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Are Land Cruisers a meme?
Yes. Overpriced rust buckets in the making if not rust buckets already. Cheap parts bin switchgear. Bad engines that guzzle gas but provide no power to match. Shall I continue?
No time fo dat varg
Wumao shill fuck off
Why do you fucking faggots spam this faggot's face all the time?
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I project my personality on him
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Take your meds, schizo
Based, keep doing God's work
Techno-Viking doesn't drive.
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Yes only Indians drive them
In the same way Camry or Corollas are a meme. They're so ubiquitous here, I don't even notice.
They've been a meme for at least 20 years man
nvm I thought you meant Land Rovers
Land Cruisers are currently a meme but only since relatively recently
>Land Cruisers
>as ubiquitous as Camrys or Corollas
Don't you mean RAV4s?
That's a Prado though
You’ll understand if you drive one
They are overpriced if you are buying one and don't need the features of a Land Cruiser. It's like buying a 4Runner if you don't need a 4x4 trucks with great off road.

Toyota has a great lineup though. Corolla/Camry for reliable and boring shopping cart (avoid oil burning models), Taco for reliable cheaper truck, tundra if you need towing, 4runner for off road or if you don't need the bed, RAV4/Highlander for basic crossover SUV needs, land cruiser if you need something extreme.

Avoid the rusted ones like the plague. I have a 4th Gen 4runner without rust and no undercoating in the Midwest, so it's certainly possible. About 200k miles on it.
And in what way is he wrong? Look at the land cruisers for sale in Russia. The frames are all rotten after 12 years or so. Although for that amount of money Toyota should make it straight from fucking stainless steel including body.
Pretty sure Land Cruiser is basically a 4runner with luxury
Good land cruisers aren’t meant for dicklets
1x 100 series
2x 200 series
2x 300 series
Now back in a 4.5 Diesel 200 TRD. I think I'll buried in it.
Ugliest gen, shit taste
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Fuck off Chang
lmao no
>if you don't love my toyoturd you're a chink shill
the absolute state of this board, no wonder it's deader than Ralph Nader's political career
>$15,000 for a run down clapped out beat to shit rusty one
>not really anything special

yeah it's a meme
>0.5 yuan have been deposited to your account
80 series is the best vehicle.
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Didn't say they were as common as Corolla, Camry. Only the Toyota quality meme permeates across these models. Rav4 is just a shitbox. Quality Rav4 said nobody ever.
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>80 series
Strange way to say 70 series

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