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Remember when this first came out and everyone treated it like a joke and now you go back and listen to it and realize it's objectively better than 95% of modern rap music?
Does he say nigger in any of the songs?
All of them

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>3 hour smackdown

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Shut up bitch. AEW got 170 milly dealy per year. What about your Jannextty? 30 milly? Kek. Fucking PATHETIC! No wonder you piggies are mad! Go ahead and OINK some more, lmao.
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Pigscooter in here squealing and oinking about Rampage being cancelled.
>Oi, E-Piggies. Kevin Steen is next. Rebecca Quinn is next. They're gonna be ALL FUCKIN ELITE!
I genuinely beg you, take them off our hands. Take Johnny Gargano too while you're at it.
what's the YOY numbers for these star-studded signings? surely they brought in waves of new fans, right?
>Back to competing against the wrestling school KWAB

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what's so 09 about him?
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*monster poo*

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>one shot at getting a good remaster of FFX
>we got THIS

why do jap companies have zero respect for their IP that they okay these rapings of all the original art in them?
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All boards become more lively when there's a random off topic thread. It's literally a cheat code on /tv/ for example just to post some funny/interesting off topic news story or happening and get hundreds of replies before it gets pruned
Yes. Wrestling should be a means to an end.
love seein a random sopranos quote in the tv catalog then r: 200 i: 100
wrestling is fine. mentally ill tribalist ruin any discussion of it
Square have botched every 'remaster' they've attempted.
There aren't enough people like Moguri that are willing to fix their half-baked messes.

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The Lucha Bros are officially with WWE.
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Yeah? Well, we didn't want them anyway! They were always bad! And they had sex with the female roster! And they were bad to work with!
Unfortunate. They'll be lost in the shuffle after getting a 2 month title reign at best.
>big dimes
they need to keep them away from the other Mexicans and let them do their thing
Oh God dammit, we don't want them.

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Tina's autism makes me laugh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9weLGyrCtU

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New China Pro-Wrestling edition

9.6-23 - Road to Destruction
9.29 - Destruction in Kobe
10.5-12 - Road to King of Pro-Wrestling
10.14 - King of Pro-Wrestling
10.20 - Royal Quest IV
10.24-11.02 - Super Junior Tag League
11.04 - Power Struggle
11.17 - Historic X-Over II
11.19-12.08 - World Tag League
1.4.25 - Wrestle Kingdom 19
1.5 25 - Wrestle Dynasty

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Would fuck her for sure. But imagine if she did this and had 15lbs more.
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whats david bowie have to do with my rasslin
I might be in the minority but I think Becky looks better now.
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Idk but I'd fuck her for sure

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*glass shatters*
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Everything XI does, XIV does better. Raids, story, group content, socialization. The people who say that you play XIV solo have never spent a minute actually trying to socialize.
I've played FFXIV a lot and the problem with the socialization aspect of the game now is that the user base is 75% LGBT
yeah but unless you want to e-date or e-fuck that really doesn't matter does it
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yeah, but you have to see them spam their LGBT-friendly FC recruitment shouts in every major zone

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>voiced Juggernaut in DOTA
>now appears in Yakuza game
How is Samoa Joe way more over in the video game industry more than Kenny or Chugs or Xavier or any other wrestler who's into vidya?
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wwetty btfo again...KWAPC
>Will Arnett
>Sweet tooth
i just cant hear that. sweet tooth in my head is the twisted metal black version. did it work with will?
cause he actually comes off as a pro wrestler. those other fags are basedboys who play games - not who you would actually want IN your game
Him and Danhausen I think.
I'd say he did a good job, the show was iffy and you could tell didn't have much of a budget but it felt like they tried

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Go Ace!

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i've never seen a second of aew, should i be excited for these guys?
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They're gonna be good as jobbers on Smackdown. Lucha House Party 2.0.
Penta was GIGA dimes in Lucha Underground, time will tell if that was the LU magic because he wasn't that impressive in AEW. Fenix is a good luchador but nothing WWE hasn't blown 100 times before. .
if penta actually gets over, i think he'll get extremely over. if fenix hooks up with mysterio and maybe calms down so he stops blowing his bones apart he might get over as a spectacle guy.
end of the day theyre lucha and if you dont like lucha youre prob not gonna enjoy them
fenix was good when he wasnt injuring himself
penta was good when he wasnt doing his stupid cero miedo catchphrase in the middle of every match
Both are typical indy dudes for the most part that do too much. They don't speak English well and it's hard to see them getting any further then Legado, LWO or other various Latino groups they've tried pushing.

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Who's the janetty?
i mean its clearly kanetty

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Happy Friday, Echads
yep, just one wrestling show on and nothing else
Is the piracy of live wrestling shows counted under the sin of theft?
theft = removing the original
piracy = making a copy of the original
Makes sense. Thanks.

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