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My wet dream is a Democracy, but instead of mana, there is an advanced character system to represent all 200 parliament members. In order to pass stuff you have to bribe or obtain favors from them.
And instead of everything being on a national level, there would a local level and countries you can invade.
Would anyone play such game?

I would make this game if I wouldn't be so busy.
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The mongols were still living in tents when they invaded austria, poland and hungary.

Name a country who's primary trade partner isn't China. There's about 5 in the world.
I want a Democracy game where you are a dictator
>Name a country who's primary trade partner isn't China.
What do I win?
not so fast

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>PA is now released version 1.0.13
>OpenVic hasn't had a dev diary in 5 months

Bros, come on now, you really gonna support chudgun over actual progress?
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praise kek and sub to spudgun
le navy encircled xD
>Fix TNO OOB files not parsing correctly, alongside other mods

we're so back tnobros
bokoen1 > chudgun

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So... how is your Factory campaign going?
Also, just for fun, come up with (your) theme for a town.

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Official Cove expansion for the board game. Fucking webp.
I haven't played my board game at all yet...
Why aren't you celebrating the 25th anniversary of Heroes III?
I'm considering it, even though the Polish turboautists would demolish me in the first month. Except you're not really playing HoMM3, you're playing HotA. But you're not really playing HotA, you're playing Jebus Cross. And I despise Discord and have not used it in years.
Also after just reading the tournament rules (I have never played in one) I don't understand bidding for towns and banning heroes?
I watched the PAUL ANTHONY ROMERO video inviting us all to the tournament and he's based so please try and sell me on this because largely I support the idea even if this is a niche Polish system already mastered by Poles and rigged against actual HoMM3 play.
>HotA was always wrong about Diplomacy and Resistance
>t. will never win the 3500 zloty
Tell me about your Donut Steel map

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I enjoy the remaster
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Chivalry is a fine port, but honestly, it is depressing, since it doesn't have Medieval 2's mechanics and the units are the same ugly models from 2004. Not much to see there, besides the big map submod.
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the perioikoi are okay. as for the AI blobs, i usually keep a couple of phalanx in the second line so when the line breaks at the attack point, i can quickly move in the reserve phalanx.
they only finished greeks and the illyrians. next patch for this update cycle is going to finish up greek officers and implementing a new recruitment mechanic. the next update 0.7 is going to be entirely focused on rome/italy and 0.8 is going to be focused on carthage and whatever that entails. after that, who knows but i imagine they will probably focus in gauls in 0.9 and so eastern units will probably be years out desu.
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>eastern units will probably be years out desu.
Well, too bad, but I understand. Might as well wait for CA's remake of Rome 2
That blob could’ve been countered with a flanking maneuver from the left. Two cavs + general can easily rout a single unit and also archers deal more damage if you can get sideshots with them
208 BC
my turn time is 1 minute and 8 seconds on an nvme

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>I put the archers behind the spearmen, wait for the melee then charge their backs with cav
This is how the average strategy gamer thinks of strategy. A smoothbrained subhuman can come up with the above. *Executing* it is the hard part of battle.
The real challenge in battle stems from chaos, and dealing with that chaos is what separates good commanders from the bad.
The TW games and other strategy games you can micro each of your units from a bird's eye view and tell them exactly where to go, and they'll 100% follow your orders instantly.
It's like God has the command of one side of the battle. Of course you'd win every time.
Real battles are full of misinformations, misjudgement about enemy size/position and even own position and size. Units also do not respond to orders instantaneously or follow them correctly most fo the time. Even a good strategist like Napoleon, during Waterloo, had 1/3 of his army off-map chasing after some phantom enemy, had his elite cavalry charge into square without his consent, only for that phantom enemy to appear on his flank securing his defeat. This would never happen to the player in an average strategy game.
Real battles are chaotic and it takes actual high IQ and most importantly, LUCK to win.
Are there any games that do this?
pic rel is a board game that does this quite well
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Ignore all the retarded fuckwits blabbering on, they are smooth brained trailer trash who lack basic comprehension skills.
Yes, of course you are correct. Units obeying instantly and doing exactly as ordered. Bullshit. God like view of the situation. Bullshit. Most games dont have sufficient fog of war that simulates the imperfect information available. Most games do not incorporate sufficient mechanisms for adding chaos inflicted by poorly trained troops, variable morale and combat strength, misunderstood orders, the personalities of Commanders pursuing ego driven incentives, or their mere incompetence. History is full of such examples.
Probably two reasons why no game comes up to the mark. Firstly they cater to the mass of lowits who would spit the dummy if they didn't win a glorious victory every time. Second its probably too hard to code.
Additionally there's the issue of current AIs being able to cope with a fuckton of other variables if the game is played as single player, they struggle to cope with even now, although that could be solved by making games easier to play online against other humans with an efficient matchmaking system that filters out the rage quitters, the unreliable, the retards, and the babies.
You sound unreasonably mad. Did you not get any touchings last night..
what midwits like you and op never seem able to understand is that everyone agrees with you by default that these games are not realistic and that something like you or op are describing is more realistic.
the problem is either the lack of such games or such games being buggy and undercooked. but you keep working yourself into a froth trying to explain how your way is the most realistic while everyone just looks at your meltdown in confusion and disgust
And then you kill them?
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I will double your autism and say that tactical decisions like this actually do influence the command of a battlefield in a very real way. Archers up front implies a skirmisher role. They will harass the enemy and provide a screen for the bulk of the spearmen to approach and prepare to meet the enemy bulk without issues. They do not need direct orders from me for when to retreat they will naturally keep away and disperse when the enemy gets closer. Their weapons are light and do not hinder movement naturally they will be more fluid and less static. My most important trained troops are not the archers but the infantry block, like Greek Hoplites. Skirmishers being dumb can be dangerous but misleading my block can spell disaster. Sure there are factors in real life that could mean I can't control them but in general I focus on the bulk of my attention on them and not the archers.

Archers in the back or mixed implies I expect they to fire upon the enemy bulk while it is engaged with the bulk of my troops. In this case I will have to spend more of my limited attention ensuring the archers are in position and that the front doesn't break and they get overran or flanked, and that the archer fire is actually effective. Because of this I am more likely to put a premium on archer equipment and give them larger longbows instead of shortbows. These are specialized trained units above the common spearmen stock who make up the bulk of the front in direct contrast to the tactics employed by the Gayreeks and I will expect them to have a larger impact on the battle. Shortbow skirmishers cannot pierce heavy armor but these archers can. If these units are to become disorganized I do not want them on the front because they are a more important part of my plan and if I can't command them at all I do not want whoever is to have any ideas of moving them up. Naturally their weapons would dissuade them from doing that because they are bulkier and take longer to reload.

I'm fascinated with the possibilities between different unit types and gear/tactical instructions. I'm only about 10 hours into the game and trying to dip into the finer details before the difficulty curve becomes less comfy.

What builds are you guys running and what lessons have you learned?
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To everyone complaining about no PC release:
Just get a ROM
That's illegal
So is you being here underaged
Do you really call it a ROM for modern carts? I suppose since saves aren't stored on-cart it's not necessarily wrong, the carts are Read-Only Memory in that sense. But most everything is flash memory these days, including Switch, so wouldn't it be an image?
Languages are full of grandfathered terms that don't make full sense in a modern context. When you refer to a game ROM everyone knows what you mean, the exact details of the specific console don't matter.

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Of all paradox games it has the most playing tall potential. The probelm is its blobby nature and the fact that Rome blobs everywhere unless you kill them in the cradle makes playing tall not very viable in the long run.
>and OPB
If that cheating shill has his way Imperator will end up being worse than it was on release.
It only works really well if you're on the mediterranean coastline, preferably away from Rome. Slave raiding for pops is very fun
Inferior to Victoria 3 and stellaris, who have without a doubt the best internal mechanics, but superior to the rest of pdx slop
>conquer some shithole city state
>provinical capital moves from lush farmlands to stinky marsh.
thanks, johan. very cool.

What is it about the pike & shot era that scares strategy game devs so much? Literally more strategy games have been set in the Bronze Age than in the pike & shot era.
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Why do Americans gush so hard for ancient Rome, Medieval knights and Vikings, or samurai then? They aren't from any of those cultures either.
melee will always be cooler than guns
The New Model Army was revolutionary because of its recruitment/regimental system rather than battlefield tactics. IIRC it was one of the first modern military forces where troops were mixed with men from other regions/cities under a professional officer corps rather than being regional levies serving all together under the command of their local lord. It was consequently able to refresh units immediately after a battle.
I think their actual tactics differed little from other factions but the troops were diehard ideologically driven puritans/republicans/proto-socialists while their enemies were fighting for some noble or the Catholic church.
the big downside is all his games are built around multiplayer. AI is nonexistent in a lot of scenarios
the company that took over JTS, Wargame Design released some more pike and shot games

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Still waiting for a game set here...
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I got an idea for a Sid Meier's Pirate or Uncharted Waters like games in SEA. Maritime SEA as a huge Carribean Islands equivalent with Singapore as a Tortuga and Mainland SEA as a Mexico analogue.
I realize Skulls and Bones (2024) was exactly that but it's crappy Ubisoft tax write off shovelware.
you should thank them for domesticating chicken, rice, and sugarcane
Europe literally developed itself into the center of the world just to get access to SEA
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Uncharted: Waters

post your aesthetic germanias you formed in vic2
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>adding trans rights
Elaborate, I thought Crimeamod was made by some anon
Crimeamod is made by a ziggerfaggot serbroach.
cool shark
Krakow doesn't get flavor because it requires insane asspulls to get off the ground, but Poland does get flavor in all of the regular flavor mods like GFM or HPM. You're better off waiting for Poland to pop up from an event, or releasing it yourself then switching. Forming it the hard way is insane. Polish-Lithuanian-Commowealth, which can form biiiiiig Poland, is a strong nation in Divergence of Darkness with flavor if you're ok with alt history.

>mfw when i realize that there's a group of people that uses burgundian as an adjective irl
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Post it.
wat dis game about? sell it to me.
Hoi4 axis victory alt his mod set in a three way Cold War between japan Germany and the USA. Plays more like a visual novel than a traditional hoi4 mod. If you like Suzerain then you’ll like the mod. If not then you won’t.
It's also a deprogramming tool for chuds

dominions bread
hopes/dreams/fears for dominions 6?
total list of known (so far) changes in 6: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2511500/discussions/0/3807281445020039925/
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The only thing I dont like about dominions is how I need to play every battle beforehand to know how my units will do against the enemy. There's so much stuff that can go wrong with spells and blesses
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nations for this feel?
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damn normal ai has hands

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What are some good borderline table top like WWII war games?
Why would you cast a steel hex? That sounds like a boon honestly. You should cast hexes like impotence, pain, disfigurement and so on.

Redpill me on a-train.

Is it really the dark souls of economy sims?
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do you have any recommendations for a-train 9 guides?
Entire series on sale rn.
It's more like OPENTTD on a micro level. It's more about filling the needs of a region or two and really optimizing around the 9-5 and holiday travel. It's comfy especially the portable ones.

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Where should my people settle?

I think im done with rp'ing as a band of violent gypsies and britain was not as welcoming as i had hoped. Preferably somewhere we wont btfo by other migrants like the saxons
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Kys faggot
good looking




I don’t understand why people seem to always praise CK3’s UI in comparisons between it and CK2 because I really have to agree. I suppose I’m simply not the target audience anymore.
what mobile game is that?
People actually praise that garbage? It looks like placeholder shit.

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