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Welcome to /ic/. If you are looking to hone your creative skills, please consult these general resources:

One-Stop Beginners' Guide
The w/ic/i

And don't forget to HEED THE RULES

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What is this muscle
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It kinda does if you're buff but don't cut. And is consistent with the squareish stylization of other muscles.
that detail is irrelevant compared to the rest of the drawings of that page
nigga does a human face look like raditz's face there? dumbfuck
Saiyan Quadriceps.
>oh no the manga that comes out weekly and is stylized doesn't look like a medical journal

Last one: >>7121414
A bad sharpener will slow you down and ruin your pencils.
A good sharpener is like a fresh breath of air, such as pic.
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Looks like a pretty normal art store to me? The prices don't look crazy to me, you're just getting EU prices for European art supplies. If you look at something that's imported to Spain, like Prismacolor, the prices spike the same way euro art supplies spike in price over here.
Someone should invent refillable fineliners or constant width dip pens.
>refillable fineliners
Copic had those but they're discontinued. Honestly I don't think it's a bad idea to think about investing in fountain pens if you want fixed line widths and refillable ink.
Basically tech pens fill that niche, they have less variation than a fineliner but a) it's not that different than a felt tip pen and b) you're directly applying ink to the paper, which is why fineliner ink looks "off" sometimes. But they are a chore to maintain, however you can use tech pen ink with dip pens and refillable brush pens like the Pentel Pocket Brush with no problem. I don't reccomend fountain pens because FP ink tends to be pretty bad, it's often non archival and the ink isn't as intense. But at the end of the day... just stick to Microns. It's the cheapest and most comfortable alternative, they're perfectly good pens and you'll do good stuff with them.
They're called rapidographs, are insanely easy to break and you have to use ink specially formulated for them that's only still produced by Parker, Rotring and Staedtler and hard to find offline unless you live near an architecture school.

Is copying, and understanding, Bridgman's over and over actually valuable?
I heard some artists talking about it, what do you guys think?
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show me a sculptor who's copying bridgman twice
was about to post this lmao rekt that faggot

“Mr. John H. Vanderpoel approached nature in a direct and simple manner, his impressions faithfully recorded are examples of his understanding of the human figure of which this book is a living record. This insight into nature was the result of a lifetime of earnest, patient and persistent study. He analyzed and recorded the human figure both in mass and detail; in good taste and discriminating judgment, with a closeness to nature that has never been equaled. The features; eyes, nose, and mouth will always remain a masterpiece in art. Mr. Vanderpoel also had a clear and defined style, built up by infinite labor, as thousands of pencil drawings in existence show and illustrate his method of study. The representation of these drawings will not change with time. Mr. Vanderpoel has left behind him great and powerful influence. True art is not subject to period changes."
George Brandt Bridgman

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Bridgman was a much better teacher than Vanderpoel. He was a true educator, who knew how to get knowledge into his students. One of the tactics he used was to depict everything in line. If you've ever seen Bridgman's work, or the work of his students, you'd know they were great painters, every bit as good as Vanderpoel. But he purposefuly printed his books as pure lines and shapes only, because that facilitates better learning. Fussing over shading is a surefire way to stay permabeg. That is just one of the many high iq tactices Bridgman employed to immortalize his name among art students in the eons to come.

Vanderpoel? Vanderpoel is only used by autistic atelier fags who somehow think shiny rendering = better. just unusable for learning

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>What is /fag/?
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


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fucked the shading I think (and other things most likely like the eyes) anything of note I should change? Kinda thinking on redoing the shading but might be pointless also if a janny bans me ill be back (after the vacation lol)
based frog enjoyer
damn. I thought it was a meme that furfags were all 3rd worlders

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>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) or any off-site that hosts images for your works.

2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post child photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.

3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

>Main resources & FAQ
>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Lolicon

Yes, it is back.
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I'm curious what your clean up looks like. I've only seen you post 1px stuff.
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aw shit we're back
You should draw the Shupogaki twins Hikari and Nozomi from the famous Blue archive, Lord Snsouci.
I hear they are quite popular and I would like to see some cute and funny of them myself...

See what you can do in a set limit of time. Pic related don in about an hour and a half.
What can you do in between 1 and 2 hours? Post results here!
Get to drawin!
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Nice job friend, i hope to be able to find such clean linework in such a short time. Your shading is fairly smooth too!
Back again and this one took 2 hours. 1hour for the line work and the other for shading. I an really happy how this turned out, but i would like to be able to half the time it takes to produce a piece like this in due time. I used a wide variety of tools on this piece, not something i usually do. I have a stigma on using a wide variety of tools for some reason and i dont know exactly why. I guess it is because i feel that it is too complicated, just as i dont like to useing a bunch of layers.
I like those dramatic old movies if you couldnt tell, but i suppose i like the story that singular frames and movie posters can tell. S o much drama and passion in a single moment. Sometimes i feel more for that single second than an entire film!
That's freaking amazing work anon! Done in only 2 hours on top of that? Dude you're cruising on the GMI highway at full throttle.
Keep it up man! but don't burn out.
You really did this? This is top-tier work anon... Absolutely beautiful.
Youre too kind, friend. I appreciate it! I'll do my best not to burn out. Right now, for several years really, ive been suffering the opposite of burn out. Like I want to draw, but i just cant get the lead out and just do it. So these have felt so relieving! But thanks for the warning, I'll keep on top of it!

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>Art brings self fulfillment
My ass.
This shit is demoralizing, I've been drawing for over 20 years and I still hate my work.
But I've sunk too much time into this hobby.
I'm fucked aren't I?
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I haven't watched it either, but it's called "The Amazing Digital Circus". There's two episodes so far. I should give it a watch some time.
Creation always requires suffering.
Your pain has meaning and purpose through art. You get to suffer to create.
You get to suffer for the privilege of depicting your soul in your creation.
You get the privilege of revealing who you truly are, and others will have the privilege of looking at you and your art, commending you for your suffering, as only someone who's been in pain for two decades could create as you do.

Why not embrace it?
So disingenuous. It's only "fun" if you're satisfied with your current skill level. The only people who have fun are too ignorant to see the flaws in their work to improve.
Looks fine to me, what’s the issue?
if you arent having fun with what you do, you wont continue doing it. Those who enjoy what they do will continue, flaws or not. those who continue will get better. You will not.

If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

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Schizo anon here, if your post is used in the thumbnail, please don't be discouraged or offended, it's the natural way of things here (and if you are, then it is all the more reason to git gud - I never said any would NGMI, but the thumbnail should always reflect what these threads are about - people trying their best to make it, who are at varying skill levels)

Attempt at trying to lay in colors the same order as the original artist had done them (shit is a lot harder than grayscale):
These "character design" type of images always sorta riddle me. I can't point out what is wrong there, but something is very unappealing. I mean the face is good, quite good. The proportions are right, all the things on her are "readable". But still...
Could be the wrinkles that throw off the design? The colors used? The clothing design? I dunno. For starters I would get rid of the wrinkles, and then maybe trying to simplify the whole suit/armor/clothing design.

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Previous thread: >>7066089

What is /ALT/?
If you're looking for a place to post your cartooning then you've found the right general. This is /ic/s 1st and only merged hub where both Eastern and Western stylization can coexist peacefully, hence the double title.
>Rules & Guidelines
(1) Any form of cartooning is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others. (2) Please resize your images before posting. (3) Share your knowledge and (4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique. Most importantly, keep discussion at a civil level.
>I came for anime. Why does the image OP say cartoons general?
To distinguish from the anime study thread (janitor supported). Please post your studies there and personal work goes here.
>Community Resources
>Tag the OP if you want a resource included here.
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Simple is better, thank you
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I'm trying to get back into doing colored work, for a while lined and maybe greyscale shading are the most I did
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Critique welcome and needed

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Previous thread: >>7146185

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

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mermay good
junicorn bad
Agreed. Mermaids are so versitile, unicorns are just animals. They stand there or maybe even fly and not much else
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these challenges are too challenging :(

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do they really all have a damaged visual cortex or something?
theyr art is always ugly in this wierd samey way that i cant express into words exactly
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Because it's always the thing that everyone else is making. It doesn't come from "I want to create this", it comes from I'm doing this for asspats and praise. It's not even that this particular picture is bad, but when there's an accepted formula to being "different" in a socially acceptable way then you're predictable and boring.
Doesn't help that it's often accompanied with a smug sense of superiority, especially about something that's so fucking basic it's been done like a 1000 times before there was hair on your dad's nutsack.
Early 20th century socialism wasn't the same as wokeoid soicialism.
They would've hanged Larry Fink and Klaus Schwab already.
did i just find a patsoc outside of twitter lmao, anyway you have no idea what you are talking about.
Paint it up in whatever coat you like, it's always the same shit - a segment of the oligarchy uses the poor and useful idiots in academia/media as a cudgel to seize power and annihilate the middle class and the aristocracy, after which they go about running the country as an economic zone rather than a nation. All futurist, secular progressive ideology (this includes fascism by the way no matter how much it stings leftoids to be in such bad company) eventually repeats this cycle, and you can see it happen over and over again all the way back to the French Revolution.
the only solution is to become monks and spend all day painting and chanting
when you have all the time in the world there is no time for politics

I'm filling someone's request from last thread
Nikola Vitol Casual Poses 2 500+ jpg

download link
If it expires I can reupload

Make requests
Share what you have
Draw your pile of refs
Don't let the thread die, please!
I'll add more later if I have time.

Enjoy everyone! Make lots of art!
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Actually I couldn't find it on ehentai but just go on yandex and search hyper angle 1, 2, 3 vk
I would post a link but 4chan spam detection won't let me
did someone take a permanent marker to between her cheeks? im assuming this is from YT?
It's extremely poorly drawn underwear. Because god forbid butts and tits appear on Youtube, we can't have that!
yeah, youtube vid, proko connected

pretty depressing how corporate web censorship policies resulted in sterile art, the modern web is way worse off than the 15th century when you could paint nudity in churches as long as it was on-topic

Okay you guys must be "le old internet" larpers, because nudity has fucking never been okay on youtube. even when they said it was.

I've been trying to look for some good art servers but all of them are weird. Does anyone know any good ones?
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>Bring your persspective to your art
>paralysed woman
Sorrowful painting in shades of blue about being shackled or detained from living your full life
>paralysed man
Hot bitches with big tits... looking down instead of up
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Been a couple of years since I was in any /ic/ art servers, been in them since 2019 or so, seen servers come and go but here's some problems I witnessed before leaving

>In the past it used to be mostly normal arnons wanting to draw but the normal to schizo ratio became worse and drove most of the normal people away just leaving incredibly obnoxious/weird people, some just very unhinged
>Close to 95% of the people I first started drawing with gave up along the way, I know maybe 1 or 2 people that kept going and even then they didn't improve at a fast rate or only draw on and off
>On top of that, it feels like I wasn't seeing many new joiners, just old faces or dead accounts
>A problem for me in 2022-23 was there being too many servers with too few members to stay active.A lot of servers had overlap or the same members, with occasionally being a few different members who just didn't like the state of another server
>Just general drama or people annoying eachother caused groups to split and form other cords for no real reason. This in turn leads to people remembering said people or having bad blood and they will probably shy away from joining future cords,
>I see a lot of beginner artists or people just joining but as for artists who are a bit further along it feels like I don't see much of a community for them. You're either stuck with permabeg, genuine beginners, people who stopped growing, etc but once you move past that it feels difficult to find people on the same level.
That's not me saying I'm amazing but it's nice to be with people who are atleast comfortable with some basic things.
>People who are invested in art and are generally friendly or at least able to make friends tend to tuck themselves away in private cords and lock out new people unless they're vetted first or friends with someone else. In turn, these people stay with the same friendship group and seem to rarely venture outside of them
This applies to 90% of 4chan servers, always have an atrocious schizo retard population to the point of being unsuable. Applies to all boards. If you want to get into an art community worth being in, you have to get half decent and post it somewhere, and interact with other artists in public first.
And to further add on to this

>Pandemic most likely caused an upswing in online activity so comparatively it feels more dead compared to then
>A.I may have genuinely discouraged some people

To have a good server I really think you only a few things

1: A good sense of community. It should foster a community first otherwise it's useless. I know people complain about discords of people who just talk and dont draw but I've been in practically dead servers where maybe 1 or 2 people will post a drawing every now and then but that's it.

2: A common goal. I do think servers with people who have a common goal e.g create a comic/character deisgn/environment/concept/etc tend to have a more active community because that one thing unites them. It can be just "Improving at drawing" but most people are passionate about drawing different things and just having a fundies cord might not stir the passion in people.

3: Active but hands off mods and good leadership. Basically mods only intervene if people are breaking T.O.S but other than that, leave them be. And having a good leader or at least a group of people very committed to the server and its ideals. Without this, the momentum can drop and people don't see much of a reason to contribute.
I agree but I think it definitely got worse in the last 2 years. There used to at least be more normal or normal-ish people.

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Frankly speaking, is it worth pursuing a career in the Japanese animation industry? It seems like storyboarding, illustration, concept art, and all other art fields have dried up, in terms of work. However, the Japanese animation industry is underemployed and is constantly looking for work, to the point where they will hire translators just so they can work with foreign animators who don't speak Japanese.

I really want to make art a career for myself. I don't see a future for myself in comics or storyboarding, but animation seems like a ripe, open field. Furthermore, I enjoy drawing anime girls, and I really like watching Sakuga Mad videos on youtube. I think animation is about one of the most difficult and noble things you can do with drawing.

Has anyone else had thoughts like this? Is anyone else in the midst of pursuing a Japanese animation career? What's your thoughts on this?
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how in the fuck would you know?
>animation is one of the most difficult things you can do with drawing
I agree but unlike you i delude myself into thinking that i'm going to make it as a comic artist or a designer or a teacher or something else so that i don't have to be an animation sweatshop worker. With that mentioned i do think you can probably make it in animation as an outsourced animation sweatshop worker but it isn't going to be pretty and i'm not sure it's really worth it in the long run but it's up to you
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