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>title name and colour customisation
>CoA customisation
>custom faiths
>hybrid/divergent cultures
>architecture/fashion mix&match options
>achievements allowed with mods
Why did they never add these things back in CK2? Was player choice not respected back then?
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The game looks weird without mods to me now.
I got the game through less than legal ways so mods are sadly out of the picture
The character models alone are clay blobs without EPE.
I hope roads to power is good.
>Like CK2 wasn't that too?
towards the end of its lifetime? sure

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I'm a programmer, so i will be able to do something like a free browser game. Ideally I'd want collab, but if only have ideas, that is fine too.
We will solve everything polls.
Let's begin with the setting (12 options):
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How do you handle naval control and pathfinding, nigger?
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just some place to have sea battles

Just a working idea, this might just be too complicated for the players to understand, but...

The gist is to find a movement system between Total War's free movement and PDX's abstracted movement.
Imagine this:

>each province is connected to another by one path
>The length of the path is based on pixel distance
>armies/fleets have two modes, "stationed" and "moving"

When unit is within the center of the province, they are "stationed" there, and can be given orders.
When unit is given the order to move somewhere, they are "moving", and can't be given new orders until they reach their destination

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*benny Hill playing*
sounds like there will be shenanigans involving one army chasing the other playing, unless
A)armies constantly "run out of" supplies they hold, and can't ressuply unless they stop for some time AND their speed is some kind of way is influenced by supply (imo influence should be exponential but very small, so you get almost no slow down through the most supply but near no supply there's 0 speed)
or B)there's army "fatigue" separate from "morale"

Also it's a good idea to implement "Chase that army!" order, if you plan on making it that finicky to have battles.
I meant more on that hard angle in >>1724228
46# province, seems like there'd b some sand trailing due to current alongside the west-side coast being almost straight (wanted to include gif of wave meeting a long wall and breaking into <-left and right-> currents, but too big for 4chan)
It won't come to that, at least not outside of sea zones, because armies wouldn't be able to advance past enemy provinces unless they occupy them.

But this discussion has made me realize that I have to rethink ships.
I had hoped to make ships works like EU4, where you build ships and load them into ships to be transported.
I now realize telling AI to use this feature effectively is going to nightmare, because even PDX doesn't do well with it.

I think I need a hybrid models
You would have two sea actions:
>constructable ships, that can move any sea tile and fight other armies they encounter
>additionally there would fixed "sea roads" that the armies can use travel through the sea
Sea roads would essentially be how straits work in PDX games, except, they cost money, and enemy enter the sea route, the army traveling begins back.
Thus, you be able to transport armies even if you have 0 ships, though you would still want to have ships, so you could secure and block sea routes, but also blockade enemy ports
Sea routes would essentially be an abstraction of hiring merchant ships to carry you

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Dead since 2015. It's joever.
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Out of the Warscape TW’s, Attila probably has the best siege mechanics with city devastation, barricades that aren’t built around gimmicks, and straggling civilians fleeing
Let storming a settlement be a costly slog and have more focus on the actual siege and encirclement of the settlement.
>Options to try and sabotage both defendant and attacker, targetting their supplies, defenses etc.
>Mechanic for sallying forth to attack a portion of the defenders with low(ish) risk.
>Defender supply and morale mechanic where the defender needs to manage resources to keep their soldiers able to fight and their prevent their population from surrendering, based on presence of leaders, remaining supplies and strength of (nearby) allied armies.
Wasn't that an actual strategy at one point in history? Never actually defend castles, just lock the gates and leave, then let the enemy siege an empty castle. Meanwhile you run around their land burning farmsteads and massacring peasants.
>How do you improve the worst sieges in the franchise
>Copy the siege mechanics of the 2nd worst sieges in the franchise
Part of the reason sieges feel ao good is that they are exempt from the morale decay bullshit of field battles

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Anno series is dog shit

>play 1503
>tutorial sucks doesn’t explain anything well enough
>play 2070
>half the features are locked to online mode not even worth playing
>look at 1800
>comes with Ubisoft launcher and uplay

All I could tell in my time was the controls are shit, mechanics are shit, and the overall game is shit.

In short fuck Ubisoft. Shit game. 0/10.
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okay boomer
Steampunk Anno is a great idea for a different game. Like I'd love a full gothic steampunk Anno.
In 1602 and 1503 while you couldn't soft lock you could slow your game to a stand still while the traders refreshed their inventory.
1404 drm free from GOG with the unofficial patch is the golden standard
Anno 2070 was okay. Anno 1800 is one of the best games ever made.
>muh launcher
lol okay kid

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What do we get for her in the CK3 Anbennar mod?

More genocide? More imperialism? More bisexual sex?
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WC as Venail in CK3 when
I hate this phenotype, it's not attractive at all and everyone who looks like that irl is very evil and deserves to die.
She is a cartoon villainess. Of course she has an evil phenotype.
Is she even relevant in the ck3 timeline?
Made for rape correction by human males.
It should be "What do we get for her in Vicky 3 mod?", where she is still alive.

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The worst game ever made.
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A Complete THQ Nordic Victory! This brings us ever closer to TTS: Total THQ Salvation!
lmfao i still miss SP2
Supreme Ruler 2030 or Power & Revolution.

These are only ones left. World Economy and Warfare is becoming an indie slop/scam
I would legit rather play this then Scamorlords
>not slop
The Fr*nch devs just fix like one or two bugs, add some current thing slop mechanics, package all of that as a "new edition" at full price and go back on Le Strike for the rest of the year.

I’ve been chasing the dragon since the original Master of Orion. Nothing has taken that crown. Perfect mix of macro strategy and scalable space battles. Races had flavor and character, and diplomacy seemed logical and coherent.

The only general 4x game that is at the same level is Alpha Centauri.

Please tell me what the best space 4x game is out there right now… I am looking at Aurora 4x but read that it becomes unplayable in mid to late game and there is no diplomacy.
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>original Sword of the Stars
it quite good but desu if they ripped master of orion 1 more then it would be much better
Master of Orion 1
3d maps were kino
I was mostly playing that flat 2d map
X4 is my favorite
Star Ruler...

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We will get a new game one day, right?
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3DS and Switch somehow turned Nintendo in a late 3d bloomer.
No more 2d A-AAA games. Feels bad man
Yes, actually.
If they're going to charge $60 for a port of a 20 year old game, it shouldn't be -worse- than the original in every metric.
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>when your gf superior leaves you for a guy that has twice your range
No, but thats ok.

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No doubt this is going to be hot garbage with Paradox associated.
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So they got a different game that was only superficially similar in artstyle instead?
That would only make sense if Paradox were completely new to games. As >>1739402 said it's basically just artstyle. I don't think that companies work on the basis of "we want to buy a top-down 2D game where you issue commands to simplistic looking people" and then go out and buy the first thing available.
They changed the art style anyway.
It looks like a mobile game
I mean, I enjoy the dlcs, but the art style just looks horrible and everything looks likw they missed the point.

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Should I buy the Astral Planes DLC for Stellaris? Is it worth it?
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I fly the Jolly Roger and you should too
Only after 2 months when all the inevitable bugs get fixed
Guys what the fuck is Stellaris: Season 08??
Why 8?They didn’t have season 1-7.
Does anyone know how to mod Stellaris so a civic makes you start with a specific living standard, like Pleasure seekers does?

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BTA3062 or Roguetech?
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You want to try that again, but in English?
Are you retarded? You had to write a fucking application and be a "good discord member" to join the game. That means you gotta suck his dick. I was asking if that was still the case or if he had killed himself.
Roguetech is a lot more palatable after modding out core detonations (in a game with suicidal AI and limited shot calling where it is attached to a random number that cannot be interacted with) and battle armor (because a mech with 5 machine guns standing 1 tile behind a 4t battle armor kills it slower than they kill multiple 55t mechs in the same position). Now I just need to work out how to fix the broken-ass salary because my tank drivers seem to be asking for the same pay as neural-interfaced pilots who mastered both mechwarrior and airforce training programs to pilot LAMs, and that is not acceptable on any level or perspective.

Roguetech isn't really "bad", but most of the feeling of bloat comes from the fact that the majority of features are poorly implemented. Like I really love the concept of battle armor, but it's just unusably implemented. To get 150 omnidirectional non-skippable armor on a unit that has no way to surrender or be disabled is pretty ass. There are so many options to interact with mechs in this game, ways to disable or manipulate them, ways to destroy them in various scenarios, etc. None of that interacts with battle armors. The only interaction is "this weapon deals double damage against battle armor", which is a funny joke since those weapons are still more efficient at shredding light mechs or acing medium mechs from behind at point blank than they are against battle armor. They aren't even dangerous since their weapons suck ass (rightfully so) and they can't really hurt you if you move 1 tile away from them every turn. I lost my first battle armor by having it swarm attack a mech, which the game had it's funny hehehaha moment when they all called shot the torso and then detonated. Then I started having my mechs wear battle armors as a form of advanced weightless ablative armor for a little while, before finally realizing how much better the game is without them. At least, until they get implemented in a way that isn't fucking retarded.
actually BD has just fucked that shit mod up beyond belief
I hated rogue tech because they implied it was going to have mechanical fidelity to the tabletop and it didn't. I wanted megamek with graphics, not a bloated expansion pack to the mickey mouse HBS version.

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the bane of vst
This guy and the "paraKEKs" guy are my favorite posters. Seanonymous can kill himself
in the
of the
there is only

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Where can you recruit elephant mercs in EBII?
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Should I start with 1 or 2?
EB1 would definitely be easier to get into unless you're really adamant on playing Med2 over Rome
1 has way better gameplay, 2 has way better historical accuracy.

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This technically counts as a strategy game right?
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you are an example of the dunning kruger effect
Actually, you are.
Lookin cool

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what are they cooking? any insider here?
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I find it hard to imagine this is a man with vision that can inspire a team.

I'd sooner get behind Molyneux.
So he´s the guy who thought "Hey, let´s limited what kind of units you can produce in multiplayer - against AI games."
Molyneux has vision at least
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the biggest problem with sc2 is that the pathfinding ai is too effective which causes everything to bunch up into tight balls which limits player expression and makes every fight super bland
>the pathfinding ai is too effective
Interesting interpretation. It's true that SC1 at least had like trail going on and a lag to the ball that can be exploited. I see it as a kind of a random element (as you don't know completely how the AI reacts to the position of its allies and enemies) in an otherwise non-random game that can add much needed RNG and probability of the player making mistakes. If you mean "player expression" as more moments where they need improvise from just key memorization, I agree.

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