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Maribel Hearn: The Heart of The Hifuu Club
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this particular expression of Maribel's anger is pleasing
And then his latest game contradicts that, then again knowing him he just forgot.
>Merry will never look at you like this
Why bother?
Maribel is a very beautiful name, I wonder why ZUN chose it

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Imagine that you're a Human Villager, and one day you woke up and realize you turned into a youkai because idk you ate a wrong food last night, and even worse your transformation into youkai also slight but very noticeable change to your physical appearance like having three eyes or horns, causing everyone to always able to identify you as youkai at the first glance.
How would you survive in your new life, and what's your plan to evade """her""" as long as you can?
>Easy mode: You were an Outsider and also a Touhou fans to boot, so you have basically a wiki knowledge to plan your next move.
>Hard mode: You are a native Human Villager, so you know jackshit about anything other than the village.
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Wtf, is this real???
Why not the SDM?
>Easy mode
Go on a quest to regain my humanity
>Hard mode
Fuck off to the Bamboo Forest and get myself lost there
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up and leave, like immediately. if my transformation somehow isn't affecting those around me i'll go haunt muenzuka or something

if that doesn't work byakuren might take me under her wing. all of this is assuming i don't turn into the 'rabid, hungry-for-humans' brand of youkai, but goal #1 is quietly getting the fuck out of dodge so gensokyo's equivalent of ICE doesn't find me and do what reimu does to turned humans

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I shout "KOICHUCK".
"I'm gonna burn your stupid Mr. Hat!"
Well, I started speaking about certain fantasies and then I started explaining Koishi and Satori's backstory. She found it interesting and helped me understand why I like Koishi and how the Komeiji Sisters may relate to my current self.
I also explained more about the concept of Touhou as I see it, but not too much the actual lore apart from the two sisters. She said she could "feel herself getting pulled in just from listening to me talk about it".
Yes, they will have sex with their partner and you will be forced to watch.

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Can we get a thread going for everyone's favorite miniboss: The Bewitching Lotus Flower?
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flowerlotusminibossbros... finally
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Maybe more than len'en, but I don't think our big fella is more popular than Zanmu.
Not much to discuss like with most midbosses, but non-humanoid 2hu bosses are also cool.
They can also have more varied hitboxes or bigger, like Yugenmagan or the 5 stones but most of them are also just a small 1 hitbox boss.
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For me it's Jimbo

If Lady Remilia can manipulate fate, then, why didn't she do it during EoSD incident ?
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Would you accept a cup of blood from Remilia? It's a show of vampire hospitality and she will feel personally insulted if you decline or leave the cup without taking so much as a sip.
>Would you accept a cup of blood from Remilia?
"No, thank you very much, lady Remilia. I already drank the blood of God last Sunday."
I dont think she would want to waste blood
Blood doesn't taste that bad so why not, I see no reason to be rude to the lady of the house
Whether it gets wasted is up to you...

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Why is Kutaka the only birdhu with a tail?
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>the only pure-hearted birdhu in all of Gensokyo
Ahem, ahem. While the fabulousness of Niwatari-sama's tail-feathers is beyond doubt and approach, I think you are forgetting about someone. Don't worry, you might be pardoned if you apologise for your baseless slander.
I'm glad to see the purest and most honest birdhu is saving her name from malicious lies and slander.
What did the chicken is seeing to react like that?
Chicken water up!
Bird pussy.

Post 2hu wearing tights/pantyhose!
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Surely such a potentially plot important character is bound to come back
...or be left in the dust. It is ZUN after all.
Too bad she has no doujins either.
She will join Mizuchi and Reimu for flower viewing... I believe it.
Did you know that Ibaraki douji's arm is one of the few 2hus that has a canon pantyhose? Azmaya gave it to her to differentiate her silhouette from hermit Kasen.
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The prettier Kasen

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What are you guys’ favorite JP SCP content?
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Holy based.
I kneel, OP blown the fuck out
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lmao that motherfucker tried to highroad us but he got schooled.
I thought you made games in Roblox
There's nothing wrong with Roblox if you FUCKING LOVE PHYSICS!!!!!!!!! Fuck Minecraft.

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What did you think of UDoALG? Was there anything you felt could have been done better, in terms of story or gameplay? Was there anything you felt was done exceptionally well or exceptionally poorly in comparison to its predecessors?
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>I wanted to say that it feels fitting for 2hu to have gameplay similar to old games refusing to move on, but stuff like ability cards is pretty modern-ish
I can't speak for the man himself, but the introduction of mechanics like ability cards or the point device system is him starting to pick up what might have worked in the arcades before the internet era might not work today. ZUN's been making games for decades , but the scene has changed so much since then. There's thousands of games at your fingertips, all competing for you time and money. Indie games can become massive successes that print money. Children that played games are now adults, with more income but less free time and are (hopefully) more picky with what they spend their precious time and money on.This probably applies to kids as well. The boomer days of a kid saving up coins to play games at the arcade because there's not much else are long gone.

Asking twenty bucks for a game with less content then games half the price that's made so only small fraction of players can even beat it is simply ridiculous. ( And yes, I know that the whole gameplay to price ratio is a whole other bag of worms), I'm glad that Touhou became big despite the games, but I can't see them growing in popularity at all, especially considering who many children are getting into the franchise now.

It's definitively a bad thing in the other direction. Take Graveyard Keeper for example. It's much more forgiving, and there's a lot more there then the Touhou games, but its so padded out with grinding that I just got bored with it when I hit a major roadblock.
SA was the highpoint of the series
It's just a decline from there. So the next few games were pretty good, just not as good
This but PCB.
>and it all in the end boils down to "Nothing Ever Happens: The Game"
I agree with this
The PC-98 games had an "intensity" that's hard to describe and just isn't present in the modern games
PoDD especially, and it's a shame no other game had cutscenes like it did, for they really added to the feel of the game.
That's one of the reasons I like SA so much. It had a similar intensity and vibe that hasn't been touched since the earliest games. Something about the backgrounds too, very surreal and "non definite" like in the earlier games.
I'm just joking, lmao
>But yeah if you don't like the way the game plays little can be done.
Hope more people can just accept this instead of whining about game design

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they're simply the best
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oh no
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Good, lord! She's going to eat her!

She owes me wolfsex and some cute wolfkids. She also owes our wolfkids her wolfmilk from those luscious wolfmilkers

She also owes me a lotta wolfhugs
she's lesbian though

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How the hell have the two men who built the majority of 2000s doujin culture never collaborated? They both released their first Windows games at Comiket 62 back in 2002 (Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and Onikakushi), and over the coming years they both well received games with memorable worlds, characters and stories, just in entirely different genres. And yet we never got a Higurashi danmaku by ZUN or a Touhou VN by Ryukishi? It boggles the mind. If these two men joined forces they could conquer all of Japan!
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Both series are beloved by internet transgenders. It's truly a wonder why they never collaborated
It's not a dick flinging contest about who's better than whom, Ryuu is was just not as much of an influence as ZUN or Nasu
They're not even saying Ryukishi's better than ZUN they're replying to >>48761462 and saying he has influence
Anyways they're chums IRL so arguing would be very silly
Not enough people got interested in Ciconia to warrant a continuation. That's basically it, not matter how people might feel otherwise.
im one of those people. the first chapter alone wasn't enough to sell me, that was precisely why i was waiting for the next chapters to see what 07 had in store, surely it wasnt going to remain some typical action narrative...surely...

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Thread #34.5 of the HSE

This thread is for the spinoffs of the spinoff of a fan work.
>“Hana Hakurei is the daughter of Reimu Hakurei and her husband, Anon. As the future protector of Gensokyo, Hana was never going to have a normal life, but it was worse than it should have been.”

Useful links:
OG work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43718466/chapters/109935363
Hana's story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52050766/chapters/131634781
1st chapter of the HSE: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51816529
HSE collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/The_Hakurei_Shrine_Experience

'please don't try to bump with mobile data' edition

previous thread: >>48111658
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not yesterday, ya boy was only the bone. Got home from extra hours and just collapsed -- but chapter today guaranteed~
in the meanwhile, to keep the autism levels high, I was doing a little reading of the notes for Set 3 and decided to do an exercise which consists of parsing each character into a tarot card. Reaching for fundamentals always strengthens the basis, or something of that like. Here's the result:
Hana/Anon — The Fool and Reversed Fool
She is growing through her journey from a child to an adult, with experiences that bring forth the worst and the best of her personality. She is innocent in soul, and the non-euclidean movement draws her desire to be free.
He married Reimu and, unknowingly to him, forfeited his freedom. His life has stalled as he was taken advantage of by both Reimu and Yukari. There is still hope for his journey, as unsure as it is.
Reimu/Yukari — The Empress and Reversed Empress
She is a recovering woman that has discovered an inner fire within herself to give everything she still has to her family. She is a failed mother, but her abundant love drives her to change that no matter the cost. Her beauty lies beyond the mortal coil and coexists with her zealous repentance.
She is a facade of a facade. She’s stagnated in her trauma and, because of that, she smothers Anon, Hana and the whole of Gensokyo with her whims, always failing to gauge the consequences of her actions. Her beauty is completely corporeal. She has been lost for far too long.
Kasen — Reversed Hermit
She’s lost her way due to her negligence and isolated herself emotionally due to Yukari’s games. She’s addled by her sins and, rather than facing them, pushes them into a magical seal. The sun setting was once her only hope, but her heart yearns for her to reforge of her bonds.
Marisa — The Sun
Night has receded, and after Patchouli’s forgiveness and Reimu’s guidance, day came. She is light and she is joy. She is reinvigorated, and she shines upon her children’s souls with sheer confidence and truth. Even if night falls again, she knows a sunrise is inevitable.
Ran and Aya — The Lovers
Their love for Anon moves them through the snake pit that Gensokyo became, and they balance treason with facades. Each has a dream of their own, and they must make choices regarding love when the time comes.

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Your Balatro lore dump is nice but I'd rather have another chapter instead of watching you fall deeper into a gambling addiction.
it was more of a persona thing since I've been listening a lot of the OST, but won't deny Balatro has been a godsend during traffic jams~
can't believe I was so easily read... Eh, another win for big balatro
What is this? What is all of this…?

“—GIRL—” The distant voice is ignored. I hold a knife, the one Anon would sharpen for me after we’d finish cooking together since these tiny doll hands can’t maneuver the knife and the sharpening tool at the same time. I’d use this knife to hold off rowdy Youkai trying to harm him until the white wolves would arrive…

For a doll with such limited perception of reality outside the building of the HSE and master’s workshop, this knife and the occasional Danmaku were the extents of my world.

The blade is bent, and the metal is half-molten.

I watch the weird, small woman in pink impale a doll with that horrible spear of hers, the doll combusting in a cloud of dust and flame; the vampire dodged it, unscathed, and through dodges of the others’ attacks she’d destroyed many other dolls—one got decapitated; another ripped in two; seven in a row blasted with Danmaku pellets, their stuffing bursting with the blows before melting into explosions…

None that'd get a drop of blood from the vampire.

Fighting the woman with red hair wasn’t easy, but it was manageable.

Above my head, a being so massive that I doubt I'd fill a single one of his scales flies at speeds I know I’ll never match, shooting walls upon walls of Danmaku amidst lasers that’d often be taller than the Fake Shrine.

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sorry, could only muster one chapter; still boned after these past days doing extra hours. Gotta make up for my sick time.
but at least I already have the other chapters done, they just need editing -- therefore, more tomorrow~

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haruka = sex symbol
The original.
She's a big girl

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Post em. 2hus doing stuff outside of Gensokyo also welcome.
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>not including the images of her in a suit and tie
Hnnnnng pls post those too
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I got you
Cute lesbians
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Crown prince thread.
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Frotting with migock!
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