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I'll start.

>Play Sacrifice as Stratos/Persephone/Charnel/Stratos.
>Years later, try replaying it, thinking I would try some of the other ones.
>Basically do the same with small differences in the middle.
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multiplayer matches of battlezone must have been awesome.
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tooth and tail made a decent strategy game that works well on gamepad.
I really liked this one. Even managed to play a few mp matches when it was new. And rope a few classmates into playing.
A shame it didn't take off. Despite the janky nature of it.
Rushing a teleport squad as the uuh, teleporter faction was very funny.
Literally nothing stopping someone from creating a virtual LAN using OpenVPN and hosting a Battlezone game.
im waiting for gog to put that functionality in for me.

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What are some good borderline table top like WWII war games?
Why would you cast a steel hex? That sounds like a boon honestly. You should cast hexes like impotence, pain, disfigurement and so on.
The digital version of Pavlov's House is a fun actual tabletop WW2 game. Same dudes are currently making a digital version of Unaunted Normandy which is on early access.
Armored Commander II
you could also play actual tabletop hex and chit WGs like Empire of the Sun on VASSAL, but then you either need to play both sides or find a fellow autist
Lock 'n Load Tactical is underrated. Though be advised that the base game is basically just a paid demo, you need to buy DLC battlepacks of whatever campaigns interest you to get proper amount of content.

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Is it me or did Blizzard destroy the balance of the Reign of Chaos campaign when they merged everything into one game?
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>did Blizzard destroy
Answer is always yes
AoE4 goes in the complete opposite direction. Campaign factions and tech tree is so drastically different from multiplayer that there's basically no cross play understanding. Unit counters feel completely random. Who separate structures you have to build for certain units. Faction bonuses are totally different.
It was the same in WC3, before demaster
As annoying as old timey expansion and release play orders (Disciples 2 is particularly known for this) can be, at least it usually meant that this bullshit was averted.

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Which Penultimo?
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yeah they butchered all the good characters in 5 and 6 not even el president escaped it. The only time i laughed a bit in 6 was during cristo redentor raid and only because i love silly old movies about war
Thanks for this comment. I don't feel crazy anymore.
am I the only one who think Tropico 4 graphics is a huge downgrade compared to 3?
What you read as concern, I would interpret to be more a smugness, and assuredness in El Presidente's rulership and his place within that system. Sure, that smugness is born only from his own stupidity, lack of his own ideas, and constant brown-nosing; but it's still a genuine smugness. The Dunning-Kruger effect at work. I would also point to Penultimo's often bubbly and enthusiastic voice lines (I know I'm digressing from OP's pic), even as disasters happen, as a further indicator of this.

But maybe you are on to something though about a hidden insecurity making him so easily led my El Presidente. I think I can see that in left.

Regardless, the fact that there are multiple inferences one can make about Penultimo's expression on the left clearly shows it to be the superior image.
>put it through a face analyzer
>you are right
Tropico-bros, I think I might have the 'tism.

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I've played Rule the Waves 1 and liked it. I'm considering
>Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts
>War on the Sea
Which one of these is more realistic? I don't mean just weapon and ship stats, but the general idea and feel of battle. For example, the first night battle in RTW1 was a confusing clusterfuck for me, which was a great and realistic experience.

Which game leads to historical ship designs? RTW1, while good, encourages you to design overpowered a-historical ships, like cruisers with 4x4 10-inch guns and superbattleships in the 1920s and 30s. Its system didn't have enough checks and balances in place to punish those gamey designs.

I've tried UAD a couple of patches ago, and while good, I felt that the AI was too easy to beat, not least because their ship designs weren't able to cope with the system's checks and balances, leading to penalties to accuracy, speed, etc

I've never played War on the Sea but have played Victory at Sea: Pacific. Tried to like it but it was way too buggy and unrealistic.

Also played Gary Grigsby's War in the Pacific - Admiral's Edition. In fact I modded the game by hexediting the .exe despite its community's weird obsession with keeping the game mechanics and calculations behind veils. It had the realism I wanted but it's really hard and time-consuming to mod, and some mechanics are deliberately not explained.
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Technically, war on the sea has the most historic designs, since you don't build the ships put at all, they just are.

Course, with mods, you can have the Triptiz in the battle of Savo Island, so who knows
RTW3 is a direct successor and upgrade package to RTW1, but it otherwise has many of the same faults and some new ones among the new features.
>UA Dreadnoughts
As RTW, but with graphics and without aircraft-era and missile-era content.
>War on the Sea
Devs took money and ran
Why do mods always speak in a way that make me want to beat them to a pulp? Do they do this deliberately?
>I'd like to address some misconceptions about the current state of your marriage with your wife. It seems there's a misunderstanding that you are still allowed to fuck your wife. From my perspective, your wife has fulfilled her wifely roles in the best of her abilities, and there are no plans for any further sex sessions.
>Therefore, I kindly request that we maintain a civil tone when discussing this topic. It's important to understand that all good things eventually come to an end.
>On a positive note, these gentlemen here play a significant role in keeping your wife's needs fulfilled. So, I urge you to show your support for those who go the extra mile to contribute to the sexual satisfaction of your excellent wife.

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No doubt this is going to be hot garbage with Paradox associated.
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Not shitty as in shit-related, but shitty as in poor and boring, like Kyle.
Paradox has just about secured its reputation as a scummy EA and Ubisoft wannabe. The shitification is complete.
Shittification, much like a paradox game, is never complete: there's always room for more layers of garbage.
Oh yea? What happened to that Star Trek game that got it's plug pulled. No coins in the piggy bank and you're gone.
Why do they make it look like mobile game?

post your aesthetic germanias you formed in vic2
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cool shark
Krakow doesn't get flavor because it requires insane asspulls to get off the ground, but Poland does get flavor in all of the regular flavor mods like GFM or HPM. You're better off waiting for Poland to pop up from an event, or releasing it yourself then switching. Forming it the hard way is insane. Polish-Lithuanian-Commowealth, which can form biiiiiig Poland, is a strong nation in Divergence of Darkness with flavor if you're ok with alt history.
why was this post deleted?
i was finally able to go from krakow to PLC by going in and changing the HPM files to let me cheese the game like in vanilla
ty for the DOD recc, i usually hate alt history but might check it out

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the bane of vst
This guy and the "paraKEKs" guy are my favorite posters. Seanonymous can kill himself
in the
of the
there is only
My favourite thread. Bless you anon
booo, get better materiel.

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This is why Total War melee engagements last minutes at most, but melee engagements in history lasted hours.
Everyone stayed just outside of spear reach most of the time.
There needs to be games that model this, instead of having suicidal troops fighting in close quarters. That way, battle can truly last hours like they did in real life (fast forwardable obviously), which allows plenty of time for maneuvers, skirmishes or just sitting back and enjoying the scenery.
Add the realism of command, ie. incomplete information on enemy/own positions and numbers, incomplete info on the state of the battle, troops getting lost, troops not following orders, confusion, chaos, Murphy's law and we can have a real tactical wargame.
You also shouldn't get the overhead view until the replay.
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it was more similar to how rioters fight the police
with braves charging up close and throwing shit or trying to bonk somebody from opposite team
well trained/spirited forces could try to charge and bonk enemy in mass and enemy would resist or fold back
maybe in earlier titles with moral shocks that could easily rout whole armies
now when both sides have high morale so they need to grind each other before one side breaks(or just get killed)
Just design one yourself. Field of Glory Empires is basically just that, another game/program which runs off/on FOG:II logs.
>but that sounds hard
Yeh, and unprofitable.

Graphicswhores aren't in it for realism. They're in it for the spectacle and they have TW for that.
Why is his sword blade curved like that?
>The design of the blade is decorative along with being functional by causing unpleasant vibrations when parried. Still, the undulating blade is no more effective at cutting than a straight one.[3] An advantage over swords with a straight blade is that a waved blade could better distribute the force of impact and thus was less likely to break.[4] It could also threaten the opponent in a duel and may have discouraged them from grabbing the blade

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Whenever i see new city builder released it gets called Banished clone, Is it really the king of city builders?
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Banished with Colonial Charter mod was peak comfy.
Most people have lost in banished. I even had one retard on /v/ tell me that the game is "broken" because your villagets will just "randomly explode for no reason"
I need a game exactly like this but with more shit to do, even mobileslop like Townsmen is welcome.
When you say exactly like this, do you mean setting wise or in terms of gameplay?
life is feudal forest village is literally this game but with more stuff.

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Can someone explain why every version of pdx games gets cracked within a week, when there are like a hundred people at most in the world interested in them, while games that normies actually want to play never get cracked?
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Mostly try to wipe out Russia and Vietnam.
1.)As someone said, the games aren't hard to crack. While pdx staff may officially discourage it or speaking about it, they're keenly aware that alot (and I mean A LOT) people play their games pirated, and even that a lot of those same players are popular modders. In any case this is one of the examples where they built their own market, and are keenly aware that clamping down hard on piracy would do way more damage than good both short and long term, even if they're popular enough now to be played by Vtubers. (which doesn't meant that they aren't keen to "encourage" pirates to buy the game and DLC, by doing stuff like making reading forums and getting/installing mods harder if you're a pirate)
2.)Modding was a big part of those games for such a long time, that the game series and company has dedicated teams of players who write and program mods for it, and both using and writing mods is part of the culture surrounding the game, meaning that many a player may be pushed towards learning at least scripting, which means that there are a lot of fans of the game that are also coders/programmers.
Pdx games literally run this board retard.
>Can someone explain why every version of pdx games gets cracked within a week, when there are like a hundred people at most in the world interested in them,
Civ and Paradox games are literally the only modern strategy games with even the slightest amount of mainstream relevance. If you think normies are playing shit like Company of Heroes of Age of Empires you're deranged.
YoU oNlY nEeD oNe DeDiCaTeD aUtIsT tO kRaKk

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>meant to save gaming
>no thread on /vst/
What went wrong?
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You say this about every EA game.
of course you got scammed. You should have listened your money would have been saved and hours of your life that you will never get back as well.
It was a passion project, passion for fleecing goyim
But enough about total war, this thread was about Manor Lords.
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>filters shitters
Have you bowed to Johan (PBUH) today yet?
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It had civil wars but it doesn't seem to me you can get away with represnting it as a collection of vassals
interesting so that's why spain was so dominant for a few centuries.
>The idea of England predates Alfred but he's the one that turned theory into reality
That's what I mean. The English were a people that Alfred united, not a people he invented
i think that was also because they got a retarded amount of money from mines in the new world
Certainly helped to some extend, especially with the lack of access to gold europe had due to the Muslim owned areas in the east. Long term those kind of tanked the market and caused huge amounts of inflation.

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My wet dream is a Democracy, but instead of mana, there is an advanced character system to represent all 200 parliament members. In order to pass stuff you have to bribe or obtain favors from them.
And instead of everything being on a national level, there would a local level and countries you can invade.
Would anyone play such game?

I would make this game if I wouldn't be so busy.
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I want a Democracy game where you are a dictator
>Name a country who's primary trade partner isn't China.
What do I win?
not so fast
Can't wait for an eroge mod for that wet dream of yours
You could do random choices, and still win as long as you're not circularly instituting and repealing the same policy/ies
the dictatorship mechanic of democracy africa was better

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From streams gameplay looks like a mishmash of RTS and 4X, how competent is the AI?
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>aside from the DLC one Vernius, who kinda suck.

Do they though? Their early army sucks, but obfuscate is very strong and so are the intelligent machines.
they can stop other people from winning, or slow them down at least, but struggle to win themselves.
what I don't understand how they can't fix things like harkonnen instill fear affecting the "Hostile" modifier on pillaged villages but not mentioning it anywhere or retarded UI things like the maintenance center bonus
eh, keeping modifiers up to date in multiple languages across patches can be kinda hard. It doesn't say anywhere in the UI that they receive a hostile modifier either.

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