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>his car doesn't have racing stripes
my car is so fast a lot of the paint has burned off
I want to put the Autobot logo on mine
>not putting Decepticon logo
Am I supposed to put racing stripes on everything? I already got them on my underpants.
i have chrome stripes
>it's shitty 90s chrome and it's all flaked away and turned to grey plastic now

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>Be China
>build $12,000 100% emission-free cars that can turn into boats during floods and park on it's own
>US knows it cannot compete
>bans it so people are forced to spend $35k for the American car that hasn't improved since the 80's

Nice, and when every car outside of the US is Chinese, GM and their shitty trucks are still going under.
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I think it's a translation error for biomass energy (generally wood, pulp).
Hong-Chi, not hong-key
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Those cars are the top 1% of the Chinese auto market and the average Chinese drive compact shitbox Volkswagens.
FYI it's made in skorea.
-t.korean who has a friend who works at buick here.
I've seen quite a few. There's an envision parked across from me right now, though its drivetrain is technically korean.

What blower do you guys use to dry your car?
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What if there were, like, some kinda, filter, ya' know, for the air coming in? Wouldn't that be wild?
What is that?
An air filter for a leaf blower. Possibly the one for the 1-cyl engine, but you get the point, air can be and is filtered easily.
what did you do to that person?

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Where's SCUM

Literally the most insufferable owners alive. The Honda fags aml think FWD civic base model is a FWD type R and literally a race car like Senna and won’t shut the fuck yo about shit like BMW reliability.

Bro, nobody with a BMW gives a fuck about a FWD economy car. STFU.

Easily the worst.

Toyota fags are next, I respect the family but they’re not that reliable and they’re not cheap. They’re not fun at all. And they’re not cool at all.

Shit chart and Onviosily the op drives a civic and thinks he’s max verstappen
Honda owners are too cool and broke to have an opinion about being cool and broke.
Maserati should be right next to Dodge
Nissan encompasses the entire graph

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Post an album/song while others guess what car you drive
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>Sn95 mustang. You just got it and its your first rear wheel drive car. Also your first manual car.
fwd civic si 6mt, but pretty accurate!
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these two are what I've been listening to today
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Discuss offroad vehicles. Discuss offroad trails. Post your build. Or post images from google and say it's your build. Shit posting tolerated. Blog posting encouraged. No fat chicks.
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Thats like $50 in scrap wood and nails just send a drunk injun out to build a new one for a couple 30 racks of Bud Light
*kirssht* send in the hit squad we got a live one, over "kirssht*
who gives a fuck that thing is stupid
Kill yourself swiftly
>113 year old salt tram tower.
My house is older.
It's important to preserve history but that tram tower was just leftover industrial hardware akin to scaffolding erected around a monument for cleaning. Just because it's old doesn't mean it's important or valuable. And I'm not talking about monetary value.
Is it worthwhile to take a field trip with a bus full of school kids out to the middle of death valley to look at a a few timbers leftover from a strip mining operation?

Did you defend any of these monuments?
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RIP FJ but unfortunately not RIP to the dunecoon

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Has anyone here sold a car online recently? It's always been a shitty experience even when times were good but now it's just a fucking nightmare. People are just flat out broke with no cash at all, yet tirekickers still want to waste your time and fish you along, it's frustrating!
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You could also buy a 500sqft flat for ~15K if you don't mind the risk of the housing company going bankrupt and losing your apartment.
if your car is still technically worth over 10k then yeah it's gonna be tough, keep driving your car for longer until it's a beater, saves you more money in the end

sold shtity 2013 hyunda elantra with over 150k km mileage on facebook market place for like 5.5k cad
buyer came with cash, tried to haggle but there was literally someone else right there who was also itnerested so he fomo'd and frankly it was cheap enough sicne comps were like 7k
just wanted to get rid of the garbage
the elantra was like 15k CAD new back then, it's such a weird environment now that buying new was a better deal and probably still is even now
having to pay "high" interest rates on financing of 4% or whatever doesnt really matter when you can get like savings rate of 5% sometimes even 6% off a bank
If you need a car right now and have no cash the lease deals on EVs are crazy because they're not moving. Can get a Model 3 for $249/month delivered to your door. I'm not the resident /o/ EVtroon but a cheap car is a cheap car if you're that hard up.
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Okay so I'm sure many of you have done the Tacoma math and said that ain't worth it. Maybe you said I'll get a Ford Maverick or you know the Nissan Frontiers are going for under sticker. I analyzed it all. One thing I've noticed lately is that you got to look at the numbers. The numbers are right now favoring buying a used Honda CRV or similar. Ones with 50k to 80k miles are going for under 15k. If you wrench and can change a belt and plugs then this is the way to go. What does this have to do with a truck? So you put a hitch on that Honda and you buy a cheap harbor freight folding 4x8 utility trailer. That gives you a lot of capability at a good price. Best I can come up with. Or just continue to play the pic related game.
yeah good luck with that one bud

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Sorry microdick rice chink, /o/ is a truck board.
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I see a lot of rentoids driving these super diesels. Idk how stupid a person has to be to take on a $1000/month car note and still piss money away by renting lol
you know china makes exact copies of that truck right?
>proud of being low level laborer
I was thinking about it.
I don't see anyone dailying a Van
I don't see anyone dailying a semi,
I don't see anyone dailying utility trucks
What was your reason again?
"I just like it bro!"
If that was the case, wouldnt we see more of the aforementioned vehicles around?
Maybe it's just because you're a dickless faggot that was convinced they need a "purpose built truck" to be a man?

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Bought a vehicle recently. It's been sitting in storage for about a year and I'm it has some kind of growth in it. Places like under the driver seat and a few of the seat belts have these brown and white circular patches of varying levels of fuzziness.
I went through this morning with a vacuum, wiped down all the spots I could find, and sprayed lysol throughout it. But I fear that's probably not going to be enough so I was wondering what else I should be doing.
There's also a couple of other things like a bunch of dead bugs in the back windscreen that are behind something so the vacuum can't reach them and a smell that had gotten into the upholstery
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shits fucked. Both of these >>27664767 >>27664773 are right. You wanna remove everything and wet vac all the fabric parts. Use Gyeon Fabriccleaner on all textile surfaces and scrub that shit in with a coarse brush. After that you just wipe it with rags and repeat the Fabriccleaner process as many times as you need. For leather pieces same shit but you want to get something that specializes in leather care and brush much lighter than with textiles. For plastics/trims you can find any interior cleaning stuff, lightly brush that shit in and then wipe it with dry rags.
Watch out for dead bodies underneath everything >>27664781
>time capsule from the land before aids.
Based and comfy
I'd remove the seats and battery and pressure wash everything.
stop being a cheapstake and take it to a detailer

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who was in the wrong here?
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no point in arguing about anything anymore as this society has died
i think about 7 billion people need the sweet release of death
(this includes you, and probably me too)

you're wrong, a driver merging onto a highway has an obligation to yield to already present traffic
But that isn't even the point.
The blue car either had ZERO awareness or intentionally began to merge into the lane with the other car. He fucked up.

What I like the most is I could read his lips perfectly because in that situation I think most of us would be saying similar things.
>you're wrong, a driver merging onto a highway has an obligation to yield to already present traffic
Yes, absolutely, it takes two to tango. I guess you're right that the merging car was technically more in the wrong, but the cam guy could have easily have just sped up, slowed down, or changed lanes. It seems like he just wanted something to be angry about.
Miffed jeet alert
I am 100% certain he didnt expect a dumb ass driver to try to merge lanes directly into him but hey if you want to argue about nothing that's your decision.
The merge lane ends super early and you can see it in the video. All he had to do was speed up, slow down, or move over. Yes, it's mostly the fault of the guy merging (who could have just slowed down), but it feels like the guy filming intentionally got into the situation just to rage at someone.

What's the most badass car?
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Certainly not a Mustang with positive camber
A weapon to surpass Metal Gear...
>American muscle car post 1990
Opinion disregarded
AU Falcon

Bought this puppy at an auction, paid some rando on uship to take bring it to me. Some semi driver bumped into it in transit.

I have no real idea what this costs to fix, last time I was rear ended in a F-150 drivers side corner it was like $4,250, but they replaced the whole panel and undented and repainted the tailgate too. So IDK this looks cheaper to fix but what do I know let's just let the insurance deal with the auto body folk.

He calls up crying, begging not to file with insurance. The company he works for will drop his coverage, he will loose his job and never find another one again. All his family in India will starve to death, the world is just fucking ending.

He's all begging his boss for a cash advance and wants to to zelle me $2,500.

Like chill dude, insurance exists to pay for accidents, you don't need to pay me out of pocket.

How big of a deal is it to have a little claim like this on CDL insurance? Is he going to loose his job and his family will starve and whatnot?

If your a CDL driver what would you pay to not have something show up on your insurance? And what's the point of having insurance if you don't use it when you could?
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Fuck him, get that jeet fuck outta here!
Seriously did you get lost on the way to reddit OP? Who cares what happens to him and imagine being so naive you’re considering some off the books deal from a fucking jeet
You will 100% get fucked by this dumbass if you don’t file a claim. Do you want this to be your problem or insurance’s problem?

Aluminum doesn’t pull out like steel does. That’s way more than $2500. He’s probably going to claim it as fraudulent anyway.

100% file a claim. He’s trying to fuck you. Again. All the stories are lies.
What about going after the uship guy? Let him deal with the trucker.

I wanna talk about Tesla. Not just 'TESLA BAD' but their current state realistically. It's known that Elon Musk has a huge stake in their company, right now it sits around 20% and he used this as leverage to acquire the cash to buy Twitter. The company has come out with some cool tech but they've ruined the overall appeal with the cost-cutting. the single screen, the lack of stalks, the overall design, it doesn't say 'minimalism' anymore, it just says they can't/won't afford to make it nicer. Now we are seeing the beginning of a decline in their appeal.

The obvious answer is that Elon Musk needs to step down as their CEO and just sit on the board. Install a CEO that has executive experience from a different automaker to steer the ship. All of the other automakers have proven that a company does not need to be 'minimalist' to make an EV work, and there are several EVs that are almost indistinguishable from their ICE counterparts. The interior is similar, the exterior is similar, etc. So the only reason I can assume that Tesla sticks with this philosophy is because they are super fucking cheap.
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Tesla needs a Tim Cook type CEO
Tesla is doing well
Tesla lost ESG bucks when Musk did the Twitter thing and the ‘Bubble’ burst.
Tesla is miles ahead of everyone else in terms of actual drive train and battery
Tesla is miles behind everyone else in QC
Tesla will face massive uptick in competition starting next year as VAG and BMW and Daimler and Honda and Ford and GM keep entering new cars into the market

That’s a realistic assessment.

Nobody comes close to Tesla right now in terms of actual drive train value. The problem is Audis Etron is shit in range and motor but it’s still an Audi and it’s really fucking nice to be in.

Fairest assessment I can give on their situation. Dont own one and it’s only a small part of my stock portfolio.

It’s a decent buy now but it’s not going to be shooting back up anytime soon
>have 15 car companies that all make the same car
>one comes along and makes different cars with a different sales and service model
I see this type of stuff all over the internet about Tesla and of all the strange and dumb stuff surrounding the company, this is the strangest and dumbest. Some people are such mega NPCs that they don't even want cars that they aren't going to buy to be different than any other.
NiggerGPT post

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>be me
>start my ‘90 mazda mx5
>can let it idle for years and the idle insists on sitting at 900rpm
>move car (or rev the piss out of it)
>idle suddenly decides it likes sitting at 1500rpm better and refuses to come down unless i force it to (by turning on the AC)
Vacuum leak? IAC valve? I’d prefer to hear answers from guys that have experienced my exact symptoms before I go out buying smoke machines and firing the parts cannon at this old thing (I’m BROKE!)
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>car for sale 262 days at stealership
This is a GIGANTIC fucking red flag and I shouldn't even entertain seeing it, right? Right? It's a 2011 manual GT with 70k on it. Price they want doesn't seem bad at all. But yeah hasn't sold for more than half a year. Very strange.
My catalytic converter was stolen and I drove the car for for like 200 miles over 3 days before I got it fixed. It's been a couple weeks now and the car still feels a little sluggish. Is something damaged or does the computer just need to adjust?
here you go anon, it's like a bug bomb only for smells
it's sluggish after it was replaced?
driving without a cat won't damage anything. possibly the retarded guatemalan monkey that stole your cat or the retarded guatemalan monkey the fixed it fuck something up in the process. also the car likely had more horsepower when the cat was missing so maybe you got used to that. also possibly a shitty part was put on and there is too much backpressure. i'd do a full work through looking at the live data from the sensors and fuel trims to any anomalies.
Yeah, sluggish a couple weeks after replacement. I don't know much about cars, but backpressure might be good to look into. I have a scanner I've never used, but I'll see if it can give me some useful data. Thank you

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Why would I buy anything but a Toyota? Americuck car owners need not reply
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>BMW 3rd
>Mercedes last
Geez, I knew Mercedes reliability shit the bed in recent years but being so far behind their n°1 rival is impressive
I'll never buy a soulless appliance no matter how reliable it is.
Toyotas are boring. They don't make a single interesting car. The supra is a bmw. The GR86 is a subaru. The GR corolla is a $40,000 (plus markup) hot hatch (overpriced, therefore not interesting)
>Jeep is reliable
>Kia is reliable
>Tesla is reliable
These have to be made to trick fucking retarded redditors or something holy shit
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>Why would I buy anything but a Toyota?
Mazda are more funner.

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