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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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[x] Touch fluffy tail
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>think I could kuroyuri loop through modern content
>try the supergravity quindecillion malice title challenge
>super reincarnation lu bu hits me through my LS shields for 600k on his first turn
What in the god damn
Welcome to the new dungeons. Massive HP checks that require a ton of Team HP awakenings and an active skill shield.
>and/or an active skill shield
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>release event themed around alcohol and bars
>change half of the names try and hide the references to alcohol
>leave the other half alone

I'm starting to think Gungho GL might be retarded.

When the last boss drops to 50% he hits for something like 2.6 million or somewhere around there. Players aren't the only ones swinging for ridiculous numbers these days.
I just pulled this guy, I fucking love him, he’s so cool. I didn’t even know he existed until today when I pulled him.

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Last week of the Half-Anniversary
>Both Easter Banners still up until April 21st.
>Barret Banner up until the 28th.
>Highwind is here!
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that's normal. if you want to "cheese" the fight you are supposed to kill rude and reno at the same time (by doing aoe damage), and then do 1vs1 against elena. but if you kill the 2 too far apart then you're fucked
I stopped doing the crash. Game over twice because this game has a timer for some reason
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I'm not all that sure about pulling on Barret's banner. Maybe I should save my blue crystals for Vincent, but the harder content I'm running into it making characters like Barret really useful. I think the Tifa/Zack banner is an easy skip for me, so I don't have to worry about that. But I'm getting pretty low on blue crystals. Anyways, here goes!

Starting: 47,230 Blue Crystals

3 Stamp, 0 5-star
3 Stamp, 1 5-star, Guaranteed Ivy Collar
3 Stamp, 0 5-star,
2 Stamp, 1 5-star, Ivy Collar
1 Stamp, 1 5-star, Ivy Collar and [Electroarmor]
[Page 1 Complete] - 15k spent - 32,230 Blue Crystals remaining

15k for a full page is pretty good, but, damn. I should have picked Electrocannon for my guaranteed weapon. ... I thought a little bit about pulling more for a chance at Barret's weapon, but the odds are so low. I'll just stop and look forward to the next banner.

Hopefully, I can skip a few banners to build up my blue crystals. But if we get a Lightning Arcanum or new outfits for Yuffie/Matt, I'll probably be pulling again. If they keep putting out banners at this pace, I'm gonna be skipping a lot of them.
>But if we get a Lightning Arcanum or new outfits for Yuffie/Matt
Did you already see the leaks? That's what we're getting, along with Seph and Red.
Might be Seph long datamined thunder arcanum too.
I started building barret and matt. I feel they're needed for the harder difficulty

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Mirror World Madness, the newly added event is almost over.
How did it go for you? Was it fun or way too challenging?

>Upcoming New Heroes Banner:
Eshean / Hofmann

Coming soon:

>SP Almeda
>New Covenant - Vidar
>Forbidden Battleground
>Guild Dimensional Expedition
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>Archanfel in first multi
>Sho in second

Woah. These guys any good? Didn't get a chance to read into them much.
Is there a way to view a character's heart bond art in full? It's cropped in the bonds menu. I also remember visiting a site that shows the full heart bond art, it also has hero stats, recommended gear/soldiers/skills etc it's even in english but kinda forgot what it was.
Sho is like a balanced (ie: worse) Isolde. Where he gets buffs like her to do stuff, but they’re random and harder to keep. Archanfel is alright, saw play in a few play off matches, but he’s like a sidegrade in most boxes you’d put him.
Yeah that's the site, thanks anon.

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Temesia edition
(what team setup is good for her?)
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How can I tell which server I am on?
I'm in Server 149
Settings -> Others -> Character Switch
>Krueger definitely over Koko
absolutely no
I see no point in upgrading him, he already survives in Dream Realm with low ascendancy
Koko is fundamental to push stages and Abyss
you clearly haven't faced later DR
Koko meanwhile shouldn't be receiving much damage to begin with since you plop her far away. Most of her use is achieved through leveling up than ascending.
>later DR
you mean Endless Mode? I have a Kruger epic and he survives
you do you

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Good Morning, CRGietnam! Hope you're up bright and early for a thread full of various Cookie Run Games! You've got questions, we've got answers! Be there or be square!

>Meet Sneedball Cookie - here to crack your most precious items like Handball 17!
>Time Relic Chaos - enjoy your yearly TBD CBT!
>Tough Cookie returns! Are you the strongest?
>Doughnut Ball Technical License - Come on, it's just a little jumping!
>Splashing Festival - Do literally everything for exactly 1k Rainbow Cubes!
>Treasure Mastery - Time Weaver Scissors - Snibbidy Snab!
>New Legendary Treasure - Hourglass of Asternus Tempora - No more, please!
>Meet Marble bread Cookie soon!
>Meet Caramel Choux Cookie and Street Urchin Cookie in the Town Square!
>Visit the Cuckoo Town Square - Tons of events and a gathering place it's practically a 12 hour job!
>Caramel Choux and Street Urchin Town Square Tour to obtain rewards by completing missions in the Town Square!

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They already confirmed rye to be in tower, so you are halfway there
>tower of adventures pre register rewards require your phone number and agreement for personal data collecting
Hmmm.... is that the case for other korean pre-register games?
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Season 9 is looking to start off grand with the dragon story.
Here's hoping it will be fun. Haven't touched WC in a while now after I got the new Cookie there.
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I just hope the dragon candies aren't too stupid to level up with how there's going to be the legendary pets added to that and all.

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>20 million pre-register on china
so it's flop on global ?
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They both have a huge amount of screentime. It doesn't really matter who you pick, you'll be listening to or looking at both of them, all that changes is which one controls the bangboo and thus what they say. Pick whatever you want
Characters are sex but
>story and world aren't interesting
>writing is okay, tending to subpar
>TV gameplay absolutely sucks balls, has potential to kill the game
>we see combat once in a blue moon
Maybe they'll want a gamemode with more combat, but overall I'm not feeling the game. Even if all characters were uncensored I'd still hate a hard time sticking to it.
This game isn't really targeting a large female audience, or at least not one hoyoverse games usually appeal to. The lack of shoujo pretty boy, besides Wise I guess, shotas, femboys, or cute lolis kind of gives that impression. So no, I don't think there's THAT much character appeal overlap between ZZZ and other hoyo games.
>TV gameplay absolutely sucks balls, has potential to kill the game
This might just happen if they keep slapping hollow exploration TV grid gameplay in every patch after launch. The only way I think they can prevent this is by having a variety of different game modes, minigames, and puzzles, all of them being different in the way they look and play, which is just what HSR and Genshin have been doing all this time. Even the chinese players will get bored and fuck off if all the interactive content we're gonna get (outside combat and towns) is adapted into shitty TV puzzles.
>Do they plan to continue competing against themselves and cannibalize their other games' revenues?
Given that their other games give you 40 days to do 10 minutes of content per patch it won't be a problem

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100 years of 'mana training' with the forgotten sorceress! Becoming a powerful SKKmagus with Arkhangelsk! Playing VR RPGs with botes (and TB) in the port! This is a mobile video game about naval warships, BTW. Discuss!
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Yeah but kirishima and hiei are still shafted
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One day…
AL's serious event stories are bad because of the mumbo jumbo spam and almost nonexistent progression but this supposedly fun event story feels really bland to me
its because of how the characters speak, i don't know if this is a script issue or a localization issue. Most of the dialog the girls are always overly descriptive, voice what they are thinking, talk too colloquially, there are no dialog characteristics that define the characters most of the time, like one liners, jargon (that's not cringe pop culture references), phrases or clear demeanor in their vocabulary, if the portraits and the names weren't there i would have thought they were all the same character speaking.
I agree with this, and I think it's both. The original script is just as you say where everyone sounds pretty much the same and have little character, but the localization really makes them talk like cartoon characters sometimes, even when it's out of character. I remember saying "No real people would say it like this, only old cartoon characters do" several times during the island rebuilding event with Royal Fortune, while they talk normally in the JP script. It's like they went out of their way to get a thesaurus and rephrase everything with an alternate saying. I'd rather have them talk like normal humans than being overly colorful, it's like I'm reading a high schooler's fanfiction.
>if the portraits and the names weren't there i would have thought they were all the same character speaking
Absolutely this. Maybe this is exactly why they can just nuke Anson and replace her with Fu Shun so easily in the previous event story.

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What are your idea on game monetization schemes that won't kill the game prematurely?
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I find the best way to do it is just make the game fun, and you can realistically get whatever you want by just playing.
Then for the monetization, charge out the fucking ass for things. Like oh you can save a day of grinding for like 50 bucks.
That way whales still get milked, as do the salarymen with 5 minutes a week to play, while others can just play the game normally.
Íf you are gonna put ads, either make them a diminute box that is always on but otherwise non-intrusive, or make them display only when the player decides. Auto ads are so fucking annoying when I get a puzzle game where every individual level is relatively short yet you get interrupted so often after completing a level it feels that you are spending more time on ads than on gameplay, despite game supposedly being ideal for playing in short bursts.
Don't forget to attach some in-game reward (including premium currency if any) to watching ads so people actually look forward to displaying them.
Why worry about premature EoS - milk them hard and milk them often, the market is full of suckers. Then axe your game and release a new one. It's not like you put effort into making them, do you?
That never works unless you go out of your way to shill it everywhere because mobileshits hardly buy any games. Lots of paid games can't sell more than a couple thousand or even couple hundred copies regardless of how good they are.
Just sell skins. Valve got it right.
Honestly a bad thread (if you were actually making a good game, a combination of using your head and apeing other devs would get you along for the first couple of months easily with no optimization or extra thought on the matter,) but I will take the opportunity to point out a game called It's Full Of Sparks, which had the fairest approach to video ad monetization I'd ever seen.
It's apparently changed hands since I last played, and the game now doesn't have the ads at all, but the essence is that you got limited gos at the challenge, after which you got a cooldown. You could partially refill by watching a video, and this would never be forced upon you and interrupt your flow.
You could also pay outright, which is a good option for... altruistic... "psuedowhales?" who will happily drop <$5 to remove ads on games they finished simply because they enjoyed it and the dev didn't bother with the typical long-term gamblesqueezing, borderline psychological manipulation, and overall "how little effort into original story/gameplay/design/experience can we put in and get away with" approach to mobile game creation.
I think Dan The Man also did a different implementation of optional ads, that one I actually played forever ago though.

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Accessories/Character Information/Pull Simulator/DPS Sim

Character Rankings

General Information and Guides

Misc Wisdom

Do not be afraid to ask general questions you may have.
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The filler in the last two banners (Burn the Witch 2 1/2 day banner) and this one is really good.
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>Future Society
>seasonal Nnoitra
uh... based?
Definitely. I would have killed someone if it were another Grimmjobber.
So what did you fags get from your 6* ticket? Tensa here, he was 4/5 so pretty good pull.
>Future Society
DoA already

Revived Witch shut down 7th May 2023. This thread is made in it's memory. What were your favourite parts? Who were your favourite characters? What do you think of the fan projects aiming to bring the game back
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witch was cute, seeing her solve puzzels and help out others
friendly and kind witch (unknowingly) making up for her past was a story about redemption and regrowth
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I miss Yui's thighs the most
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For me, it was Ruda. She was just an SR, but the had Aoi Yuuki voice and a special costume at max level. She had juicy everything. Tummy, pits, underboob, thighs, feet. She deserved better

Also, it looks like Kloen didn't transfer all the files over from his first website, so I wonder if all these images are lost to time if you didn't save them
You can try the old website on archive.org
why didnt we crowdfund for offline version?

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You thought they were mobs but they are in fact five stars!
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Arcana is cute!

I love that we got both him and charlotte back to back. Top tier cuties
what if arcana fucks his dream cappybara mount on the side?
just for laughs haha..
damn we got the swapped pulls dude... i want magritte's fat cock in my account so bad...
He's so hot
isnt that limited arcana's skill too

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Why do you play gacha games?
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I play gacha games and I agree with him.
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You guys play Alice Gear Aegis? The Code Geass is in a few days. Something about getting you into gacha predatory monetization scheme? Don't worry! AGA is one of the lowest earning gacha from IAP and fuelled by it's plastic models sales and you wouldn't buy those things anyways.
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>you wouldn't buy those things anyways
I wouldn't, they have worse designs and higher prices than the regular megami device kits. Something about the girls feels too schoolgirl-ish to the point where it doesn't fit in with the mecha parts even compared to buster dolls.

Sitara is cool though, maybe I'd get her if she was cheap.
I played Nikke and Nier but ended up dropping both due to powercreep and the fact that I'm a poorfag. They were fun though. I will never play mihoyoslop because the fans are unbearable.
I like the gameplay, story, characters, and I've been playing so long now that I don't think I'll stop until EoS.
I don't know, really. It sucks, but I like DMC and it scratches an itch for me. Very predatory and P2W with ridiculous prices though. PVE co-op is fun though.
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Day 1 of the #COMPASS event at NicoNico chokaigi is here. There will the tournament stuff, cosplay, music etc. Come watch the peak competitive gacha.

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Still alive edition.

New update, new waifus, more anime tiddies.

Discuss Brave Nine and the spin-off games, BraveNine Story & Magic Stone Knights here.
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>solo raid

Just World Boss with some extra buff/debuff skills, I think. I don't remember much, got low scores, didn't have time to find good formation.

>tried the colosseum?

7th Anniversary Wallpaper

Developer Notes – May 2024

I think this is the shortest developer notes.
I dont know how I'm suppose to feel about a new Exalted unit.

Are you still waiting for goblal?
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Taimanin Asagi RPGX being released globally as Taimanin Asagi RPG Extasy and RPGX Extasy
RPGX and Last Origin came out at rougly the same time iirc
i hope this is a new strategy this company is going for because being last origin existing in a limbo of not dead but not alive either sounds EXTREMELY miserable and this world and its characters deserve more love
>story will never finish
I will never recover.
I'm genuinely worried now, even moreso cause I just joined about a month ago. Fucking shit why can't this happen to homobait like Star Fags instead.
Not a gacha (well, it did have gacha), but PSO2 took like 8 years to release an english version, but it was almost an asset flip while preparing for NG (which was a mega flop)

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