated it because it's too western or some other stupid reason.
bunyan reminded the salarymen too much of their bosses
I wish my boss was Bunyan.
Never look up what the Japanese think, their opinion is always trash.
rats small
Goes to show that /vmg/ is unironically smarter than /fgog/
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Man, Helena needs this shirt.
chiyome is kind of metal gear coded actually
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She's pretty underrated - extremely cute, chuuni and cool.
i was wondering why the rats said that in their shop lines
explains their noble phantasms too
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So, is anybody rolling for this guy? Took me forever to find someone with him on their supports just so I could check off in my Spirit Origin list.
Doesn't look like it. Even the whale on my friend list who gets everyone to NP5 seems to have stopped at NP3.
You don't get his entry from the trial quest?
Unless they've changed it since I last checked, guest servants don't count. It has to be either yours or a support from another person.
Isn't he just a slightly better mash for romans?
Hang on lemme do a daily pull for you.
Sorry anon I tried.
>rat number 4
please benevolent bargain button bestow me with just one more within the next 2 days
>removed from QooApp
>this game is not available on your country
>Almost the entire third lostbelt is spent hyping up Qin Shi Huang
>My Jalter sends him back to the Qin Dynasty in three turns
>Removed the entirety of his second HP Bar with a single buster crit
This qt remains the best investment I've made in this game.
It's kinda sad, honestly, considering how much they're pushing him.
I think Qin Shi Huang is just a bit of a pushover, I seem to remember beating him quite easily too.
Yeah, I remember Rape Horse being more of a menace in that LB
Welfare frog shota reenacted an Ankoman doujin on those two.

On the other hand, grandpa made me realize I'm severely lacking in ST Casters.
I remember 3* Medea doing well in that fight thanks to Rule Breaker clearing his buffs before they can stack up too many NP's but he was a nightmare too.

ST Casters are hard to find a good one, I'm a big fan of my Izumo-no-Okuni though, even without support she hits like a bus with enough stars
>ST Casters are hard to find a good one,
Tittymonk has severed me well for years (she was my very first 5 star).
I remember her story support in Camelot being useful, probably also because she's the only gold servant that actually sticks around for the most part in that chapter
Birdbrain and Fluffy do ok for me, but I really wish I had Okuni.
average reaction to arriving in london
>ST Casters are hard to find a good one
actually its really easy you just choose my super illya from the all slot of my support list
I know she's not very popular but this cute witch is my ST Caster of choice.
She was my first too and she's one of my favs. Just wish getting Piguretto'd hit harder

the actual answer
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Did someone say single target caster? I just wish she had star absorb on her second skill to make it easier to use her 100% crit damage.
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So glad I can finally do anti-civilization loops.
>Only three new Lancers coming out over the next two years.
Man, they're getting fucked. In that time we'll get more new Rulers than Lancers. And more Avengers. And more Foreigners. And more Pretenders.
I feel like we already have too many lancers (or at least I do) so this is probably good.
I love barghest.
Melusine unfortunately Solved lancers so there's no need for any more
>9 Sabers
>3 Lancers
X was right.
Kriemhild tempting me from saving for Summer Wu and Skadi
Don't break, bro. I dropped 10 tickets and got nothing.
It's not worth it. I wasted a bunch of quartz and got naked man.
Why is the story suddenly pretending we don't know who Astolfo is?
I forget, did Kadock ever meet him?
I don't think so, but everyone in Chaldea is acting like they didn't know who he was until he introduced himself. Even if you don't qualify most Event content as canon, he was still in Agartha, damn it.
I was kinda bummed about it so I jerked off to him.
I assume that the purple rayshift effect mind whammied us. Else Sherlock wasn't in play for Agartha and neither was Goredolf nor Lolivinci.
Lolivinci still has Hagvinci's memories. And besides, I refuse to believe that Astolfo, of all servants, was just quietly hanging around the background and never canonically interacted with them once.
Her memories are at a disconnected level and Lolivinci also vehemently ignores ridiculous things like Nobunobus, and Astolfo definitely falls under that.
Speaking of Kadoc, did anyone else completely forget he was still around?
Somehow I got Charles and NP2 naked man before I finally got Kriemhild, such a waste.
>Roll for Kriemhild
>Get Charlemagne because I always get Sabers, especially AoE Sabers.
it is kind of easy to forget kadoc if you don't visit the sex dungeon every now and then
>stolfo shows up
>immediately starts blowing
>molests brodoc
this must be one of those french greetings i've heard so much about
Do you have any 5 stars at NP5? How much quartz it cost?
2 of mine came in around 1.1k sq, one ~1.4k, one 2.2k+, and another entirely through spooks
I had set aside 150 quartz for Koyanskaya of Dark, which got her to NP4, at which point I sacrificed my Bazett funds to get the final copy (still got the tomboy on a daily pull, fuck yeah). All around probably 350 quartz, which is insane.

Only then did I realize I had literally none of the mats needed to max her out, I still only have her at 8/8/8.
I got np5 Super Bunyan in ~600 sq
My first one was Nero summer with 400 SQ. I was aiming for the 4* but didn't get them in the end.
Next was zerker sushi with 600 SQ.
My most recent one was Vitch light and I got NP 6 in 1400 SQ.
And I only got Vitch dark NP 4 in 500 SQ.

I have a few others but those I either forgot, accumulated over a few banners, or were spooks.
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Beni. 120 quarts for NP2 on her first rate up. 8 tickets for NP3 on her second rate up. 150 quarts for NP5 on her third rate up.
>first ticket

we should trade
>mention that don quixote has something that can restore vlad from the brink of death
>has a chance of working or going terribly wrong
i can't believe i got all excited thinking we might get to see his legendary elixir, my disappointment is immeasurable
>Da Vinci summer rerun
Yay, another copy of the best Arts CE, finally
>doesn't start sucking
gudao is literally gay
wtf theyre talking about me
Nowhere near, but only been playing a year. Best I've got is an NP2 Summer Kiara
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Fucking math wizards.
Is it me or does he hit like a wet noodle in story even with all the Foreign God buffs and his Evil niche set up?
Charlie and Pals are a bunch of dorks and weirdos and I love them.
the boys are flirting
this seton guy likes talking about rats and big cheese and whatnot huh
the boys... are flirting......
Angry Anastasia reminds me of Toriel
kadoc is a good bf, faithful and chaste
my kind and gentle and faithful bf kadoc taken aback by husbandfailure siegfried talking about how hard he'd beat his wife
Between this event and the summer where she appeared Xu Fu is quickly becoming one of my favorite servants. I don't even know what it is about that dumb lesbian I like so much.
>still no orlando
this is what i get for tempting the desire sensor...
at least it isn't as bad as chunguska
Got Raikou and Summer BB to NP5, can't remember how much quartz it took. All I know is that it only took her debut and rerun banner for BB while Raikou took several banners since debut to NP5 (can't remember if I maxed her out at the Heian-kyo banner or one of those surprise Raikou banners)
To this day I still can't believe the ghost boss of Summer 5 was a fucking 3 star.
>musashi 2
yeah? then explain my ericewife
i don't get what makes matthew so popular with royalty but they can have her
big fat chebs and not a magic ghost like 99% of the other women in the series
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I got my wife Beni in the mail yesterday. She's pretty geat.
>Arrive in fifth lostbelt
>Vinci and Friends spend 20 minutes going back and forth about what great servants we rolled and how this lostbelt will be a breeze
I'm starting to worry that Camelot was the peak of this games writing.

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