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not the time for conan references taso
I remember that anon who can't beat balteus
Adachi is the killer!!!
who sang it better?

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Information for live shows and viewings:

SNS and concerts:

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Can't always judge a book by it's cover but...
Seems too autistic/reserved. Also seems older than 20.
Seems older than 20 but Yabubitch being real would be funny.
>Yabubitch being real would be funny.
It is real.
We don't know if that animator girl is a hafu or anything.
Is this one these lesbian JAV plots where the victim gets revenge by kidnapping and eventually having sex with the bully?
99% chance Nina is the one that got bullied when she went to school much less the other way around.

anoare edition

Doujin circles, Touhou Lossless Music Collection, Spotify, Gensokyo Radio and other links:


Previous Thread >>45654119

Happy Easter!
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This touhou-style original song is stuck in my head.

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This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid censorship by localizations is highly recommended.

>Where to read WNs:

>Light Novel databases:

>Where to buy:

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I already do that but list sites are just more convenient, especially when I am looking for prequel works or works by same staff. It's less about keeping the track of what I have read than about what I have not read yet for which self made lists are nearly useless
For all you just mentioned I use a combination of English Wikipedia, MangaUpdates and AnimeNewsNetwork. Particularly good if you don't like seeing community scores.
Nvm lol. I mean, I guess the Japanese Wikipedia?

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Previous Thread: >>46459012


If you can't use an official store, use qoo-app.

Lost Word Twitter:

JP Wiki:

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cute saku hunter
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Got her in the forever prayer. Keep her or keep gambling for something else from this list?
>Sakuya E1
>Yuyuko R2
>Kaguya B3
>Mokou B5
>Seiran B3
>Ringo B3
>Reisen B3
>Komachi B3
>Eiki B3
>Keine H5
>Doremy H5
>Mystia H5
>Wriggle H5
>Reimu B3

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Eiki B3 is easily the best choice, I'd say she's easily worth the risk given that she's the best debuffer in the entire game and is also compatible with all teams
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Even if I have Hecatia? I usually take whatever new unit I get first. I have majority of 2hus and my odds of getting new units from those aren't great. Blonde Reisen isn't terrible too, no?

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For whatever reason (just call it an incident) the cart of Touhou have to find legitimate work in the outside world. Assuming everyone can hide non-human features, who excels and who flounders?
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Yuugi has already proven herself to have a mind for business, particularly of the resort operation kind. She could probably move into one of the floundering onsen resorts somewhere in Japan and bring back into relevancy.
I guess it depends how much if they keep any of their powers.
Can see Reimu working but complaining a lot, maybe getting fired every now and then.
Marisa would either freelance or maybe even just find a place in the woods to live in and become self sufficient.
kaguya is a professional /jp/ poster

eirin runs a shoddy clinic in the middle of nowhere - some gensokyo conspiracy theorists believe she's responsible for that big plague in hinamizawa

and mokou... i dunno maybe she's an assassin? could see her just roaming the world doing whatever, or staying with keine helping with kids in a primary school
>i dunno maybe she's an assassin
bloody good assassin, as we all know fire is a very inconspicuous weapon and one that does not alert anyone and has no signs of being used

"but maybe she wouldn't use fire" the why did you pick THE FIRE girl for an assasin?
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Remilia, having wasted the mansions entire fund on Pachinko, would resort to working fast food as a devil, working part-time, and drags the rest of the mansion with her so she's not lonely. Patchoulli would be far too sickly to work any real jobs and ideally would end up finding something involving tedious research or database work if she could meet qualifications. Meiling could have an easy job working security, some places are pretty lax on qualifications too.

For other people who'd make it: Kourin would make either the best or worst museum curator. Mamizou likely already had a job on the outside since she lived on Sado prior to TD, her nature would lend itself well to working politics or corporate. Miko would instantly go into politics. Seiga would run an unlicensed clinic in chinese medicine. Seija would instead find illegitimate work in the outside and end up on many watchlists. The Buddhists would still run their temple. Maybe Kogasa could actually find success working in a daycare.

The fairies are just plainly not going to make it. They'll go live in the woods and screw around. Yukari would quit pretty quickly and just let Ran support her and Chen (who is functionally a child and cant get a job), with Ran herself working IT or some other demanding office job and climb the corporate ladder. Yuyuko wouldn't have much luck and would need to be supported by Youmu who would struggle compared to Ran.

There are 2hus posting in /jp/ RIGHT NOW! With us! Gensokyo somehow
has access to the internet, and they are manipulating us with our own memes
and threads! We have to do something Anons. We can’t let the Youkai invade
4chan… Or they will fill the page with Youkai-waifu-posting and manipulate us!

And worst of all, the 2hu could be any one of us.
She Could be in this very thread!
She Could be you.
She Could be me!
She could even be OP.

We have to do something Anons! I don’t want the 2hus to use our own board
where we lewd them!
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I can't tell if this is a spelling error or some esoteric term I haven't head of yet.
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what does it mean if every time i've done large doses of acid or dissociatives koishi has appeared in some way or fashion? i agree with what's being implied, but it's getting scary levels of familiar for me. she appears in my dreams, she tells me she's me and i'm her, and not in the generic canon that typically implies that being without consciousness = without conscience, but in a selfless, lovefilled kind of way of someone who wishes to be no more than witness consciousness. regardless of past drug use, taking drugs made me realize the way i am. in this way, the bear in the woods became obvious when i finally understood (yet also will never be able to adequately put into words) what ego death is in itself. it fills me with a desire to take more (LSD the absolute most), but i can't decide if it's exactly the safest. it's helped me accept myself, reality (as in the reality as humans know), and filled me with a profound sense of interconnection to everyone and everything, grounding me to my own experience while letting me forgive myself for the helpless way i used to feel and came to understand things (in ignorance). it taught me mindfulness in a world where i otherwise wanted to constantly kill myself, where i hated myself for virtually no reason, where nothing had any point whatsoever - and honestly, i still struggle with the thought loops, but at least i have some kind of power over them now, a much more profound sense of self awareness that becomes the color life is painted in.. the best way to put it, is that the mind is a mountain. we carve and wear it down with our thoughts, like water over millions of years. when ego death comes, it is like snow has covered it instead of rain, and we can no longer see ourselves. but, when one cannot rip themselves off a path their mind is so dead set in, flowing down with the gravity of that which has been carved against our will, like an avalanche our guts spill and things are fucked forever. i am scared of this happening to me as i go down this path.. perhaps it'll just be sledding forever for me, but i can't also say i don't see speaking from within this analogy that something awful, terrible could happen. all i know is that koishi is nothing but pure love and i am happy to be her friend. thank you koishi.
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Scout (I'm a fan of mobility)
Something about efficiently healing while dodging literally everyone out to rip you a new one is satisfying.
My point is, the fact that one can kill you by rearranging your atoms and the other by rearranging your thoughts is a needless distinction. The physical realm and the mental one are equally real.
In fact, in a lot of ways the mental realm is more real. It's possible for a mind to be completely disconnected from reality - we call that insanity. But a mind completely disconnected from thoughts and ideas is no mind at all.

I've been in a similar place to you. My advice is that your mental journey is a pilgrimage across a vast unknown land, through all kinds of climates and terrain. Your goal should be to find the place where you're happiest, settle there and build a home. If you get too enamored with the thought of paradise just over the next hill, you may find yourself falling off a cliff.

Previous thread: >>46561795

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Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

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Sniff her butthole, now!
But she poops from there.
While it's canon shipgirls use the toilet, there's no evidence they poop. Maybe they excrete fairy dust.
They are literally selling key animation shots from the anime.i bet they could sell Intrepid's bikini concept doodle as well.

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Which 2hu would you get a naizuri from?
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Whch hus should never be boobed?
She can have a delicious ass but never boobs
Hnnnngh tenshi's small tits
She is perfect for thighzuri

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This thread is for the discussion of Nogizaka46, Sakurazaka46, Hinatazaka46, BokuAo (Nogizaka46's official rivals) and Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

(4/11-5/31, Nov. dates TBA) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical "Endless SHOCK/ Eternal"
(04/12-05/04) Seimiya Rei stars in the stage play "Kamogawa Horumo, Once More"
(04/28) JAPAN JAM 2024 (Sakurazaka46)
(04/TBA) Nakamura Reno stars in the drama "RoOT" on TV Tokyo
(05/03) Rakuten Girls Award (Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46, BokuAo)
(05/11-12) Yamashita Mizuki's graduation concert
(05/16-07/15) Okuda Iroha stars in the musical "Romeo & Juliet"
(05/28) Matsuda Konoka 1st Photobook
(06/15,16) Additional Show in TOKYO DOME (Sakurazaka46)
(07/03.04) Hiragana Hinatazaka46 live at Pacifico Yokohama

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>complains about hoes while posting a literal prostitute
oh the irony. after arno's there's nothing left that a nogi can do to get fired
Any proof of your claim?
She's married my dude.
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I wish I was at touhou fest 2024
me too, but if it makes you feel any better it's probably full of tourists and normalfags

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Thread for the goat herself
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Is she a goat or a sheep?
You'd have to get a solid answer out of an anthropologist whether the taotie was based on goats or sheep. It's still up for debate.
a mutt of a goat and sheep
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No matter if she’s a goat or a sheep, she’s a cute little monster gremlin.
Cute and pretty, makes one want to >>46680980 her

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rm3CV6ZPy8 Lumia
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Enogu live in 30 minutes

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Previous Thread:>>46476441
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>No CGs
>Only one sex voice
>"Something is wrong with this school"
I wonder what's the tweeeeest
>will there be more scans?
Maybe, maybe not, but either way it won't be much. There are only four more issues with Cage SS (Nitta, Maki, Saiki, Christmas special) and I definitely want to complete this series, but whether or when this will happen is out of my hands. There are a couple more issues that have Cage/Psychedelic articles which I'll add to the order if they happen to be available at the time, but otherwise I won't be going out my way to get them.
I hope it's the mc who ends up raping him in the basement
>im gonna rape mc in the basement hehe
>im gonna rape sensei in the basement hehe
A plot twist for once wouldn't hurt.
It's a virgin uke MC game, there is absolutely no chance that is happening. Your best bet is some mindbreak bad end where he seduces one of the guys.
Is there even a VN where the uke actively seduces the probably straight love interests instead of waiting to get raped?
I can think of Towa's game because he's a fullblown whore, but nothing else.

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Wasn't Yuka Iguchi even that famous or is she doing all of this before entering hag hell?
She was Index
Look >>46679566 this is just initial but until like 2015 or Danmachi OP still used to sell 10k every releasd but after that her sales keep dropping and drop harder when she left WB, she is just old and busted and decreased of male koebuta overall
wondering if inorin doing fine now
why don't go to 2chan and ask her?
isn't that koebuta market downin general?

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