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It's not helping me at all
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fucking retard. just put on a black jumpsuit, set up your easel outside of your neighbors' bedroom window, and draw then while they have sex.
my neighbour isn't married but fucks an onahole every night. Will that be the same?
the same, no, but one figure is better than none
it just gives structure to the lessons for information that has mostly been debunked as pseudo-science. despite that the exercises do work even if the science is shootty
art can be a science but its also something you have to have faith in

if you dont think something is important you won't learn it
It's absoulutely worth it OP. Figure drawing distills just about every art fundamental in to a single exercise and you can apply the skills you learn into creative art immediately.

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Previous thread >>7115012

If you're looking for a place to practice and post all sexual works, from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography, then this is the right general for you. Both Eastern and Western styles are welcomed, and encouraged.

>Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of cartooning styles are welcome; submit and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 before posting.
3) Share your knowledge, any tips are certainly welcome for all beginners.
4) Do to not be afraid of asking for critique, please be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY pornography, FURRY and BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

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A real nigga doesn't leave his back wide open.
You got distracted and now you're paying for consequences that you'll remember for the rest of your life.
You're not making it out of the hood with this mindset.
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>normalfags DO NOT pay for art
>They want it free to be able to see on their phones for 5 seconds and move on
But it is exactly the same with NSFW.
The majority of the online audience is there only to get free shit, and you are playing the lottery to get found by a minority in a niche who is willing to pay for their own specific fetishes, when the big majority is a young audience, followed by porn addicts who will just take anything and give you likes and validation so you keep feeding them more, followed by lots of grifters i.e. other "content creators/nsfw artists" who just play the hugbox game to farm numbers, followed by scrapers who will take your coom to sell merch, followed by a minority of "game developers" and an even bigger minority of commissioners.
Commissioners who commission nsfw artists are always the same people maybe commissioning a few big accounts to draw their OCs, so others will draw their OCs for free to ride that clout/trend.
It's akin to a marketing strategy:
>"Sure, i might have spent xyz amount for a comm of my OC, but if the artists share it and it starts to go viral, then other artists pick it up and draw me free shit. If it don't work, i still didn't waste money because i still got something out of it"
You very rarely see someone commissioning an artist multiple times for the same character in a short time span; wouldn't you want to have more scenarios and art of "your OC"? Go lurk OC/draw threads on other boards to get an idea.
In the end, commissioners just have superficial fetishes and they try to get people infected with it, like a fetishist stereotypically does to ultimately get more content of their fetish.

If i liked xyz, i would comm here and there so it would create a chain reaction of other starving artists trying to get in on the trend and make me free xyz shit.
If i can think of this, having no interest in getting free xyz, do you think someone who is obsessed with a fetish won't do that?
soft brush and a round brush at 30% flow with opacity and flow toggled on
new bread >>7171479

>render a picture
>it starts to look too realistic and I feel like it's alive
>set it on fire out of fear
The only art that has emotionally affected me is my own art and it's not even good. I feel no emotion when I look at other people's art.
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How many thousands of still life apples do I need to grind before my renders look realistic enough
based schizo
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>it starts to look too realistic and I feel like it's alive
This is why it is haram in Islam to draw living things. Hope you learned your lesson
they're on to something if that's true

tell me what u think or ask me questions
I made dis. :-)

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Pretty good, anon. You have a sense for pacing. I also liked the little details such as the creases the door rails made in the character's feet and the reflection of the brake lights in his eyes

The fact that the highway is a one way, people only leaving from the stand point of the viewer, none approaching. What does that mean to you?
I liked it, you do pretty good job of establishing a mood and the framing of the scenes really help
Pretty good shit anon, I have nothing bad to say about it. Let's spread some positivity today, aye?
I just like the way brake lights glow at night. Growing up next to a highway, u see it a lot and it's a strange feeling. Everyone headed in the same direction.

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You don’t get followers or likes not because of the algorithm or bots, it’s because your lack of skill and shit taste.
>post on instagram
>post on reddit during an active time of day
>1k+ upvotes
If people see my work, they like it. People don't see my work on instagram.
>another social points thread
you guys are pathetic.
Oh because insta gutted photos
Engagement unless you buy ads for it and need to post reel. Just bitch about having no followers or beg for some and you’ll gain 10k in 2 weeks as long you made the post in reels.
I don't have social media you dumb faggot
>Oh because insta gutted photos
so you admit the algorithm plays a significant role in your follower count lol

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>0 Thread for people who are interested in OC discussion and sharing. DO NOT post work expecting fills or hoping to get returns.

1. Art trades should be directed to the Verified Art Trade thread.

2. Critiquing designs, lore, and writing of characters and character designing are welcome.

3: Avoid off-topic discussions and DO NOT respond to bait posts.

4: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

Previous Thread: >>7050249
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i think i've drawn these 2 before
All of them
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Dude, there a kids
I know, right? ToT

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Is there an art course or book that shows how to shade like the GOATS but in digital? When I use fountain pens and map pens on paper, it's not hard. When I try to do it in digital I don't know what the fuck to do to get same results. In fact, mangaka who do digital art have dogshit shading.
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>just like toriyama
>toriyama is shit at storytelling
...in the opposite dimension.
this entire thread is retarded. its called rendering not shading. older mangaka used ink and zippatone/toner packs for everything. modern shitters use clip studio and blender and similar programs for it. some do mix of trad and digital. for soem artists theyll render with copic for grey tones or if doing color pages. others bust out gouache or water color.

the issue with modern digital versions is they arent even inking the hatching or other lines. its all with digital brushes so you get the same look and generic linework with no variations. across so many no talent 3d tracers, it blends together and gives the modern shit look to all manga. the lack of imperfections in the linework and hatching is the major imperfection of modern manga. it also leads to the faux amateur look gege and chainsaw guy do. they are blatant 3d models and objects for everything but the chicken scratch lines and shit looking art let people forgive it somehow. like they believe its just bad artist and not deliberate shitter.
>this entire thread is retarded.
>Reply is nothing other than regurgitated advice from previous posts in the thread.
>Somehow manages to get the information wrong anyway.
Rattoreipā X 2099 (Rat Raper X 2099

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Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.

Some free resources


Might as well check archives and active /ic/ threads for references.

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Beg here, why have I not seen anybody on /ic/ ever mention Richard Smitheman b4? I've tried a bunch of different approaches to get my figure drawing to be competent but his method was by far the most informative to capture both gesture + anatomy.

I do think you have to learn some of the fundamentals else where but once I felt ready for figures, his livestreams did wonders
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I should do more gestures/ short figures
Seeing some really nice figures here in pencil, am I punishing myself with pen at the cost of being more dynamic?
Maybe I just need to get bigger balls.

thankyou, I like how you iterate most of them, looks pretty effective
1m to 15m. I'm being able to do so much with the time that I think my next step is thinking of finding the most attractive sections of figures and doing more work in them, proportions are sliightly off but shouldn't be too hard to correct
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doodlin' while watching the 5th element, tough to draw on the couch. Went back today and filled in some blank spaces.

I never really took a course, kinda just cobbled together different lessons from all over the palce. Proko, Hide, Hampton, randoyoutuber69420, sinix, etc. looks like you're going with hampton, let us know how it goes!
nice studies
lookin' good!
these are good sessions, maybe take a little time after each one, and do some takeaways. like, "I learned this today"
never heard of Smitheman, I'll take a look. thanks for sharing.
I like some of those faces! I use all kinds of pens/pencils. Don't give yourself arbitrary rules on what you have to use.

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Finally managed to draw some timed gestures again

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Can someone explain how people complain about calarts then go around enjoying something like pic related? Both styles are kinda just ugly copy n past slop to me
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I still find it retarded how genshin has 8 characters with a loli body type, but no male equivalent
This man understands.
the mc and their boyfriend both have aids. I am not even joking
the people complaining about calarts are not the same people who play genshit. The retards that enjoy this nuweeb shit are the other side of the coin of calartsfags. Once again, both sides are retarded and I'm right.
They really did him dirty holy shit

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No /TRAD/ general? Aight, this will be the trad general. Post your recent trad artworks/WIPs in this thread.

I will begin. Will really appreciate critiques.
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It's a commission for a Catholic church.
Even if it is for study, it is still good to make a large piece. In the pursuit of excellence.
Looking good!
THat lock of hair comming out of his sideburn instead of behind the ear is kinda weird but it's all pretty clean.
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too dark but still great
You're great with contrasts, everything really pops.
Looks great! I personally enjoy painting animals and little landscapes in watercolor (probably because one can be a bit more "sloppy"), but struggle with portraits.
I didn't catch the little girl on the path the first time I looked at it, and Im jealous of your contrast control. It is both technically good, and fun to look at as well.

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The truck has a ballsack?
It's a fine balance that I have not found yet.
It's new; Trump is known to wear diapers, so his supporters are trying to embrace it with t-shirts and other paraganglia.
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Add something about being proud to be circumcised

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Post art channels that actually teach you how to draw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii0BiZIykh0
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You know the difference between Japanese cartoonists and cocksuckers like you, that Japanese artists highly value their country and their industry, unlike you, who dedicate yourself to criticizing and tearing down the West.
You are worse than a crab, you are literally an idiot.
You are literally seething right now
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>You are literally seething right now

stop projecting
didn't know that meme was still around on the internet, brings back memories.

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For oil painting, how the FUCK do I replicate daylight lighting?
>paint at night
>"it's beautiful"
>next day see it with natural light:
>smudged trash

I can't stop painting at 6pm, I wake up at 2pm.

How do you explain the stylization of this nigga?
Don't we already have two threads nearly identical to this one up?
he wrote a book about it "The Silver Way"
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Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro, One by Wacom

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite

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Worth it for the rotation.
yeah, I'm just so pissed that theu're not even trying to hide it with the
>oh it only works with the New Product and you're gonna have to buy it again because uhhh thats just how it is okay
This is the same shit they pulled with the hover being only on the m2 pro
By succumbing to this shit you are only perpetuating the cycle.
Oh no, don't worry I am not buying this shit. If I do, it'll be years down the line, and I'll buy it used on ebay or something.
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>device-exclusive cable I was using went under(huion 3-in-one cable and power outlet)
>mfw looking at delivery time its gonna take the same as buying anything new since its straight out ching-chong land

Anyway how's the kamvas 20? Considering going for that one since its an upgrade over my current one(kamvas 16) and weirdly shares a similar price in my country's amazon store

Also what do you do with old but working tablets? Selling sounds like a hassle but throwing it away seems like a waste of good electronics

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