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Any terrible experiences/stories of past or current clients?
If you don't like the client's idea, why even accept the commission?
Do what you're paid for or I'll just train a lora on your entire art gallery and gen it myself. Me paying you is a favor, not a requirement.
Just show him the sketches first, geez
If its something your personally dont like you can say you can set it up to be edited easily by another artist and anything changed after the intial transaction is none of your concern as long as youre not credited.
If its illegal, say you wont do it because its illegal or can cause reason of suspicion.
sorry, i cant spell for shit today.
I dont mind doing it, but I cant post it on my page and increase my numbers with pictures of zelda turning into a horse
This. If you retards dont do this then ngmi
Redpill me on scatfags
Could be talking about a client at his job. Can't just refuse a client that your boss is giving you.

Also for artists who this doesn't apply to it's the same reason you work a job you don't like. Money is necessary to survival. Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.
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>Take commission Idea you don't like
>Not do said idea of the client, who paid money for it, cause its "bad"
>Thinking you are in the right
artist should just draw private pieces if he's incapable of following through with a commission.

Hope that he, at least, didn't charge.
you could if you weren't a coward
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>that pic
Never happened cause I'm always in constant contact with my clients updating them with WIP pics just so something like this -doesn't- happen.

The only terrible experiences I've had with past clients is when they ask for something super fetishy or downright fucked up, which I decline and either we do something more tamer or it's cancelled outright. There was this one guy who wanted a discount because he's the same ethnic group as I am (Sikh), I just ghosted him.
wait he said "do you ever wish you could just" which means he didn't actually DO it
anyone with client facing jobs occasionally wants to reach through the screen and strangle the client, that's just the nature of the beast. This is a nothingburger
Yet another example of some moron who can't communicate. He couldn't have just made a suggestion to the client first?
Or as >>7171147 had said, show them a sketch first? This person is an example of a shit artist to hire for a commission.
I mean if it's a commission, and you accepted their commission, you deliver their commission if it's still within your scope no matter how retarded it sounds like.
this is how some of the best art in the history of art was made.
shut up. retards. you don't know anything about real art. vision comes first.
The artist (illustrator) is just a tool to realize the vision of the client (artist)
They eat shit
Race traitor
based traitor
did you retards not read the picture, twatteruser is saying he WISHES he could do it, not that he has ever done that.

i WISH i could break my boss's nose, but i don't need a snobby little lecture from the unemployed bottom feeders here about how that would be a bad idea. because i haven't done it.
You don't HAVE to draw anything
Just get a real job
Breaking your boss's nose IS a good idea
Wait for societal laws to collapse before you do though
>I gave you a pass on your sketch
>I gave you a pass on your lineart too
>But this is not what I imagined, also I came up with additional stuff while you were working.
>Of course I mention this only after you delivered the piece, and already working on your next comm.
Here you go: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Hy8kmNEo1i8&pp=ygUNaSdtIGEgc2NhdG1hbg%3D%3D
These fags feel like control opposition that appeared out if nowhere. They pretend to oppose AI slops while act like faggot all the time. Normal people and artist never got promoted by Twitter like then.
Feel like those "Faggots for Palestine' to make anti Israel look like faggots.
The person said they wish they could do it
Not that they regularly do it


The paraphilia of the internet will never cease to both amaze and gross me out
ive had one picky autist, but i dont care very much besides firing them
The only commissioner moment I hate is when you finish a drawing and suddenly they ask for complex alts. "OH can you make <alt that will take 3 hours>??" and then they start arguing with me about how its technically part of the second alt even though it is literally additional work that will take up time I've allocated to other clients already.
>be shota artist
>client wants me to draw my self-insert OC banging his anime girl OC
>charge up the ass
>happily pays up front
>start his comm, main idea is pretty basic
>get really into it, have a ton of interesting and fun interactions between both OCs
>original comm is just two pictures but client says he doesn't mind if I do my own thing with his OC as long as the main pictures get done
>end up making five pictures because why not, it was a lot of money
>deliver each picture to the client, he's very satisfied
>then he drops this fucking sentence:
>"I'll definitely let you have some more fun with my gal in the future, you're such an eager boyslut"
That's the only time I have felt like a client touched me inappropriately
get what you fucking deserved, shitstain
quintuple keks
Sometimes for money, other times it’s for publicity. The best client is one that offers both. Like doing book covers. Getting paid to do something, and having your art shown off to the world is a win-win.
I’ve worked with some clients that are really stupid and think the sketch is the literal final product. Or they can’t even imagine what the final product will look like based on just the sketch
So one time when I managed to get into Artist Alley at New York Comic Con, I had a customer who worked at BYU who was going around commissioning artists “what does Mormonism mean to you?”. He paid me my most expensive commission price I was offering at the time. I basically just did a collage of the few things I knew about Mormons— the angel Moroni, a missionary, portraits of Brigham Young and Joseph Smith, a cup of coffee with the circle-backslash symbol on it, etc. I never got to take a photo of it, but I probably wouldn’t upload it anyway because it’s not something I would usually draw. It paid well though.

I also know “soaking” is a thing among Mormons, but I didn’t think it would be appropriate since the guy was planning to hang the artwork at the university’s library lol

Some of the other drawings other artists did though were pretty cool. One comic artist did a scifi looking piece of a man and woman ascending into space to their own planet. Another did a cartoon of a missionary running away from a house because a lizard person opened the door.
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> t. main character syndrome haver
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cute boyslut <3
You disgusting whore.
This is also the power fantasy that twitch chat and gaymers have when they have absolutely no power whatsoever.
lmfao you got owned lil bro
like you've ever paid a random freelancer anything
>artist got molested by client
many such cases
perfect image and perfect story
My first ever client fucking ghosted me for 2 weeks.
Granted, he payed up front for some reason, but I couldnt just get away with the money without knowing if he was satisfied or not, BECAUSE HE DIDNT SAW THE FINISHED ORDER.
nigga he's scamming you how gullible are you?

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