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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

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Post your 4x4

Pavement Princesses and Mall Crawlers allowed. Blog posting encouraged. AWD ≠ 4WD. Do you have a solid front axle, or are you an IFS larper?
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>working sober
That's depressing to hear desu. :(
life is pain but we have jeeps and guns to make it better
You're talking about this truck?
You could have that thing doing Fordyce for $5k, what do you think the limitation is?
>You could have that thing doing Fordyce for $5k, what do you think the limitation is?
there's no point trying to modify Toyotas when building jeeps is cheaper and parts are easier to get
also the 22r was absolute trash, first thing I got rid of was that engine
IDK man, XJs aren't cheap like they used to be, and yeah it's a little easier/cheaper to build a mildly capable XJ than Toyota Truck but not by much. For doing actually hard trails like Fordyce and whatnot I promise you the Toyota is the best budget option.

Post your Hondas
Talk about Hondas
Put loud exhausts on Hondas
Reply to every troll about Hondas

Need help identifying a chassis?

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That's the car, It's a car I'm keeping until I fall on the floor and die, so I'm saving up over $3000 to have paintless dent removal done and repainted silver in the style of factory, where they lay down the metallic silver, and then shoot a nice clearcoat over that.
>That's the car
That's the goal***
Sounds good. Definitely post pics after it's painted.

I was actually going to buy a 7th gen but all the ones that I saw were trashed, I even found a MT one but it needed way too much work and the owner was trashy. The 8th gen is a little bit to boat hueg for my liking.
>all the ones that I saw were trashed
Yeah unfortunately 7th gen Accords are kinda at the end of their lives in terms of cheap used car, people just neglect it to shit, and only ones that people put money into maintaining are gonna live long lives, I will paint mine and eventually take it to Japanese classic car shows when 2000s cars hit the lawn, a nice mechanical condition non shitbox 7th gen Accord is almost rare to see.
I'd say it's outright rare at this point. I want to save up and buy and maintain a couple 2000s cars that I like, too, until they become classics.

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I think that we should reduce all highways by one lane to make congestion a bigger problem and make driving an all-around worse experience for everybody involved
Based and democratpilled
All US freeways/highways should have tolls.

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My only criteria is that a motorcycle can fit in the back of it (don't mind if the tail sits down to make it fit).
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Why is every honda a fwd unibody piece of shit and why do they have to get shilled incessantly in completely unrelated market segments
The ridgeline was purpose built for what you need OP.
Anon, W115 predates widespread luxury car leasing, those things are bulletproof
Ridgeline gets marginally better fuel economy than a same year F150 (I compared 2010 for both). It will ride better due to IRS. The F150 does not have a hidden trunk under the bed.
I don't have a need to shuttle kids to the gender clinic most days, sorry.

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Really want to get one of these second hand as a daily driver.

>it's slow!

Don't care. I don't drive fast anyway. Any other reasons I shouldn't get one?
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That dude was a tard. The car flashed every warning light it had at him telling him to stop and he kept trying to race the damn thing till he trashed the engine. Not only that he filmed himself doing it and then wondered why the warranty didn't cover it.
36mpg in a RWD car isn't inefficient, anon

>blows up if you abuse it like a retard
But anon, you missed one important detail, unlike you I'm not retarded. So mine doesn't blow up on the track.

>moving the goalposts
Anon, you've already proven you're retarded, you don't need to keep convincing me.
>36mpg in a RWD car isn't inefficient, anon
it is if it has to be underpowered to do it. the GR doesn't get that mileage whilst trying to make competitive power.
>Just don't be retarded and make right turns and it won't blow up
>moving the goalpost
where? you haven't even posted proof of the original goal.
Because the Miata is better and the engine won’t blow up at 100K miles.
on /o/ a naturally aspirated 2.4 4cyl making 100hp/liter is underpowered

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why dont europeans make a full size, body on frame truck? The japs did it and japan is more densely populated than europe, so theres no excuse for europeans to also make one, even if just for the american market
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Only if you're a poorfag that gets a p0420/p0430 code and ignores it forever
Lmao the titan was an abysmal heap of shit, less reliable than fordshit.
Tundra and Chevy pickups are the only two brands worth buying.
>OP pic

I don't blame Epstein.

White women are only good from 16-25
a fucking subaru is more reliable than any 5.4 lmao
Europe cities and roads are too small, it make no sense to have a truck here.
Only niggers, nafris and retarded boomers would buy them anyway, professionals would keep their old reliable utilitarian than can fit in a garage.

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I now automatically associate this car with mentally unwell uppity stat sheet racers
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>he conveniently left out mentally unwell
what's mentally unwell about a guy associated a car with what he commonly hears about it?
>he coped so hard that he developed dissociative identity disorder
Real talk though, here's a (you) for your trolling. Now go away.
holy fuck these threads have been cancer lately
Like I've said. the camaro buck broke this board.

I drive a Model 3. If I disconnect the low speed noisemaker speaker thing what are the potential consequences? Say the unthinkable happens and I run over a blind guy can he sue me saying that the lack of noise contributed to the crash? I see no precedent for this after a quick search.
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I drive an electric BMW and my car doesn't play anything inside, I also can't hear the sound it plays outside either
Pls just change it to something cool
t. Visually retarded anon
>I drive a Model 3
You're gay
Yes you can hear it from inside the car.
t. I get a lot of them in for alignments because there's a Tesla certified body shop down the street from me
>get a lot of them in for alignments
Before or after they hit blind pedestrians? Asking for a friend but this is very important.

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Why do people keep going for the Corolla when the Camry is clearly a better car in every way?
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Why go for any of these when a Tundra is a better car in every way?
That's probably it
RAV4 hybrid LE is the new npc mobile.
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Based. 'ate cheap interiors, 'ate 'yota, simple as.
Usually the point of compacts is to target a lower price bracket, but the manufacturer goes beyond that and cheapens out on quality as well as size.
I wish there were a way to get an E segment interior in a B segment car, but it's just not doable. You either size up or put up with shittier quality all around. Notable exception would be some French cars in the 90s, see ZX (pic related).
It was simpler than the Xantia and XM but wasn't worse. It's an interior you'd want to be in. Unlike the atrocious interiors on lower end Toyotas which seem designed to convince you to buy the bigger car, not because it's better but to get away from the lower ones.
Probably has at least a little bit to do with all those Camrys that kept killing people a few years back

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I could buy one tomorrow should I do it
>t. 30 yo boomer
>t. would get in black
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Do it.
I'd probably do the Premium, but the TR is cool if that's what you want.
I almost bought a WRX but decided on a GR86 instead.

The wrx manual gearbox sucks in traffic. Subaru CVT has a lower launch gear, higher overdrive and every ratio in between, whereas the 6 speed is only just right at speeds over 70 Mph and even then its spinning too fast cruising at 80 Mph in 6th
Sounds like a lot of anti-fun bullshit to me.
If you don't have to consistently haul multiple family members, then you made the right choice.
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what is the obsession in the car community about lowering your car ?
i am against it.
it just feels stupid like, more dangerous. and less serious. like some kind of stupid joke cause you are real low to the ground. i dont get it. i was just in a real low honda the other day and i was like this is just dumb.
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The wheel should be concentric with the wheel well. Top looks about right, bottom looks like jorge needs new springs.
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/o/ loves to say lowered cars are ruined and anything truck related must be a mexican.
lmao, that fucking hack job. At least let someone with steady hands do it.
you have no tools, if you did you'd post em
There's degrees of lowering. Slammed/bagged is extremely lowered, for spic looks with total disregard for performance.

Gentlemen I present to you the Mitsuoka Buddy a Japan only body kit for the Rav 4. What do you guys think of aftermarket body kits? How badly do they destroy a car's resale value? How retarded would I be to try and get the Buddy body panels imported and make a pseudo K5 Blazer out of a Rav4 Prime?
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CalStage Bukhanka, Subaru Sambar
I think you're correct

a lot of them have insane daddy issues so actually it fits
i fucking love mitsuoka

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>Nürburgring and its consequences have been a disaster for the car-making race
Do you agree with him?
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fix the latter*
Sorry, I'm no english major.
Just don't leave it sitting long enough for the fuel to dry up in the bowl
Can't forget to do that also because of corn gas turning to gelatin.
Yeah, Geely bought them, but have been pretty hands off. The build quality is still good in my experience, though like any other manufacturer they'll make duds. They've been having problems with their TCAM electronics module, especially in their EVs, and the hardware for their Android-based infotainment was generally underspecced until recently. The twincharge I4 engine that they were using is a pile of shit, while the others are horribly underpowered. Moving away from their nice I6s to overstressed 4-bangers was a mistake, but Europe gonna Europe

As for Polestar, I tried a Polestar 2 out and it felt like a coffin inside, and the materials quality is mediocre because they're all-in on using recycled shit. The leather upgrade helps a bit, but it's definitely not up to par with older Volvos
yeah it looks nice, but honestly, i'm still kicking myself for waiting too long on one that used to be owned by the army of all things. it had a really cool army green paint too. previous owner already overhauled the engine to run on unleaded, and it had a radio and passenger mirror too. this car needs all three kek.
thanks again, i'll definitely get an avs2 with electric choke. im sure it'll be a nice bump from whatever 2 barrel carb is in there. my primary concern is being able to just turn the key and go every time, ive only ever owned 90s EFI toyotas so far, so it's a bit of a jump going to a 60s fuckhueg carbed v8.

>what if you couldn't go faster
who came up with this shit?
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>our greatest F1 driver got shit on but we beat a nascar driver that's like 75 from the best so its like we got vengeance!
lmfao! eurocuck desperately trying to save face.
chicanes are fun as fuck on public roads though
this guys voice is annoying
He's a kiwi m8
They always sound like gay annoying faggots and they usually are too.
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>what about (issue)?
>ah well clearly this is all about the Americans!
rent free lmao

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