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Why do most luxury cars, even sedans, still come in RWD? Is there something i'm missing for why they won't make the switch?
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plebs can’t handle RWD, so they reserve it for patricians
awd has one serious flaw since the beginning of it that i can't believe nobody's overcome yet:
when you're stuck in mud or snow or sand or any other not-4-wheels-on-dry-pavement conditions, instead of sending power to all the wheels, it sends power to none of them.
it's so unbelievably retarded, i can't believe it ever made it past the drawing board. it's not even a design flaw or something inherent to the system itself. they literally make it that way on purpose. all it would take to fix it is probably a few extra lines of code in whatever bullshit traction-control module runs that shitshow.
i had a subaru outback that slipped off the edge of my driveway couple winters back. one wheel on the pavement, with a little ice under about 1/2" of snow, and three wheels on frozen earth with the same 1/2" of snow on top of it. for the life of me, i couldn't get the car to get back up on the driveway. every time one of the tires started to hop up over the "curb" (my driveway sits about 2" higher than my lawn), the tire about to go over the top would stop spinning, some other one would start, and i'd skid sideways down the driveway, inching closer and closer to a tree.
in the end, i tied up to an f150 - not even in 4wd in the same "adverse" conditions - and that thing pulled me back on to my driveway at an idle. didn't even give it any gas.
what's even the point of something like that?
Just open diff things
yeah no one's overcome this one flaw lmao
turn off traction control dumbass

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>EVs: picrel
This is the future of EV charging. Already there are about a dozen types of connectors. Have fun bringing 5 adapter dongles everywhere with you so you can plug-in to whatever the charging station has.
You already have:
And then you have to double this (except tesla) for different AC vs DC variants. How hard is it to design 1 plug and stick to it?
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You're stupid. The point of making the usb-c connector a standard was to reduce waste, and to reduce apple's monopoly. It has worked in both regards. I haven't encountered a single usb-c cable that won't charge my laptop or phone.
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There are over a million chademon cars in the world. They’re now all e-waste over a charger.
OP is an idiot
US is NACS. EU is CCS. China is gbt. wow was it that hard?

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New copemobile dropping
For the same price of a BRZ/86 you'll be able to put a whopping 200 horsepower to the FRONT WHEELS just like Emperor Hirohito intended.
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>2 doors
>in the current economy
What are they fucking thinking. Good luck to them tho
Looks great, and I'm glad they kept true to the originals by not making it too powerful. The world needs more coupes that put the emphasis on style over stupid racer bullshit.
This seriously, everything is a four door egg for a reason. It's because that's what sells to normies especially in Europe and Japan. Coupes are uniquely North American market meant for people without families
that's the best looking car under $35K (including the mx5). hybrid powertrain makes it more accessible to a larger market since everyone's getting squeezed by inflation. and the fact that it's a honda engine and not a boxer means it'll be more reliable. I guarantee you this will sell better than the 86
>meant for people without families
i would say give it time but damn it feel like that's already more than a thing

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Are Land Cruisers a meme?
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Techno-Viking doesn't drive.
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Yes only Indians drive them
In the same way Camry or Corollas are a meme. They're so ubiquitous here, I don't even notice.
They've been a meme for at least 20 years man
nvm I thought you meant Land Rovers
Land Cruisers are currently a meme but only since relatively recently

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If you had the choice of choosing a car for a King / Head of state. What would you choose?

The vehicle should be armoured, bulletproof and bombproof.



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The Russian Aurus Senat Armoured Limousine


Abolish hereditary status .
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The 600 big.
only correct answer
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Nobody likes Heads of State

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What are the chances that these cars were sold during the pandemic?
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wouldnt this be the ultimate shitbox? a million years of spare parts for when it breaks down. it could ruin the car market by making people buy fewer new cars
There's a constant stream of KIA BOYZ articles and you're telling me nobody thought to bring a USB stick to the land of milk and honey?
Hey, what's this button do? Also, what is the difference in ground clearance between these two vehicles?
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What was i thinking....
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IDK man, does the view to the side of your driveway look like this? Mine does.

What blower do you guys use to dry your car?
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WTF, didn't know women browse this board.
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What if there were, like, some kinda, filter, ya' know, for the air coming in? Wouldn't that be wild?
What is that?
An air filter for a leaf blower. Possibly the one for the 1-cyl engine, but you get the point, air can be and is filtered easily.

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So what are the worth while weight reduction methods?
I'm guessing wheels, tires, and battery are good ones.
Are brakes another avenue?
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>getting more power means you're faster on the straights and slower everywhere -ACKK
only person in this thread who isnt retarded
>V8 is 150 pounds heavier
What was your point again?
How does more power get you around a corner faster?
A donut spare is not 30lb and no you can't feel it.

Previous thread: >>27560452

>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of TAIYO
- https://taiyoracingcompany.neocities.org/goodies/clover

>List of Vendors and Social Media
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YycLVHMJjrhZLQNbnHhhf79fbyWQw0HqaChJFQjlZaE/edit#gid=989484789
- https://pastebin.com/AGc66Z8j

>/osg/ FAQ
- https://pastebin.com/vaEgettv

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications (wraps, license plate frames, etc).

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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anyone afraid of using their old stickers? i dont wanna put one of my favorites that will never be remade on a car im gonna sell or on a water bottle that might get lost
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respect that you are still active in these threads

I have the Old Soul Republic Komi peek. Not really even into Komi anymore, but I remember really wanting this sticker in 2018
>scan it
>fix it
>reprint it
How the hell can you be paranoid while not even attempting to find a solution? I started scanning stickers years before I even considered buying a cricut.
I saw that the threads had died and brought them back a couple months ago
After moving i was very busy
if you have a spot you might want to use a sticker, just use it.
keeping it in a book is another option
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Stickers are fun as a hobby but very easy to get way in over your head without having anything to show for it.
I don't want to say the fun wears off or it isn't worth it though.
In any case it's been a LONG time, it's expected people move on unless they find out how to make it a living, which a few people from here have. But if that's your goal then this is basically the worst place to do any sort of marketing; we post here because we like it here.

Brand name of the car on the windshield edition

Honda is my favorite Honda

Need help identifying a chassis?


The last one
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I don't see why the 6 speed transmission out of a CM Accord wouldn't bolt up to that J series in the CL, Honda basically ripped the 6 speed manual out of their 6 speed J32 Acuras at the time and put it in the CM chassis 2003 Accord coupe EX-L V6, so it's actually not that rare of a transmission.
That's good to hear, It's just that Honda only released the CL with a 6 speed for one year so the cars themselves are hard to find. I wasn't sure if they did some stupid shit like using proprietary transmission bolt patterns or something so nothing else could replace it. I'm ready for a luxury shitbarge that's actually comfortable to drive with heated seats and functioning AC for once in my life, don't want this to be a money pit.
You should be fine, J series Hondas go for a really long time if you just take care of it.
Is 5k miles OK for oil changes for my Crosstour with 97k miles? Carfax seems to think it should be every 3months but I use full synthetic. Also how do I ask for "valve adjustments"? Must I go to the local stealership for this?
Depends on the usage, and how fast the miles are being put on, if you drive a lot and hit your milage interval within a few months, 5K is perfectly fine, but if you do a lot of short trips and it takes a very long time for you to put 5000 miles on, and the car is being used everyday, change it every 3000 miles or every 3 months like I do because I get lots of fuel in the oil from cold starting this engine a million times and driving hard. I personally wouldn't even worry about valve adjustments at the dealer, I have seen J series engine go 1,015,000 miles without ever having it's valves adjusted, and the engine was only replaced because exhaust valve on #1 cylinder chipped off and the car lost compression inn that cylinder, it was quite amazing that engine had valvetrain never touched and the piston rings were not the problem after 20 years and a million miles, dude had just kept up on his timing belts and changed fluids.

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This is why I'll never buy brand new cars ever. This is getting really stupid.
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What car do you have
what if you build a little faraday cage around your ECU
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You can’t avoid it forever though, so you might as well embrace it now. Plus, you’ll get to enjoy all of the neat features like 360 degree cameras and adaptive cruise control. (I’m unironically serious, I love the cameras and ACC in my new cuckbox).
Wireless processing?
US carriers shut down 3g networks so anything from before LTE shouldnt be susceptible to dragnet data collection. It is likely still vulnerable to targeted attacks but you aren't important enough for that. The silver lining is a lot of auto makers were still using 3g modems until the last possible moment to save a few pennies per car. When I was searching around I found a lot of Toyotas still used 3g modems until the 2017 or later model refreshes. Do forum searches for people complaining about the remote vehicle services no longer working. You want those.

Twins editions

Thinking of getting a GWR SSST so suvdricers can hear me even if they can’t see me.
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blessed gravelbro
the ND does handle quite well on gravel, even with the V105s
Cuscoanon reporting in
Goddamn whatever the preload is set to is aggressive.
>Just idling around in figure-8's like the mechanic said I should to help wear it in a bit quicker
>Just literally a whiff of acceleration
Grips like a motherfucker on sweeps though.
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Moar mud.
my front bumper looks like ASS
it's all pink
how do I unfuck it
considering just re-painting it
Repaint it hot pink, people can't call you out if it's intentional.

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I bought some brown leather seat covers for my car which used to have black cloth seats

Do they looks based or do they look tacky?
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Clean car OP, you take care of it which is important.
Seat covers always look meh to me, this looks fine.
Brown is keyed for leather but only when it's real and unfortunately most "leather" just is fake plastic shit including this.
fuckin sick jimny cunt
Ignore the other anons because they have trash taste. This looks horrible. The black interior and tan seats clash. It would probably look okay if the color scheme was more congruent (i.e., tan accents on the dash and throughout), but this looks weird.
Actually after a second look, I think if the covers had black stitching it would look great. But as it is, looks like shit.
ive been trying to find a brown steering wheel cover to add some brown to the dash but for some reason nobody fucking has any. autozone only has black gray and beige covers. I did see some on amazon but i was hoping to find one locally since i hate giving jewmazon my shekels

my 2009 chevy van with 5.3 vortec used to run at 40 no matter what
Now it idles a but under 40 and and if I put my foot in it, it goes up to 60.

What could cause this?
Should I go down to 0W20 ?
Right now I run 5W30
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Wouldn't it be good if you car is that old and it keeps pressure? If it raises that's just natural physics. Get a pressure release valve.
Its fucking close to water
5.3s always leak from the crank sensor
kek meanwhile mines pushing 80psi guess ill swap to thicker oil and just let it thin out because i thrash the cunt so much
now i know what's wrong with my 03 silverado. guess ill take a show at getting it back to normal

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>"Is this a Skyline"
this car is really good looking. shame its FWD. seems to be a common theme amongst good looking GM vehicles that look like they should be RWD being FWD. pic related. why the fuck didn't they put this on the F-body platform.

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