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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

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Wake up boys! New expansion to AoE2 dropped!
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>How is blue already out did he resign or DC, how are your units on the other side of the map
Blue tried to aggressive foward walling with a MAA rush, I simply waited to get more MAAs with backup of purple, 1vs2 absolutely demolished him.
Then my MAAs proceed to harass blue woodline, killed his spears, enabled my mate's +1 PA turk scouts to absolutely demolish the few archers he could field.
Then he resigned, beelined for green, he had 3 TCs and a castle, when I saw the first mame, I simply fucked off and went harass somewhere.
Teal was well entrenched and couldn't do shit, so I went to grey and found all these recently placed farms. Had a field day. Heh.

Lesson learn: Never throw away your units for free. Also celtic infantry is best, can be used for harass unlike regular slow infantry.

Incredibly risky, if the enemy goes fast feudal into 2 ARs (which is not that uncommon nowadays) you will absolutely die, he will be walled off, he will repair the ARs, maybe even towering them, he will field archers and that's game.
The only times I'd advice going double rax is on unorthodox, team oriented open maps, and only if your entire team will back up with you infantry all in. Coastal Forest, Lombardia, Mountain Ridge, Seize the Mountain, etc.
If it's a regular 2vs2 on each flank then going double rax is very bad, at most, go MAAs + skirms. Only celt MAAs manage to be viable, kind of.
Mangudai DECONSTRUCTED in smart mathematical analysis by Spirt of the SotL
I only tried this in 1v1s, but if the enemy has 2 ARs already I'm already at a ton of MAAs. The swordsmen either shred the building foundations down or the players will try to delete and build elsewhere.
Scouting is essential to prevent ARs from ever going up. Send every 4 MAAs up to their base whenever possible, the key is to make the enemy anxious by having all buildings outside of TC range taking damage. Specially effective if the enemy is walling early in Dark Age.
I don't usually look at timings too much but for that build I go up at around 20 vills to keep militias being made as feudal is being researched.
It's great to have some vills on wood and I didn't find an exact value so far but it pays off to be flexible and go for a AR instead of blacksmith as 1st feudal building sometimes.
I like to spread the barracks apart to not draw too much attention.

Incas are quite good at this.
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>20 pop feudal with constant maa production
Don't let food decay, go one animal at a time, use a bunch of vills per sheep and boar, get all your deer
Get stragglers first and don't build a lumber camp until they're all gone.

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>needs more flavor though
They should have made the campaign last past the beginning of Christianity and had some kind of decadence mechanic so that you have something to do once you've großed out, something that starts out slowly with some debuffs and eventually snowballs into what Total War Attila did. Instead the campaign just kinda ends right before you get to the good part.

I don't remember if EU: Rome went past the death of Jesus. I didn't play it much, but I remember one of the start dates was Rome blobbed out almost to the fullest extent it achieved in OTL so maybe Imperator could have a bookmark like that, unfortunately we live in the Paradox era where they're against multiple bookmarks (or pandering to history autists over larpers)
>people eventually find out it really was fixed but it’s too late
This is not what people said at the time. What people said was that the game was beginning to be good, but it was still flawed, and with Paradox saying the game's development was put on hold everyone just assumed the game will forever be in this better but still flawed state. No one who played it ever said it was fixed like how Victoria 2 was "fixed" after A House Divided.

This is what PDS has been doing with most of their titles since as far back as HOI2 (maybe even further back, but HOI2 is the oldest Paradox game I've messed with so I can't say). Crusader Kings 2's launch was lightning in a bottle for them.
>They should have made the campaign last past the beginning of Christianity and had some kind of decadence mechanic so that you have something to do once you've großed out, something that starts out slowly with some debuffs and eventually snowballs into what Total War Attila did. Instead the campaign just kinda ends right before you get to the good part.
Invictus + Extended Timeline + Crisis of the Third Century. Playing vanilla Imperator is like playing vanilla Victoria 2: there's no reason to do it.
Funny you should say that; I almost exclusively play vanilla Victoria 2 because I don't really like what most mods add to the game. But then again, I have my own mini mod I always play with that plugs up the hole in Canada so that the US doesn't blob into Yukon, so you're actually right now that I think about it.
I played vanilla Vic2 for years before getting bored enough to really give mods a try, now that I'm used to them l can't imagine playing without stuff like PDM. But Imperator had so little development post-release that it really needs them to keep the game interesting, and Invictus at least is so seamless I think of it as a sort of semi-official continued development of Imperator.

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>"I will never ask you to vote for me again!" - Park Chung-hee

Previous Thread: >>1644652
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Is it even possible to win a Long?
I don't know. How many times have you tried? If you get assassinated, other Dems can win. FYI it's basically impossible to win as Landon in the default 1936 so I did this as an alternative.
>Trying to figure out a map problem for my mod where the error messages are absolutely opaque & there's 0 documentation
Coding for TCT is surprisingly flexible but man is it pure spaghetti sometimes
NCT is way better by the sole reason that you can the enter key to answer a question.
Why does CST not have this?
Also BIGSHOT is way easier to use UI-wise than the benefit checker window.
I don't think we've decided.

Who is 'ThatAnxiousGamer' and why has he made the worst review video on SG Beta so far?
Just watched the absolute worst review of SG Beta, and am totally shocked that it hasn't been taken down by YT yet...

Don't be suprised when he gets sued for libel...Biggest pack of lies I've ever heard/seen.


Clealr has literally no understanding RTS genre, or game development. This guys is the biggest joke on the internet right now
You know what Goebbels said? Tell a lie multiple times and people will believe it.
>played for 10+ years
>peak: diamond 2
but true sg sucks

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>want to start new game
>spend 30 minutes trying to generate a map that isn't either straight up broken or nonsensical
Definitely something that's going to have to be improved in the sequel.
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Daemons of c̶h̶a̶o̶s̶ Davkul
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>although past 10 it's usually a slog as the difficulty scaling just start sending you a bagillion enemies and there's no way to speed up combat
This was my biggest gripe about Wartales. Enemy numbers start to explode and simple battles can take all day for no real gain in reward.
The problem is that the stronger you get, the more abilities you can use, both you and the enemy. So not only are you facing 20-30 enemies who all need to take their turns, but they can all move and attack, then move again and make their second attack. HP also bloats quickly, but I found you can counter that by pumping up your critical hit chance.
Battle Brothers got it right with one action per turn. It keeps a sense of flow. If you start to feel like your people are standing still while the enemy are running all over the place, it looks absurd and feels unfair.
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>still too weak to fight camps
Hire a bunch of nobodies, give them militia spears, and send them in first. They poke holes in the enemy and die. Your brothers finish off the wounded and level, and you take their gear.
Human wave offensives are a bad idea since them dying causes morale loss on remaining bros and could cascade into a full rout if the difference in resolve between the chaff and your main team is not great enough.
Your bros also get a morale boost from killing the enemy. It's not that risky in practice unless you've taken on a really tough camp and lose too many at once.

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>filters shitters
Have you bowed to Johan (PBUH) today yet?
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>Northoids are barbaric subhumans
Who would've guessed, not like the greeks and romans had already told us long ago
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S*rdinian never been considered human
Cheese in general is disgusted. It's ALL rotten milk.
>the jewel in the crown of the British Empire
>the mythical land of Hindustan
>the literal reason Europe went across the ocean and around Africa
>and Americans are called Indians

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Song of Syx thread since last one archived.


It's a low fantasy city builder in the vein of Caeser or Pharaoh series. Oh and for whatever reason, the creator decided to over reach and bolt on a total war component so you can micro like an RTS while taking over the world. City builder is pretty much done and the latter has the foundations in but still unbalanced.

Demo is free-forever and is only a few versions behind the latest stable, good to try so you know whether you will like to core gameplay.

Fantasy means many races with their strengths and weaknesses like Vegetarian pigmen, tall dwarves twice the size of humans, cannibal elves lizards and bugmen. Oh so you want to min-max with all these races don't you? Well, too bad they are all Racists as fuck and prone to murder each other without careful planning. Good thing there's a very robust slavery system for you to prosecute and exploit the undesirables yes?
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>nobles need gems for their stupid mansion
>1k a pop and need 20 total
How are you supposed to grow your conquered cities? Everything takes a ton of workforce and leaves me with no way to build more buildings.
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>Roadmap of upcoming features:

Wish we had something like Monsters and similar beasts to fight and loot from without having to go to battle against an actual enemy nation.
>races are still unable to be happy without a slave caste to shit on
The best critics to communism will always be communists themselves. lamo
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fucking kids

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hopes? dream? if they pull it off it could be one of the defining features of 3
they're gonna mess it up aren't they?
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CK2 mogs this trash game and Rise To Power mod probably mogs this dlc
I don't want the map and the "map data" to be more watered down. It's because all of those wars and conflicts that are happening everywhere, that me playing a bumfuck count in the middle of Spain, that could possibly already be a duke, but is liked by everyone around him, including the three Spanish kings (more interested in fighting in wars between french duchies), and the Umayyad sultan (who had a dude with two Duchies rebelling, but just let him go, and other than that is the undisputed strongest and stablest power in Iberia) and instead is busy on diligently making his piece of shit land, the best piece of land in all of Iberia, as well as having feasts with his friends and neighbouring nobles feels so fun.
Well, that and making the exiled "prince" of Brittany convert to Adoptionism, letting him marry my second daughter (they had similiar personality traits, that's how I pick arranged marriages), and winning the Brittany for him twice to have an adoptionist Brittany sit there and spite England and France (first war was getting him Brittany, which was easy, the second came immedietaly after the first: fortunately or intentionally before my troops and mercs moved back(I dawdled and with good reason), where he revoked a vassal, having the whole country but the capital rise against him, because the throne of brittany was just that weak, after which the AI went almost NK mode, but Brittany was super strong from then on.)
None of that was a prescripted adventure, except the monk that messed around around my court getting either boastful or humbled, half the reason I converted was because I was attached to the bastard, but the other half was because he was the oldest character in my court and I wanted to see how long he would live (He proceeded to outlive my count, who became Duke of "Africa"(tunis), because he wanted to help his Sultan friend and helped one of the families vying for the Byzantine throne get it after converting one of the princesses)
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>I'll just let how its executed be a surprise
It's going to be overpriced and barely have any content.
Why is it negative? I thought the content was fine.

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I'm a programmer, so i will be able to do something like a free browser game. Ideally I'd want collab, but if only have ideas, that is fine too.
We will solve everything polls.
Let's begin with the setting (12 options):
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So when should we expect a playable prototype to be out then? Also I'm not particularly a fan of Simul-turns, but you do you ig.
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Sea zones should be finished now.
I'm extremely bad at setting deadlines. This spring happens to be extremely busy for me, but hopefully I can whip something out during the summer break.
Why do you need sea zones anyways? They're not countries are they? Do the fish people live there?
How do you handle naval control and pathfinding, nigger?
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just some place to have sea battles

Just a working idea, this might just be too complicated for the players to understand, but...

The gist is to find a movement system between Total War's free movement and PDX's abstracted movement.
Imagine this:

>each province is connected to another by one path
>The length of the path is based on pixel distance
>armies/fleets have two modes, "stationed" and "moving"

When unit is within the center of the province, they are "stationed" there, and can be given orders.
When unit is given the order to move somewhere, they are "moving", and can't be given new orders until they reach their destination

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>He gives his dorfs 2x1 bedrooms
Anyways how is your fort going?
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When I opted in for the adventure beta my raws got restored to the default values, so it is going to depend.
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what is it like to be at war with the amphibian people
Once you breach the caverns they and any other cave dwelling civ around eventually start launching endless raids agains you regardless of anything.
So I guess that this is just a formal declaration of war. I would be surprise if they could actually lauch sieges against you like the goblins do.
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yea but theres a bunch of amphibian fortresses and towns on the surface, plus this rat tower. never seen animal people become relevant in worldgen before so i am curious how the game is gonna handle it
about a year into the fort, got plenty of iron so im gonna start getting my dwarves ready for war. no migrants this season though so that is a bit of a concern
Makes sense. I think some random groups can occupy abandoned forts and some other site, so that then they start showing up on the embark screen as civs, But so far had only ever seen kobolds do that.

Fabledom - Official 1.0 Release Date Teaser Trailer!
Finally out of early access!
Hopes? Fears?
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We play game to escape from our multicultural reality.
I'd rather have everyone black than this.
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why you cunts can't at last once go nip route and make cute chocolate or dark coffee girls? or at last pretty and not some caricatures straight from some XIX century racist playbook?
looks goofy
>looks goofy
not as goofy as that hillbilly princess Matt Groening made for Disenchantment.
>that screenshot
aaaand into the trash it goes. At least they make it easy these days
But what if you can make them slaves? Not particularly good slaves, mind.

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>be europoor dev
>need shekels
>have Unreal 4 license
>make assets and ui
>hire artist?sound design? programmers?, easier just to market as total war killer to big youtubers
>almost a decade goes by, close to launch
>tell fans to lower expectations and gaslight them by saying it was always intended to purely be a city builder

So it takes almost a decade to half a half made EA title with no point in playing.

>Look how many apples i harvested
>look how big my city and pop is!
>now i just have to wait 5 years for it ever actually mean anything ingame!

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He got published by hooded horse otherwise I doubt he would have finished it at all.
Who deleted my post?
It was me, it was all me. I did it
>archers are the only troop type that's easy to train without having a rich iron mine and a production chain wor weapons and armor
>decide to focus on making archers in the early game for this reason
>go into battle
>40 archers vs 18 bandits
>they can't even kill a single one before they close the distance
>they don't have a backup weapon so they can't kill anything in melee either
What fun!
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We got an unfinished medieval sim at home

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>what if eu4 but with pops; the game
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this was like a few decades before the romans btfo pyrrhys
>Literal Indian super empire.
>Massive wars between Alexander Successor states.
>Carthage expansion across much of Spain and Africa.
The only place where not much was going on was North Europe. Which, gameplay wise, should mostly exist to be colonized.
>Takes some shitty tribes in north europe or albion
>Raid and enslave your neighboord
>Build your first city
>Slowly evolve in civilization
>Build road
>Build more city
>Convert pop to your culture in religion
>Have ton of fun
>I only conquer one or two province
>Pass month just watching my road and pop growing
>Never look south of the Alpe
>Know the joy of building civilization.

2.0 is the best gsg since decades anons. It is great. Build more road now!
>Indian super empire
Dont care
>Massive wars
That are basically over after a generation
Some colonies

Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
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I missed when we were here bros
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What are you talking about, anon?
We are still here.
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Shane Frost did a commission for a guy who's Crow character was dressed up as Purple Tear.
It just feels "mod-y". When the update notice promises says that the DLC will have more integration than what is provided I don't feel like buying the book, if you catch my drift. I can see that it might be fun, but it's just not meshing with the rim worlds. Void looks to have better integration.
LC is more popular than what might be gleamed from this thread or beyond. I don't know who this artist is, but I'm not surprised that they (or one of their audience) know who Purple Tear is. Those that are fans of PM evangelize them. In the most random of places you will find someone espousing the greatness of LC or LoR because those fans of those games that haven't moved on are slaves to Director.
It isn't even special to PM, the smaller the fan-base is perceived as, the louder the crowd. I've seen threads about the sadly forgotten Road Trip Adventure survive a hundred or more posts on /v/, which is too much for how obscure the game is THE MINUTE YOU LOSE ME, YOU GONNA FIND OUT YOU WANT ME. THE MINUTE, YOU WANT ME, YOU GONNA FIND OUT I'M GONE
Life, like popularity on Serbian basket-weaving forums, is fleeting. Recognize the good times that you had and move on. It'd be better for your sanity than lingering here. The joke is that you are here forever, but take that spark of unrest within and let go.
This place will never be what it was. Maybe that's for the best.

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