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the guy who's cock is in your mouth.
I owned a 2008 yaris 3 cylinder back in the day. Best car I ever owned. Small outside. huge inside. 20km/l
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had a honda fit which is one of the greatest cars ever created. the manual transmission made it feel like a gokart and took multiweek camping/hiking/climbing trips in it without any issue of storage. sure it could have been faster but that is not the point of the fit. honestly all it really needed was the honda element interior/butterfly doors and it would have been perfect.
i love my 08 yaris
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compact utilitarian hatchbacks are ludo kino now that the XXL safetypilled SUV/SUV with a bed are trending


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>6. After getting hit, she veers into oncoming traffic herself

You're blind as fuck. I can throw the rest of the post away just based on that.
>9. white man rescuing a nigger
I love how there's a car stopped and two cars hitting each other, but every time I've seen this posted anywhere, it's all about the truck driver.
That's why I'm out of it. [Motor]cyclists pay with their lives, CDL holders get raped for anything their fault or not, it's just fourwheelers, the princesses of the road who never did anything

Pay three pigs; one to watch cars incoming, one to watch cars outcoming, and one to monitor a live feed. Find a way to oull them over, I don't fucking care, there has to be a way.
I've been nearly ran off Walt during a road rage incident and what good is the DPRA station right there if they don't enforce?

I'll give you that one

Then the industry needs to stop paying in pennies on miles as the crow flies, dude.
I pass you now on the bridge, you'll never see me again till I'm in CO or something, it all adds up, we're not all commuting to Mr Scheklbergs office

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>You're an actual fucking retard if you think mixing two speeds is ever a good fucking idea.
Midwestern states do it all the time with a statewide speed limit for 26K+ GVWR that's about 10mph slower than the car speed limit. This keeps most truckers from being floored against their governor and makes them more predictable to cars.
less 68 vs 69mph races on two lane interstates and less cars passing uphills getting trapped in the left lane by that truck on the downhill.
It works perfectly fine.
>seething sheboons

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Been seeing Scions go for sale around my area lately but ive never even seen em on the street. is this a psyop? have you ever seen a scion on the road? Should i cop one?
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can expect similar problems then, ive been kinda on the toyota hunt so maybe i should make the move. research seems to say theyre reliable enough
The tC is not bad for a small econobox. 2.5L engine from the Camry and 6 speed manual option, so it’s not as anemic as a Corolla.
It's the "cool" brand by Toyota to attract younger people. It worked. So they dropped it after it served its purpose.
Very good cars as long as you avoid the ones with the 2AZ. That engine drinks oil.
stock 2az in a tC can handle a full bar from a ko3, and will make like 250+ wheel. they can be fun and if you lower them, and get better sway bars they are feel like a ep3 civic. they also come stock with a supercharger if you can find them. parts are very cheap aswell, and some dudes have awd swapped them. one of my local SCCA guys drives one and he does alright.

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Just a picture of my car in the UK countryside.

That's it.
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Funny that's exactly what I dislike. Hate the mercedes with the upside down banana curve beltline. Looks like a dog taking a dump
Looks like a fun little ripper.
It's just ricer bait. He owns a shitbox.
Mighty kind of you to assume he even has a car.
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Post more of these nice landscapes.

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>when she puts her legs on the dash
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Broken limbs, my friend
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Perspective of what she sees when she's doing her makeup to highlight her features vs reality of what we see from every angle. People joke about beer goggles, but this type of trickery surely doesn't help.
Beta hands typed this
Basically anything in and around the hip bones turns into the equivalent of corn flakes.

>want to buy a fun vehicle
>miata RF sounds good
>don't like the racist smile though
>find a cool replacement front bumper (picrel)
>doesn't have daylight running lights required by EU
>fine, can attach aftermarket I guess, just need to make sure they are homologated
>read description of the cool bumper
>"The active bonnet becomes unusable."
>what the fuck is an active bonnet
>google it
>its a fucking airbag connected to the front bumper that explodes your hood upward to """protect the pedestrian"""
>turns out it can explode randomly and destroy the hood
>disabling it makes the car uninsurable and wont pass inspection unless you modify the software (classifies as airbag malfunction)
>if you then hit a pedestrian the lawsuit jew will ruin your life
How many fucking legal hoops does it take to mod a modern car? Every screw needs to be homologated and every electronic nanny needs to be enabled or your car won't be road legal. I guess I'll buy a motorcycle
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That front bumper looks like it was ripped from a Z34
nothing really stopping you from putting your front license plate on your dash, even in california
>living in an inspection hellhole
I'd rather dodge flying bumpers on my commute than pay the government to tell me my car doesn't have a CEL
that front bumper looks horrible but i almost dont blame you since all of the aftermarket options look terrible compared to stock
Literally retrofit 2024 nd headlights and also there are drls in my nd2 in the headlight unit, it’s just that there are also fangs

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What is a somewhat reliable rwd manual car for $10k or less that isn't overpriced for what it is? Zoomers have clapped out every miata and want 8k for their anemic shitbox
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Yeah they are. One of the best NA inline 6 engines ever made.
I feel like 6-8k is just the norm for barely clapped used vehicles now.
I remember browsing CL when I was broke years ago and there being so many quality shitboxes for 3-5k it's gotten so bad now
I'll either have to take the bike pill or buy something new it's hard to justify shitboxes now
>I remember browsing CL when I was broke years ago and there being so many quality shitboxes for 3-5k it's gotten so bad now
Daily reminder that we have experienced around 30% *real* inflation (not numbers game lets-not-cause-a-panic government stat inflation) since January 2020 and that many things have outpaced that rate, such as food, homes. In 2020 you could get a perfectly daily driveable car with everything working and a decent body for $3k, now you would be hard pressed to find something with failing paint and no AC for $3k.
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How about the BMW Z4?

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I want to buy one of these, slap lights and some mufflers on it, then drive it around town.
>I want to
No you don't. Used ones are cheap. If you wanted a cup car you'd have a cup car, you all-talk faggot.


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The jews fear the Peugeot 504 station wagon
I actually had a chance to have one of these, diesel with the manual. fudgeted it. Was around 19yrs old and we pulled a 504 out of my grandmothers friends place. he had all sorts of old peugeot stuff.

Ended up chucking most of it and the car was left at a shop, they couldn't figure it out and my dad didn't want to pay/deal with it so we left it.


Bedford Rascal appreciation thread
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Brand new. So much want.
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Choripan+ bebida $15
Top of the line Ford Pronto had factory equipped brush bars and an aero nose

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Saw the new IONIQ 6 on my way to work today. Do they have a hippo sit on the back before the model leaves the factory?
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I just like it bros
>lets play a game. you name a make, model, and year, and i'll tell you the recalls on them. if you can find one that has less than 3, you win.
nissan frontier 2015
horay i win
reminds me of the wiesmann coupes
Yeah biggest difference is that the Ioniq has a much more subtle transition from hood to windshield which makes it look way worse.
>reminds me of the wiesmann coupes
Did they also catch on fire when parked?

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why not just buy 5k shit boxes and call it a day? Why spend 5 figures on a car?
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>Drive $5 shitbox w/ 120hp
>Clutch drop, redline, WOT into corners everywhere
>Drive $115k shitbox w/ 450hp
>Commute like a fucking normie where the music is the best part of the drive because if you crash it you're paying off something you don't have anymore
>spending less money to get a car as reliable (if not more) as a new car
Admit that you're a wrenchlet who's probably too scared to change their oil.
did it myself for a low mileage 2013 mx5.
don't regret the decision as all high mileage mx5s are rusty, but I'd probably go older and higher mileage for the next car.

pondering an R53 mini with supercharger atm.
I look at used cars and everything else as a spectrum.
On one side you have new car, costs the most and "should" be the most hassle free, well, besides the monthly payments.

On the other side you have the cheapest shitbox you can find. More of a hassle, but hopefully no monthly payments.

Generally somewhere in the middle is best, for you that could be a 5k undesirable grandma's car, minivan, or hand me down.
For someone else it could be a 30k usd New commuter, since they make 100k+ and don't like surprising maintenance issues.

For another it could be a bicycle, since they live 3miles from their work, and 2miles from a grocery store. Everything is easy to repair, cheap, and if you can park inside not easily stolen.
For others it's the bus/train.
because the degree of what we're talking about is astronomical. The differences between a 5k 20k 80k car isn't going to be all that much aside from features and capabilities. All of them will drive you where you need to go. If having that higher quality of life means in curing a substantial amount of debt then to me it's not worth it. I think money in regards to using it should be done so with the idea of providing you the best utility. For most if they're going to be utilizing a vehicle then they should with one that will buy them of financial hardship. For your window comparison the duct tape window would be a car with obvious cosmetic damage. What I'm essentially advising is getting a window that's regular glass rather than tempered.
Also why you just would reduce it to larping as a poor person is absurdly shallow.The point of money is to keep you safe. Money is allocated to shelter and food first for a reason.

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>watch American driving test videos
>its literally just parallel park then drive once around the block
>whole test is 10 minutes long.

It's a wonder why you have so many shit drivers.
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as for my car and trailer loicense (Belgium be like that if you want to more than 750kg) [still max of 3500kg though]
>three maneuvers
>back up 100m with trailer (3 minutes time limit)
>parallel park with trailer
>uncouple trailer and back up 100m with car (together with parallel park, 7 minutes time limit)
>couple trailer again
>you have to use gloves to uncouple and couple the trailer
>do a walk around of car and trailer, explain to exam taker what needs checking (lights, tires, is my load secure, that kind of thing)
>drive around with trailer for 30 minutes
>exam taker and driving school instructor seemingly know eachother and spend the entire time catching up on eachother's lives (I think there's a pattern)
>get a small markup because I didnt use my indicators when passing a byciclefag on a road without dedicated bike lanes
My test was just driving around a housing development, one traffic light, and parking once. 4 minutes tops. The crazy thing is that people even fail it.
Fuckin grim, no wonder the insurance rates are 4x higher than in germany
pretty sure you cant drive that specifically since it has 3 axles. however you can drive similarly unwieldy vehicles that a 16 year old kid definitely shouldnt be driving.
I didn’t even have to parallel park just 3 point turn out of a space

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Post SOUND. A car's sound is its soul.


The SA35, as the V10 engine was called internally, was designed in-house by Peugeot for Group C competition. It displaced 3.5 liters and made around 650 horsepower at 12,500 rpm (though redline was a bit over 14,000).
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