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For stupid questions and questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies.
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why not just learn color theory? that way you can just put the cool colors down without any fancy digital stuff
I made a Twitter account, now what?
now you sit back, kick your feet up, and watch the numbers climb, baby! joking aside, if you want specific advice, you should specify why you're even on twitter/what exactly your goals are.
I guess I'm basically trying to dip my toes into the social aspect of art and get my stuff actually seen by people outside of some discord servers.
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Photoshop just decided to stop letting me copy transparent images off of chrome. They appear in a black background now. Pretty sure I could drag and drop them before. God I fucking hate photoshop.
Is there any solution that would let me regain the basic ability of copy and pasting or am I just fucked forever? Theres solutions online that tell me to copy the link and place embedded but it sounds like a drag, I just want to copy/paste again. Fuck photoshop.

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Has drawing with any of your artist friends rubbed off on you?
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i used to have artist friends irl when i was in high school but all of them quit doing art. is it possible to find actual artist friends online?
give us your blog
normies cannot believe it's possible to not have friends
The absolute state
I miss my draw friend
im the farthest thing from a "normie" and even I have like 2 close friends.

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What resources and guides that can help you learn shape language? Pic related is one of them.

What else is out there that teach shape language?
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The woman's face is barely even a triangle, it's completely stupid pseud pinterest-core hog-slop. Triangles have no inherent subjective value, they're merely geometric primitive forms. They only gain symbolic, cultural, or subjective significance in a specific context. For example, triangles COULD symbolize a dangerous pointy villain character, or they could suggest the opposite - a little wispy, thin wimp. All depends on the design and what is placed next to.
I hate this slop because it makes idiots feel like they're learning something when they're not.
Please tell me how this arbitrary, rhombus, is meaningfully different from "oval" in the same "tutorial." This tumblrnigger just made up some shit full of grammatical errors and 75000+ people just swill it down.
I think most discussion on /ic/ surrounding shape language fall into the same problems as those about composition, golden ratios, or even threads by that one guy who keeps trying to pimp triangles - you are describing things that are naturally emergent, which don't require planning to arrive at. You're working backwards from an answer that you assume is unique, when it is only one among an infinite multitude.
What makes shapes work (or not) relies on the fact we have a far greater ability to extract information like weight, perspective, force, and direction, purely from shapes and silhouette than we realize. That's because we've been observing shapes in the real world from the moment we are born. We are innately equipped to understand concepts like perspective and balance, even when we can't readily translate that understanding into a drawing on paper. You know when a person is closer or further away from you purely from silhouette. You know when a person is about to fall over, even from a still photo. But most people can't draw that.
Shapes have no meaning in a vacuum. They work when they give you a sense of weight and perspective and action, all of which change that shape. In order words, designing a proper shape means you understand those concepts, and how they change the shape of an object. Study those things, and use them to arrive at a proper shape.
I think at some point, design manuals and art books must have been rather measured in their theory - use contrasts in shape and exaggeration of forms to distinguish characters, something like that. But in a game of mentally retarded telephone, the original advice has been corrupted into "triangles = evil, intelligent, perceptive." Then again, designers can be retarded with their theory too.
Really the best practice is to just stop saving tutorials that originate from tumblr.

What is this? That triangle in >>7171423 is reaching beyond belief.

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what do you call this artstyle?
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soul generation vs souless zoomer generation
noseless zoomerjak
mspaint meme core
Hold on, am I soul and you're souless, or am I souless and you're soul?
Depending on your answer, I'm coming to your house to either kiss you on the cheek, or kick you in the nuts.
>’gagement scribble
>MsPaint punk
>softcore contra
>skrunlee monkey
and best of all, “creatively bankrupt nigger faggot”

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total furfag death

>What is /fag/?
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


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The more I think about it the more I realise That the "sinister" panel is a pretty bad idea. Will definitely change it.
>supposed to be the last pages
s'all good, we all have our boundaries.

>That the "sinister" panel is a pretty bad idea
I think if you tone down the intensity it'll do you wonders. I hope I'm not overstepping bounds with a suggestion, but maybe take a few of panels to show him getting up, her reaction being confused or ashamed about to pull away, then he pulls her in for the kiss in the catbox page?

I will say that your comic is very well done, anon. do you have a blog or anything to follow? Would be great to see more of your stuff.
>I hope I'm not overstepping bounds with a suggestion
Definitely not, I got additional feedback from another board and I also had to explain the intent behind the panel, so there has to be some kind of change. It seems clear that most people will not get it in the current state.
As for your suggestion, I kinda want him to do it apruptly to set a contrast in relation to the rest of the comic, where anon is just overall really passive, so I'll have to convey it in a single panel. And also because I'm too lazy.
And don't feel bad for suggestin stuff. It just shows that you care, which is cool.

Here is my blog:
Post the Gardevoir.
Also the guy you’re talking about is 100% correct. Spainish artists are an unobtainable goal
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Finally done with this drawing!

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What's the point of being good at drawing if others can't understand what you just drew?
wow what a shitty thread
's fun
others only means you, I understand anon.
If other people can't understand your drawings then you are not good at drawing

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Is the anime style becoming more and more accepted in the American Comics industry? If I want to make a living as a penciller, is the anime style a viable thing? Also, is it possible to make a good living penciling and inking comics for publishers that aren't the Big 2?

I heard horror stories of anime-style comic artists unable to find work in the early 2000's, but surely things have changed now, right? Anime is quite literally the most commercial art style that exists. I find it hard to believe people aren't accepting of it, even now, in comics.
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Reminds of when Jim Lee drew Goku on stream and half the chat was chimping out about how he wasn't copying Toriyama's style.
>Marvel is the industry
Top kek. Marvel is a shuffling zombie only still around because of inertia. Only a fool would go to work for them or DC.
Who are the up and coming stars?

Please don't say webtoons...
There really isn't any, although Dark Horse and Image have been gradually eating away at the Big 2's market share, but normies are completely unaware of them. Manga currently dominates comics sales in the US.
rerolling until you are born japanese in japan is the meta

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Moai drawing: Continuation thread
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Unfinished but U+1F5FF
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did i dood it
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Not sure if I should make the crab on the right less humanoid.
It's interesting that an artist (perhaps op) makes more Moai art in other threads, but doesn't them back into this thread. >>7168895

Not that I really care, it's just my way of bumping this thread.
Some Moais remain guarding this thread, while others are out to explore and colonize foreign threads

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For lack of a better thread, fuck it, I'm just gonna post my own doodles. Don't like it? Whatever, the thread can just die. Got questions about these fantasy characters and wanna see what they can do? Ask and I'll doodle some poses.

Here's one, she lives in a city in a time equivalent to our late 80s-early 90s. Can't figure out her fuckin name, so for now it's "Skunk". Yeah, really. She has many enemies and frustrates those who work with her because her motives are unclear, her motto is "Trust, then Truth". She's seen what can happen to someone who knows something they shouldn't, even accidentally. In a city full of organized crime syndicates running the place and the use of lie detectors, knowledge always has the potential to be dangerous.
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Florence, the eerie king of Hemelia and the one who helped to create giant inhabitable clouds that have caused so much suffering. His cape has many magical spells within it that can be cast, and flowers even bloom from his cape and in the grass in his wake.
ngmi, due to bad taste
Cool design! It should be too silly, but it somehow works and looks actually badass. Can you tell us more about Swanson or is he meant to stay mysterious? What's the idea behind those characters anyway, are they for a comic?
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Swanson's a guy who's just exhausted. He's been king for nearly forty years now, and all the while he's been trying to keep a kingdom running on exhausted coffers, pilfered by the former king and those who made out like bandits after that former king had a debilitating stroke. Swanson navigates around sanctions and other things damaging to his country with the help of a natural resource that could very well support the world's first ever flying machine. Swanson has won people over with his calm, stoic and focused demeanor, not at all like the last king. He's kind, even if he doesn't show it with his face. And he hopes that this flying machine will be his ace in the hole to prevent his kingdom from getting cut up like a cake for the others waiting for it to collapse.

He walks with a limp because when the stroke-addled king, in his sole act of selflessness and pride for his kingdom, declared Swanson king before dying from another stroke. Others who were hopeful really didn't like that, so they attacked Swanson in the middle of the knight, with one injuring his leg so bad it looked like it was going to have to be amputated.

He's 7'1" and nearly sixty, so while he moves slowly, he's decked out with plenty of magical relics that give him mobility and insane power. His gestures are slow and measured.

Glad ya like the design - I can't be bothered to take the designs too seriously, I do want an element of whimsy to everything.
Love the shapes and expressiveness in your characters. Cool stories too. I would love to read a comic with these guys.

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Be sure to bother patch about registration to put your art in:

Post-free dice rolling tool that you'll ignore:

Previous Thread: >>7105679
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Hmm somehow i didn't have to add too much
r o l l l l

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Any terrible experiences/stories of past or current clients?
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artist should just draw private pieces if he's incapable of following through with a commission.

Hope that he, at least, didn't charge.
you could if you weren't a coward
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>that pic
Never happened cause I'm always in constant contact with my clients updating them with WIP pics just so something like this -doesn't- happen.

The only terrible experiences I've had with past clients is when they ask for something super fetishy or downright fucked up, which I decline and either we do something more tamer or it's cancelled outright. There was this one guy who wanted a discount because he's the same ethnic group as I am (Sikh), I just ghosted him.
wait he said "do you ever wish you could just" which means he didn't actually DO it
anyone with client facing jobs occasionally wants to reach through the screen and strangle the client, that's just the nature of the beast. This is a nothingburger
Yet another example of some moron who can't communicate. He couldn't have just made a suggestion to the client first?
Or as >>7171147 had said, show them a sketch first? This person is an example of a shit artist to hire for a commission.

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Submit your art here, and during the next few hours two artists will be redlining your work live on Picarto! We'll be in a voice chat together, so you'll be hearing two perspectives!
Keep it respectful. :^)

-featuring Marmalade Mum and Apuru-kun

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FUCK i completely missed the stream! Thanks for the redline regardless! I don't suppose anyone remembers the tl;dr of what was said about this? Sorry again, something came up and I couldn't be there for it.
Basically she said that having a ref photo was more than enough to get this pic right. Just place the drawing on top of the photo and see what's "wrong" about it.
She did praised how you did the nose. It wasn't much to fix honestly.
Yo, isn't advertising/begging against the rules?
She said you need to study the reference better. Something along the lines of "did he even look at the reference?"
I wasn't trolling by the way I genuinely wanted the pic because it was funny ( ._.)

>Animation Thread Discord

>51 exercises to try

>basic programs


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a daring synthesis!

looks good! in the near future he might need a slightly better "stop walking" animation to make it seem more natural.

getting there! If the layers allow it I might even angle the arm higher so that the two frame shake has more impact.

this I did as because I was bored and wanted to try two weeks ago. For the last few nights I've messed around on a pocket-sized sketch pad to try again and be a little more "ambitious." I realize that I really need something that helps me trace like a light board because keeping things looking the same every frame is actually really tough, lol. This is just a short scene of someone waking up to go to work. I might try to add more little loops like this, a small-term goal is to get to one minute of 'animation'

Also it's total craziness to try and draw a whole scene one at a time, what was I thinking?

(also, I didn't realize I needed to clean the scanner, that smudge really bothers me)
>zurbrigg Keyframe Pro v1.15.1 (x64)-fixed.zip (41 MB)

Video editor with frame-by-frame playback. Installation instructions included. The crack dlls may set off your virus protection so you may need to add exceptions/restore the files.
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how is it going so far?
Thanks a lot, anon!
Just wanted to post my first ever animation without any training

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Umha and Lucy. Do you like their design, would they be easy to animate? Some have said Lucy's eyes are offputting; like staring into a void.

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>dont polish a turd
>finish your drawings
Can someone elucidate this for me?
I spend 30 hours on beginner exercises in the sticky book keys to drawing
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Yea pretty much this, sketching is most of the intellectual effort and the stage where your skill is most important, inking is a good deal less, and rendering is a good deal less still, while each of those steps also takes progressively more time. If you ink and render every single thing you ever do, you're going to learn very very slowly, because you're just not actually drawing that much.But if you never ink and render, you'll be incapable of producing anything that looks complete.

As an absolute beginner, you really should just worry about sketching, but don't wait too long to start doing finished peices. As soon as you're capable of making stuff that isn't pure scribble you should be doing them occationally just as a skill bench mark if nothing else.
Finishing is a like a song with an overall good composition. Polishing a turd is like having a guitar solo that never fucking ends and overstays its welcome, and dominates your song.
crab, you're the reason tis board is dying.
>Im not sure if it is the most efficient way to practice
it is, and it applies not just in drawing but everything else, you start with the easy ones to grasp your fundies well BEFORE moving to more complicated stuff. I had to enlarge the photo to understand what I'm seeing
How should I practice sketching? quickly? deliberately? How do I get the most out of it

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