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How fucking fat do you have to be to where drinking water is too much effort?
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I thought this was a tenga
I greatly appreciate these.

I weigh 50kg and have had zero appetite for food or water for a very long time, often eating and drinking nothing for an entire day. Never felt unhealthy but clearly its not good for me.

I recently started eating at least one meal a day, and drinking at least 1.5L of water a day.
These are the only reason I am able to convince myself to drink water, and frankly they might be saving my body.

(I should add that im used to getting juice from concentrate in the UK, and that doesn't exist where am now in the US, so these shitty tiny guys are all I have)
I buy these because they have caffeine
At my work I dont have any reliable way to brew tea so I just settled for this additive in my water for my daily source of caffiene.
>Natural flavor with other natural flavor
Uh, what?
Basically it means the ingredients aren’t synthetic.
That’s what natural means in the food industry.

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we feastin
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Looks delicious. However I would replace the beer with a coca cola.
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Baked Chickenliver with garlic and onion.
You gon be FARTIN!
hideous. looks like the landscape of hell. not feastin
Serial killer shit

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20409957
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I'll try next time
you brew it 3 times retard, so its 9.5 grams for 1425ml of tea
Maybe he wants to drink a 4L of tea a day desu
chink gf?
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I like the commiecha. Nothing out of the ordinary, but noticably high quality tea. There's no unpleasant notes like you get with cheap ass shu.

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what's your usual "I don't feel like cooking" dinner?
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whatever i can find in the kitchen aka usually a sandwich or chips. i raid that shit like a viking
god damn that actually looks good with the olives and everything.
>t. hasnt eaten meat in a while because poor. I think Im gonna treat myself soon tho
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For some reason that remindes of something the Feral Kid from the movie Road Warrior would throw.
That post remindes to get some of these tri color pepper / onion medley things. This pic is from Bird's Eye but the Wegman's one is better.

Just cooked up one of these puppies and ate about half of it. Could I refrigerate the rest and eat it tomorrow? Can frozen food leftovers be refrigerated for later consumption?
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how much do you weigh?
2 lbs of pasta is not that much
answer the question, lardass
Considering 125 grams of pasta is one portion, 2 pounds is enough for 4.

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I have been cooking rice for over an hour and a half and it keeps sticking and I have to add more water. It's still kinda raw. Why is it taking thrice as much time and water as most guides suggest?

I started with
>1 cup rice (long brown)
>2 cups water
>1 tbsp olive oil
>1 tsp salt
in an appropriate pot with a lid. I turned the heat down to #2 on my stove after it boiled. I've added at least a cup of water and also some milk since.

Foolishly, I added a can of beans at around the hour mark because I thought the rice was getting close and that it could use the excess moisture from the watery beans I was going to mix it with anyway.

Somehow, all the water floats on top and the rice on the bottom dries out, sticks, and burns. It was kinda doing that even before I added the beans, but now it's even more dramatic.

Hopefully someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong or at least have a laugh at my expense.
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I’m not ‘making’ rice.
I’m ‘cooking’ it.
>higher heat mean less cooking time,
This is why I microwave my steaks, they cook so much faster that way
Making food. cooking food. making money. earning money. Yeah I guess your right. One makes you Jesus the other make you a felon. Yeah brown rice sucks. I just boil brown rice in extra water. Rolling boil and drain excess water and finish in a pan.
It’s alright.
You ESL guys get too much of a hard time on here.
At least you make an effort.
I used to do this in college. I learned that a blow torch and cellophane is your friend for microwave steaks.

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*gives you the worst hangover you've ever had*
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Polish or British + water is the best solution. Salt + protein bomb and water to put the liquid back in your body.
Problem with wine is too much calories. Vodka and whiskey is on the lower end
Nightshade problems are more likely. Hops can get you
>science at night (ice water with electrolyte mix, plus b vitamin complex, imodium, and ashwagandha when i wake up)
>chinese in the morning (normal daily coffee intake will send me into panic attacks no doubt but tea is good)
>british once i've recovered enough to eat
The source of all your ills.

>makes you fat
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of course it is, theyre drinking port
Alcohol is for losers.
That's why they call you "portly."
Ohh... Port, portly. Now I get it
Let me guess, you drink the "manlier" whisky or some tastelet shit like that? >>20437760
You can, port reduction steak sauce is great.

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>At a nice restaurant with friends
>Wait around for food for about an hour
>It's a long time but no big deal
>Get my order and realize it is wrong while everyone else eats
>Flag the waiter and say "Excuse me, my steak was supposed to be very well done. This is medium.
>The waiter starts to grab my plate
>One of my friends goes "I'm sorry for him, he's obviously never waited tables."
>The waiter immediately laughs and says "There's one every night."
>I look around and everyone is grinning maliciously at me
>Get my food back finally about 15 minutes later when everyone is starting to finish eating.
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That wasn't word play, just how I order it.
your food had spit when it came back i hope you enjoyed it
Did you say how you wanted the steak cooked? Because when a kitchen doesn't have a temp they make it to what ever temp the chef wants for the meat.
Yes I always say to make it "very well done".
Why do you hang out with cunts who humiliate you in front of strangers?

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What do you like to add to your pot of beans?

I want some ideas for things I can add to make them a little bit more flavorful.
Normally I just add
>salted/smoked pork
>black pepper
>jalapeno pepper
Was thinking about adding a bit of oregano idk.
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The souls of my dead enemies

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What do pro-Palestinian goyims who camp outside college campuses eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? I assume someone is feeding them?
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When Zion Don gets back in this shit will stop.
What if Biden gets elected to a second term and goes all Dark Brandon, waiting to unleash a torrent of vengeance he's been holding in during 40+ years of career politician-hood and tries to put the jews and trannies in camps?
>these protests and they are inorganic but what do I know.
everything is inorganic and fake. It's the age of the individual, Trials and Tribulations - where the only relationship that matters is between you and God.
Likely fake news. Even if they cancelled lectures I'm completely sure a lot of the buildings are operational. Libraries likely but also any buildings where they employ researchers or other professionals of any kind will still be operating. The chemistry department building hasn't gone "full remote" somehow, the professors are still in there trying to churn out papers and so the doors are unlocked and the bathrooms functional.
ok but that's just during like 9-5 aren't they camping overnight and stuff?

god is totally fake
that's the problem causing all this, blind faith

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Americans, what exactly is flavored water? Is it just a trendy new term for juice? Is it noticeably different from the likes of Kool Aid and Tang, or is it the same thing?
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>new term
shit's been around for over 30 years, anon.
I wish I had biceps that thicc.
From The moment i saw that faggy stanley cup i knew that person wasn't meant to be taken seriously.
Would you have all of your physical insecurities corrected so you're the ideal version of yourself, but you're married to that girl and your whole family likes her
Our metabolic systems are so fucked up that our brains can't send normal signals regarding hunger and thirst. Without flavorings it isn't possible to motivate oneself to drink.

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How do you dispose of your cooking oil?
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i pour it over old bread and throw it out for the turkeys to eat, then i shoot the turkey and boy-lah, bacon infused turkey.
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no problemo
I put in a jar and bury it in the yard when jar is full
You.. you too huh?

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A thread for discussing homebrewing alcohol.

Some wine recipes

Homebrewers association

Distilling at home

I need a name for the wine in the picture. Its made from Pirkka chopped tomatoes.
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The self-pitying drunkies were lowering the tone at one point. Alcohol threads usually stick around if the main subject doesn't become drunkenness.
I didn't know the jannies had a stick up their ass over homebrewing. I just made up a fitting name.
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Whats a good name for a wine made from chopped tomatoes?
Tomato cider.
makes sense

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How is PepsiCo winning?
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PepsiCo is a giant conglomerate.

Not really into drinkable corn syrup but my favorite widely available soda is Dr. Pepper and my favorite regional soda is Cheerwine (NC)
dont they own taco bell/yum foods?
because asia. I can't even remember the last time I saw pepsi around
Pepsi owns a buch of snack companies so that make up for the revenue.
taco bell, KFC and Pizza Hut

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