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/e/ - Ecchi

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Since there seems to be some confusion (or lack of reading) on the rules of this board, here is the concept of this board clear and simple:

/e/cchi is for:
- Pictures of animu girls featuring either sexy clothing or nudity without sex.
- Masturbation and suggestive touching pictures are allowed as long as it's one girl doing it to herself without use of toys.

/e/cchi is NOT for:
- Blatantly-sexual images involving men, the sexual fluids of men or foreplay done by men. These images belong in /h/.
- Images featuring one woman touching another in a blatantly or suggestively sexual manner. These images belong in /u/.
- Images exclusively featuring men. These images belong in /cm/ or /y/.
- Requests. All requests go in /r/. Do not post requests here unless you have at least 6 pictures related to what you're requesting.
- Pictures featuring girls with a loli body type, or Furry pictures. Do not post these anywhere except for /b/.
- Western art. Due to frequent quality issues and lawsuit-happy western artists, western art or fanart is not allowed, with very few exceptions.

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bleached anus, brown anus, ebony anus, big anus, small anus, open anus, narrow anus, hairy anus, bald anus, shaved anus, trimmed anus
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Good career in the clown world we live in. Better than most degrees you can get from universities.

old thread:
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old thread:
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old thread:
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old thread:
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old thread:
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The path toward the object of desire. That perverse sign of the Id. Where there is hair, fertility follows. It is a sign of maturation; this is no girl, this is a woman.

But that just makes the juxtaposition more desirable, when the frame of the girl is so delicate you'd fear it break.

Post all ranges of pubic hair, from a small tuft to the whole jungle. Other body hair is optional.
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He deserves to see something nice before he dies
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She's an exhibitionist, but also really shy around people
She started off exposing herself to posters, then rubber duckies, and has now moved on to fish
she wants the photographer to compare the smell

the photographer said, "hey that fish is the same color as your bush" and wanted to check

she's going to proceed pleasuring herself with this fish
Who is this artist? I love how they draw pubes.
click the blue triangle

Shall we make a chika thread? Also i heard there was a complete nude filter of the ova but i cant find it anywhere.
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>ok, and when noone tells you it's AI, it's perfectly acceptable?
What part of it's always shit don't you understand? I can tell just fine when someone used AI to make something because I'm not retarded. AI is far from getting to that point and I know all about LoRAs and ControlNet and it's still very easy to tell.

>you retards would have been saying the same shit about digital art.
Stop comparing AI to traditional tools. I don't remember photoshop drawing things by itself by using stolen art from the internet. Also entering prompts is not a skill and you will never be a real artist.
ah, i see, my mistake
you have abaolutely no idea what you're talking about outside a few buzzwords, I should have noticed earlier.
>you can't tell the difference between high quality generative art and manual art anymore
Maybe you can't because you fried your sense of quality looking at so much AI, I sure can tell the difference. Even without the mangled fingers and other nonsensical anatomy that used to be the norm.

What you say might be true for fully clothed pics. I don't know, I don't look at those. But for anything at least semi-worthy of /e/ and beyond, AI usage is still completely obvious.

It has gotten better, as you say, but I've still not seen a single AI pic that was worth looking at, let alone keeping.
I accept your concession
you seem to be missing the point that people complain about it BECAUSE they can easily tell, how else do you think they even find out

Elf girls and dark elf girls.
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Previous Thread: >>2850817

>Guides & Resources
Pastebin: https://rentry.org/MMD4Chan



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anyone have this model?
anyone have the video
the one with medaka kurokami in it?

i've looked everywhere for it but it seems REO nuked his old videos off the planet and cant find a place to watch it
Is this not downloadable for anyone else?
Anyone have this model ?

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Thread dedicated to the manga by Seiji Matsuyama and the OVA by J.C.Staff.
Fanart is welcome too, you may also post other underrated titty shows of the early 2000s like Jungle de Ikou in here.
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>some enormous faggot is selling an AI-generated remake of the Eiken manga
What a complete shithead. It had been nice that I'd hardly seen any AI crap of Eiken.
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I really hope they're keeping the Eiken-sized breasts from the original. Or is that going to be a problem?
lmao what the fuck?
>be a buyfag
>want Eiken figures
>the only ones that exist are shitty trade figures

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Artists of ALL experience levels are welcome.
I'm serious. That includes you. Yeah you. The guy/girl who's never picked up a pencil before in his/her life. You're not only welcome but encouraged to post here.

You know the rules:
> 1. Include full names and what series your characters are from.
> 2. Keep the request SIMPLE.
> 3. Compile multiple images into one or link to a gallery for additional references.
> 4. Try not to bump requests.
> 5. REQUEST drawings ONLY; this is NOT your personal deviantART page.
> 6. No AI deliveries.
> 7. Do not hijack requests.
> 8. PLEASE request only ONE drawing at a time.
> 9. Artists, post a sample of your work when "taking X requests".
> 10. No shitposting.
> 11. Keep it /e/.

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Requesting a 2D take of this old Koikatsu render of (from left to right) Hinako Shijou, Athena, Asamiya, Yuri Sakazaki, & Kula Diamond at the beach in their official swimsuits.

Official Art for reference:
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forgot the pic dammit
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Delivery here! I hope you like the redesign i've done for her, think she now have some mommy/MILF vibes

Topless version on my pages:

And also in NewGrounds:
Good tits
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Requesting Fern from Frieren showing off her huge veiny tits.

Been a long while since the last one.
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One breast out
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